DANBURY REPORTEE . . .. . N * Volume 55. NEWS ITEMS FROM KING ~ i A- T- Edwards Passes Awav Man Held For Court On Liquor Charge Building Activities—Other News ______ I King, April 15—The Ladies Aid Society of Trinity M. E church met at the home of Mrs- Jennie Pulliam Friday night for the purpose of holding the regular .monthly meeting. Eight members answered to the roll call by repeating a wieripture verse- Five visitors vvere present- A short program was rendered on Spring-time, after which the 16th, 17th and 18th chapters of Job were read and discussed. Next was re ports of ten visits made to the sick during the month- During the social hour Mrs. Pulliam | served delicious refreshments, consisting of pimento sand wiches. coffee and cake- » The society adjourned to meet with Miss Evelyn Snider for the •month of May- Mrs. Roland Lee Stricklen. of Staunton, Va. who before her marriage was Miss Irene Kiser of this place, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs- Edwin Kiser. near here- Augustus T. Edwards, aged eighty-four vears, died ai his home four miles north of here Friday r.-.'.rning at 7 o'clock following a lingering illness with a cc implication of diseases- The deceased is survived by •> sons, Charlie, David and C. T- Edwards, all of King R- F. D No- s. Three daughters are also left to mourn their loss- They ire Mrs. Root- R. Smith, Mi.?- .1 G. Smith and Mrs- Wiley M. Fulk, all of King R F. D'- No- 2. In ./'diiion to the above voveral g>*an(' children also sur vive . the 'vite having preceded him t u the great beyond by about one year. Mr- Edwards had for a great number of years been a faithful member of the Methodist church and was one anvmg our best citi zens- He had a very wide ac quaintance and was liked by all who knew him. He will be greatly missed both in the home and community- The fu lerai service which was in '-barge of Rev. Air- Howell, of Pilot Mt. was conducted 'it Chestnut Grove church Sunday morning at eleven o'clock anu burial fol lowed in the church curret* ry- The eighth R. civics (la.- of the King hijrh school went to Raleigh o"• a sight seeing J'ip SatiP'd'iy. A -uimoer of places of interest in and around Ral- j eigh were visied- The young pe tph were at romnanied on tli«_ trip by the teachers, Misses Dorothy Creveling and Jean Pi. Christy, also several of the parents. The followii. births were registered here week: To M»*. and M-'s- M\i>ut> Stewart, a sen: to Mr. and Mrs. C.rover Helsaluck. a daughter; in Mr Mis M- l'.iuser, a daugh ter; and t> Mr and Mrs- A- F. Collins, a (laughter. Parry GriHu- giv'ng iiis ad dress as Mount Airy, who was :.."c ti;d ' ere Thursday night charged with operating a car while under the influence of liquor, was given a prt limin ary 'neari':;" before Justice of the P-'ace .J- Stedmaii Garner F«idr.y morning- llis case was fent up to the next term of Stoker Si ,eri'ir i mrt and his bond was fi v .cd a*. $1.00.00 which va« arranged and he was ic le\'td. 'lh'r-. was mother man whose iiairu; uot learned in the automobile with him but wher. Deputy Sheriff .tool V. Southern, who made t.ie arrest appeared (.a the s(\»ne, this man leap '■ from the car •ind gave leg bail, making well his escape. Mr- and Mrs. R- Frank Pul liam have returned from High Point, where they spent sever al days with relatives- Thomas S- Petree, of Wins (Continucd on page 4-) HERE IS THE NEW MARRIAGE LAW j i i Most North Carolina Couples Wiil Wed In South Carolina j and Virginia Alter July 1- j j 1 It is the opinion of a great many persons who have been heard to express themselves that after July Ist Virginia and ! South Carolina will get the toll from issuance of marriage li-' censes to North Carolina coup les who are not o- legal age and j who don't care to tell the world just what they are conte: i-' plating in matrimonial matters. 1 Here is the law as passed by the last legislu ire- ' "Section 1- That on and after July 1, one thousand nine hun dred and twenty-nine, applied-, tion for a marriage itcejise shall be li'.'d with the register of deeds at least live days prior to the issuance of such license, giving the names, ages, and ad dresses of the contracting par-' I ties, together with the names of the parent.; or persons i'i loco persons: Provided, that upon the application of either, of the parties to a proposed j marriage the clerk of the su- j perior court of the county in which the license is to be issu- j ed, may upon the satisfactory j evidence being presented to him, or upon the request of the parent or parents or gu \rdian, if any. of the contracting par i ties, bj order authorize the license to be issued at any time befoie the expiration of said lire days. "►lection 2- This act shall not apply to marriages publicly an nounced through the press at least tive days before the pro posed marriage- This act shall not a poly to persons over 21 years >f ;igo. "Sc'.-tioi; «>• All laws aim clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed ' Section 4- This act shall be in fo.c» from and after its ratifi cation." I HON. JOHN R. JONES TO SPEAK i Will Deliver Graduating Ad , dress Tc Pupils Of Meadows High School S-ni:rda\. April 20th- I Hon- John R. Jonos, solicitor ;>f t!i? 17Lh Judicial District, has !;:ndly conseiit'.d to delivj). the gr (iuating address to the ,'upils o" the high school at Meadows on Saturday morning at 11 oVloc!-, April 20th- Mr- Jones, who is a Ino the" ' f Deputy ''oilei tor ('- M- Jones, o'" this county, is a pleasing orator and his address is being looked forward to by the Mead ows people- The speech by Mr. Jones comes as a p.«rt of the closing exercises of the Mead ows school after a most suc cessful year. j The steamships now in the transatlantic tourist traffic touch at fifty ports of Europe. Dan bury, N. C., April 17, 1929. k m. : V ; ... I I j* wt t jii: I ■ ■ s 'T '"'fißF « - I I * ■ isaßL V :jm "llP^lil iK " ' itel ' ' If;* - :¥ REV- F11KI) N- DAY. The ai>ove is a likeness of Evangelist Fred N- Day, of Winston-Salem. to whom tlie people of this community owe thanks foi the erection of u most handsome Missionary Bap tist church in I (anbury. The church is now complete and the dedication services wiii be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with regular peaching services Sunday morning at 11 o'clock- Mr- Day has given weeks of his time and considerable mon ey toward the building of the church here, putting his whole heart into the project- FIRST SERVICE AT BAPTIST CHURCH I)r- Charles Maddry Vv'.ll I'reach j At Now Church Here Sunday Morning Dedication Ser vices At Three O'clock. i On next Sunday we will en ter our new Baptist church for the first service. I)". Chas. K- Maddry, General Secretary No'-th Carolina Baptist State Convention will be with us and pi each at 11 o'clock, and will hfip in the dedication ol' the church at the three o'clock ser vice- I)r- Maddry is one of our * leading ministers, a great | preacher, a great soul- This 'will La great opportunity to hear this noted man- - | At 7:45 Fred N. Day will be gin a reviva' fo 10 days to two weeks. i We want you to come to all of these services. At tho 11:00 o'clock and 8:00 o'clock service we expect to have with lis the Sale.n Brptist Girls quartet :coni' w )set! of Misser Alma llus ' sell, Mildred M«* . Oj *»1 Swaim and Lula Shore. We also : hope to have the Waughtown i Baptist quartet ai 3:00 o'ehek 'At the 3:00 o'clock service \>e expect to read the names of all who have mad* gifts to this i-lvi.ch and tlie amounts j More than one hundred chii-'eher have been visited ami 'un.'s solicited to buil 1 this ciiurd', besides hundreds of in dividuals have made gil'ls from 2c- to over $500.00. Not a pen ny -vas given by any one except .willingly, not a dollar of this • money was made by dinners, suppers or box parties. It is a 1 joy to know that this beautiful house of worship is a gift of love from the people- I i Now if you wish to give something to this church be fore it is dedicated you will have the opportunity to do so any time before the .'{ : 00 o'clock service Sunday afternoon. I do wish everybody in Danbury would make a small donation for your own sake, even if it is very small- Remember you will be welcome whether you give one penny or not. We would rather have you than your money. Wo will be glad to have you make this church your christian home- We want vt i'ybody to worship with us- We want the folks. Wear your oli 1 fashioned split bonnet if you prefer. This church is .for the poor as well as the rich ' "'1 iie rich and the poor meet to get her, the Lord is the maker 'of us all-" Jon t let any one keep you away from this church oil account of your poverty. "We come into this v irld without anything, and it is ertain we can carry nothing out." For near three years 1 hav» worked hard to build a beauti ful and comfortable church for Danbury and the enmity peo- I'lf around it- If you fail to come I shall bo badly disap pointed- Don't you be foolish a.id say that plain is ton ti ev don't want a fellow like ru> mere. Say lolks. "come lhou with us and we will do good." In that day: the (ireat Day you will be glad that you worshipped with us. You have a big welcome here- I hope we shall have a house full; and a yard full next Sunday. Let us have the biggest day for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ J ever held in Danbury. I shall be happy to see you on i 47 KILLED BY CARS IN MARCH ! North Carolina Automobile Drivers Have the World'.-; Record Heat For Carelessness In Operating Cars- Raleigh, April 17-—During the month of March, 47 people were killed and 257 injured in automobile accidents, accord ing to figures compiled by the Motor Vehicle Bureau of the Department of Revenue- These figures represent an increase in fatal accidents, since there were only 33 fatal accidents in February, and 28 in March of last year- Carelessness continues to be the chief cause of auto acci dents in North Carolina. Of the 365 cars involved in the 257 accidents, 342 were in good condition- All of the accidents occurred on good roads. Over half of the accidents occurred ' during daylight hours, 217, happened on dry roads, and 224 in clear weather- Drivers between 25 and 54 ! years of age were involved in 144 accidents, 19 of which were fatal, and 103 drivers between 18 and 24 were involved in 103 j accidents, 22 of which were! fatal- While the experience of 102 drivers is not known, 225 had had more than one year's; experience, and all the drivers involved in fatal accidents had had at least a year's experi-; ence. Drunken drivers were re sponsible for fifteen accidents, five of which were fatal- None of the 12 cases involving hit and-run drivers were fatal- Six accidents occurred because eai s ran away without drivers- For the first time this month, the department kept records of fatal accidents bv counties. Wake .county led with four deaths, and Harnett came sec ond with three tV.tal accidents The twodea.ii eountns were Alamance, Cutawba, Cumber land, Edgecomoe, Mecklenburg and Pitt. Coui.lics with only lone fatal accident during the month were: Buneomb Eurk\ Cabarrus, Caldwell, (a. veU, Columbus, P'avei;, Durham, Forsyth, Gallon, Henderson. Iredell, L» xir, Grange, Ran dolph, Robeson, Kuihen'ord, Stokes, Washington, v'ayne and Wilson- ' Mjotorists' Violations v- ere 1 cla.- st .1 as follows: Speeding, j 17; off roadway 31; did not 'have right way. 31; wrong side of road, 22; ci'itirg in. 12: t.'.it'tl to sig.ial, i., 111 si 'gar.l e;i signal, II; passing ~n hill, 11; side-s .vipi d-, pi. , this day 1 was glad when they said unto me. "l et us go into the house of the Lord " Thanking each ar>d every contributor for the gifis t>> this 'iiuse , Faithfully and lovlrgly yours. FRED N'- DAY. I "The Jeweler Evangelist," Winston-Salem, N- C. No. 2,965 MAY COURT JURORS DRAWN Judge Cameron Mcßae Will I Preside Over Criminal Term Reginning Here On May l.'lth —This Will lie Special Term. On Fiiday the Stokes Hoard of County Commissioners drew the necessary jurors to act during a special term of crim inal court here beginning Mon day, May l.'Jth- The twenty-four men drawn will give the court two com plete travis juries- There will be no grandjury at this special term- The names of those summon ed for duty follow: A- F- Marshall, X- F. Chris tian, J J Spencer, 15- I). Young, Sam Simmons, Robert Bennett. G- J. Moore, R- H- Oakley, J C- Hod.'re, A- ('• Simmons, G- C- Jessup, C R. Hutcherson. W- P. Hall. 11- 15- Wood, N S- Mul iligan. Rector Till ey. N- I)- Prid dy. Charlie C Kiser, T- II I)u;. r - Jgins, N- F- Falkenbury, W. E. |Wright, J- M- H- Flynt, James Martin, J. W- K.'iger. The court lias a heavy docket to dispose of and will norloubt be in sessic-n a full week- State Officials Visited Danbury Today | Col- J- W. Harrelson, diroi *or of the State department of Conservation and Development; |C- II- England, , y taU* Game jWikrdei-; Senator T- G. Tag |gart. director of State Fisher ies; i'at'l Kelly, of the publicity ! department and (apt. I{. T. jstedman, of the Isaac Walton L ague, spent a part of yester day in Stokes on a tour of in- ( sp.ction of the game preserve in this countV' They were well :|»iased with the pros net t lor a i fine game preserve here I Birthday Party Walnut C"\ e, April 15— (Iloma I»i;.'i*ow celebrated his birthday Wednesday afternoon with a p; rty for a number of lis friends They all played ■several game s and had some conteris- Jones Nevvsnm drew ih( prize for pinning Hie tail oil t le mule- and wa:» the 'uckv ore p; the gi'essing contest, it I eing a jar »f eandy. Aflel* the tamis were ovoi iiM'e Misse llriine I'd wards and Opal Mos er served "ike, pickle and cream- The tH !e held as its central (eio":itin tii; * 'ovely w i'u birthday ta':e with its i'.i.iy pii.k iai.i'les- About 10:;J(> .j I bey ;il! li. parted ,'or their h tiH; wishing him r\u:y inopj ha ipv liirthdi'.v s- Mi v .veil Co:eiuan returned home Sunday after spending 1 the week at Winstoii-Salem. | Mr. and Mrs- N. S- Jones, .if Kill j. spent last Wednesday ' wiiii Mr- and Mrs -J A- New sum. j . . C- A- Wagoner, of Dillard, was among the visitor. 1 , here to . day-