WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1929 LDEftL« MS The premium list for the Mt. Airy fair has just come from the press and is a very liberal one. The Mt. Airy fair will open Tuesday, Sept. 17th, and run five full days. Rockingham county's forty odd school buses are undergo ing repairs and being put in fit condition for the opening of the schools in October. No fatalities have been recorded in Rockingham since the schoo\ buses were inaugurated there. One of the State highway patrolmen visited Danbury Saturday afternoon and several owners had their attention call ed to infractions of the automo bile law. Licenses were taken from several small passenger cars that had beds on them and were being used as trucks. The owners were instructed to buy delivery car licenses before us ing the trucks any more. W. R. Stovall. road supervis or in Snow Creek township, has 1 een suffering several days with blood poisoning in one of his hands, but is improving at this time. Mrs. L. J. Young was taken suddenly il! on Saturday and has been confined to her home, 1-iit is improving. Mrs. E. P. Pepper and chil dren. Fred. Emorie and Julia spent a few days the past week at Walnut Cove with relatives. Mrs. S. ('. Rierson. Misses Claude and Estelle Rierson were visitors in Danbury Sun day. Misses Luna Taylor and Janie Martin, who have lieen attending summer school at N. C. C. W. have returned home. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Morefield and adopted son, Joe Martin, and Robert Sisk have returned from an extended trip north. Thurman Martin returned Friday from a visit to his wife at Wrightsville Beach. Mrs. Martin is spending the summer with her mother. Frances Martin has accepted a position at Kernersville. Mrs. W. O. Petree and chil dren and Easle.v Joyce spent Saturday at Martinsville, Va. attending the celebration of the road opening. James K. Joyce is the champ 'o. snake killer of this com munity. On last Friday he kill ed twenty-nine snakes about two miles from town. Little Miss Angela Taylor was confined to her home with sore throat the latter part of | the past week. Mrs. Charles Joyce and son, Dick, of Winston-Salem, spent several days the past week at Piedmont Springs. Miss Mattie Sue Taylor, who is attending summer school at Guilford College, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. S. Taylor, at Piedmont Springs. She had as her guest Miss Elizabeth Tucker, of Char lotte. Rev. J. F. Manuel, pastor, will begin a protracted meeting at Bethel Baptist church next Sunday July 28. at eight o'clock. Everybody invited. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Earley Smith, of Danbury Route 1, spent last week at Wrightsville Beach. t .1. w Miss Flora Jones, of Walnut 3ove, spent the past week here jvith Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Jones. Sheriff John Taylor has about recovered from an illness with tonsilitis. Mrs. D. M. Pyrtle is spending u>me time with her parents in IVinston-Salem. Miss Mildred Perkins, of Selma, is the guest this .week >f Miss Mary Martin. Miss Martin spent last week in Win *ton-Salem visiting Miss Nan nie Dodson. Miss Elizabeth Martin left Fuesday to spend some time Bethania with relatives. The swimming pool at Pied mont Springs is expected to be completed this week. Pinnacle Route 2 Pinnacle, July 22.—The re vival services which have been in progress at Brim's Grove for the last week closed Sunday morning. The sermons by Rev. Frank Swanson have been greatly enjoyed by the large attendance. As a result of the meetings pastor Burrows re ceived into the church three new members. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. King, of Winston-Salem, visited Mr. and Mrs. K. J. King Sunday. Miss Farrow Snider visited Miss Avolene Boyles Monday afternoon. A very interesting game >i' hall was played Sai • 'ay after noon by Pinnacle and the Min gol Box Co.. of Winston-Salem, on the Pinnacle diamond, re sulting in a score of seven to eight in favor of the home team. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Boyles, of Pinnacle Route 2, and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mayhew, of Rural Hall, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cordon Sunday. Rev. A. R. Phillips began a revival at Olive Grove Sunday evening which was well attend ed in spite of the rain. Ser vices are to continue through the week. Miss Ella Mae Boyles. who has been ill for sometime, is slightly improving, her many friends will be glad to learn. Miss Avolene Boyles spent the week-end with Miss Farrow Snider. People of this section haw a fairly good crop of tobacco which they are beginning tn take care of. Mr. and Mrs. (). L. Snider visited Mr. Snider's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Snider, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mabe, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mabe at tended a communion meeting at Walnut Cove Primitive Bap tist church Sunday and report ed a large crowd. Wheat threshing in this com munity is on and the grain is turning out better than was ex pected by most farmers. Misses Lela Durham Mabe and Addie Hill spent the week end with Misses Vera and Jose phine Tilley. Flat Shoal Defeats Meadows The Flat Shoal base ball team defeated the Meadows team Saturday 8 to 0. Renew Your Subscription today. Do it NOW. THE DANBURY REPORTER TWO MEN TAKEN AT STILL MONDAY Sixty Gallon Copper Vessel and Eight Stands Of Beer Cap tured By Prohibition Agents. Sam Wilson and Dolphus Jones, both colored, were ar rested at a still Monday four miles north of Walnut Cove by Prohibition Agents Kennedy and Detter. The plant was in operation when found and the men made n> effort to escape. The still was of about 60 gallon capacity and eight stands of beer were found at the place. Wilson and Jones were brought here before U. S. Com missioner N. A. Martin who fixed their bonds at $5OO each. Both men are in Stokes jail. News and Personal Items From King King, July 22. —The Iridic?' Aid Society of King Moravian church met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. S. W. Pulliam with fourteen members and two vsitors, Mesdames J. M. Southern and John Hill Whar ton present. After a brief business session interesting- talks on missions were made by Mesdames Southern and Wharton. The next meeting wiil be held at the home of Mrs. J. F. Stone on west Main street. The hostess assised by Mesdames Helsa bcck and Newsum served a delicious salad course. The society would be glad to serve a supper for a Sunday- School class from some huich. Mis.- Ruth Stevens, of Hurham. N pending a few days here 'he guest ,C Mrs. ". A. White. Mr. and Mrs. 11 rover I'ulliam, Rev. P. 11. New.-uni and Miss Annie XeW: uni .-pent Sunday with friends ill Reidsville. Nathaniel Spainhower. who re sides just east of town has the dis tinction i f having cured the first barn of tobacco in this section. He made a very good cure. Miss Thelma Newsum has return ed to her home here after spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Clari-e Tuttle, at Rural Hall. A very interesting game of ball was played here Saturday between the Red Gose team of King and the Pinnacle Sluggers resulting in a score of five t-> four in favor of the home team. Rev. oseph Hall. of Westfield, tilled his regular appointment at th" First Baptist chursh Sunday mf>rn ing at eleven o'clock. Mr. Ruskin Holder wishes to thank the neighbors and friends for their assistance and sympathy during the illness and death of Mrs. Holder. Vester Moran, of Valdosta, G%. is spending his vacation with rela tivse and friends here. Mr. Moran holds a position as manager of the F. W. Woolth store at Valdosta. I am requesed to correct an error which appeared in the King news letter in last week's Reporter. The Sprinkle reunion will lie held at the home of John Bennett Sprinkle near Mount Pleasant church the third Sunday in August instead of th.- second Sunday as previously pub lished. Fverybody cordially invited to attend and bring well tilled bas kets. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Rail, who re fide on De|x>t Street, are the glad parents of a new baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. (J. H. Wilson, of CJermanton, were among the visitors here Sunday. This section was visited by a heavy rain and wind storm Thurs day which did considerable damage to the corn and tobacco crop. Paul Ashbum, of Winston-Salem, is spending a few days here the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Grady F. Stone. Rev. J. R. Jenkins, the pastor, is lieing assisted by Rev. Mr. Pratt, of Rural Hall, in a series of meetings which aTe being held at Trinity Methodist church just west of town. The King Christian Sunday School went on a picnic to James' Park Friday. There were about fifty in the party and it was a very enjoyable occasion for all who attended. The King - Tigers took one away from the Brown and Williamson team on the King diamond Saturday. The score stood nin« to five. Ollie F. Pulliam and family, ef Winston-Salem, spent Sunday with r« latives here. Renew Your Subscription today. Po it NOW. News and Personals Of Lawsonville Lawsonville, July 22. We are having plenty of rain at present and the crops are look ing fine. Misses Elizabeth Moore and Mattie Lou Barker, who have been spending sometime at Lawsonville and Sandy Ridgo visiting friends, have returned to their home in Niekelsville, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson spent Thursday night in High Point visiting relatives. Carlos Priddv called on Miss Rona Rhodes Sunday afternoon. Those visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Wood Tuesday night were Misses Elizabeth Moore, Mattie Ix>u Barker, and Lucy Spencer, and Messrs. Leone Dillon, Goffrev Smith. Lindsay Hawkins, Ern est and Reid Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Spencer -spent the day Sunday with their son. Mr. J. H. Spencer. Miss Ruby Shelton, Messrs. Forest Spencer, Vester Rhodes, Roy Shelton, Carl Ray Flint-h -um and Jewel Mabe visited Misses Blanche and Gladys Wood Sunday. Miss Lucy Spencer visited Miss Ruth Lawrence Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Steele spent Sunday with Mrs. Steele's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith. An ice cream supper was given at Mr. Carl Mabe's store Saturday night. A large crowd attended and everyone had ;i jolly time. Mr. and Mrs. Davie Steele and family and Mr. Troy Shel ton visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shelton Sunday. Meadows- Dan bury S. S. Convention Written for the Reporter. The township convention, comprising Meadows and Dan bury townships, met at Pal myra church at 10:30 A. M., N. O. Tedder, president, presid ing. The convention opened with i a song, "Stand Up for Jesus." after which Rev. J. W. Camp bell led the devotional service Following the devotional, the Palmyra Sunday School gave ;i very fine program, consisting of songs, recitations, drills, and other interesting numbers. Following the program. Rev J. W. Campbell delivered a speech on the "Activity of the Sunday School Work." The attendance record was good, there being in all about 200 people attending the con vention. Out of eight Sunday Schools in this township groupe, five schools were rep resented. A committee appointed by the president, composed of J. S. Chapman. G. Ross Meadows, Will Crews, and J. B. Greene, reported the next convention to be held at Peniel Holiness church on the second Saturday in July 1930. The convention then accept ed the resignation of the presi dent and elected in his stead Mr. Doss Bowles, president; Mr. M. O. Jones, Danbury, was appointed secretary. - ~+- - i ■ i .i Renew Your Subai ripticn today. Do it NOW. Stokes Boys Going To State College Stedman Mitchell and Louis Trevathan. of Walnut Cove, will represent Stokes county at the Boys and Girls 4-H Club Short Course to be held at Raleigh during the week of July 29th to August 3rd. Louis Trevathan will represent this county in the Health Pageant to be staged by 4-H Club boys ;ind girls at State College dur ing the week of the Short Course. Louis and Stedman are both members of the Stokes county Calf flub now beinyr organized. Other boys and girls may join this week and have an opportunity to go to Raleigh next week. All boys and girls who wish to take this trip should write to me at once, as 1 will arrange all the details of the trip. No boy or girl can take this trip until they have enrolled in the 4-H Club, as this Short Course is intended for 4-H Club members only. Make applications* for enroll ment now, so you will have an opportunity to go to Raleigh. The cost is very low. The en tire cost for board and trans portation to and from Raleigh will not exceed $lO. All boys and girls at the Short Course will be under the supervision and discipline of county and home demonstration agmts. Those from Stokes county will be respnnsil le t> me for good behaviour. Satisfactory ;tr rangements can be made tor girls as well as for boys. J. E. TREVATHAN. County Agent. Walnut Cove Items Walnut Cove, July 23.—Rov E. Mitchell left for New Port News Saturday. Mrs. John W. Martin was the week-end guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Mitchell, of Relew's Creek. Misses Annie and Ruth Car ter spent Sunday with Miss Lela Martin. Misses Blanche and Laura |Martin and Mr. Paul Morgan j were the guests of Miss Elma | Welch Sunday. Messrs. John and George -Martin spent Sunday with their sister. .Mrs. Charles 1). Martin. Mr. Earlie Flinchum has ac cepted a position with the Wal nut Cove Motor Co. Messrs. Arthur .Johnson. Joseph Fulp and Joe Neal. of M alnut ( ove Route 2. and John Brim, Robert Morefield and Wil liam Sands, of this place, are spending a few weeks in Colum bia, S. C., with the National Guard troop of Madison. There will be a law n party at Fulp's Moravian church Satur day night, July 27th. by the young people's class and the ladies auxiliary. Everybody is invited to come. Young's Reunion To Be At Salem Chapel July 28 Young's reunion will be held at Salem Chapel church located in the Dennis section about 15 miles from Walnut Cove, Sun day, July 28. On that day Mr. Young will celebrate his birthday anniveisary. Friends and relatives are cordially in cited to come and bring well tilled baskets. PAGE FIVE Appointments For Methodist Church Ist Sunday—Bethesda 11 a. m.; Pine Hall 3 p. m-; Forest Chapel 8:00 p. m. 2nd Sunday—Davis Chapel 11 a- m.: Vade Mecum 3 p- m.; Danbury B=oo p. m. 3rd Sunday—Pine Hall 11 a m.: Forest Chapel 3 p- m.: Be thesda 7:30 p- m -4th Sunday— Danbury 11 a. m : Vade Mecum 3p. m-; Davis Chapel 7 p. m -sth Sunday—Danbury 11 a m.: Bethesda 3 p- m. Belief in a creed will not change a character; yet faith in the divine personality of Christ will revolutionize a life. —N. C. Christian Advocate. Schedule of Services Episcopal Churches Rev. D. \V. Allen, minister in charge with residence at Walnut Cove, announces the following schedule of services in Episcopal churches in the towns mentioned: Ist Sunday, Mayodan. 11 m.. Germanton 8 p. m. 2nd Sunday, Walnut Cove. 11 a. m. Mayodan. Bp. m. 3rd Sunday, Mayodan, 11 m.. Stoneville, 3:30 p. m.. Wal nut Cove, 8 p. m. 4th Sunday, Walnut ( 11 a. m.. Madison. Bp. m. FLY-TOX is protecting mill ions of homes ftorn. mosquito invasion. Thf entire home ca be freed from mosquitoes in . lew minutes. Take an improv i-d FLY-TOX Hand Spraver and spray FLY-TOX towari and against the ceiling unt'i the finely atomized spray rea ches every part of the room. Also spray the hangings, clos ets and screens. It is absolute ly stainless, safe, and has a perfume-like fragrance. FLY TOX is the scientific product developed at the Mellon Insti tute of Industrial Research by Rex Research Fellowship. Ev ery bottle guaranted.— Advt. "The Effects of Synthetic ! N>Yrpgen and Concentrated Fertilizers on Cott;m and Sw;--". Potatoes." is the title of Exper iment Station Bulletin 26t> re cently published at the Statj College of Agriculture, Copies v, .11 be sent free to citizens or" the State making request t th" agricultural editor. ; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* | SPECIAL PRICES t FOR JULY I 0 IN EACH DEPART- £ 0 MENT. £ 6 0 | A It will pay you to trade £ ;0 at the Big Store. £ ' X We buy for cash, save the C A 0 ;Y discount and sell for less. A C 0 DRESS GOODS C $ NOTIONS £ 0 SHOES C 0 c jo Shore Mercantile c 0 Co., Inc. 0 KING, N. C. £ 0 F. E- SHORE, Manager. C 0 v iX Complete Department (, : Y Store. >>ooooooooooooooo^