DANBURY REPORTER Volume 55. W. M. PYRTLE KILLED BY NEGRO Tragedy Occurred At Home Of John Hairston, Colored. Near Walnut Cove, Sunday Night. And Hairston Admits Com mitting The Crime—Two Ne groes Held In Jail Here. Early Monday morning of , this week Sheriff John Taylor had a telephone message saying that a man had .iust been found dead in his car near Wal nut Cove, on the old Pine Hall i-oad f with a bullet hole in his right chest and another in his leg. A hurried investigation reveal ed tha fact that the dead man was W. M. Pyrtle, of the Ker nersville community, and afte«* further investigaton and inqui ry, John Hair.-i.>n. .•■jloml, who resided nearby, was arrested and admitted that ho .-hot Pyr tle while engaged in a gam l ling game. Sing Welsh, colored, who w.is present when the trouble start ed, was also arrested aivl is being held in the conn'v jail at Danbury with Hairstoi . Hairston made a stati "t when arrested t> the effect that he shot three times when Pyrtle attempted to strike dim \vith it "black j;wk," and that after he shot him through the right lung and the leg Pyrtle said he could drive home if Hairston would help him to his car. Of ficers believe it to be absolutely untrue .that Pyrtle drove the j car after being shot. ' The fact i* that the "rumble * seat of Pyrtle's car, had blood in it, and the officials believe that Hairston first put the dead man in the rumble seat and drove him a m.Ye down the road, then put him on the front seat behind the Peering wheel where he was found early Mon day morning. Hairston, who is a very dis reputable negro, and has served on the Stokes roads, admits that he sold Pyrtle a pint of wlliskey before ,they started the "crap" game, and when ar rested by Sheriff John Taylor and deputies he had two pistols on his person. Hairston only, ecently shot a negro woman in Walnut Cove. Pyrtle was said to have had about $BO in his pocket when he left home Sunday, but when fonnd Monday morning he had only He was a son of W. L. Pyrtle, of Greensboro, who, it is learn ed, is a native Stokes county nun. Pyrtle was making his * home with his brother, T. B. Pyrtle, near Kcarneisville. Several other bothers and sis ter? survive. Stanley-Jones J.mmy Jon : s. of Germanton. and Miss Viola Stanley, of Galax, Va.. were united in mar riage Dec. 2"» th at iho home of the bride. The bride is one of the popular teachers in the Dan bury school, while the groon hoM:! a position in Rural Hall. Th; your.g couple have a host of friei! is who wish them mucli ha; niness. Hays-Simmons Engagement Mw. I-. !!• Simmons, of Wal nut Cove, annotitv".':'. the engage ment f her daughter, Nollic Mao to Rob. ,1 Hays .Jr.. of Boston, .Mass. The wedding wi'l taki jilaee in the spring. i | Interesting Items ) From The Cove f Walnut Cove, January, 2 r The New Year was ushered into Walnut Cove quietly, with out any celebrations. No busi ness deals or changes in any of the business firms here have been heard of. The ladies of the Eastern Star served their annual dinner to the masons and other guests • on Tuesday evening in the din ' ing room of the Stokes hotel. The room was artistically deco ' rated in the holiday colors of 1 red and green. The banquet ' tables held bowls of red berries with tall red tapers an either end. A delicious and beautifully ' appointed turkey dinner was served to about one hundred. Mrs. Sarah Veach Ackerman, i sister of Mrs. Laura Davis died ! at her home in Salem last Sat ' urday. The funeral was held Sunday and attended by a num ber of Walnut Cove people. A. J. Fair, who has been sick for sometime is said to be im proving. Dr. and Mrs. A. (I. Jones and Miss Nannie Jons spent the dav Sunday with Mrs. Herbert Smith, at Liberty. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Mat hew spent the week-end with thei: - mother. Mrs. W. L. Vaughn. Willis Campbell returned to Duke University to resume his studies. Robert Hedgecock an.l Billy Bowles have returned to Chapel Hill. ! P. W. .Davis, who underwent a major operation in Greensboro last Thursday is resting well friends will be glad to know. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones, ! and small daughter have return ed home after a visit to rela- 1 tives at Martinsville, Va. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Moore of Winston-Salem visited Mrs. Moore's father, M. T. ChJlton ' last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed White, of Des Moines, lowa are visiting Mrs. J. B. Woodruff. They have just returned from a few days visit to Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. William Hairs- • ton and son, of Martinsvlle, Va. spent last week with their mother, Mrs. Julia Hairston. ; ! Margaret the fourteen month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I J. H. Fulton is recovering from i an attack of pneumonia and pleurisy. 1 i Miss Kathleen Marshall un- derwont an operation at the Me- ] morial hospital. Winston-Salem this week, friends will regret to i know. ii Mr. and Mrs. H. 11. Davis spent Sunday- in Winston-Sa- lem. I Miss Elizabeth Bailey, of ; Asheville is visiting friends and j relatives in town. 1 Miss Piggy liedline, of New i York City who has been the guest of Miss Tholma N.'ul re- ] turned to her home today. J Miss Lavine Denny. of ; !livensboi'o visited Miss Helen Fulton this week. ; Dr. Mrs. ii. N. Jones and . children, of Winioii spent New , Year's day with Dr. and Mrs. • A. (I. Jones. i Mrs. A. T. Roth rock is quite ( sick at her lufme here. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Lewellyn 1 attended the funeral of their aunt. Mrs. Virginia*Lewellyn in * Winst oil-Si Jem today. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fulto.i ' and C. K. Davis went to Green ■•- 1 boro Sunday to see P. W. Davis. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Slate, of ! ,i 1 :;:h Point were visitors here ; Danbury, N C., Wednesday, Jan. 2,1929 HELD HERE FOR I N. J. OFFICIALS I W. It. Warren Arrested At Will nut Cove On Charge Of Rob-: ing Home In New Jersey. ' | A telegram received at Wal-1 nut Cove Friday from Trenton.' N. J., asked the railway officials to hold a trunk that had been' shipped there to one \V. B. War ren, the sender of the telegram j alleging that the trunk contain-! Ed clothing stolen from his: home amounting to near $1,000.1 Among the articles was a $5OO j fur coat, it was stated. Policeman W. M. Wheeler I soon located Warren in Walnut ( Cove and arrested him for the | j Trenton officials. He is being | , held in Stokes jail here, lan ding the arrival of the New Jer sey authorities. A letter from the chief of po lice at Trenton states that War- , ren goes under several differ ent names and is a. very bad character. J. F. DUNLAP TO OPERATE HOTEL; Former Stokes Sheriff Leases Hudson Hotel In Walnut Cove —Removed There From Dan bury Monday. Kx-Sheriff J. Frank Dunlan ' removed with his family from Danbury Monday to the Dodson ' li«'t I in Walnut Cove, which he lias leased and will operate, op*- 1 ning for guests this week. The Dodson hotel is an excel lent brick building with 20 or 1 .'{() rooms and has steam heat. ' hot and cold running water and other modern conveniences. The hotel has enjoyed a nice patro- ' nage and friends of the ex-sher iff predict that he will make * even greater successof it. Since retiring from the slier- , iff's office Mr. Dunlap had his * former residence in Walnut * Cove remodeled and intended to occupy it but recently decided to . remove to the hotel which had 1 just become vacant. I Walnut Cove Route One : Walnut Cove, Route 1. Jan. 2. —Miss Blanche Marshell and c brother Jones, of Windsor, Ya., ( spent the Christmas holidays i with Mil's Bertha Richardson. I Mr. and Mrs. Sefton Lewellyn > visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Heath s Friday afternoon I The flu which has been rag- JI ing in this section is not so bad } now JJ Mr. and Mrs. D. (J. Richard- « on gave a turkey dinner Chri!- F m^ s day in honor of Miss Blanch " an(l Mr. Jones Marshell. Thos* i present wer» Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. ] I). Richardson and family Mr. ;i and Mrs. Jonah Heath and 3 daughter, Lois, Mr. and Mrs. l L. G. Duggins, Miss Susie Southern, of Walnut Cove, and e Mr. Marry Ileatli. a Mr. and M>s. i.. G. Duggins.'. .\ .Mi. and .Mis. Jonah Heath, and t >!.ii;:r!iti i, Lois an;i Mr. Cli'.r- t i':icr Richardson, motored t>» Roanoke, \'a. for Christmas £ holidays, visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Duuggins. I today e Virginia Bailey. daughter oi' \ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bailey w h > | ( has been in a Winston-Salem . hospital for several weeks as a 'j re ult of an automobile accident ■] lir.-i sufficiently recovered to be ! emovt ii t'» ihe home ot' her ; tint i > Wi'iston-Salm n i ERROR IS CIRCULATED HERE Roy Williard. In Stokes Jail On i Charge of Bigamy, Did Not Marry Daughter of John K. | Sisk. j Recently it became circulated in tMf county that Roy Williard .who is in Stokes jail on a charge jof bigamy, married the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. iSisk, of Sandy Ridge Route 1. ;This is not true, as the daugh | ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sisk married Sammy Nelson, of ! Sandy Ridge Route 1. The error probably became circulated on account of the 'similarity of names, of the two j young ladies. Williard married 'Miss Alpha Jane Sisk, of Pin nacle, as will be seen from the following statement by Regis ter of Deeds Browder. Sunday School Class Entertains The Intermediate class of Mountain View Sunday School gathered at the home of Mr. E. C. Slate for a few hours of real pleasure. However, Christ mas had already passed, but tln spirit and good cheer that is with us on Christmas Day was ringing in the hearts and minds of each member of the class on that afernoonon liu fahm arth that pleasant evening. The guests were warmly greet ed at the door by Mr. Slate, who is the teacher of the class, and lead into the cozy living room which was beautifully decoijvcod for th> occassion with Christmas suggestions. The evening was spent par ticipating in interesting games and contests . Miss Clessie Fer guson and Harvey Bowles won the prizes of two contests. The "Rhyme and State" contests. Miss Huzie Ferguson and Hub ert Barr was winner of the "Observation" contest. Clever ideas were carried out in the selecting of partners for the contests. Refreshments were served by Mrs. E. C. Slate, Marguerite Slate and Mattie Ferguson. Those enjoying this jolly oc cassion were: Misses Alice George, Ella Burrow, Margue ritte Slate. Agnes Slate, Nina Baker, Blumie Cramer, Irenj Voss, Huzie and Mattie Fergu son, Lelah Bowles, Beulah Bar:', Mary Salley, Clessie Ferguson, a guest of Miss Bowles, Dora Mitchell, of Bassett Virginia, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oakley's of Tobaccoville, N. C.. Messrs. Fred Slate, Oakley Hartgrove. "Sec" Baker, Thurman and Cec il Holland, Harvey and "Nick" George Hugert, Robert and James Barr, "Speck" Voss, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Slate and Burt it- Ellen Carroll. The young people depart •»; expressing their best wishes for ;t happy new year to Mr. and Mrs. Slate, and declaring that tliev had spent a lmely evening together. Stokes Laurel For National Park Last week Charley Martin, of ; Danbury, delivered to th • keep- j „»r of the Guilford Court Hons.' , National Military Park quite a . lot of laurel and rhododendron i to be transplated in the park, j 1 lie plants were secured near ! >anbury. Save while you can and you'll not need wh. n you can't. i Walnut Cove News 5 And Society Items i Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mitchell t delightfully entertained Friday night at their home honoring their daughter, Ruth, the oc casion being in clebration of hr j seventeenth birthday. I The guests were received by , Miss Evelyn Mitchell who direc . ted them to the spacious living room, which was attractively decorated with holly and misle . toe together with a beautiful [ Christmas tree which was light- Ced by many vari colored lights and decorations, j After a while spent in music, . conversation and games, a num , ber of contests were held. At- I tractive prizes were awarded to . Misses Frances Fulton and . Frances I'etree. The guests . were invited into the dining room. The beautifully appoint ed table had as a central decora tion a huge mound of cedar and I holly and in this the lovely birthday cake with its white ' candles in pink rosebude that I spread a .soft glow over the other special decorations, car rying out the color scheme of pink and white, a delicious salad 1 course was served to about 25 guests.. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blum en tertained at a lovely dinner Christmas day at their home in Winson-Salem. ! The dining table had as a enn tral decoration a miniature Christmas tree, four glowing red papers in silver holders car rying out the color scheme of red and green attractive place cards, suggestive of Christmas designated the place of each, guest. A delicious course din-! ner was served. Covers were laid for: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Heath, Mr. and Mrs. J. L Mitchell and Mr and Mrs. Ralph Blum. Mrs. C. H. Bunkemegn of Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blum of Winston-Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Heath were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mitchell last Thursday evening. Mrs. A. T. Rothrock, Thelma and Thomas Hardy spent last Friday afternoon in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hartman and Bob James were visitors in town Thursday. Mrs. J. L. Mitchell spent the week-end with relatives in Hills boro. Mrs. J. H. Fowler spent Christmas holidays in Mount Airy with relaives. Misses Alice and Frances Fulton spent last week with their mother Mrs. John G. Ful ton. Mr. A. J. Fair continues to be quite ill, friends will be sony to know. Tobacco Warehouses Opened Today Th > first sales of the New | Year were held at the Winston-' Salem warehouses today when about .200,000 pounds of the weed brought au average of a little moiv man fourteen eenls per pound. Reclaming tobacco sc. d is one sue method of obtaining better plant from the seed bud. .Much disease is eliminated ii these seed are treated with the for maldehyde olutiou before plant ing. Tom Tarheel says he knows a few god farnu is in nearly vci"■ ••o'.ivty who do no! yon".' in.leh «. 1 t f.:m iviit f. '. 2,950 STOKES OFFICERS i GET MORE STILLS l Large One Taken Saturday And Two Others On Sunday Sam Shelton and Still Brought In Tuesday. j J Sheriff John Taylor and de puties C. R. Lawson, A. G. Sisk. ; Corbett Priddy and Constable Rufus Mabe continue to follow up report.* and bring in stills. At one time this week they had 8 reports. I On Saturday afternoon one of the largest stills so far lo cated was seized, the copper had a capacity of near 120 gallons and was found in the Pine Hall section. Considerable beer wa* found but no whiskey, and no arrests were made, though the still was in operation when the officers arrived. As the still site iwas being approached the offi cers heard several pistol shots j which was supposed to have been a warning to the operator* that the officors were approach ing. On Sunday afternoon two more stills were taken by tK> Stokes officers in northern Stok es over near the Virginia line. A considerable amount of beer I was destroyed but no whiskey was tound, and no arrests wer • made, as no one was found near either still. Tuesday afternoon Sam Shel ton was arrested when found at a still in Peters Creek town ship. The still and about five gallons of liquor was seized. Shelton will be given a hearing soon. ■ ■■ Preston-Hubbard A wedding of interest to it wide circle of friends was solem nized at New York in the Little Church around the corner last Wednesday, Dec. 26. when Miss Martha Hubbard be came the bride of Tom Preston. The vows were taken privately, only R. T. Chandler, of New York, an uncle of the bride, and L. W. Preston, of West Virginia, a brother of the groom, being present. The bride is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Chandler of South Boston, Va. posessing a remarkable sweet ness of disposition and a perso nality of rare charm. She is a graduate of State Teachers Col lege, Harrisonburg, Va. and has been a member of the faculty of" the Pine Hall school for tin* past two years. Mr. Preston is the son of A. W. Preston of Belews Creek. He received his education at Rlon College and is now a uecessful young busness man of Pine Hall being engaged in tin* mercan tile business there. Mr. and Mrs. Preston are now at home to their friends at Pine Hall A number of excellent bulle tin*. free for the asking, are availa'l" l'rorn the extension service of Suite College in the ;:iinnr who would like to read the f'siilts of scientific research. A card to tlfe agricultural edi tor will bring those desired. Since good d.'iry cows are in demand at high prices, it mav pay Tarheel dairymen to grow out the heifer calvs from their best cows. Legume hay provides the best roughage for dairy cattle and such hay is easily produced on the aver:'.' • X.n-.h Car li::a farm.

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