IA SUPREME NEED OF THE COUNTRY It Is A Nation-Wide Revival of the Old-Time, Geniune Pray er-Meeting Religion. By K. H. EDMONDS. Editor of the Manufacturer* Record.) The supreme need of this country is a nation-wide reviv al of the old-time, genuine prayer-meeting religion. A religion that makes men realize that the same Divine authority that tells us there is a Heaven also tells us there is a Hell. If we accept the belief in a Heaven, we must accept from the same authority the belief in a Hell— A religion that makes men realize that every act of ev;l is recorded on their conscience and that, though it may sleep for a while, it can never die— A religion that makes an em ployer understand that if he is unfair to his employes and pays them less than fair wages measured by his ability and their efficiency and zeal, he is a robber—a robber of his em ploves and a robber of himself of honor— A religion that makes an em ployee feel that if he does not 1 give full and efficient service to the extent of his ability he. I too, is a robber—a robber of j his employer's and a rob ber of his own character— A religion that makes a far mer who packs bad fruit at the bottom, to deceive the buvei by the good fruit on the ton, realize that he is a thief just as much as the one who robs a j hen roost at night, and is thereby destroying his own character— A religion that makes a nun who robs a railroad of its fare or frieght bill know that he not nly robs the road, but that I • also robs himself of all right to feel that he is an honest i ». .ii !1— - A jc'igion wuh makes ;• man nalize tha' by driving too hard a bargain with his serv ant. his employer or his mer-; ( .ant. he can lie just as much 1 ; robber as the seller or pure 1 : at r who swindles by false I Wright, fa 1.- • packing or t'al.- i .aims— A religion that will teach church members who fail io| c irribtiie to the extent oi their ability to the support o' religion that they are robbing! G« i and man alike, and com pels tin m to recognize that the..' are paying their pastoi . less than a living salary th; also are robbing lo| and ma*: « alik i : / A iv.ij.rion hat makes • ) miu:-ti: ' i '.i (n realia i th: t he ha nt been :11 i> • lb' £ .en • • pr- ai h on economic } 1 Mestio> - ..■).• •j: which r* ( , - f ';n> ■ { l .r : -- ii •: . ( it- C i • . Mo; i 1:: rn— ; A ! ;i:'io>: • •;'! n-a ! , C A 11 who by tiii-.-ats X " actual violence endanger the C • o! o'ln r laboring men o" y • C trc- propeny ol others realize £ that at heart they are murder- C ers, for they are seeking t i murder the liberty of the: • fellow-men. and are murdering their own best individuality i and character— / A religion that will make a| politician who yields principle'/ to his party politics, who wor- ships at the feet of any das, C to secure votes and sells his $ soul for preferment, not only C know that he is a coward and $ a poltroon and unworthy of £ the respect of any decent man, C but also will make him see tha: $ he is helping to murder human $ liberty— C A religion that makes every newspaper worker feel +he Q tremendous responsibility of v the press to help mold and shape for good the people of this land in this day of wild turmoii in thinking anacting that he may appreciate his j high calling, or prove wresuit Ito God and humanity— | A religion that will make i every man who professes to be a Christian realize that if he I violates the laws of the land, i whether it be the Prohibition laws or others, merely to grati fy his own views or desires, he is to the extent of his influence breaking down all law, and has no right to expect that his family and his friends will not violate any law, moral or sta tute, which does not suit their : convenience— -1 A religion that is active, not passive— A religion that gives a man backbone to stand for the l truth, however great may be the dangers that he may have to face in upholding the right as God gives him the power So i see the right— A religion that will rnako men realize that the most stu pendous event beyond all hu man comprehension is that the Creator of the vast universe, the study of which staggers the human mind, so hived mail -1 kind in all its waywardness that He "gave His only lie gotten Son that whosoevery be lieveth in Him should not per ish, hut have everlasting life." No finite mind can possibly love, nor of the death upon the grasp the full meaning of this Cross which followed for the salvation of the world— A religion that literally burn-! itself into the brain and the| heart and the soul of ever/j man who professes to be i Christiian, and makes him re alize that the one supreme thing in his life and in the life of those with whom he conies j in contact is by his life to up lift the Cross that men may be j drawn unto Him who, upon' that Cross, gave his life fori sinners— In short, we need a revival of that soul-searching religio.i which will make men and wo-j men strive in every act of life to do that which on the great Judgment Day they will wish they had done, a> with soul un covered they stand before the Judgment Seat of the Kternal. j Until the people of this na tion accept and live this relig ion, there will be strife where ; there should be harmony; there will be strikes and lock outs and murder where there should be co-operation and ~ - OOOOOC ~ C A MERRY CHRISTMAS Santa Clans holds forth at our store, now dis playing the most attractive line of men's furnish- ing good for gentlemen, we ever brought to thin city. LADIES: Nothing will please your men friends | more than a nice tie, a muffler or something to wear. GENTLEMEN: Make yourselves Christmas presents of our "tony" furnishings. 5 For YOUR CLOTHES Come to US. J. C. JOYCE CLOTHING CO. Walnut Cove, N. C. > peace; there will be law vio lation where there should be law obedience; there will be hatred where there should be friendship and love. With the Golden Rule follow ed in the fullness of the spirit of this kind of religion, there would be found a solution for every business trouble. There would be created friendship be tween employer and employe. Capital and labor would work harmony and with efficiency of j the capital and efficiency of the labor, with profit to both. Religion of this kind is not [ measured by the hope of Heav-! en hereafter nor the fear of Hell, but the full fruition now , of "peace on earth to men of ; good will." It is not merely j ! the chanting of hymns or the ' offering of Pharisaical prayers,' but it is in the recognition and full application by rich and poor, by learned and unlearned, that each one is indeed his ; "Brother's Keeper," that we i can bring this country and the world back to safety. A nation wide acceptation ,of this 1 , l in heart and in life .would bring peace, and world peace, when-'! there is now turmoil, and men would then cease to seek to j gain their ends by lawless acts J of immorality, but would, in spirit and in deed, follow the j Divine command: "All things whatsoever ye i would that men should do to ! you, do ye even so to them." gy Have you ever thought that ! the money you spend for! Christmas Seals helps t.> bu.\ , health for the ones in your community Seventy-five pe.* cent i t' all the Christmas Seal; funds raised stays at home to ; prevent, to fight and to con-! iuer tuberculosis. The remain-1 ing twenty-live per cent goes 1 to the North Carolina Tubercu-I. losis Association. Five per cent I of this sum is sent to the Na- * tional Tuberculosis Association, i The remaining sum is used for| health work in the state. Pari u of it returns to you in advisory consultants on health programs in schools and in clubs. An- other part of it returns to you in health literature. The enemv. tuberculosis, : i/ 1 N on the run. but is not ed in this community. Tuber culosis Christmas Seals heln' to weaken its power. ' Wonderful Giving: of gift furniture at Christ mas time is a most commendable prac tice, since it assures the comfort and convenience of every member of the family. A Gift .. , For Every wife iViCn S Gifts ! Your wife wouU, ap- In thiS StO^ preciate especially a Awpi I j gift of a sewing cab- I inet where she can Smoking" stands, COITI -e P hl ' r sewins in fortable chairs, in fact stkn 1 undisturbed unity- . j- LfUK | Beautifully f.ni S hel a host of ltemS that m pieces await your • men folks would appre- I jfj | choice at our big ciate as gifts, await I ™ I store. your choosing 1 . Huntley=Hill=Stockton Company WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. vvwvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvVVVvVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVQQOOO' An Ideal Gift For Christmas Send your friends and relatives a year's subscription to the— DANBURY REPORTER as a sift. It will keep your thought fulness in mind every week during the year. PEPPER BROS. Publishers.