PAGE EIGHT EVERY FAMILY HAS A/N AUTOMOBILE it has juroat utility in rural residence anil .L> - ives .irreat pleasure. Handsome, durable furniture and furnishings do the same in the home. I our // C*o//it' , IU'XTLKY-HILL STOCKTON CO.. I'O-lIIIIUT . - . uriHT Track' and I'il'ih St*. '■ Winston-Salem. N. ( . A Lovely Land. W l .;' hi Moon > Knoli, I take lit -l.iiitl. And >' v the land »»•'» iM-th ,«.i U OS', As far mortal eye- .an ,-ee, -ce -weet boautie.- oil t ;• 1' I:.' • I \h - 'ai i that 1 like b -t. th .• • ) ' hat' - good ell- ag'l flf tia i >mi . Mounta i.s iier • t \ i 1 loveiy grandeur side t»y idi v - 'wonty miles from end to > : il •' -:' i nov'.il to south, I! 't i|!i;te .-' V. ide. T thi . .ii «i f. et tit. -ky -i ». \. . i- it ilii k- i:: it.- glee, I all". - their feet while on it- wav A■; i it. dashing, splashing goe !• i».ak« - sweet music n.ght an i.i. ; A'l i- it. roaring, foaming, How en'r.tiue- with it- liquid lay. Three rivers side by side it seems whose v ater in the sunlight i ilcam. While Demon's Rock stands in it? I ride. 'the bank of the river side, A id water falls so grand. I find; And healit.g springs of every kind \..Mivuin, Moore's and Piedmont II HI, !1' give the best of health to you. The Pilot, too, so fine and grand. Stands in this lovely, healthly land. A>? these thing- are grand to see. Ih.- land h good enough for me. MAlliK HAV, I'anbury High School. >-..bseribo for The Reporter and get The Southern Planter 1 year. Free Memo Book For You ; " invited''. t -;i!i a; nur stmv ; md get a iitt!- Pnrket Memo Book with calendar. Free. No o to buy an> tiling at all, jusi in.- tion this Ad. Also yet a free package p£ valuable itifor ' OIC DoUbleHoPFer Plain ' View eaeh side is equipped with the famous slanting plate, gravity % selection, 'l* lai II - View Seed *• 'm « ■ \nt®3fr Droppers. All kinds of seeds J % arp dropped with wonderful jf Famous Cole Plain View accuracy It Plants two kinds You caa find Distribut „ rB hWwr Planter 01 seed, like Corn and Beans, priced, ami many that are lower Nothing equal to it for all kinds of in same TOW at one trip. priced than the Cole, but when you seeds. IVrfect Peanul Planter— y • . • , . consider labor-saving qualities, dura- \ >||.ll..| o, - 111 111 e hull Most.accurate (,i " "> s t«»ntl\ set the billty. and satlsfartioii. u.u will find mil Planter ever made Plants any- plates SO both kinds of Seed the Cole distributors the cheapest of thing from Turnip ,0 Pecans. w| „ drop togeth , , riiere is no brush or inetal cut-off Violf mm, i. „ u il _ ..1 .in,-kind. delicate seed. ' *y betwun each other. Come and Look Them iik» I • inuits, are not harmed iu the vr o t this wonderful Planter, r I " a * t - - prow better crops, and make Over / y° ur land rich. Cole Fertilizer Distributors . H 1 t all kinds .f fertilizer in any quantity. 1 'f 6SOS3IIrZ ■ißW# There is a "«»!•• Distributor suited to *^S»l VmBF * >|' u r needs. Take your choice of I 1 J *5) V'. KlNDS—single foots, or double foots. *ihr ■'§ -2* force feed or knocker feed. £7 Cole Implements are practical, durable and efficient. Cole Guarantees them and we back Cole to the limit. Make Yourself at Home in Our Store whether you want to buy anything >r not. If you shoidd need anything in our line, it will be our pleasure to give you good service and reliable goods. Ee sure to call SOON for your handy note book.—Remember It's FREE. INEAL & TUTTLE Walnut Cove, N. C. I No Thanks For The Buggy Ride Then is a certain farmer who has hitherto resisted the mot a I lie call if the motor tar. I«ately having a hundred-mil.- tri|t to make ho hitcn •d up th.- i !«' hor-i.' an 1 buggy. W hen I- !i. , jogged over tile -ailio •Uto a; • t hi i 1e( n a -tii! ill enough journey plea.-ar,' lei.- ne on the highway and simpi iii e. mfort at the wayside inns. Hut this time the hundred-mile drive wa.- a i|ueor .-tunt racking the i'i rve- and i ifis fraught with hard ships. Kofic.-hnient for man and beast, •he traveler ">ti learned, is now 1 tit a tradition. Still jilenty for . man if his digestion !>e strong, what with hot-dog stands and chick en-and-wartle houses; but where, oh where, is the kindly watering trough? Oil ami gas Slow at ever,; crossroads hut oats and hay have become scarce and elusive. Whole once the hitching post had stood sturdy and staunch, the No Parking signs now leers from behind a double row of parked cars. Kach hotel boast.s its garage but the clerk raises his brows when you ask him to stable your horse. The farmer found himself constantly crowded into the ditch by whizzing autoino- 1 biles. The hard paving made the horse's feet sore and by the end of the hundred miles all four shoe - were worn out. And so this spring will no doubt see a shiny new roadster bumping over the barn threshhold and one more faithful animal turned out to pasture, well content.—Exchange. | THE DANBURY REPORTER ! EXAMINATION OF ALL DRY AGENTS Tin 1 P»est Prohibition Agents In Western North Carolina Will Have Hard Tiivs; INss ii -. .Mr. Sharp Saiil. ii:i! - I ' . N. I'., Marc!) The !. st pi' i. "iti«m agents in \\V u tii North Carolina will haw a iiard time pa-sing a • "vil serve' exami nation, lit n Sh I'-pe, deputy pro hil»ition ailnii:)i.-i ■•i.U.r f.n .his ii'.-- tri l >aid to.lay. n.bitio'i -iK'.'" 1 * jIT-> upil'T ,-ivil M'i'vi.o control toril 1 ai'.ii v.ili be uivrii >.\ nt.•nth- to |»!V|u; •• f'T the It ll' . ;igi!U '•.•»!» tilt, rji '.i- !v • tuu.-e t' failure t-i pass tin tit. ei lloge i \ will be rotfuii. i to t ike ti: ir plan's. Mr. Sharpe assorted. ; '.ilitic ho did not 'n'ieve in 1 "rah-rah agents." "Tho rah-rah boys are all right at a ball game. hut I'm afraid they won't di l for chasing bootleggers, 1 j ho said. I Tho administrator expressed fear j that so nit' of his best agents wouhl fail to make the passing mark >ll' such a test. He oxplaind that ho j iliil not think "hook sense" was a necessity in catching bootleggers. | Mr. Sharpe praised the present force in Western North Carolina. . "They all know how to got their; man ami convict him," he declared. Spring Oxfords For the whole fami ly. All the New styles for LESS MONEY. The Boyles Co., King-, N. C. 8 0 ! 0 0: s i s | 0 i 0 Ci 0 c, 0 A V c * 0° S ' 0 X 0 c £S S | 1 It S II s ° a s ■ i. 0 9, S I o «, 8 s I! i ! t« 0 > I | 5 X $ o ft $ o ft o 0 0 I I 0x o 3 t It 1 ! | FREE TO • I Danbury Reporter | Readers. > > To the first four hundred persons who pay one year's > subscription to The Reporter we will send The Southern [ Planter one year free. This is one of the best farm ! journals in the United States. > Send in a year's subscription to the Reporter at once > \ before the free subscriptions to the Southern Planter 7 I are all taken. Back dues, renewals or new subscrip tions are good. Danbury Reporter ■■■■■■■hkhhbmhhmh § \ ■—" i § § $ § i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 1 I 0 0 t t 1 1 s t 1 s 0 0 . !• 0 0 0 0 $ § i 0 0 $ § ! i 0 0 $ $ 0 0 J 1 3 ' 0 0 j 1 I o 8 * ij 1 WEDNESDAY. MAR. 30, 1927.