DANBURY REPORTER Volume 55. 21 STILLS PAID I 1 FOR MONDAY County Com miss : oners Settle I For Coppers Recently Taken fn ('ount> —Price Is Each Regardless of Size. .-.t Monday's meeting of th l>i ;yd til County Commissioners twenty-one stills which hail r>'- ( eeiitlv been captured by countv ' iJii ials were paid for at the 1 !trke of $2O each, the total a- ' mount bJng $420. The price ' was the same regardless of th" of the still. This fee is fix- * ed bv the State. ' -everal citizens were heard to ; comment on the matter and ] some favored a repeal of the 1 lav requiring the county to pay « - the stills, fear Ining expres sed that it would lie necessary* to incivr-e the tax rate to meet th* heavy exjH'iise in case the "S rider (Jang" should continue 1 it.- activit? s. Late Moixlay ;«ftenn>on ar.. thr still wa.- taken and by th* first Monday in F'bmar.> no doubt another heavy Mil wi l ha* • to In' i let. Pretty Wedriinjr At West field e-tli«!d, N. t . January * - A .-doing of unusual interest any people in Stoke.; count* , i !*', i X\ \\ \ ears I >ay when M • Waiv* Hall becam> ih* in- " • !' .Mr. Jack Martin. '.( wedding took place in th iiom of Mr. Bcrnie Smith. \\%-tlield. N. C. The ceremony m being jw*rformel hy Rev. llaus pastor of ill*' W'estlield Bap lis Church. *. ue cerenl niv was simple jl igh impressive. The hride v «, ; .-a dres« of tan with ac ces Ties to match. The groom w;.* bcominglv attird i:i a suit oi ' :y. ){ 11**.ii : i. .:c accompli -hen da i L'iv«i' of Mr. C. D. Bail of .1- ill**. Va. Shi* holds a |w :. . - teafili ;• ill the lley j " rial High Scliool. v •s!'e has laugh; for th pa* two years, winning for he til many friends. Tin* groom is the son ol Mr. IJo* Martin. W'estlield. N. C. 11 !. and is a progressive young farmer. Their many friend., wish fo»- tilt ni a life of jov anil success. Honoring M'\ and Mrs. Jack Martin a sumptous dinner was pre]tared hy the grooms parents Jar.. 2. A number of friends and neighbors were invited in cluding members of the faculty of 'he Rey:iolls Memorial High School a poem, to Waive, was r read and given to the bride. Everyone ••ep.'rted a lovely tim«. The King High School Bas ket Ball team met the Reynolds High on tlu- latter court Friday night, Jan. -1. and defeatetl them The game was very close until th.- last quarter when the King team took the lead. Ilu* score wa.- 26-34 in favor of King. Box Supper At Meadows Mn Wednesday evening. Jan. 16, there will bj a box supper at Meadows High School. Be fore sale of boxes a short pro- 1 gram will be given by the gcbool. Proceeds will go for school library. Public cordially invited. Come! Remember the date, Wednesday evening, January 16th. at 7:30 o'clock. j WORKING ON FLU EPIDEMIC Physicians Meet In Washington To Discuss Ways and Means For Control Of The Epidemic. Washington. Jan. 10.—l*hy . icians and health oliicers gath ered here today for a national conference whose aim was to devise methods of definite con trol for influenza. It met at a time when an outbreak of th- disease has extended practically ; all over the United States, this oubreak l»eing a factor in the j calling of the conference by Sur-1 geon General Cumming. Ap- 1 proximately 6i were in atten dance when the call to order came. The address over, there follo wed a round table discussion, which included the detailing of prat 1 ical phases of the experien ce.- of the doctors in dealing with this and other outbreak and clinical information about ' the type of the inflnenra now prevailing. Conference members made 1 o'ear that they lii not exjtect to find at this time a spe -ifi. i tire for influenza. but thev i,o..ed that before the nil ei ill.-' ei!:i■(l Sa'urda; pr >■/.'. s.s wo;|b| 1«» ma.le iouard tii- i: mv; ry », t'le cause and err of the di sease. Oue r *sult ill 11• iin 1 r i -ojK-ratioii by pj.ys - cieiis .;i::i Si« :iilh oiii-.-eiv in sii: - planiat! by the Jllbi;.- heallh .--ervic« on the manifest;' tio«i> of tiie nialativ. it- rate of s)tread and the forms in which ii aj pears. MAY INCREASE GASOLINE TAX Said That Many l.aw Makers Want Counties To Have I'se Of One Cent Tax. Word comes from Raleigh that many of the law maker-; tin re favor increasing the gaso line tax (loin Ito .'tee its and allowing the countie.- t> use tin one extia tax i->i* main taining the.r ••oun». roti.ls. This would allow the counties to re duce their tax rate. It is estimated that one cent tax on gasoline would produce S2.SMI.MHI annually. The four cent tax brought the St at e $lO, 2>0,000 in H»2S. Real Estate Transfers In Stokes Recently '1 he following transfers of real estate have n'*.v:itly been made in Stokes: I'aul i'riddy to Jesse 1!. I'riil t'y. S acres. SodO.oo. J. R. Lackey to Klizabeth B. Voss. 1 lot. .s 2oit (.11. W'illium Morton t» T. I), and T. !i. I'rcston. 2 I■-t - . A:in.-tead Bn.iley to Abe Scal es. 2 lots. I. lames R. Nunn to (). M. Need ham. 2-1 acres. £2OO. CO. A. (). Boles to J. W". Kiger, 1 i acres, $7156.50. ('. K. Davis and J. R. Vos.;, Ex's., to Margaret Davis, 1 lot. $405.00. j C. E. llavis Comm. to J. R. Voss, 1 lot. $8500.00. I Tobacco Averages $16.69 Wednesday Tobacco averaged $16.68 on the Winston-Salem market Wednesday, according to .the otticial figures of R. W. McFar land, supervisor of sales. ..Thi* eight warehouses sold 4QU&H pound tor $67,307.52. t i i Danbury, N. C., Wednesday Jan. 9, 1929 (iOV. GARDNER ;OES IN FRIDAY Memlters Of (Jein-rjl \-simbly Will See llim Take Oath— Military I nits Will Partici pate. Raleigh, Jan. lO.—With th' arrival of CJovernor O. Max (iar ;dner here this afternoon. e\ery thing was in readiness for his inauguration which will take place tomorrow, Jan. 11. at noon 1 " at the city auditorium here. (Jovernor Gardner went to the Executive Mansion this after jnoon. where he is the guest of ! (I»vern»r McLean, instead of t» the Sir Walter Hotel, as origi nally planned. The entire inau gural party will assemble at the Mansion on Friday morning, where they will be met by I h* escort of honor from State Col lege. Governor Gardner's alma mater, and escorted to the «it/ auditorium, wlu.re the General 'Assembly will have already as sembled to witness tile ilia iTl ral ex: ivises. According I> the j lans >in -3.1t t i this morning. Go\«-:*no;- M, Lean and his I'atnii; will i« ;*■* ■ for t he: i- lio:n in Luns bertoj; i!U!,ieii: leiy .- re \i«*w:i:g thf i:i;-ttv;-.lad'-, ••viii.-'h w : il i.ich !■• I-'.O i L th-" ri!:• itary >:ni* - . the St.r,.-. Ladies Missionary Sotivfy Meeting 'll • Woman".* (,'nion Missioi,- ary S- »s it ia Wed. afte - noo i with Mr.-. li. W". lluds|M>th and was presided over by tlv vice president. Mrs. W. G. I'e tive. The book of Luke is now being studied and the second chapter with a part of the third war taken up. Olficers for the coming year were elected as follows: Presi dent. Mrs. X. E. IVpper: vice president. Mrs. R. R. King: Mis. li. i". Pepper wa- re-elected se-ret ary and Mrs. H. M. Joy-. • was re-elected treasurer. At th" •onclu-io'i of busine.-- a ocial half hour was enjoyed (ii.-aig v.'hii . refreshii!"i;ts w« ser\ed. Homer Adams. Funeral of Homer Lester Adams who died Wednesday at Sparta, 111., will be conducted from Primitive Baptist Church. Walnut Cove. X. C. at 2:.">' i o'clock Friday afternoon by El • ders J. A. Fagg and Reid. In . tennent will be in Walnut Cove Cemetery Mr. Adams, a former resident of Walnut Cove, had been living at Si>arta for sometime. He is survived by his wife, two chil dren. and several brothers and sistt *t*s. Appointments For Methodist Church j KI.I.SWOUTII HAKTSKIKI.iI. I':;*t r i Ist Sunday.- Belhesda. 11 a. ni.: Pi lie Hall. p. m. 2nd Sunday.—Davis Chape!, ill a. m.; Vade Mecuni, p. m.; Danbury, 7-:»0 p. m. «*>rd Sunday.—Pine Hall. 11 a. ni.; Forest Chapel, p. m. ! 4th Sunday.—Danbury, 11 a r m.: Vade Mecum. .'J p. m.; Davis i Chapel, 7 p. m. sth Sunday.—Danbury, 11 a. > m.; Bethesda, 3 p. m. A Christian confession of • broad scope is a tonic which I. builds up the will power of tho Jl soul I FLORIDA EXPECTS 2,000,000 (iTESTS Hosts Are Fleeing lhe R.i*>r- Of a Northern Winter—Re suits Of Storm Disappear. Jaek.-o-jvil!e. Fla.—Along tin moih-rn at list • Florida—high ways, ra.iromfs, airways and tin sea- nin.e fleeing til*' rigors of a Not hern wintr. Chambers of Commerce in resot cities rival one another in reporting arrivals. They are hopeful at Miami. Palm Beach and all along the east coast of a brilliant season, sparkling with social and sports events for those who like their winters that way. At St. Petersburg, where the more sedate gather, they look forward to long |uh't days with the semi tropic sun beating down. The hurricane jjs past —fiw vestiges f its terror and de struction remain. The palms along th.- as j coa I have bee.i righted. I'racticaily the only r-- inaininjj ar- are memories of the tra, r iy and a few new g:ave ; ,. It is gay. • ' v.r -i iving F1 riiia : .er ag..i . I > e ' >'i n :i! sI; 5 s r Sandy Uidsre Route One All o. ! i;i* •I:t - ■ • t *.t- Sandy 11 g« School ar> * . very bus studying these days since they enjoyed the Christ ma* h ..day.- so very mm !:. Mr. . .'id Mrs. 11. !i. Carter i had a their >, r ii« *.f. r dianer Suntla Mr. and Mrs. 1 .ii. beige: . of M-e.ison, Miss Nettie Shellou - of the Zeblon s. h«ol faculty I jiiui Professor Bi it tain, of San | dy Ridge high s -h«»ol. M -s F.la Duncan had as In : • guess Sunday Misses Lola. Car . tei'. \*ell Wall. Bertiia (iro/an. . E. t! t Dodsoii. Bertha Veiier ; able and Leila Venerable, i Me* rs (Ilady.- Joyce. Robert . Dun an. S.ini Vv'i.!!, Bay Dodso::. W « Irow D«H»SOII. Tlieodtire lieid and Curtis Lawson. i Miss Bertha (Irogan. of Ma«i . ison. visited the home of Mr. Albert Dodson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hawkins and family sju'iit Sunday with relatives in Walnut Cove. Mr. Marion Nelson, of Nettle [ Ridge, Va.. visited Miss I.tila j Heiinis Saturday night and Sunday. i Messrs. Aubrey Lawson. Leonard Lawson and Ernest Stephens visited Miss Ruby . Carter Saturday. Misses Lola t:nd Vera Carter ; were tile guests of Miss Ernes r tiin Hawkins Tin-day night. Miss Irene Joyce, of Madison. . vis ted at the home of her pa } rei ts, Mr. and Mrs. Dock Joyce. Suiday. Jr. John I)o.Json ha l»e -n vr> ill from a boil oa his hand. II ;ie he will soon be well again. Mr. Bob Heitnis. td Dutiaio, !■ .a'led on Miss Noia Ward, ol Walnut Cove Route •">. Sunday. North Carolina need.; a state ' wide seed improvement associa tion to promote the use of bet ter farms seeds says tiovemor (Gardner's agricultural advisory boaixl. I Xot only does piedmont X. C. follow the best balanced sys f tem of farming in the State but • now it has taken honors in cot ri ton growing from the toast a I plain. I li. N. DI KE PASS^.WAY Native North Carolinian Wa- Esliniated To Have A l or lune Of .(io.olin.Hlir or More. New Jan. ••.— Benjamii N. Duke who. r-'s.- fr.>m a b«»y • jHildler >'l toluteco t> help piatt- his family among the pioneers of big business, died t«Mlay in * his upjH-r Fifth Avenue man- • sion after a long illness. He i was in his 74th year. I Behind him left a fortune es timated at upward of 560.000, 1 (K.O. founded on the profits of a 1 Southern country tobacco shop and expanded by years of effort 1 in railroads, banking, cotton, real estate and other high scale enterprises. Out of this fortune came huge j philanthropies which he never permitted to be publicly listed, but of which io.l'm w;* said to have been given to Trini ty- College, now Duki Universi ty at Dui bam. X. .. and t >rd 'lilege. fr>: : whi ii i we- graduate*!. Fine \rts Cli'h Holds .Meoii:.:; I ■ Art- , d. i . • ; • In. .• i 1 irs. N. 1.. i'>-p» Friday afternoon Jan. 1 h. ti; : ta kt ng the place ol ! i - - Decern - ' r me- ' • wbie: \\: - u ! »?»• 1 " a. i oui't flu. "i'i.. !- id« t. Mr- .\i. '>. J - piv - »!•* n ::d a ve/y en j. vab! • meeting wa- held. The club c-il lt-ft j receded tin* program. A study of Shakespeare' play Ma b.-th was continued. ' A Characier Study of ljalv Macbeth" was given by Mrs. W. (I. Petree: "M'.isie oi Shake-- peare's Time" was the sub jet' of the paper by Mrs. J. W. Hall and read in h i absence by Mrs. Frank Martin. "A Critical Ap pneiatioii of the Play" wa gi\>n by Mr*. E. P. I'epj-er. The chairman «>f t. e librar • committee. Mrs. A. -I. Fa;. r poite«i the addition ol .-.'\en books to tli school l.brary. Attention was called to th.- sciap books wha h. are to be made by the club for the library Also to iii ietl ration dues. At the conclusion of the busi ness refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. | W. E. Joyce The dub will meet with Mrs. J. S. Taylor the fourth Tuestla; i:i this month. 100,000 Auto License ! Plates Sold Raleigh, Jan. >.—Spragtie Sil ver. director of the Autoinobi'e License Bureau of the State De partment id' Revenue estimated at tile close ol business ■pio.oou 1!»2!» license plates hail ' been sold, leaving, he said, about ' another 100.000 to i„. issii-ii. Commissioner of Revenue 11. A. ; Doughton again declared a - rests of automobile «»wiie'*s without the new tags would be gin Monday. By recleaning and treating tobacco seed before planting the beds, stronger plants, free from disease are secured. The annual two-day shor. course for beekeepers of North Carolina will be held at State ' College, January 24 and 25. L ! Alamance county has begun a - campaign for 3,000 acres of pas- I ture to be planted in the i-ountv thru yeur. No. 2,951 FARMER GETS GOOD PRICE Kd White Sells One Stick Of Tobacco FOK s 1 —Other New- and l'er*.on;:ls Of King. Kinir. Jai T. Tt Newvun. •f ;!i,- ji. w y. t«-r :;«>* appoint ed 1 »i-ti; • •• • t • .V. ni.v W Anion ; tor tin' th:r : di-triet embracing tin- ■ aunties Stoke*, Surry. Wilfe. Ash". Alle ghany. Awry Wutauna. Vaikin ui. i possbly For.yth. a.- the Stan- IK-put\ is planning •) transferor Forsyth to the third district. Mr. last nij;ht appjinted Rev. I*. H Xewsum as h:- a.-.-istant and for thi tsnie 1» up no other changes will tie mad-* In the It-Id f- 1" th ■ district .Mr. Newsuni will make hi.- heat:• quarters in king for th- time l>t*ing. In 1.C2 Mr. N'» w.-um resigned fwm ".hi- fa> -.ill;. l the Pinnacle High S ht>l tt. : l an aj»jt lintnient with the ijjdem of America ami Mr.nl in a t:w field w•»li. ri • - ' • :• >:• iul |tt"»» ■; when ill health fcrued him to gi^-- ; t • W'l l l. lit- rvtvx". ! t:■ ii ;i. J.. ;,! li , . M . ' . Mr. Wi. 11 Th- f 1-.■ i ... r. ■'• : ■ Ml. a: . Ml I; . t !. .as. .. .-. s. iJ.ilfs an; Willi i':. s. o! M. til \ . . r, ■ a few day- with ivial:'-■ ■ huv. Ktlwin White. . :e of the best t ■- bami glowers mi thi.- .si.-tiun. s.l i • stik of ! 'a .• ■ the Winst' i- Sait !■! liiai ia t !a-' 1'• ■*!;»> f r #1" The >tj. k weighed ;• • ;.n.i - lit i .r .">o (i nt- jtt I' !>olit;ii. .Ittiiii I. n* and lam.ly. of S.tl - - -!>r. Sunday w.tii Mr. Luve*» ■a i i - hi :■ . \ For i 5 i!.' _ \ h was !• •- •i: tirr. .a i.\ «' i.. i 11 !• -. •; ■ a (i..| . ; .. 11-.-vrolt t truck with a y uiif; nun from Saii.»- li!\. \\i. 11.1.1 a vva- : : K tl'lieti. ollit'ftl iti I'ilt t Virt . :st i x-t •: t >v.n Friday aftenw n. Neither Mi. liolt st i the 'tin: mail v. as fii u»ly hurl but tin- ears were al most i t.mplt t- iy ii. niolirhed. Tin hoy liaski tl-all team > l the Kiiiu « 'ons iul it..is» }> ol to, k tine away from tin- Reynolds y.'hool Kri la\ eveni:i}r. The li'. tl > .r»- st. od thirty-fiv. ta fii'u- ti. A telegram ha- !»*•• n re eiveil I y Mi-. I; \ l.eni r.>, who ifsnit - he: • that h i hii.-h:;int hail 1' en found in ■ n i;il til i' us « . i:.:i: at Savan nah. lia. The teli li mi tin! tit jr;\i' s. :y | arti ulars. W illiar.l Mia " \v . airet] year . »lied Tue-day at the home t lu-r son. tia-' n M-atl.w-. follow a short illite.-- l h ih-i t-a-t d i- str - \i\ttl hy .lie r oi. tiastou Meailt w . il' » ait iia. a ! thi.t iiaiiuht« . . Mr-. Di. Kill Slat •. .■ Iliuh IVin'. Mr.-. (>. .hns i. ... Km-. U. I'. I'. J. ami Mi-. William Slate, of Win.— ton-Salem. Mi-. Mtadtiw- had i wide aniuaintaiu'e and »a held ; hich esteem hy all who knew her. The funeral services was held at Mountain View IJaptist t hureh We. iit silitj ai'teini n at tw > e'l lotk aivl hurial followed in the church ceme tery. Mi. ses Alma llt«idrix and Ktht! Kirby, rf Winston-Salem, spent Suri day h; iv as the jfuests of relatives. i —— i Pow«Vl H. Mabt\ formerly of ■ Dan bury R. 1, but who rerenrtly removed neoir. Dennis, was u i:i tou-y this vwek. r« 4

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