DANBURY REPORTER Volume 55. LOUIS SHEPPARD IS RE-ARRESTED Held Without Bond In Connec tion With Case In Which Mt. Airy .Man Was Alleged To Have Heen Shot By Ot's Campbell. New evidence having devel oped in the case in which 't is alleged Nettice Burkheart was ->:iot and killed by Otis Camp- J>t.ll, in northern Stokes recent ly. Louis Sheppard was re-ar -jtirted Monday and remanded ul Stokes jail without bond. Sheppard was arrested some di-.ys since and allowed to give bond, but on complaint of the attorneys for the wife of the murdcied man he was re-arrest -1 o. I: is alleged that th:> pocket be .k which Wiu- taken from Mi's. Uurkhcart on the ngiht of the murder was found at the IK. me of Sheppard. Mrs. Burk heart says the pocketbook was jerked from lcr arm and that ir contained in cash. Young Rhodes, who was with Campbell and Sheppard -at the time of the shooting is still be ing held in jail here. Otis Campbell has so far evaded the efforts of the oHic ers to capture hin\, although continuous search for him is going on daily. It is under stood that citizens in the. Law- Fonville section will offer a re ward for his capture. A statement was made this week by Mrs. Burkhart rela tive to the incidents preceeding following the fatal .shoot ing. The statement follows: Ethel Burkhart makes the following statement relative to the killing of Nettice Burkhart: We went to Price in Rocking ham county on a visit; were re turning home. A little before Christmas we had sold our house and land near the North Carolina Granite Corporation Quarries. On the night of January 23rd or the mornin? of the 24th. we stopped in Stokes county near Smithtown; had just built up a fire when two men, Otis Campbell and Louis Sheppard came up to where we were; they had liqu or and were drinking. They sat down by the fire and tried to make my husband take some liquor; he finally took one drink and they left. Campbell and Sheppard came back a second time and left, then they came back a third time with Rhodes. They had a shot gun, fired one -shot before they got to us and * followed. We smarted to leave. They asked my husband where we lived; asked how much we got for our place and he told th- m. They wanted to know how much money he had in his pocket. Sheppard did most of the talking, he tried to get up a fu. c s and my husband tried to keep out of it. We started oft, Sheppard took my suit case an 1 in the stu e sprained my wrist or hand; Campbell had the gun. lb fired, shot my husband and Campbell ran and nty husband grabbed the gun and shot the other barrel at him. Rhodes and Sheppard were arrested and I identified them at Stuart. They admitted being there bu; denied the liquor and denied taking my suit case. Sheppard left in a car and Campbell and Rhodes ran through the woods. 1 went to find some one to look after my husband, found Mr. HLOT MT. TO VOTE ON POWER SALE Southern Power Company Of fers To Pay For Municipal Electric IMant. Pilot Mt., Jan. 26.—Apropo sition Ims been submitted the town of Pilot Mountain, by the Southern Power company, for the purchase of the Pilot Moun tain power plant and city fran chise. This, of course ,is subject to the will of the people. An elec tion has been called and regis tering is now going forth. The eection will be held February 2G to decide the mjatter. The purchase price being sub mitted is $75,000 and it is gen t-rally conceded that the propo sition will carry overwhelming ly. News Items From Germanton Route 1 Germanton, Jan. 28.—Mr. Horace Southern and Miss Lou ise 'latum were quietv united in the holy bonds of matrimony at Danbury by Justice of the Peace N. A. Martin on Thurs day afternoon. Miss Tat urn is the attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tatum, of Germanton R. 1, and is admired by a wide circle of friends. Mr. South ern is the promising young son of Mr. P. O. Southern, of Mead ows Route 1. Among those who visited Misses Maude and Mary Ruth Meadows last Sunday night were : Messrs. Jim Rumley, El bert Wagoner, Edgar Darnell, Drexall Flynt and others. Miss Nell Tatum spent the past week with Msis Nannie Rutledge, of Walnut Cove Route four. Mr. Lamon Eaton was the guest of Rurth Rutledge last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Wall, who has been in High Point for the past week, have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Horace South ern spent last Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. On'e Young. Mr. Cornelius Southern was the guest of Miss Hesie Lee Tatum Sunday night. Mrs. Nannie Rutledge gave a parly last Wednesday night, which a \arge crowd attended. Among those who attend the tobacco tieing at Mr. Ross Meadows' last Tuesday nighi were: Mr. Paul Lewis and Miss Lilla Mendenhall, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gatewood, Mozelle and Arbelia Carroll, Edgar Darnell, Lamon Eaton and Grady Nance. Tucker who, with Ids son, car ried me and my husband to Stuart to the hospipal. (;.mp !>ll had the gun a:id they said to my husband "hold up your hands and give up your mon ey." 1 got between my husband and them and while Sheppard was taking my suit case, Camp bell shot my husband. Shen pard got in the car with the su't case and lett and the other two ran through the woods. Be fore the shooting they asked my husband if he had a gun and what sort of knife he had. lie had no gun and only a little old knite. I went to Mr. Tuck er's and he and his son went with us to the hospital at Stuart. My husband died about six o'clock Thursday morning. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday Jan. 30, 1929 STEALING ON HUGE SCALE W. M. Tolbert Is Alleged To Have Robbed Citizens Ofl 5 Truck Loads Of Goods lie fore Landing In Stokes Jail. i W. M. Tolbert is being held in Stokes jail on a charge of grand larceny under a bond of $2,000. Tolbert's wife is also charged with the same offense and was released Tuesday uf lust week under a $5OO bond. Tolbert until recently resided near Walnut Cove, when he re moved to the eastern section of Stokes. Evidence against him was secured a few days since and his premises were searched. Sheriff Taylor and his deputies seized about five truck loads >i' goods of furious kinds which are now being returned to their owners. Among the articles! seized .i few are recalled here as fol lows: IM7 jars of canned fruit and vegetables, 1" bushels of wheat, :> bushels of onions, 3 busk.-is of peas. These were the prop erty of Jno. W. Kagg, of Wal nut Cove. Two feather beds, 7 pillows. 7 quilts, 2 blankets, 2 quilts, 2 pistols, 1 shot gun and 1 rifle, auton\>bile tire, (>OO pounds of tobacco, one cow, 2 pigs, 0 saws, and scores of other things too numerous to mention. Most ot the articles have been identi fied. News Items From Sandy Ridgre Sandy Ridge, Jan. 26.—The people of thi s section are almost through selling tobacco, and are getting ready for another crop. Mr. Gladv Joyce has just re covered from mumps and is driving the school bug again. Miss Ernestine Hawkins spent the night with Miss Peail Hawkins Monday night, Janu ary 21. Mr. Brittert, of the Sandy Ridge ,hi;h school c,al,led on Miss Nettie Shelton, of the Zebulon school Sunday after noon. Mr. Clint Dodson motored to Madison Sunday night. The members of the singing school at Delta church had a fine time Saturday and Sunday mailing pictures. Mr. Ernest Stevens called on Miss Je.isie Saiturday night. The pupils of the Sandy Ridge high chool are very busy this week With examinations. Wonder why Mr. Lindsay Hawkins didn't attend the sing ing Sunday? Mr. Harry Re id t and Miss Sudie Rhodes visited Miss Blanch Woods Sunday after noon. Mr. Ph'U Dunlap was on. a I> >k out for robbers Sunday. Misses Estelle and Chrisiine Jt.yie spent the afternoon with Miss Nannie Belle Dodson Sun day. JUST KIDS. Card of Thanks. To our friends and neigh bors we wish to express our thanks and appreciation for kindness and help shown us during the long illness and death of our loving mother and wife, Mrs. S. B. Gatewood. THE FAMILY. AUTO ACCIDENT AT WALNUT COVE Lent Morefield Loses Residence Hy Fire—Lions Club Meets —l'erslonal And Social Items. Walnut Cove, Jan. 20.—An automobile accident occurred on north Alain St. Monday af ternoon when a sedan driven by young Mr. Farmer, son of Avery Farmer, who resides near here, left the road and struck Miss Mary Zimmerman. Those who witnessed the acci dent stated that the sedan turn ed sharply to the right to avoid hitting a Standard Oil truck and ran into a deep side ditch. None of the occupants of the car were hurt, however and Miss Zimmerman received only minor injuries. The residence of Lent Moiv iiekl on the Rock Hill road was destroyed by lire jlast Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Moore lield were here at the home of their father, J. Wesley Moore lield, i-..t the time of the fire. Il is thought he lire originated from an electric wire. Mrs. George Fulton enter tained at her home here Tues day evening with lour tables of bridge. After several progres sions Mrs. Leake Lovin held high score and was given a box of crysialized fruit. Mis s Mary Frances Davis received low score prize, a box of candy. At the conclusion of the game •• delectable course of refresh ments were served by the hos tess, Mrs. J. W. Jones and Mrs. Jacob Fulton. Mrs. Howard Woodruff, Miss Grace Woodruff and Walter Woodruff visited relatives s't Danville, Va., the past week. Miss) Frances Fiilton, a stu dent at liichard J. Reynolds High School, Winston-Salem, spent the week end at home. Miss Nell Chilton, who H teaching in Greensboro, spent the week end at her home. here. Ernest Vaughn, of Jackson ville, Fla., has returned home after a visit to his rrlother, Mrs. W. L. Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Gentry and small son Jack, of Mont gomery, Ala., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Dunlap. Mesdames H. N. Scott, Eve rett Matthews and Walter Vaughn spent yesterday here with relatives. The Stokes County Lions Club held their meeting at the Stokes Hotel Monday evening enjoying a delightful banquet at this time. A number of prominent guests were present, among whom were Judge Hast ings, Martin, Benbow, of Win ston-Salem. Mr. John Huteherson is con fined to his home here with rht umatism, friends will regret to know. 200 Gallon Still Captured Wednesday Deputy Sheriff Mack Wall of Heaver Island township, has the record for capturing th-. largest ill. On Wednesday he l'ound one in the Dillard sec tion that estimated to have capacity of near two hundred gallons. The still not ii operation and no arrests la\\ been made so far. Mrs. li. D. Gentry and littK son, "Jackie," of Montgomery Ala., ivre visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank I)iinla;> at Walnut Cove. FINE SHOWING BY BANK OF STOKES Annual Meeting of Stockhold ers Held At Walnut Cove— Substantial Growth Is Shown Hy Institution. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Stokes County was held Mon day afternoon in the office of the Bank at Walnut Cove wit'i |a large attendance of stockhold ers from various sections of the country. The reports rendered by the active officers were very encouraging, and indicated that the bank had enjoyed a sub stantial growth in deposits and resources during the past year depite adverse crop condition* and prevailing prices of farm products. The earnings for the year amounted to twenty-four per cent of the invested capital. The former members of th • Board of Directors were re flected for the ensuing year, and the active officers will re main as follows: Dr. J. W. Xeal, President; N. K. Pepper. .T. C. Carson and V. T. Grabs, Vice-Presidents; C. K. Davis, Secretary Board of Directoi s and Cashier at Walnut Cove; M. O Jones, Cashier at Dan bury; H. H.Leake, Cashier at King, and C. C. McGee, Cashier at Germanton. The capital stock of the bank is now Sixty Thousand, surplus and prifits Fiftji-nine Thous and, deposits of Two Million, substantial cash reserves of a quarter of a million with no bills payable or rediscounts. In addition to the regular officers the following will com prise the personnel of the or ganization during 1929; At Danburv, R. A. Smith, James Jones and Mrs. Louise Jones; at King ,K. F. Yarborough; at Germanton, J. D. Johnson and Miss Jessie Smith; at Walnut Cove, Mrs. Margaret Davis, Misses Thelma Xeal and Irene Alley. Mrs. Paul Davis Entertains Friends Walnut Cove, Jan. 30.—Mrs. Paul Davis entertained at .1 very delight,ful party Tuesday evening honoring 'the teachers in the school here. Tables were attractively placed for bridge and the game was enthusias tically played for several pro gressions. High score prize for the ladie s was won by Mrs. Anne Fulton Carter, two l>eauti ful maderia handkerchiefs. Gen tleman's hijTh score pr.'jzc was won by Dr. K. H. llackler, a cigarette holder. Low score prize, a bridge score liad. wa s given Miss Jimmy Campbell. A delicious course of refresh ments was very temptingly •vi'ved consisting of frozen fruit salad, sandwiches, coffee, pickles, nuts and mints. Those present were: Mrs. Annie Car ter. Misses Julia Hairston. Nell Hutcherson, Alexandria Mack. Beeves, Jimmy Campbell, Mary Lane Brewer, Mesdames \\ iil Wheeler, Paul Fulton, Joe Z m merman. Kanoy and Messrs. Gilmer Sparger, Arch McNeil, Ralph Chilton. Paul Fulton, W. P. Wheeler, Joe Zimmerman. John Woodruff, K. H. llackler. Britton. Bill Fulton, Kanoy.. A woman writer says. "Man is no more fooli.sh at forty than any other year." We were jusi wo:uL'n::g iT ihat\» a compli ment or what. No. 2,954 TWO MEN HELD IN ARSON CASE Preliminary Hearing In Moser and Stuart Case Here Yester day—.Men Are Placed I'nder Bonds 0$ Bach, A preliminary hearing was held here yesterday in the cast in which A. R. Moser and Jake Stewart are charged with an attempt to burn the home of William Briggs a few week.- since in the King section. Justices J. B. Joyce, of Dan bury, and J. S. Garner, of King, hoard the evidence of some 2,\ or .'ill witnesses and the two defendants were placed under bonds of $l,OOO each. Both men are being held in the county jail here. Moser is a white man and Stewart a negro. The case wiil be tried at the next tei-m of Stoke* Su perior court. TWO MEN ANI) CAR CAPTURED High Point Boys Were HauKng Five Gallons Of Whiskey When Deputy Made the Ar rest. Bill Johnson and Douglas Priddy, giving their home ad dress as High Point, were taken, together with the Hudson car in which they were riding, on Wednesday, when Deputy Sher iff Mack Wall discovered that they were hauling 5 gallons of whiskey on the car. Mr. Wall stated that he chas ed the car until one tire ran off. when he was able to eateh up with the Hudson. The two men are being held in jail here in default of bonds of $3OO each. Bids To Be Opened For Small Projects Raleigh. Jan. 28.—B»ds on eight small projects calling fo.- the construction of dirt roads, small structure and grading will be opened by the state high way commission on February 10. Projects: Robeson county: k0.5 mile.s grading and structures on route 70 from Fairmont to South Carolina l ie Robeson county: 11 miles grading and structures on 201 from Lumberton to the Bladen county line. Robeson county: Over flow bridge on route 20 across the Lumber river. Anson county: 0.8 miles top soil on route 8» l>etween Wades boro and Ansonville. Mecklenburg county, struc tures on route 261. Caldwell and Watauga coun ties: 10.:>9 miles gravel t'rem the Avery-Caldwell county line to Blowing Rock. This is a portion i the old I.onah-Los ee turnpike. Wtikes county: '0 miles dirt road lVi.m Wdkesoor » un route 60. Davie and Ilowan counties: grading approaches to bridge over Yadkin river on route 80. Will Mabc and family., of Danbuiy Route 1. removed to Kernersville Route 2. the past week. Mr. Mabe ha s about re covered from injuries received in an automobile accident some weeks since. The Afghans may be dassec as AmanuUitkationists. * *

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