Volume fv> MONSTER MASS MEETING I)R. COOK COMING FRANK E. PETREE AT DANBURY MONDAY TO WALNUT COVE PASSES AWAY More than Five Thousand Indignant But Quiet and Determined Farmers Meet To Protest Against (he Low l»riee of Tobac co Resolutions Passed Calling On Congress For Relief and Pledging a Fifty Per Cent. Cut in Acreage For 192S—Ad journed To Meet Again At Winston-Salem Next Saturday When the Governors of North Carolina and Virginia. District Vttorney Linne\. Hon. Max (Jardner. and the Presidents of Five Rig Tobacco Corporations Are Invited To Attend. Last Monday at 10 o'clock A.I M., more than 5,000 farmers of! Stokes county, with a good spinkling of Forsyth, Surry j ami Rockingham tobacco "row-' •.•rs |:esent, m.■ h".-y in ira*s i . u to pr .'•V against the: present low tv'i • for to'ii.cco 1 biung paid o't the market.- - which is declared to he serious, not only to farmei:- - , out to business in all of its ramifica tions throughout Piedmont orth Carolina. The crowd came in response to a circular issued Friday, and distributed throughout the county. which was signed bv a number of farmers and busi ness men of the county, stat- L'X ? i.ut 1,000 i;jiti beeii V ■ ; in iln- farmer?* in the tirst tliive iip.'iiing days o| the .uark.'ts" by the absurdly low pries being paid !i»l' tobacco, i.iarket averaging only 10 : !'j cents. Il was soon foiuu! !! :•! the court liollse would be i ii'. ~' iiladeiii'.'ite 1" h l'i 'ii" :ii.loiir n i J n • nt wa * I: ... •ii • .■ « ■ :rt bouse lawn. \!. i lie meeting was held, i'i.e pe:d\'.'r> UM'tl a table for : r^s!rum. and the court house I i 'il, was the stage. T1 > audience stood up and s - 'iii"! with rapt attention .'or :ioiv than 2 imi is. while speaker after speaker address ed them. Some of them in im I a sio:i"d tones. Among tho.v wim spok • were Attorneys W. R. Bad jkotl ami >. K. Snow, »t' PiloL Mt.: Attorneys \V. K. Johnson, W. Kallum and L. P>. Wall, ( .f Winston-Salem; M. (). Jones, "t' Danbury; I-on Wil bins, of Sandy Ridge; P. B. N'eal, of Madison; J. b. Christ ian. of Pinnacle; I. M. Gordon, ( f Pilot Mt. The following fuller account ,tf the meeting is taken from ' morning papers of Tuesday: Danbury, Oct. 10.—About 4,000 serious-minded tobacco one who would rise from out hill country of this northwest section today to protest against Ihe unusually poor prices bo irg paid for their tobacco. (lathering on the lawn of the Stokes county courthouse the aggravated crowd listened at tentively for two hours to an of well-prepared speeches r>ixcd now and then with a spontaneous outburst from one who would rise from the . f the group itself. And during all this time there came forth from the speakers' improvised stand be tween the white columns of the old red brick house of justice volley after volley of condem nation for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco company in particular and the other major companies in general. Before the close of the session resolutions had been drawn up and heartily adopted, which bespoke the deseparate condi tion of the farming people of this section. The crowd, with hands point ing" up to the cedar trees thac cast a protection from the In jdian summer sun, took oath | that they would deliver no 'more tobacco to the market un til after a great meeting they 'are planning at Winston-Salem Saturday, and further swore | that they would cut their to -1 bacco acreage in half during the coming season. The meeting today, impres sive as it seemed, is the mere forerunner of the great gath ering that is planned for Sat urday, when from every hill and valley of SJokes. Surrv, Rockingham, Forsyth. Yadkin. Davie, and Davidson counties a crowd of farmers, intent on their rights, will swell t.» gath er in Winston.Salem to con tiiiii • the work here begun. It i- thel'e that the leader.- of the movi ment are planning I" bring together tobacco pro ducer and tobacco manufartur er. and seek Mililt remedy for the deplorable condition- that were so heartily described to dav. Should !In ir hopes ii"i run awry I here will Ik- mor thai, one (list i.iguished personage at thi- conference Saturday, for 1 an invitation was wired today urging Oov. Angus McLean to prolong itis visit to Wiiislon- Salem Friday in order to b.> present, while another was dis • patched with equal haste ask • n.g (). Max Oardner to It • present. In tin' open meeting the lat ter was e/tsnally and advisedly spoken of as "our next gover nor," while further desire for his presence at tin- Saturdav meeting was based upon the statement that he owned a large block of stock in the much bedamned R. J. Reynolds Tobacco company. Representatives of the lat ter, as well as the other prin cipal tobacco manufacturing companies, the American, the British-American, and the Im perial being especially named, will also be asked to be present and explain to the farmers why their product has been bring ing such comparatively low av erages on the warehouse floors Such was the crust of the work done today—work that came as the result of a peti tion circulated throughout this and adjoining counties a week ago together with several strenuous days of labor by a hard-working committee, i Early this morning the autos began their descent upon thj little town, while before ten o'clock every street and wind ing by-way was lined on both sides with cars and trucks; every corner was the chatting place o fsome group of plant ers; eVjry atore was overrun with visitors; Tind in and out of the court house was milling the impatient crowd that soon afterwards gathered on the lawn. The meeting opened with prayer. With heads bared the .tillers of the soil listened to a fervent plea by J. L. Christian, Pinnacle farmer, for divine aid (Continued on page 3. Dan'ourv, N. C., Wednesday. Oct. \2. 1927 To Discuss Kxtension Work Offered Teachers By N. C. C. W. —At High School Sat urday 10 O'clock. I>r. John 11. m>l\. >l tlie North Carolina College for Women, will lie at t lu- Walmr Cove high school building on Saturday morning. Oct. li»t 1 1. at 1" o'clock, to discuss the extension work which that College can give in Stokes county for the teachers this winter. A course of this kind will give a teacher two hours credit on her certificate, either t'o*' renewal or to raise it. At this meeting Dr. Cook and the teachers will decide on the work to be given, also the time for the meeting. All teachers interested in work of this kind are urged to be present at the meeting. TOBACCO PRICES SOME BETTER I n-1 Week's Sales Averaged Oni> About I ! Cents While Thi W ek th l* Price Has Been Around I" Cent-;. i ■ 'li price.- have lice". .».ome bet ler "|| t!l' Winsl o;i- Salem market thi.- week. t!u UVe'so far being 1 ~i e« ill - |"• I' pou (I. i 1 .v. : i.'- ; . .i 'aied "\''r i i■ i iml. am' lb. averag. nrire run,.l l:, ee:tt-. Superior Court Opens .Month, 1 The i riminal term of Stoki - Superior court opens here Mo.i ciay ' loruing with Judge W. ]•'. .r.ling presiding. About te- n ual number ol eases appear «II T he .docket. Probably the most important case to be heard is the one in which Younger Owens is charged with homicide in connection with the death of Miss Sue Brown in an automobile wreck near King. (iame Law Pays. (Greensboro Record.) Judged from the financial re sults, at least, the new State game law has already vindict ed its enactment. The hunting season is just opening, an I thus far there has been little complaint of the operation of the law in imposing a hardship on those who desire to shoot game in season, but must first secure a hunting license. Th.' great purpose of more string ent regulation of killing game even in season is the preserva tion of the stock of game birds and animals. Unless there were restrictions upon the killing of partridges, pheasants, wood cock, turkeys, squirrels, deer and even hares there is grave danger that all these may be exterminated. The li cense requirement is designed as a restriction which will im pose no great hardships on any one, yet will diminish the num ber of gunners, limit the kill by these and with a brief sea son open for huntsmen will thus materially diminish the slaughter of game birds and animals and abate commercial hunting. Lewellyn Neal has just open ed a garage and filling station on the concrete road at Mead ows. I Was Brother of Attorney N. O. I'etree. of Danhurx—Deceas ed Was 7s Years of Aue and Leaves Larue Family. Frank K. I'etivu, w.il kuo\v»\ citizen of ami r»i*«»lh«T of Attorney N. O. i'etree. •(* DanUiry, passed away lal • yesterday (Wednesday) at h's home near (b-rmanton. The de ceased had been ill fur some months and had been confined to his bed for eight weeks. Mr. I'etree would have been 7J) years of age had he lived until January. He had long heen a faithful member of Corinth Christian church, near his home, and was always in terested in any progressive move for the up-building of his community and county. He will be greatly missed in tli• • county. The deceased U survived hv his widow: by live s«'i;>, \V. 11. and li. (!. i'etree, of (ierman ton Uollte 1 . John W. I'el fee, of 'igbur.'i station: •(. !!. I'e- I i'e . I >l ( iiii :i; "'i, ati' 1 Joe IV- I fee, of ()hi• ■ b; i daligh l. r, Mrs. .b!i W. Knrl' ••. of \\ in>ton-Sali !ii: Mi -., li. M - 'ee, of (ii'fant". . ».«| Mr ieoiyy K. I '*'iillis, ' f Parker - IMII'.T, W. V.: by -i\ brol her . I. li. I'etree, uf ( 'oMlpto!!, Al'k . W . A. IVtr» ". oi'> K.i• i;.r Uoiite I ; It. J. Pet re ■ of (l.rmai'lo;;; N • "• i'ee. . 1 11 : *iir;.. :u;d 1 1 11. i\ tree. I nllaliat,. f'la . and A. Petree, of Wln»ton s, ; !( !H, a.id I v a sisti r. Mi •• F;-A. i'etree, >•;' !.a(* range. Finn t';. ! arr; Mgen'i-i.i» ha MO' !>e'l! con.p,, ■••'! ; i i.i ■ I'Ktf'ARINK TO ISSI K lIONDS •SIIs Required To Pa\ OIT Indebtedness of Countv —Money I'sed For Schools. Roads and General Kxpensps. The county commissioners met hero yesterday and start ed the necessary proceedings for the issuing of $120.1)00 in i bonds to take care of th;? amounts due by the county for schools, roads and general ex penses. The amounts due are as fol lows: Schools, $54,000; roads, ' $14,000 and general expenses, ; $52,000. The board is meeting again ' on Nov. 7th for the purpose of hearing any protests against issuing the bonds. If issued the bonds will b*j ' used to pay off indebtedness of the county incurred before ■ March 7, 1927. ; THE FORECAST IS GIVEN OUT North Carolina Produces As Much Tobacco As Kentucky, Virginia and South Carolina [ All Together. i _ Washington, Oct. 10.—The following forecast for the pro- I duction of tobacco in the prin cipal weed producing states j has been issued by the Depart - , ment of Agriculture: j Maryland 27,802,000 pounds; j Virginia 124,662,000; North Carolina, 417,648,000; South Carolina, 74,200,000; Georgia - 59.096,000; Florida, 6,068,000; :i Kentucky 226,.366,000; Tennes ~ see, 63,704,000", and Louisiana, 400,000. I CAR WITH IJQI'OR HITS J. S. GARNER Occupants lice and Sheriff Octs Automobile and Roo/.c —\e\s- of King and Com munis . Kit ... I'.' —T/i-■» ! ,'uiic.- .Vi.! ."udet \ of tile King Mo ia\ a; church held their regu lar monthly meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. I . A. \V hite in W Midland Heights, The president. Mrs. S. \\ . l'ulliam, presided over the meeting, the minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. C. S. Newsum. the offer ing amounted to *!i.7B. Plans were made to have a Thanks giving service at the church on Thanksgiving night. The No vember meeting will be held at th«- home of Mis- l.illie (iolV. During the social hour the hostess served tempting re freshments. Mr. ami Mrs. T. I!. Kdward am! Miss Virginia Kdwards, of Danville. \'a.. Mr. and Mr.-. 1.. Ii " Ia t :d. of (ircensboro. and Da- :d I!. Wile and Mis I i.... Iti .be '.i - Wi' s! • i»>- Sa! \e|V }; 11' •' - a? (1,. ii"r!e ci| Mr >. ||. I'.iown San «l •' 4 \ . ! 1.. I" Walker. •> i t: ii - I •. ui.o uin'i-rwont a ma.i > opei a" ion i' camvr in th" Run ■ • i■> -pit.11 a! II igh I'«>it i. If? \\ >• * ■ I\, i - l'i put ted In I. 1 il.'J alo] g I.i Mi : Mr I T 1... . i • ii.«i• • 'it !'•.■ irs; t\ v. it'i re|; ( t j \ i«- ji Or ■ -:i>r .M;'. A; i i.it !;>i• !\; : . .'i! i M -- Iter! ; .li \ >■.■. .• i eid. mi. narri i 1 ia-t Til ir.-ii;' " ! y a few • . t. e :n ,i.r i'' la r.. - a'i : .• s u- . t i . ,»i i !'■ .lion;.. A;'i. r tie Imi•> • I'lom.i th'-v will 1 :il |jo»n a! Normal: I leiidri of ! i >;;|i l'nint. was among tin* vi-; : vr.- heiv Saturday and Sunday. Miv Haliie U'aM. of j:i> unt. Station, Teni:.. who nas I" cm ' sick with p;ivt:iTioni>i at the home of her ••mi sin, .Mrs. Henry llauser, on l>>-pot stoet. • is convalescing. Mis* W u'! was a visitor at the It i»• of her ' cou.mii here when she whs tak en with pneumonia. J. S. Garner, a planter who resides ins last of ik'.v was walking to town Sunday when a Ford car ran into bin;. It seems that the automobile just picked Mr. Gained up and sit him up on the car. He held on, about this time the car left the highway and ran out into a field. It seems that the three occupants of the car be came seaivd and fled, leaving Mr. Garner on the car. After the three men had fled Mr. Garner discovered that ther» was liquor on the car. so he re mained with the car and sent for an officer. In a few minutes sheriff Hall answered the call and took the car in charge. Later Dock Fulk, of Perch, came and claimed the car. but said he was not in the car at the time of accident. He claim ed his automobile had been stolen on the street at King, where he had left it a short time before. Sheriff Hall turn ed the car over to Fulk. It is still mystery as the who the three men in the car were. T. H. Barrett, of Ocean View, Va., gave a demonstration for the Atkins Saw Co. of Indian apolis, Ind M at the Piedntont Hardware Company's stor'j here Saturday. Two saws were No. L\N9: TO KNTKKTAIN LIONS CLUB l.ndio Aid Society Will (>ivj Supper Mia Meeting of I.ions In \Vin>ton-Sulum Ou -Nonember i'tli. i . ■' ii: order •• :••»■■ 11 • la-'. 1• i• i!. - (*!ul» m«.'ting a* Walnut Cove on Monday, )i ;. I» »t}.. wit■. ttii> re port ii tin- -ii" iai committee mi its appearatue before the I Sou nl »t' County Commission ers in an effort to secure n county agricultural agent. No action at this time wa,; passed on by ili,' commissioners, and , the I.ions were urged to con tinue their elVort .. N> vv business was th» ae t cptaia e of Ihe in\ itat ion of the Ladies Aid Society of the .M. K. ehurch of Walnut Covo to a supper on the evening of Oct. 24th. the next regular meeting night of the Lions 'lllli. Attention was called to the* !>i.-t ? na . !ing ii. Winston- Saletu in No\. 'MI . wliich will be ut ten led by A!l>emai*l6» ; ;; .j •, ■- an I Sio'ftv- i unt '. Ai! nvn . ■ ■ are urge' l" a' i-iiti this Mi" lii g v ili- I • Ihe p. OS p.'c' o ! im•.ii-.r ilit ' i.'gi'.-t gath ering ' Lieu- .: t: . St:.i . ii»'v atlMs Opened Monday .!• \: 'ih • . : r.ig'i I I :u» ! .M >ll«i:t\ vn rn- I: . O ' '' ' .".I . " 'I. I I'll rollnient of I! ree 1 tindl'ed and . •!' v pupi!-. I' • oJ n'i; 11: if i isi\\ •" t• I ullili'i ' I'd b\ ! >l. i: ! I'l hi, ni' (iuilfi'fii Coil' ge, and his talk uas i'ii,i e. ! I;. a Invge numb. ;• of pat run- an: st id- fills. Pn.f. M. T. lt ill imi i> p"in ipal willi . A. \\ illiams an I Mis.- iSlauche Ireson. assistant high school teachers. Misses Waiiu? ! 'all. Ktta 1! rati ley. Alberta liedwiiie, Catharine Kagland ami Catharine Allen are the grade teachers. J. R. Yoss Taken Suddenly 111 •lames K. Yoss, county audi tor. was taken suddenly ill at his home in Walnut Cove yes terday. Mr. Voss fell and was unconscious for an hour. He was immediately carried a hospital for treatment. Physi cians had not determined the nature of his illness yesterday, but it is learned that he i.4 resting very well at this time. Highway Board Sold Mules Only In last issue it was stated that the Stokes highway com mission sold j:» mules and wheelers at auction recently. The board did not sell the wheelers, the sale including only 13 mules and harness. given away. Mr. Barritt. win has recently returned from a tour of England, furnished amusement for the large crowd by playing tunes on a hand saw with a violin bow. He has contracted with the British Broadcasting Co. to broadcast ' music from the Atkins hand saw. The lucky ones receiving the free saws were: W. T. : Boles, of Tobaccoville R. 2, ■ and R. G. Merritt, of Kiag.

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