PAGE FOUR in.-r/»— iwgn' —">■ mi-inr—innni inc3ot=QE | -jlggL,- | BIG PRIZ fl (i%m^w' YOUß GAR IS HERE ! j c Win a Handsome Automobile During Span [ v ■-" ny—Enter Your Name Today and Shard I i S2,SOO.OO INAUTI # ' I PRIZES AND CAS c; ; ■ ; " « j • ■ i /"♦ _ . • _ | | » ii A Ihsr OF SALESMANSHIP—One of the watchwords of (he business world today is "fc Y OUT wcif* IS 1 16TC = = vJ v I in cHICI a natural gift for salesmanship and organization. The Reporter's "Circulation Drive Campaign" '' rst P' ace no one kmiws better than a Danbury Reporter reader what a good paper it is. I lv7«vi *■ i I "his" does not mean that the women are barred; on the contrary, they have a little the better of # t utilized by the man who has to be around when the whistle blows. Now. don't wait until yoi D orp YV'ill I net m V WPPkS I ntio- " IVClvv ▼ ▼ 111 LJV *J U A o' their subscriptions to The Danbury Reporter. Renewal subscriptions count same a* new ones. Th 1 - pay for their work. Hundreds of people today are enjoying automobiles that were earned by sccur \ DKSIUK l> own o\K OF I'IIKSH rRIZK> I'l l s \ I.H'TI.K 111 STI.K ANIi DETKHMIN. around at The Reporter office and secure a receipt book for convenience in taking subscriptions :i \ I i»>\ is \ i.l. ill vi is \Kt'KSS\m TO ucjl ikk IT— Yoi \\ own AN ON K oi' readers. We extend you a cordial invitation to enter the race and compete for the classy cars iilhsi-: i;k \l llit I. PRIZKS—KNTKR K\Rl.\ win UK.: '' ' s more convenient to telephone—call the Manager of the Circulation Drive. Danburv N. C. : EVERYONE WINS—NO LOSERS-NO REGRETS—EVERYONE GETS* ] Non-Prize Winners Rewarded First Grand Capital Prize 20 Per Cent Cash Commission NEW CMRVSLER 2-DOOR SEDAN > /\a Par Value $855.00 Jm jg jg iVr 1 S.» tit:.: \ryju -n ; ii> an a. tivy part in wvurinjr vote* All Compete On Equal Basis K :i... ,h ..>0 In ■■> an 1 ih--c living :» tho cor.ntrv may got in / IK'ti* mi exactly the -unu' oasis ami places a handicap upon none. J MAIL THIS ( 01^ I>ON T( * I'I'RCHASED FROM STOKES MOTOR CAR CO., Walnut Cove, N. C. i- i | C °t%. .j 3rd Prize-Value $225.00 RuleS and £g| Cood For .*>.1)00 Vote- T rhar m »B*. acter and a resident of the territory didates to nu Pli'ttse nominate as a candidate in The Dtinbury R -porter in which The Danbury Reporter cir- not be tolera 0- £> eulates is eligible to take part HI persons so d © Circulation tj| the Circulation Drive. Persons may lied at the disl h •>> the I &> Same IJank with the full name and ad- -A «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ or he ■!, , I U Street and Number Fl'eid-ElS€man Radio drt ' ss due" i No salaried employee ->f The Dan- Votes wi'id^n. Route Number ,1 bury Reporter, or any members of nominatio^tA TW, .-nunon vill count for 5.0U0 votes when properly tilled 5j the employee's immediate family scrintion co! ~ «r . »•..... ,r th.. .. Jh Nvl " ,H ' Permitted to take part in coupon, out and sent to th.- Campaign Manager. Only tout t * - __ _ the Circulation Drive. The Cam- I asn. check i gSg coupons will he credited t» each candii'.ate. oni'v" ° r ' )r ' M lor ind ' v ' tluuls must accompi Votes or credits will be issued on dates may stl v"»tO" "v _ _ _ ___ k paid-in-advance subscriptions to The scriptions at n/tv'T \V\IT» 1 II A I I—l III) IJ r j 7 Danbury Reporter for a period of within the llt».> 1 »•" • I B I I S y ■ M ■—i troni one t» ten years. \'otes posi- Subscriptions Oir „»i. iu„ r .,,. a .. ill |->w *■ * 1i 1 A 1/V A " V lively cannot Ik- purchased. All rt- scon as possi Step up and nominate yourself earlj. as the rate - mittances must be accompanied by \ll matter iust six weeks and the early starter will have a ureal ad\an- the subscriber's name and address. thls issue re | tat-e. Slop up and nominate your self now-TODAV o»,,d"Sc*cU"!l TO ENTER THE RACE tfiA AA • f O _L SjSfr tu . inv of thes- things: Fill in the Nomination Jilnnk an:l (f f \ ■■■■ 111 f «r any reason, his or her votes a«er of the c IJO an> OI 1"«« "7 , __ lvris ,i a | ... lr H nr IT ,| * V»vv ■■■ VUUiI will automatically be cancelled. The ion of The Di i bring or send it in. Send name and addr . po. I'l l /IrsN ,)] Biving or transferring of subscript- linal. No sti Obv letter. Phone and give the Manager your name and .ad- 1U W) rj ions from one candidate to another solicitor or at Hrpss Better still, call PERSONALLY and get the details hrst will L n(lt , be Permitted. Votes on f r « m the prin hand.' We want YOU to take part. q3i«raUon. P " S " bjeCt t0 d '*" reco j Address Your Nomination Coupons To THE jj OC3OCSSIOBOCSISOBOCS3 ESwsJ THE DANBURY REPORTER WEDNESDAY, JAN. 11, 1928