Volume 55. OFFICE BUILDING I FOR KING DRUG CO.' Church Dedication and Home- I ( oming—School Commence ment Held—Several Births Recorded. King, May !>.—A force til' men hi 1 ' :«• v; >r'.\ h>nx> oxen vat -; ing for the foundation of a new addition to l»»* erected to the Piedmnt Hardware Store I buiklinK on east Main street, j The King Drug Company has placed an order for a large electric sign to go on their new building which is under construction at the corn er of Depot and Main streets. Th»- brick work on this new struct ift'e is nearing com pletion. It is being construct .'d nf faced brick and will be modern throughout fitted with stu.m heat and sewage. When completed this will be lh' nicest building between Winston-Salem and Mt. Airy. It " ill cost approximately SH,- 00(».')(t. The King Drug Co. will have its home on the ground floor, the second floor being cut into offices. Dr. R. S. Helsabeck, Dr. Grady E. Stone, Dr. (1. F. Petree, Dr. H. i G. Harding and others will have offices in this new build-' inp. Mrs. Sam Brown is seriously sick in the Lawrence hospital at Winston-Salem with an abbess on the brain. She is not expected to recover. The following births were registered here last week: Mr. and Mrs. Julius Helsabeck, a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Stout, a daughter and Mr. and, Mrs. James Bowen, a daughter.' A church dedication and! home-coming will be held at the Baptist church here the sth Sunday in this month. A very interesting and ex citing game of ball was played here Saturday when The Red Goose team crossed bats with South Side Cotton Mill, of VVin .ston-Salem, resulting in a score of 3 to 2 in favor of the Win ston-Salem team. This was de cidedly the best game played here this season. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hutch ins, of Winston-Salem, were the guests of Mr. Hutchins* parents here Sunday. Tom Crissom, of Pilot Mtn., has. opened up a new hardware store in the Kiser building on east main street. Mr. W. G. Tuttle and family, of Rural Hall, visitdd relatives and friends here Sunday. Capt. Charles E. Kirby, who holds a position with the Southern Railway Co., spent Sunday with his family in Wal nut Hills. Rev. P. H. Newsum, of this place, delivered a semon at Indian Grove, near Mt. Airy Sunday. The King Tigers played East Bend on the East Bend diamond Saturday. The fhial score stood nine to eight in favor of East Bend. a number of farmers this section have begun plant ing tobacco. About an aver age crop will be planted in this set t ion. The commencement exercises of rhe King school closed Fri day night. The entertainment was well attended. v A. S. Boles, of Washington, D. C., is spending a few days with relatives here. W. T. Boles went to Danbury toc.ay to look after some busi ness matters. This section was visited by a JOHN TAYLOR 1 MADE PRESIDENT At Meeting of Lions Club Mon , day Night—Memorial Service For Mr. Jarvis—Prospect Good For New Railway Sta- J tion. . I At Monday night's meeting of the Stokes County Lions Club held at Walnut Cove, J. John Taylor, of Danbury, was I elected president of the club to succeed the late Geo. L. Jarvis. Immediately after the selec tion of Mr. Taylor as president 1 a memorial service was held for the lamented president, short talks being made by a number of members of the club and by Judge G. H. Hastings, of the Winston-Salem club. A committee, composed of Rev. E. N. Crowder, M. T. Chilton and ('. E. Davis, was appointed to draft resolutions of respect for the deceased president. Business discussions were th.ii taken up and John Hutch erson and L. E. Brown were oka ted delegates to the Inter national meeting of Lions Clubs to be held in Miama, Florida, at an early date. I The matter of securing a more modern railway station for Walnut Cove was discussed 'at length. The committee re cently appointed to confer with the railway officials reported that they had the assurance that the matter would be given i consideration at an early date and that representatives would be sent to Walnut Cove soon. 931 Feet Of Cement | In One Day ! Contractor Martin, who is paving the Danbury-Walnut Cove highway, continues to j break records on pouring con crete. Last Friday hig forces paved 931 feet during - the day, and if any contractor who ever poured cement in North Caro lina has beat this it doesn't ap pear of record. This is paving at the rate of five and two thirds days to the mile. ! Ford Car Turns Two Sumersaults A Ford touring car occupied by Will Mabe and his two sons , and Wattie' Stephens, all of . Danbury R. 1, went over the i high fdl at the hairpin curve just beyond the county home , Tuesday afternoon. The car i turned completely over twice but strange to say none of the > occupants were seriously hurt, > suffering only a few minor cuts i' and bruises. ' I i A 1 Smith Married 27 «| Years Ago; Salary $75 New York, May 7.—Govern jor and Mrs. Alfred E. Smith I i celebrated their |went\fseven |ith wedding anniversary yester j'day by attending the circus in j! Madison Square Garden. To friends who called to offer .'congratulations, the governor . 1 recalled that twenty-seven years ago ho was a process . server in the district attorney'* office at a salary of $75 per , month. t fine rain Sunday which has re jvived crops wonderfully. , i Rev. Allen Nance delivered a *' very interesting sermon at the King Christian church Sunday ,» night to a crowded house. - 1 C. W. Patterson, of Pilot Mt., ! was a business visitor here L>- i day. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, May 11, 1927 JOHN HALL GETS PAROLE 1 I Sent li> From Stokes More I Than Two Years Since— ! Crippled For Life Since (Jo inn To Prison. i John W. Hall. of St 'kes' county, serving thre to , five veal's in the State prison for manslaughter, was paroled by Gov. McLean Saturday j The following account of 'ho ease was sent out from Raleigh' Monday: i A parole comes to John W. I Hall, of Stokes county, serving three to five years for man slaughter, and now at Caled onia farm, as a surprise since no application had been made for a parole. Hut on a visit to the farm, during the recent mutiny there, Commission r | Bridges heard of Hall's case l and became so interested in it ! thai he immediately asked the! liovernor for a parole—and i immediately received it. In the first place. Hall has [ bee it an honor prisoner almost j from the day he entered pris on, and was recommended strongly by Superintendent G. X. Moore of the Caledonia farm, and by the various guards. About a year ago, : breaking one leg in two places, and for five months he was in the hospital, suffering intense [ pain. As a result he will be 'crippled for life. But he never ! complained, the prison officials : say, and has since been help ing as best he could in the hospital ward, acting as a nurse, though it is all he can do to hobble about. FARMERS PLANTING TOBACCO NOW >1 . i No Complaint la Heard About ' Scarcity of Plants—Prospect I j For Good Crop Fine So Far. I ■ | Farmers are beginning to ■ transplant tobacco. Those who f put out some last week say it • looks well and is beginning to [grow. In a few days planting | will be on in earnest and the I crop will practically all be put 5 out before May is gone. | The usual complaint of a 4 j scarcity of plan's has not beer. I I heard so far, while the season j for preparing land and gciting s ,the plants set has been all that s icould ne asked. • j Taking the situati in as a l 'i whole it looks now like the } , crop is going lo be a good one, i u.th about f he usual a.rci;ge • planted. Elder J. A. Fagg Marries Couple ) John Ervin Clark, of Win (ston-Salem, and Miss Mildred •; B. Marshall, daughter of Mr. 1 ! and Mrs. V. O. Marshall, of " I Germanton, were married Sun • | day moning at the home of 1 j Elder J. A. Fagg. in Winston- Salem. Elder Fagg officiated. r Mr. Clarjj is the son of Mr. and .Mrs. C. E. Clark, of Walnut 1 j Cove. He and Mrs. Clark will • make their home in Winston -4 Salem. Former Judge Bock Arrested Again Former Judge Walter E. »; Brock, said to now be living in i»! Raleigh, was arrested Tuesday :■ charged with the passing of a ! worthless check on a Winston ,'Salem filling station on March h- 28. The check is said to have [been drawn on a Raleigh bank. • N. C. W.GIRLS COME TO STOKES Study Botany While Camping In the Foothills Near Pied mont Springs—Find Many Interesting Plants. Twenty or more girls of the Norili Carolina College for Women at Greensboro, who are members of the botany class of that school, spent a few days; the past week camping just; above Piedmont Springs while! they studied botany unilei Prof. Yocum, who. with his wife, had charge of the young! ladi' Before returning to Greens-! boro Sunday afternoon Piv.f. Yocum stated that Ihev l ud had a very profitable and enjoy able stay up here, ani had dis covered quite a few i."ii. resting •and rare plants. Among the . others mentioned he spoke ' • especially of the striped maple i which his party found near j Moore's Kilobaud which is sup posed io grow only in Peniiys jlvania and states farther north, j The young ladies in care of I Prof, and Mrs. Yocum. most of whom were juniors, composed only a small part of the botany class at N. C. C. W. There are now 147 enrolled. The entire! school now has more than: seventeen hundred studentSM?n-j rolled. NEW WAREHOUSE FOR TWIN CITY Will Be Ready For Sale of Leaf Tobacco In Fall—Locat ed On Liberty Street. Winston-Salem, May IJ. —A deal involving approximately $165,000 has jlWt >•: n closed whereby is to get a new leal tobacco ware house, to be or«.rit»d by the Liberty Warehouse Corporation. |a new firm, at the corner of North Liberty and White streets, the incorporators of the new concern being W. A. and N. F. Fulton, of of Winston-Salem; M. K. . Gravely, of Lake City, S. C.. and J. L. McCormick, of States | ville. The warehouse is to be located on the properties form erly known as the J. A. White and H. T. Foucht home places. : | Work on the new warehouse ■ is to be started at once and it is ! the purpose of the owners to have the house ready for the sale of tobacco when the mar ■ ket opens in the fall. '! The warehouse will have a frontage of 288 feet on Liberty Street and 200 feet on White ! Street. ■ Charter was granted yester day to the Liberty Warehouse ' Corporatin. The concern was J capitalized at $175,000. and I with $52,000 subscribed by the iincorporators. !j The erection of the new | warehouse will be started at once by the Currin Company, j acting for the corporation. The house will have approximately I 75.000 square feet of floor , space and will be modern • in j every respect. The site is an ideal one for a warehouse, hav ing a large frontage on two streets and convenient to a ' large number of the farmers marketing their tobacco on this , market. i The farmer with a college education generally owns move land and livestock and makes 1 more money out of his venture 4 than without such an • education. 4 SPECIAL TERM STOKES COURT Convenes July 1 Sth Following Regular Summer Term Which Begins July 11th— Judge Hardinu To Hold Reg ular Term and Judge Bowie the Special Term. At the request of Stoker county authorities and thei i local bar. Gov. McLean has ] ordered a special term of civil court for Stokes, beginning July ISth, and continuing for jone week. Judge Tam C. Bowie lot' Jefferson, one of the judges | appointed under an act of the ; last legislature, has been o.s signed by the Governor to hold the special term of court, which is made necessary on account of accumlation of iv.-iv on the Stokes ; 1 docket. The regu' if sumiiv t t nil of Stokes civil court will '» 1 he 1.1 the week pi'ei"Kng the s. c rial form, convening on July 11' Iv anil Judge W. liar ling will | pi'i -side over t!i • reg.il;:r term. 'STOKES IN ACCREDITED I.IST Bureau of Animal Industry Gives Cattle In This County Clean Bill of Health. j The Bureau of Animal In ] dusty of the U. S. Department Jof Agriculture has notified the 'Stokes officials that our bounty has been placed in the "Ac credited Area," our cattle hav ing been found to be free from tuberculosis. The cattle of the county have been examined twice during the past three years. | Only one other county in North Carolina has been given 1 this distinction, this being Stanley county. Announcing: Opening I Of The Stokes 1 Chevrolet Agency I L. R. Taylor and D. M. Pyr tle, for sometime connected • with Motor Sales Company of • Winston-Salem, have secured ■ the contract to sell Chevrolet ! automobiles in Walnut Cove, • operating under the name of ! Stokes Chevrolet Co. They ex • tend a cordial invitation to ! their friends to visit them at 5 their new location. I > | Mr. Taylor was born at ? West field, Surry county, and •is well known throughout i Stokes county and has a repu -1 tation of being an upright and r | clean business man. He ha- J ( been selling Chevrolets for the I past eight years and has ha. ■ wide experience in the automo } bile business. Mr. Taylor ha ' removed his family to Walnut ' Cove and is "ready to help in % any way to make Stokes com ity one of the leaders. Mr. Prvtle, a native of Stokes t county, in well known in this • section. Mr. Taylor has bee? ' fortunate in securing the ser vices of a young man witli such high ideals and business 1 •bility. 1 Stokes county welcomes tlu " new organization and wis he; ' them much sueess. • To produce quality fruit s peaches should be thinned U stand four to six inches aparl and apples to one fruit pel cluster. L? s The present scarcity of reedb ing sheep in North Carolina i: \ the best reason for saving th> ewe lambs this year. No. BANK OF STOKES ABSORBS CITIZENS I Merger Took Place hast Sat urday—Hank of Stoke.-. Re move-. to Quarters Formeriy Occupied B\ (it'/.ens A Financial Institution For Stokes With Resources \N ell Above Two .Millions. ' Al'tcr negotiations covering a period of more than a year, the consolidation of the Citizen- Bank of Danbury with the Hank of Stokes County took place last Saturday. Immedi ately afterwards the Rank of Stokes removed from the build ing it had occupied for 22 years, to the quarters recently occupied by the Citizens Hank, where it is now open for busi ness. The Citizens Hank' was es tablished in December. 1!U5). The Hank of Stokes County, which now operates four offices in the county, viz. at Danbury. Walnut Cove. Cermanton and I ] King, began business in Sep , tember, 1005. The acquisition of the resources of the Citizens Bank now gives tl • Baric of Stokes County assets of con siderable more than two mil lions. and makes it as one among the stronger and larg i er of the banks of the State. The officers of the Bank of Stokes County at Danbury will be the same as formerly for 'jthe present, except with th-i ' addition of Mr. M. O. Jones as ' Assistant Cashier. Mr. Jones 1 has been with ( the Citizens i since its start, over * years ago, and his successful i management of that institution ' makes him as a valuable ac -1 quisition to the personnel of 1 the Bank of Stokes. The new quarters of the Bank of Stokes being inade . quate to serve the needs of the new and lancer business resulting from the ecnsolidat f ion, an addition to the builair.sr is being erected. 1 f Several Bruised ■J In Wreck Friday A Fordson tractor pulling a wagon on which several men were riding went off a high till near Vade Mecum church Friday afternoon, bruising and cutting several of the men right painfully. The tractor was being driven by Walter 1 King when one of tfie rods un " j derneath it broke and it was 1 i impossible to steer it. Walter ,s had some ribs fractured and ' his arm badly mashed. Other a 1 {suffered minor injuries. The ' tractor and wagon belonged to "; K. R. King and was enroute I here after being used on some 11 1 bridge work near Vade Mecum. »' Take Heed. s I u j The citizens of Danbury are •- requested to co-operate with hll he Civic Committee of the is it he Fine Arts Club in observ • ing a time of general "cleaning e up" the next two weeks. It is s , hopeu that all places of busi ness. residences, vacant lots and all public places will be. we t, might say, "dressed up" in o that time. *t , MRS. W. E. JOYCE. ' r Chm. Civic Com. MRS. J. S. TAYOR, MRS. H. M. JOYCE, jj MRS. N. E. PEPPER, 0 MRS. M. O. JONES. MRS. E. P. PEPPER. 1

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