DANBURY REPORTER Volume 55. NEW BORN BABE FOUND IN CREEK Jti-Year-Oid I'nniarried Mother \dniits l( Was Her Child— oroner's Jury Says Infant Died From Exposure Or Eos> ' Blood. •ne of the worst crimes that lut- occurred in this sec. of the st;.;e in u number of years was uncovered yesterday by Sheriff J. J. Taylor, following a full in vestigation of the discovery of a r.-. wlv born infant in a creek ™ in *he Beaver Island section of th.-, county. When discovered th child was dead but an au top>y performed later by physi cians revealed that it had breathed the breath of life. When called to the scene of th- discovery yesterday. Shi-r --iff Taylor summoned the Stok e- county coroner. Dr. E. J. I! sabeck. and a coroner's jurv at: , started a full investigation thi.t has resulted in the suspec ti•of a sixteen year >l] >^irl. ' Mii»* Manuel of Beaver Island 1 o vnship and several other per sons. who it is alleged are sus pe> :ed in ■ connection with the alleged crime. Sheriff Taylor, this morning in making known his findings, said, that the child, which was ' ?eover 1 in the creek by Em nu-*t Clark and Alex Brim, of lh- Beaver Isalnd section. h;ul In-n born several hours and as a r-sult of an autopsy held later at Walnut Cove, the fact that th. child came to its death as th» result of exposure or blead- M injr was revealed. The Oirl's Story, • 'llie Manuel, the sixteen year-old girl, who was confined to bed in her home told a ghast ly ,-tory to Sheriff Taylor, fol lowing It he investigation that revealed her as the supposedly mother of the child. The Man ia! girl, it is claimed, went from her home to the bank of th - creek, more than .*{oo yards from her home, where is claim ed she gave birth to the child. She is the daughter of John Manuel of the I'ine Hall section. The girl said, during the stiff gri.iing that was made as she lay on her bed. that she had gore to the creek bank to givj bir h to the child, and had left it there on the bank wrapped up in a blanket. This part of the story was doubted by the olfi'-ers making the investiga tion, as no evidence of this na tur was disclosed. The babv wa- found in the center of the branch, where it is said, ii f couid not have gotten under its own movements. Other sus peeed persons maintained sil ence regarding the incident, and waited for further develop m- ts. Ihe Coroner's Findings. Acting Coroner, E. J .Young, who took Coroner E. J. Hel.su llOCA'S place, due to his absence from the county, with his jurv cor'.posed of A. (I. Sisk, li. \. Br wder, T. E. Booth, Harry Mao* 1 . Euz James and W. M. Wi'.ii in making the coroner's report said in brief: "The child cane to its death either from bleeding or exposure, over which it had no control." Yes terday was a cold bitter day, and rain fell in torrents all day. Evidence was on hand to show that the child had bled, and tin col' weather had brought on (Continued on page 8.) WOULD RAISE PRICE ON STILLS W. R. Stephens, Former Stokes Man, Commends Sheriff Tav " i lor and The "Spider (Jang." j I Eeaksville, Jan. 1 I. Editor Danbury Reporter: 1 notice where the new offic ers in Stokes county are doing some wonderful good work capturing blockade distilleries. 1 think the good people of Stokes county should encourage the officers all they possibly can in this good work. I notice that some bootleg gers or sympathizers are in fav or of repealing the law to pay for capturing stills. They ought to raise the pruv instea I of repealing it. That is the trouble now with so many peo ple that are supposed to be good people are in favor of th" boot-legger. Whiskey is the. direct cause of ST 1-li per cent of all the crime committed in tla* I'nited States. The court records show that per cent, of the car recks are on account of whiskey directly or indirectly. Tile people who are kicking about the cost of capturing distiller ies are straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. They must remembt.r tha'j one murder case committed by some drunk en person would cost the tax payers of Stokes county more than paying for all the distill eries that all tlu officers could capture in two or three years, to say nothing about the deaths and broken hearted fathers and mothers caused by the block ader and bootlegger. I see so many young men sent to the State prison and county jail and county roads, all on account of the blockades and bootlegger. I saw this morning at court sown cases, some State prison cases, every one of them on account of whiskey. I do n it see how any person that is in favor of g >d morals could he in favor of whiskey. It aion • cames more crime than all other things combined together. I feel like some of our former orticers fell far short of doing their duty in regard t > the whiskey traffic. I say hurrah for the new sheriff of Stokes county and hi "Spider Gang." I feel like Sheriff Taylor and his deputies will in the near future clean up all the bootleg gers in Stokes county in six month ore less time. I»y the way, we havt a ID w sheriff in Kockinham count • who is doing some god work, too. Very truly yours, \V. It. STKl'll KN'S. Nuina Knight Taken To State Hospital Num.l Knight, of Walnut Cove, who has recently had some mental affection, was tak en to tlu' State hospital at .Mor ganton yet'ti jrday 'by BerUley Smith. The many friends of Mr. Knight hope that lie may be soon restored to his usual health. Box Supper At Meadows School I A box slipper was given last night at the Meadows school when boxes of good things to eat sold at auction. A nice sum was realized which will be used for the benefit of the school. ! A normal adult has teeth. i Danbury, N. ( ~ Wednesday Jan. 16, 1929 IMUCH SICKNESS t AT WALNUT COVE However. Nearly All Are Im proving—Basket Bufl—En i | tertainments. Walnut ( ove, Jan. 1.1. Mrs. Anne Carter and Miss Helen Fulton entertained the teachers of the Walnut Cove High School lat Wednesday evening. ISridge was played after which a de licious course of refreshments were served. Walter Woodruff, who has been on a cruise as a member of the Marines, in expected home Sunday after an absence of four years. A. J. Fair continues .sil at his home here friends will re gret to know. Mrs. Nannie Fulton has re covered from an illness ot the past week. Miss Julia llairston ha- re covered from an attack of flu. Mrs. W. E. Vaughn continues sick at her home here. I'. W. Davis returned home today front a (Ireensboro hospi 'al where In* underwent an op eration. Miss Kathleen Marshall, who submitted to an operation at a Winston-Salem hospital recent ly, has returned home. E. A. Roth rock, who under went an operation for appendi citis at a Winston-Salem hospi tal, has returned to his home lear town. Mrs. J. (i. Fulton is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Dounell Van N'oppen in Mebane. Dr. R. H. Morefield and At torney J. I). Humphreys, of Danbury, were business visitor; here today. Mrs. William Jones and small daughter are spending the weett in Martinsville with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorge Fulton have returned from a few day> visit to New York City where they attended the automobile show. Mesdames A. T. Rohrock and 11. H. Davis spent the day Tues day in Winston-Salem. Basket ball is now featuring very prominently here. The past week the town boys played the high school boys ami the teachers played the high school girls. The score was not an nounced. Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Martha Fulton at Salem Chapel church Monday afternoon. Little Boy Injured By Gun Shell _____ . The 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fulp. of Mi/.pah, was seriously injured Sat unlay when he set fire to a gun shel 1 ' which exploded and badly injur ed his hand and leg. The little fellow was rushed to a Winston Salem hospital wheru lie is un dergoing treatment. Fiddler's Convention Here Saturday, Jan 26 The Danbury Parent Teacher Association announces that a fiddler's convention will be held in Danbury on Saturday night. Jan. 2t>th, either in the school building or the court house. Further announcement wiJl be made next week in regard to prizes, etc. Members of congress are per mitted to send official mail .vith out postage. This is known :is j the "franking privilege." POPULAR COI'PLE WEDDED HERE Kntert.lined In Homes Of Par ents Of Both liride and (; room—West field New s. H est 1 ii'ltl. .Jan. 11.—('oniing as a surprise to many frit-nils and patrons of tips community was tile I'yrtle-l Hirhatn wed (!illii". I'lie wedding occurred oi> Friday, Januaiv " 111 >. at Dau bury. Justice of the IVace N. A. Martin ollidiating. Thi> bride was becomingly attired hi a blue Georgette ensemble with accessories t> match. The groom wore a becoming suit of blue. The bride is the attractive young daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. J. ). I'vrtle, of this eom . m unity. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Durham also of this community. lioth Mr. and Mrs. Durham, were students ill the Reynolds Memorial High School and it i with a of sadness that tlu-ir teachers and class-rmttc* received news of the adven l , but everyone who know Marie and Graham are wishing them a long life of ha| •••iness ill their uiul 'rtakings. i Honoring the bride and groom, Mr. and Mr*. lytic, parents of the bride, entertain ed members of their cits-, teachers and friends at a dc- I light fit! dinner party Friday evening, Jan. 11. Every good thing one could think of was on the heavily laden table, and everyone present enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Pyrtle's hospitality to the utmost. i The young couple seem to be very popular, for Mr. and Mr.*. Jim Durham gave a delightful dinner on Sunday, Jan. l."», in their honor. Mr. Joe Martin, who has been employed by the Wool worth peophi and stationed in Alexandria, Va., spent the past week with hjs parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. 1,. Martin, of th,> place. Mr. Martin is being transferred to Greensboro. Misses Janie and Luc'le Mar tin spent the past week-end with their parents in Danbury. Walnut Cove Man Wins Distinction W. M. fr alp, of Walnut Cove, ■was among the fifteen represen tatives of the Security Life & Trust Co., of Winston-Salem, who sold more than $200.000 in suMince in 1!)2S and won :ts premium from the company ,i trip to Havana, Cuba. Only sev en men representing his cor pany sold more insurance tluui Mi'. Fulp. On account of hu h .ilth Mr. Ful'» was u lable , m..ke the trip offeii-d him, iii.l tlw company awarded him a ni e check representing the i 'U of the trip. No man with the Security I.il'e Trust Co. i- more popular than Will Fulp. (Officers Capture 10 Oallons Whiskey In the open field near the home of a negro ;it Dicktown, a f« w miles east of Walnut Cove, oilicers on Sunday found two ."> gallon cans of whiskey. De puties Cleve l.awson and Cor i hett I'riddy and Constable liu fus Mabv made the find. They i \pect io make some arrests in connection with the incident. I i' A man must be :>•"> before he is eligible to the presidency. IN STOKES JAIL ON SERIOUS CH ARGE Alley Ray Moser Charged With Attempt To Burn Dwelling— Other News Of King. Ki'g, J.hi. 1 Alt . Ji. | . I'ujli-iNi ivu i. i. • i ,n • i. fit,.- Aid the Ki ,ir A!--, ivi«n rh-.u- h I Satin da> 111 i• I.i • i;. Tiler. were tell iii"ii I • ■m .- it: ami three \ i it .r.-. " ! •' ll -• • I ..II • li • J) 1y" was t lie i niii-- 1.. i,Hi, Air-. S. W. PuJbaia pl'i sjdellt. , , nilu-.-ted t lie oeVolinial . i'•relink !Sl , , :y-f , l:i ;h p. f,,|. I .w.-I |..v • y. ... I, At- I{. S. H.-lsa beck. Th lii -'d y !•• >; ,j I and tli.' i"»ntl aini.i>!ireil to $7.12. ?.li.-s A if I'ul.i on i-' iitlu i"l ;h • ' IJil'le ■ TU-'v. "iJl.st li- t»le lie tha> I hind; wax Ut'i'd a.- ;• closing hymn. I»• 11 iri tr tile social h >s. • All-. I'ulli- 111 .i sist.-i! liv .Vli- J. i' St ■ >ne 1 I' ''al. Ilelc -beck .••• t Irptiig v'• Ir« -i itiffi •. . | ; > i' I- 'ill* .i F. w. Fulk mi tain. !:i 1 •i • i.-nn !;. !»«• 1 njr ki -!;•■,! v.liil ri-a 'iiinir . F«> ■. ;.t i'i- limn" i.'Te l ist ■(■!;. •' allies lla-.i , f \\ ;n • in >■ ' u;, ani'iii".- the \i ■ i:i - Suidav. i-. -I. Cunter. aged > anv, of King; and Air.. Nancy (hunter, au -I eighty-thr. •, of Five '■ ! 'k • were in;.' it! \ irjrir.i.. lact week. They \(!ll make th ir li"iii ;:i \i' triiii; 1 . Air. (;iii;i• -e i . . lie,l tli,. wi«U»w of hi ii. -;':»..ed bro ther. Alt. \\. ti. Tntile and family, ~ Kl I--I ll'til. |ient Sumi;:y here as t'l- gue-l of relative^. Mr.-. i iiielia Jn.se|:|-.ia ■, the wid ow I Wade Ttittle, ill 'li at the !.• • i.s■ • 111 her -nil. Walter Tllttie, just v. - - of t-iwn Friday in trninyr following a hiijfi-rinu ilimv-s o|" . vi ral months. The lie, eased i- survivi d l y two - hi.-. \\ alt ■ i Tuttle. if Kinj;'. and Adolphtis Tuttle, of Tolia -oville, Jl. F. I>. two duuiflit r- ar' al- ■ left to in urn their loss. They are All-. Jessie Pratt, of Piiv>;a-lc. and Air-. Thomas of Tobaci-oville li. K. P. 2. There a;-e also several Ifruiid ihildren survivinjf. The hus liand | r levelled her t.i tile jfri-at he yond several years ayfo. Airs. Tuttle was a kind wife, an ••lfeetionat«' mo ther and a good neighbor and will be gr-atly missed both i'i the home and i in the loinniunity. Tile funeral serviee whieh was in , chary , of Hev. L. K. Pulliam, wa held at Chestnut Orove Methodist Church Saturday moining at eh-ven o't 10.-k ami bui'ial fell.iwed in the hureh cemetery. HMi.'i-t N'evl.um, of Wiieit in-Sa lem, .•■•lient Sunday with his mother, Alls. J. F. N'ewsttiii, on Pulliam St. The remains of Airs. Otelia Fergus in, daughter of Air. and Airs. Walter Ferguson, who died at tln state 11, : pit:d at Alorganton, were lirouuht lu'i'i" end laid to rest at .Mountain View church Sunday after . mini at two o'clock. The de.-eas/.'d is survived by the mother and fath er «'~id several In* hers and sisteis. She was a good girl and held in hig'i e. teem by all who leii'W her. I! "V. IJ. J. liarlier delivered a very iitere.-ting sermon at the Hapti>l Ali.-si n here Sunday. | Theoil ire Newsum, liisiri-t l)cpui,\ for the Modern \\ oodne :i of Ameri ca wa- notit'u-d Sat unlay that Forsyii county had been added to his dis trict whi li now embraces nine i-oun tie-. With the appointment of l>. (!. Si/., iik re. i hief F resti r, and Luth - Smiili, lii- as-isiant the forester team • th - local camp will begin a.ti\ • training, and when the forestei . • -mis f Noi;h ( aroliiia. X'irginia I U.-st Virgilli; meet ;.t the stall fair al Itichin aid. Va. in \t fall Al., NeWMi.il I , vjn lhe teams ■' th. llvrd liistri -t to , a'-r.v off their shari's .| the pi i.a .-. Air. N'w -um i> i.l o organizing a la vet ball and baseball team >a I each camp i'i the district, when the tw i champion teams of the dis (>-i,-t in. t-; at the district pi, ni, next fall you will see some real ball piay -1 i'ig. When Peinity Sheriff J. Al. AIU-y j and .foe Southern if thi- pla -e wmit . to the home of All y I'-iy At isi-r mil, ea.-t ot here ti ie rest him on a U-harge of setting fire t-> the h nn- of i William I riggv while the family w - r e |in the house a: leen one night 1 :i-1 week, Al.iser resisted ailest ond |)ili ie> a -' i'.' i*i ';t !i u. a ; '•« - knife •• i oilier S iiitherii cutting him in -ev- No. 2, 9:>2 STOKES COIPLES : WEI) IN PATRICK i This County Lusjn» Mont*\ H\ Disposition of Young Peop* I o (id To \ iryinia I o (Jet .Marria&e Licenses. i Si(»!■; • county i- i--.-ii.jf c->n : :!«Tir.;»' rnoiivy by . iti-posi lit»:: on ih- part » 1" ihe young p.->j>! ■ to go to Patrick county. Va. t • se my license t> nii-.Ty. Tin idea seems to In- 1)1 r >ming mor • popular each month. Only recently this pajwr prin ted quite a list of coiiple> who had sec ured marriage license o\-er in the adjoining county, and the issue of the Stuart j.aper contains another list of couples who have just secured li'.enst s there, '["he names fol low: Walter .J. Sh- lion aid Sadie A. Slielton oj' Lawsonviile. N. ( . I lar.-iKe I'o-iiv ar.d (ira Stovall of Lawsonviile. ". I'. A. Sands a:;d Xeiiie Nelso:: of Lawvinville. N. '. U. A. Bennett and Mary Sim mon of .Moore's Springs, \. ( •las. (I. LoVc nf IJi'illl. N. t ;nd l>elcie ilateman "i Claud ville. Va. (Iradie Hall of La wsonvilk"- and Lettie Sue Hall of Nettk Uidge \'a. N. (I. Hutchens of Nettk- Ridge and Bertha Hawkins of Sandy Ridge, N. « . Hay Willanl and Lula King of i I.rim, N. ('. K. L. Wilson and Myrtle Prid dy of Lawsonviile, N. •. R. L. Lawson of Pinnacle. N. ('. and Hat tie l'riddy ol' West -1 fieid, N. ( . F. C. Lawson and Virginia Sheppard of Lawsonviile, N. C. H. P. Loftis and Mrs. Kmma K. Kinjf of Pinnacle, N. C. I Frank (loin and Delia Fast of Lawsonviile, N ('. i Coy Ma be and Lucy Rullens - of Lawsonviile, N. 1 M. Ci. Lawless of Sandy Ridge ' N. C. and Rachel Shelton of ( ritz. i What Are You Reading ' This is the season of the year . when the long eveninjfs give the farmer time to do some reading, i With the jrreat amount of in formation that is now publish -1 ed and printed in magazine.;. papers, bulletins, books, and ! other sources, there is no ex cuse for a person not keeping up with the times. The most ignorant man in the world is he who does not know how liitle he knows. His con , dition is described by the old. old saying that "there are nop.-- so blind as those who will not • see." It is equally true thai i when we begin to study and . learn we begin to realize how littJe we really know. That en -1 murages us to study more s that we may know more. It i etitirely natural, therefore, that ~ the farmer who reads much an-i wisely is stimulated to seek ii'.- i formation in every rti r » from which it may be reliably 1 obtained. ' nil alutm the hswid-, ihu 1 fin ite r W;|> (lit ti> tin- htillc. M -M'f WIS finally iivi r-omi- l-y the > fli.-ers an.i •' placed in ihi- county jail at ' with)nit bmd to awiit the next, tei n ' nf Si ik.-s Su|u-i'i >r court. ' I'aatain J. Kirl-y who holds a t p isitiui- with the Suit hern Railway '' C unpa iy spent Sivid.'.;.- with his lam t i!y in Walnut Hill.-, i Charles Patterson »f l'ilot Moun " :.iit f . h. r.- I- day ! •> ft. r uonic - l.u. ii: . - lu.itti'is.