PAGE FOUR THE DANBURY REPORT E R " N E. AND E. I*. I'EPPER. Editors and Owners. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY j WEDNESDAY. JULY 24. 1929. I Side-stepping: the Bill Collectors. ( The thin* that counts is no, so much the size»f the dog taj the ftKht. as the size of the light in the do*. The " ,11 !( , business man in a certain North Carol,na cty who one ; j,v reeentlv. because his 1. O. U.'s were becoming su numerou- ( and weighty, went up to his ~fflee and took a 38-cahber ~.11 behind his left temple. He couldn't stand the strain. us !«'. , (Uow not at all a good sport. The modern way ,„ s.tua- , „f the kind, is to pass the buck. the creditors d. the worrying, while you go to the show. If the ding-dong ot a,- „ r-urs becomes too monotonous, buy a new ear. t „ would be against public policy for everylnaly who owes „ monevs. and won't pay. to shoot himself. The H» I Hours are already too rich. And then .here would be so manv,, funerals in the land, that the undertakers couldn't handle t>,- , i business. But we know of no effective way in which to relieve this , annoying stringency, unless it he to call a general convention ; c and let everybody agree to a mutual settlement. It would { probably take but little currency to wipe out the nation's debt ~ It is of course entirely appropriate to use a gun when the f financial skies are murky, and you can see no way to see the s sun shine, but always use it on the fellow who owes you. and,, not on yourself. A coward deserts the field when the barrage begins to play around him. but the master of the Ron Homiej, Hichard stays on when he has nothing but a deck Kit. and ~ sti-ndvg at an angle of 4*> degrees. p There are two important theories connected with our \as, ■ !• d intricate economical system. One holds* th.u it imjnp-i t( i ver get in debt, while the other holds it is proper : never J:-1 out. Each - t thest schools ef thought have thtir e..c:;..-. « i* this s:id world, ami business, credit, int• >t. ;!> — e»—"• I A vers, banks and graveyards flourish t. them. Helping the Tenant Farmer. *.V notice that the Department of Agriculture at U a>V....g -♦ i»- interesting itself in the condition of the tenant V;nr. will study methods ~1' making lhing conditions m«>rt attttu t .» will investigate tht tauses ot crop taiiui\s. t;'• * >iippies>- i' ; of pests that injure crops, tin* remedy tor diseases. the Ust methods of agriculture, and so on. and so on. While the government is investigating the conditions that t surround the tenant, and instituting methods to make life more) ■ /.tractive and profitable for him. many people would like for; trie- Department to not forget the poor landlord, either, and' ,ee if there is any method by which he can pay his taxes. Also, create a commission ot some kind to inquire into wa,v> and j r,-.tans of cleaning up branch bottoms, and arresting the en-' croachments of briar patches. Find out if there are ways to tc a chopping without riding in an automobile, and revive the j lest art of felling firewood. Getting as much wheat back as he j i. rnished for seed, and how to pluck suckers in time to prevent j •rophy. Recovering a 2-year old feed bill, and how to prevent j hold-ups in June, and how to keep the house on the land when , moving time comes around. The researches of the Department of Agriculture will be i i ;*.vvaited with much interest. People Are So Ungrateful. The writer of news heads on the (Jreensborc Daiiy Ntws has; I.'- city of Elk in located in Stokes county. The esteemed Elkin Triouni should take immediate steps to see that nothing I'.ke th'- ever happens again.—Mount Airy News. Next tirn« the' writ v> f news heads on the Cireens! -. i\ D;.::y \vs wants ti cast compliments. let him t e meire careful wheit hi strews them. Prohibition Agent Denies Charges i The office (if Prohibition Commissioner Doran. at Wash ington. has received a report from North Carolina regarding the suspension of John S. Funk, enforcement officer in the middle district. Special examiners will he asked to re port on the charges filed against the agent and it will then be determined whether he will be restored or permanently sep arated from the service which he entered in 1922. Mr. Funk is charged with falsifying his expense account, charging against the govern ment expenses he did not ac tually incur and with conduct unbecoming an officer. Funk, who is in Givcnsnr ro. when apprised of the charges j filed in Washington, for falsi fying his expense account, says this is the first time he has' heard that charge against him j and denies this as well as any j others preferred against him., He says that he has a numberj of affidavits which will be for warded to Washington in his \ defense. Farm Machinery For Sale At Real Bargain We have 2 wheat drills, one mowing machine and one cut away harrow for sale at real bargains. Machines used but in good condition. See us if inter ested. PEPPER BROS., Danbury, N. C. THE DANBURY REPORTER Sandy Ridge Sandy Ridge, July 21.—Thej ( people of this section will soon, be ready to prime tobacco. Mrs. Harvey Wilkins un derwent an operation at the Greensboro hospital. Mrs. John Fry and children, of Lawsonville. visited at Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kington's Sun day. Mrs. K. 1. Ward is spending the week-end with her daugh ter. Mrs. Jennie Nunn. Misses Mae and Belle Dunlan spent Sunday with Misses Myr tle and Annie Nunn. of Madi- . son. Mr. Turner Mitchell, of High ■ Point. Visited at Mrs. Walret Kington's Sunday. , There was a birhtday dinner at Mr. Richard Carter's Sun day with a large crowd being present. Mr. Jimmic Nunn and two sons and Mr. J. G. Dun lap and son took a trip to Virginia Sunday. Mr. Sam Ward primed a barn of tobacco the past week. Mr. Miller Wilkins and Mr. Walter Kington took a trip to Forsyth Sunday. Power on the Farm siverai year? the eltv :ri. industry ha- been engage! i:. linking transmission lino *.gi tiler anil ab.-orbing s-mali piants in great intern!:- r.evted systems. 'l i.e resuit .. jkw era ij. rural i.nd Tht i; rger the producing it. the smaller is the cost and the greater the efficiency. The expense and waste connected | with the operation of small i plants made rural elect rifica r Ition impossible. Now great I power systems with wires em ! bracing hundreds of communi 'ties. employ their tremendous ; facilities to provide farm and | village with the same high | type, economical electric ser jvice enjoyed in the great cities. l'rofessor E. A. Stewart, a I well-known agricultural engi neer. estimates that by 1950 1 no more farm workers will be . ! needed to provide food for a population of 150 millions than | were needed to feed 25 millions ' ir. Power on tin farm will gi vi each worker six times his former production u.paci- Ity. The farm is on the verge of a great economic ,'.i:d s. cial i t vi.lution. Cigarette butts cartli ssly east, aside or thrown from auto mobiles. campfjres made im properly or left smoldering, j matches dropped in the grass ;—these are the causes of ir | reparable damage and costly I fire lighting. j "It would be a great mistake to suppose that we can con tinue our national prosperity with the attendant blessings which it confers upon the peo ple unless we continue to insist '.upon constructive economy jr government." Calvin Cool- I idge. •J After two years of prepar . ation, William C. Winstead, call club member of Person County, began shipping cream from hi> : eight cows last week. For Sale. 1 1 One Ford car with a piston | ring, ■ Two rear wheels and one front j spring, Has no fenders, seat made of plank. Burns lots gas, darn hard to 1 crank. Carbureter busted half way j thru. Engine a-missing. hits on two; Three vears old and four in the t spring. Has shock absorber 'nevery i thing. Ten spokes missing, front axle bent. Tires all punctured, not wortn a cent; Get 'er started, it'll run like I' the deuce. It will burn either oil or tobac- 1 ' |1 co .111 ice, If you want this car apply i within. It's a helluvagood Ford for thoj 1 shape it's in. ■' —Jefferson Herald.;' i RELIABIjE DEALER WANT-1 ui to handle H I tiling Pr~ dmis in Stokes county. Ex cellent opportunity for the right man. Earnings of sso* weekly. Write for free cata li g'.r . G. r. HEBERLING C 0..! Dept. 1 ( JC. Bloomington. 111. iT.iulyJw I F'. 'R SAIL— We have some i xce::it f:.»:ns i:: Guilford a!:>; K:;!lio!|:h eour.tes for sale, j Good level land suitable for J !ohaei\ Car. give terms.' Write CITY AND SUBURBAN REALTY CO.. 20:* Carlton Rldg., Greensboro. N. ('. jy3t3 NOTICE. ! FOR SALE OR RENT to men j with stock and tools: Two' I four horse farms. 1 three-horse J farm. 2 two-horse farms. Fine tobacco and general farm lands. Good schools. A. G. MARTIN, 24july4t Carthage. N. C. ] 100000000000000000 9 £| !o \\ o \ o 1 ; y | 0 /j o' 0 vi lE® \ r. 1 || !l ! X ARE SOLID LEATHER, o i 0 > 9 Made to stand wear. They 9 v are stylish, made in the 9 0 latest styles and all the 0 X new leathers. We guar- 6 $ antee them. Try a pair X . 5 next tirm and notice the diffirtnee. They cost no £ M more than just ordinary 9 shoes. 9 * X 9 X ~9 'X Shore Mercantile o j, 0 Co., Inc., jj '• $ Shoe Dept., King, N. C. $ «t 3 VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO« Mad-Dog: Menace Has Again Come To Leaksville-Spray The mad dog menace has I again come to Leaksville-Spray. I In spite of continued warnings j of the health authorities a number of dogs have been permitted to run at large with out muzzles. During the past week or tw*i a large number of persons have been bitten by mad dogs and these have had to take the pas teur treatment to avoid serious consequences. Among those who have been bitten are the son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hail ey. ol Leaksville ;t he son oi' a Mr. and Mrs. Shumate; the small child of Mr. and Mrs. Self Jones, of Spray, and Mr. and Mrs. Cuddy.— Rei|dsville Review. The sole test for any law is whether it protects society and punishes or reforms the crim inal. C If you have any of the following symptom* I have the remedy no matter what your trouble has been diagnosed: Nervousness. ; stomach trouble, loss of weight, loss of sleep, sore mouth, pains in the back and shoulders, M peculiar swimming in the head frothy like v W phlegm in throat, passing mucous from the i f?-JZZ' % bowels, especially after taking purgative, burn ed J itig feet, brown, rough or yellow skin, burning nr ■(''hing skin. rash 011 tlic Imnds, fare and arms resembling sunburn. habitual constipation, I Vi'' J ■:' (sometimes alternating with diarrhoea) cop|ter 1 X. Vw or metallic taste, skin sensative to sunheat. forget \f. fulness. despondency and thoughts thai V •' l you might lose your mind, gums a fiery red and >, W falling away from the teeth, general weakness y sick. I especially want you to write for my booklet. I Mr*. .1. I). C.olleii, Route No. I. High Point,N. C.,. Jjgg whise picture appears here, writes: "During the ba. I winter of l ( »27-2!i I took your treatments, and lam ifijflk' / | glad to say that my family doctor says 1 have no j g||H||- symptoms now. I look, feel, and am adifferent Ipl'v person altogether. I cannot thank you and your F(»K FREE DIAGNOSIS AND TdK^ WRITE: W. C. Rountrec, M. D.. Austin, Texas. MRS. J. D. tOLLtTI [ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo- ' 0 V o Greensboro Nursery and Stock Farm o ; o GREENSBORO, N. C. a ? 0 X llt-autiful Shetland Ponies. 0 0 0 0 Fruit Trees and Ornamental Shrubbery in season. 0 i$ ' 0 10 0 £ John A. Young & Sons, Owners, > 0 Greensboro. N. C. IGjulytf & ;o ' 0 1 VX>ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo _ ■oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OOOC X ■0 GLADE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL o c o IC HOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 0 i V 0 C Standard Hitfh School Courses, with specials. £ Bible. Music. Domestic Art and Science. ; 0 State Accredited 0 C 0 £ Careful Oversight of Students. q 9 Patronized by leading citizens of Stokes. 0 0 EXPERIENCED FACULTY. 0 0 A j () Only si;;s.OO for vear-Self-Help for limited number. a •tO 6 Address: E. R. ELDRIDGE. Supt.. Glade Valley, N. C. % 0 County. 0 'X m 0 $0 > ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ' [ I 0000000000000000000000000000000000 >\i i Jo X | 0 THE TOBACCO FLUE SEASON 1 > 0 X 11 IS NOW HERE. 5 We are prepared to fill your orders. | l\t We appreciate your business. $ I $ 6 a Prices are reasonable. 0 * X v A 0 ? A V o Piedmont Hardware Company. Inc., £ » 0 King, North Carolina. | > I Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo> WEDNESDAY, JULY 24. 192 V Scotland county farmers arfe having a hard time finding seed with which to plant their stub | ble lands. I 00000000000000000 || 0 6 0 '% I I 16 LATEST o X 0 £ STYLES | $ o $ -IN- o 6 0 FOOTWEAR o X o X o £ Just Received, o x 0 1 o X 0 X 0 X 0 t 0 I The loyles Co., i| King, N. C. I £ o X o X o 0 0 ooc*oooooooooooooo

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