DANBURY REPORTER Volume 55. SUPERIOR COURT ! HELD FULL WEEK I Three Capital Cases Are Dis posed Of—Rufe King and John Hairston Found Guilty —AHU® Moser and Jim Stu- 1 art Are Acquitted. ' I' Coming to a close at 2-l't o'clock Sunday morning the special term of Stokes Super ior court, held last week, dis posed of thre e capital cases, in to a number of minor ones. In the case of Rufe King, charged with rape, the jury brought in a verdict on Friday charging t;h e defendant with "assault and attempt to com mit rape" and Judge Cameron Mcßae sentenced King to the State prison for a term of not le*s than four or more than .six years. King's counsel gave notice of appeal but later aban doned this and he will be taken to Raleigh tomorrow by Sheriff Taylor. John Hairston, colored, char ged with murder, was senten ced to a term of not less than ten or more than fifteen year.;,! after counsel on both sides had agreed upon a verdict of murder in the second degree- Hairston was taken to the State prison by Sheriff John Taylor on Tuesday- Alli e Moser, white, and Jim colored, charged /jointly with i*n attempt to burn the residence of Will Briggs, near King, were found not guilty by the jury, after .being tried for their lives. I Will Chapman, tried and found guilty on a charg e ot' larcency, was sent to Durham county roads for four months- Sheriff Taylor carried him to Durham Tuesday- John Privett, aged 59 amf charged with fornication and adultery, was found guilty and given six month s in the county jail, the county commissioners being given authority to hire him out- Although the court held a full week it is stated that the docket was far from being fini shed- Claud Tucker, assaulting Shores Hall, paid the cost in the case- Wealth of State Decreased In 1927-28 Raleigh, May 19—Corporate wealth in North Carolina de creased alnjjst ten millions of dollars in valuaion from 1927 to 1928, decreases having been shown in 72 of the 100 coun ties, of which only 28 showed gains, according to figures compiled in the officg of Leroy Martin, executive secretary of th e State Board of Equiliza tion, from figures in tlie office of the Department of Revenue. Walnut Cove Won Over Danbury Saturday Walnut Cove defeated Dan bury 13 to 11 in a gam e of bali Saturday afternoon * PROSPECT GOOD FOR FARM AGENT j Stokes Commissioners Said To Look Favorably On Proposi tion—State Will Pay Half; 1 Of Salary. j ; A large number of the citi zens have been heard to ex press themselves as favoring the employment of a farm de # » monstrator since the matter came up at a recent meeting of the board, and it is s aid that the members of the board look favorably on the proportion, since the State will pay haif the salary of such a man if the application is received before the Sfcate'ti funds for this purpose are exhausted- A good number of the coun ties of the State are taking advantage of this offer and it is proving a great hefc to farnling in those counties. It has been estimated, as mentioned previously in this paper, that half the salary of a good man would not cost more than an average of 10c -1 per man, and no special tax would be necessary, as the haif salary could be paid out of the general funds of the county. I The benefits that would j come from the employment of » a good demonstrator would bo considerable, and without r» doubt would result in more diversification of crops, larger yields per acr e and many other improvements in agricxiltuils ■ I Already, since the question, of employing a demonstrator has come up, one prominent citizen 'Stated here last week that if the commissioners would employ a man he would ' take it on himself to solicit ' funds from business men and offer prizes to those farmers, making the best yields, etc- I Madison Man Is Claimed By Death j ! Madison, May 22.—Nat M- Pickett, one of the most promi nent business men of this town and section, died suddenly today at 12:30 o'clock, being stricken with a heart attack on the street, and death followed in a few minutes. ' Mr- Pickett had been in his usual health, apparently, and had just started home when stricken. Mr- Pickett held large real estate holdings in Rockingham county and also Winston-Salem- Man Found Dead Not Bufort Rhodes I - , W. E- Rhodes, of Stokes had a message last week from Charleston, \V- Va-, stating that a young man had been found dead there which filled the de scription of his son Bufort, who had been gone from some time- After conferring with the officials at Charleston i« was found that the body wo* not that of young Rhodeb. I Danbury, N C., May 22, 1929 CARS KILLED 73 DURING APRIL I j Only 44 Were Killed In April 1928 In State—Accidents Are Increasing. Automobile accidents caused ; 73 deaths in N- Carolina last month in comparison with 44 during April 1928, according to a report just issued by the motor vehicle bureau of the i State Department of Revenue. April fatalities- brought the total number for the year to . 196- The toll for the first three months, an average of 1.3 per i soils killed per day, was con- ( siderablv below the April record ; which shows 2-3 persons killed ; in the state each day through | automobile accidents. In addition to those killed, there were 369 injured. Nine teen pedestrians were killed, and 41 injured; 20 deaths re-! suited from automobile collis-j ions with a horse-drawn ve- j hide, and 10 from collisions; with trains- There were 19' deaths resulting from non-col- J lisions with fixed objects, and on e from a collision with a bi cycle. Tallest Building In The World j Plans are underway for the' construction of the world's' tallest building, a 75-story AructuHe |o be eifccted in Chicago to house the general offices of the Illinois Central railroad and the Cran e Manu facturing con f.>any- I ! The building, to be known as the Crane Tower, will rise 1,022 feet, tihirty-ejght, feet higher than the top of Eiffel Tower in Paris- The date for the start of construction has not yet been announced- In addition to being the tal lest structure ever erected by man, it will be the world's • largest office building, contain ing 3,500,000 feet of space- Among the outstanding fea tures of the edifice as announ ced is a 1,000 automobile gar age for tenants; a lirst floor bank, a convention hall, sev eral smaller conference halls, a 104,000 feet exhibition col iseum, tenants' club, grills, restaurants, turkish baths and a gymnasium- The building i s to be con structed of stone, with the ex ception of the crownng stories which will be of gold terra cotta- Financing will involve issu ance of $26,000,000 in lease hold bonds and stock- 120 Gallons Beer Poured Out Yesterday Sheriff John Taylor anil Deputy Berkley poured out 120 gallons of beer near Meadows yesterday. The still was not found- i A tennis court is being con structed in the rear of th ( . Danbury Methodist Church hero this week for th e benefit Jof th* young people- I PROGRAM FOR LIBRARY BENEFIT, i To Be Presented In Danbury School Auditorium Friday Night Of This Week- I I The library committee of the Fine Arts Club will pre sent a miscellaneous program in the school auditorium for the benefit of the Danbury Public Library on Friday eve ning, May 24th at 7:30 o'clock A small admission price of 10 and 20 cents will be charged- An added attraction of the event will be a seven-peice or chestra from Winston-Salem to furnish music for the occa j sion- The program for the event follows: , jMusfc- Welcome. I Ctyorus—'"Floating With the I Tide " | | Song- i j Hawaiian Moonlight- Music • Drill—"Daring Maids" ! Solo. I I Mr- Clock. Music- Chorus—" Ole Man River" jMclver Is Not i I Stokes County Youth I The following item in regard to the trial this week of John: Henry Mclver states that he is a Stokes county boy- This is an error, according to the belief of citizens here, who state that Mclver is not a former citizen of this county, i Yadkinville, May 20—The trial of John Henry Mclver, Stokes county youth, formerly of Win.4ton-Salem, on a charge of murder in connection with the death of Claude Jones, , Iveaksvi|',e -Spray automobile dealer on October 4, last, will get under way tomorrow morning, State's Solfcitoi John R- Jones announced to day. A special venire of 75 is being summoned today by Sheriff C- E- Moxley, and from this number will be selected a jury to sit upon the case- I The Fjtate's prosecution an nounced that a first degree verdict will be sought- Mclver has been in jail here since he I . was arrested in a Mississippi town some weeks after the killing of Jones- Since the article above was printed Mclver ha 9 been found guilty of murder in the second degree and sentenced to thirty years in the State prison. John Southern's Mind Is Affected John Southern, of the Mead ows community, Was arrested on a warrant by Sheriff John Taylor yesterday at his home and brought here to jail. Southern has apparently lost his mind and had been making numerous threats of violence- He will be held in jail here and unless his condition improves will be sent to the State hos • . , { pited' 1 ——— V . v —— FOUR BL TO DEATH IN HOME Explosion Of Oil Stove Almost Wipes Out Family Near Bas- | sett. Martinsville, May 22—Mrs- Holman Spencer and her three children, Hilda, age 12, May, 5* and Juanita, 3 year s old, were burned to death about 8 o'clock this morning when a kerosine cook stove in their hom e ex ploded trapping them, the home being completely destroy ed- The"family with the father resided on a tract of land ad joining Bassett Golf course, seven miles north of Martins ville where they oj»e rated a ]>oultrv farm- Neighbors were unable to rescue any one except ;the mother. Children's bodies were mass of charred ruins when extracted from ashes af ter fire. Mrs. Spencer was taken , from fire in midst of blaze, in a critical condition and lived but a few minutes- Mrs- Siwn- I ]cer was getting breakfast while her husband was out in the | yard attending duties when the I explosion occurred- The Spencer family occupied a small four room, two-story structure, i The family came to this coun try four years ago from West Virginia- Remains of three children will be placed in one coftin while mother will occupy another. Guilford Battleground Celebration. wwi»igfU3gm» nw Joseph M- Dixon, assistant Secretary of the interior has accepted the invitation to mfike a patriotic address at the 4th of July celebration at Guilford battleground, near Greensboro. The Loyal Order of Moose will have charge of the program- Mr- Dixon is a native of Ala i mance county, a former gov ernor and senator from his adopted State, Montana- I • First Car Load i Of Georgia Peaches i , . The first car load of Georgia peaches passed through j Greensboro, Thursday bein« handled by the Southern Rail way. They were from Fort Val . ley Ga., the heart of the Geor gia peach district- Thi s car is Jhree weeks earlier than the first car of peaches last year j and i s considerably earlier than j the average tim*. of the first car of peache a shipped in the proceeding eight yeails. i The State Farmers' Con von- 1 tion will be held at State Col lege during the week of July . 22 to 26- Every county is in -1 v'ited to send a delegation of i its leading fanners and farm. > wortfen. ■ i t O A Wright; of Forsyth county says that vetch is one of the cheapest fertilizers for j com that he can He is ( plowing under a heavy growth ! this f>r such a pur pow' ;m .. No. 2,970 KING MAN WITH ROAD PATROL I ' Goes To Morehead City To Take Training—Revival At Christian Church—Personal Items- Kng, May 20.—Cleet Riser of this plain- has accepted a position with the state as road patrolman and left Sunday for MoTehead City where he will take a two weeks training courf.-e. Albert Petre? and daughter of Cincinnati, Ohio are spending a few days with relatives here. Mr. Petree who holds a position with th.; Norfolk and Western Railway as locomotive engineer, has been in Ohio for about 2. r > years. He wis reared in this section. The closing exercises of the King high school were g »od :vni larg'.' crowds attendel all through. The following births were regis tered here la»t week: to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tuttle, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Lane, a daugh ter, to Mr. and Mrs. William Tuttle, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Grady Col lins a daughter and to Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Browder, a daughter. Dr. and Ml*. Grady E. Stone have returned from a trip to Ashe ville and other places in the west ern part of the state. Herman N'ewsum left Friday for Toledo, Ohio where he goes to ac cept a position. David Calloway of Mt Airy spent the week-end with his father, T. F. Calloway who resides near here. The King high school baseball team crossed bats with the Kerners \ille highs on the King diamond Saturday resulting in a score of a to 3 in favor of the home. team. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Pulliam of Randolph county spent Sunday here ■ the guests of relatives. Mr. Pulliam formerly Tesided here. ; Mr. and Mrs. S. R Kiser of Win ston-Salem spent Sunday with rela tives here. | Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Craven, of Coal Ridge were among the visitor# t here Sunday • Revival services will begun at King Christian Church Sunday MaJ* 27th. Rev. J. T. Saunders will con j duct the meetings. Song service will \ begin each evening at 7:45. 1 A Touching Appeal ; i I note, sav s William Stokes, _ l he following appeal for charity in the current local bulletin of the Business and Professional Women's club. 1 Th t » kiss—of no use to one, Yet absolute bliss for two- The small boy gets it for n nothing i The young man has to steal it. £ The old man has to buy it- The lover's privilege -1 The baby's right- The hypocrite's mask s The married nv»n's duty, e To a married woman—Hope, r To a young girl—Faith i To an old maid—Charity t Baker Reunion There will bo a Baker re union it Mr. Wilt?y 0« Bcikcr's honje at Mtn- \ iew the second Sunday in June. Want every body to come and bring a full basket. A survey of Catawba county shows 61 scrub bulls and 93 pure breds in the county. Be ginning with the first week in May, an interfsive campaign .will be made to eliminate the 61 scrub aninjals and replace k them with pure breds. ' • •• . - .a