DANBURY REPORTER Volume 57. CAFE FRONT IS DEMOLISHED Driver Loses Control of Car With Disastrous Result:- —News and Personals Of King. I j King, Dee. 2.—On Tuesday! evening Mrs. I!. E. Wall de lightfully entertained Mis* Edna Wall on her fifteenth birthday. During the evening many games were enjoyed and tw () contests were given, Misses Sallie Kiger and Leathia Law son winning the prizes for high est scores. After the games were finished the guests were invited into the dining room which was beautifully decorat ed. carrying out the fall colors of gri'en and yellc-w am. lovely fall flowers. The center of tin table bore a lovely cake with, fifteen candles glowing. The honone blew out the candles and distributed the cake to the guests. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Those being present and enjoying the evening were: Misses Edna Wall, Salli«' Kiger, Mae and Sallie Kiger and Lethia Law son, Wihehelanienia Vogler, Mesdames Julius Kierson, Ev-' erette and Robia Sprinkle, Ar thur George, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wall. Mr. and Mrs. Bright Howen and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wall. | ('lade Mi ore, a painter who resides twi miles East of town, drove his automob.l" into the plate glass front of Happy's Cafe on Mail) Street which is owned by "I". Fount Smith and Cov Preston. The glass front was broken to pieces and tin* whole front of tlv building de molished. • Some of the fixtures on the inside were damaged also. Mr. Preston who was standing near the front of til interior was knocked almost to the back of the building by the) impact. Mr. Moore, who is on.*! among our bf st cit'zens and ■ who regretted the a.cident w > c ' much, stated that the accelera tor of his car hung and render ed him absolutely helpless to j control his car. Mr. Moore was j not hurt, neither was his wife, who was in the automobile with him ;il the time of the accident,! but her spectacles were broken' to piec s. Mr. Moore is having j lhe building i\ paired. The ac c d*:it happened on Thanksgiv ing evening. I>r. Oscar Sehaub, of Wins-1 If.:, Salem, and who was reared in this section, spent '1 hanks-1 giving here. A " hanfcsgivipg s rvice which was well attended was held both it the King Moravian chinch and at the First liaptist church Thursday night. Miss Oneita Caudle, of! Ciieensboro, spent Thanksgiv ing with Miss Vivian Burge l here. ' The following births were registered here last week: To Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Boyles, a son: to Mr. and Mrs. William Fowler, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall James, a son, and to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson, a' son. Mrs. S. L. Pulliam and chil dren, of Guilford county, form erly of King, are spend.ng a few days with relatives and friends here. i A itice collection of canned goods was received at the Thanksgiving service at the Moravian church for the Mora vian Old Ladies Home. F. Grabs, who has been confined to his home with flu, is able to be out again. Rev. Walter Grabs, of Beth- 1 ania, filled his regular appoint- j rni-nt at the Kng Moravian' church Sunday evening. The King girls won a hard earned game of basket ball I played at Rural Hall, when they | deteated Pilot Mountain girls this evening with a score of 15, to 10. Never were King's for-! wards able to lose the close and , ever following guards of Pilot, i A pipe organ heard in a cer tain radio program is said to have 500 stops. But none of Jhem seem to work. i Established 1872. LIQUOR LADEN CAR TAKEN SUNDAY I Captured In Walnut Cove As It Was Passing Through Tow n One Man Taken. While Two Escaped. I ________ I Ollicer George Martin, of Madison, chased a Ford car with 50 gallons of whiskey on board from his town to Walnut Cove Sunday afternoon, cap turing the outfit when the Ford left the road and hit a tele phone pole inside the corporate limits of Walnut Cove. When , the collision occurred it. was found that three negroes and' 10 five gallon cans of whiskey! constituted the load. Two of the i negroes jumped and escaped, ■ while the other was arrested j and carried back to jail at j Wentworth. The whiskey was i poured out on the spot and the' i car taken into custody. The negro who was arrested j refused to give either his own i name or the names of the two men with him. I V irg-inia Expects Us To Build To Line From Stuart Enterprise. The Highway Dept. of N. C.' has agreed to meet Va. with a hard surfaced road, leading from the line to Winston-Sa-, km. N. ('., via of Danbury and Walnut Cove, we are informed by Hon. T. ,J. George. Now ' that Virginia has made a ten- I • I jtative allocation to surface the j already graded highway from I Cruise's Store through Stuart.' •to the N .('. line, during th", com ng year, we shall naturally j expect to have this link from I the lint- to Danbury surfaced,' as our sister State has neverj 'failed to meet us fifty-fifty l:i i ; connecting our roads. j Mr. George states that lie is .well pleased with the Untativ • allocation, as made, and that t is especially gratifying to him that Patrick County reco.vcd i so many allocations during his 1 term as Represent alive of the county. Die ing this time, or 'since Jan. 1, 102(5. Patrick county has been allocated for, road work ?012,878.:i7, whii before this time it was very small. I Frank Duggins was given a! hearing here Tuesday night on a charge of removing and tak- j , *"g awav parts from an auto mobile belonging to Jesse Booth. Justice Jas. 15. Joyce 1 heard the evidence and after 1 the hearing a compromise was affected whereby Duggins is j to pay S;»0 and cost. . | Coia Hawkins, one of Dan-! bury's oldest colored vKonien, j died Sunday night at the home i of her daughter at Ronda. i where she had been visiting for | some time. Interment wasj' made in the colored cemetery ' hero Tuesdav.. i We must, have prosperity if ' we have to spend our last cent to get it. i I Danbury, N. C., Dec. 4, 1929. WANT LICENSES FOR POOL ROOMS i Two Applications Before Coun-j ty Commissioners Monday—j To Be Acted I'pon At Next , Meeting of Board. i Two applications lor 'license j to operate pool rooms in the | county were before the board of County Commissioners at their regular meeting here Monday. One of the applica tions came from King and the! other from Wilson's Store, and I it is learned that other applica-j tions will be made soon, as the business is said to be very | profitable. The law fixes the price of : license to operate pools rooms l at SSO per table, and re | quires that notice be given in j I two issues of a newspaper be i fore application for license is ! made. j News and Personals Of Walnut Cove Walnut Cove. Dec. —Quite' a number from here attended i the Carolina-Virginia football! game at Chapel Hill on Thanks-, giving day. Am .ng those were: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Davis, Mr.! ami Mrs. P. W. Davis. Mr. and' Mrs. Jacob Fulton, Mr. and 1 : Mrs. George Fulton, Mr. ami Mrs. Leake Lovin. Mr. and Mrs.; Arch .McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. j Howard Woodruff, Mrs. J. W.' Jones. Mrs. E. P. Pepper. Mr*. Anne Carter, Misses Helen Ful ton, Nell and Margaret Hutch erson. Gladys Moretield, Mary Lane Brewer, Evelyn Whfte, ; Grace Woodruff, of St. Mary's. Rale gh, Thelma Rothrock and guest, Mary McCanless. of ! Danbury. M. ssrs. Gilmer Spar- Igor. Mill Fulton. R. H. Hackle;-, i Paul Davis. Jr.. Bill Campbell, ( Tlit.ma> Hardy Rothrock. Maii Allen, J. V. Lewellyn. William Marshall. Paul Fulton, Orin Manuel. John Woodruff. Harvey Rothrock. It is claimed this j; the record attendance at th • game from a town comparing in size to Walnut Cove and also I based on the mileage. Mrs. .J. F. Spraker. of Ivan hoe, Va., is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Mar shall, at her home in North Walnut Cove. Mrs. G. B. Atkins and datigh- * ter Ruth, of Martinsville, Va.. spent Friday in Walnut Cove.' guests of Mrs. Wm. Marshall, i ■ Mrs. Edwin Robertson, of Clifton Forge, Va., is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Morefield. Misses Frances and Alice j Fulton and Mary Frances j Davis, N. C. C. W. students,) spent Thursday here at thei•• • respective homes. Misses Dix.e Reeves and ' Beulah Ratley spent the week- • end at their home in Red ' Springs. Rev. I). W. Allen held a series of meetings in the Episcopal' church at Mayodan the past j week. ! LIONS MEET HERE ! MONDAY NIGHT 1 i \\ ill Be Accompanied l{y Their I Wives And Supper Will Be Served At Colonial lood Shoppe. i j i'he Lions Club, which Is I new recognized as Stokes coun-, ty s strongest civic organiza-! tion, will hold its regular meet . mg in Danbury on Monday I nC'ht. Dec.. oth. precei! g, j which the Colonial Food; Shoppe will serve supper to the j Lines and their wives. It is learned that a number of important civic questions wii! come up for discussion at the Monday night meeting. This Stale To Get Much Road Monev; I Washington, D. ('., Dec. —; North Carolina was today ap portioned 91,722.(57:! of the' $73,125,000 authorized for road' | construction work in the fiscal year 10*51. Secretary of Agri culture Arthur M. Hyde an j notuiced. The apportionments ,bv Mr. Hyde were a n-pole e t to President Iloov; r's sugge.- ! tion that public building pro-j I . | . grams ue speeded up and pre ' dently- expanded to promote! ou- .in-s.s and pi\ vent unem-j • ploynu nt. | file secretary announced 'that the State highway depart ments will be authorized to proceed immediately with prep-- araij ons tor the expenditure of the newly apportioned funds' during the next construction' season. Fine Arts Club. Written for the Reporter. .Mrs. N. li. Pepper entertain ' ed the members ( >i the Fine Arts Cluli at a delightful meet-! iiig at her home on Friday evening, No\. 21M ii. The president Mrs. W. E. Joyce, presided o*. v tin meet-' ing which was opened by th singing of the club women's, hymn, followed by the collect repeated in unison. The minu tes of the last meeting were read and approved and the dues collected. The subject for study at this 1 meeting being Modern Art. th ■ following papers were read: I 1. Bourdelle. The French Seulpter, Mrs. M. O. Jones. | 2. Wealth as it Affects Kdu- i cation, Miss Nell Jovce. | *>. Ihe Attact on Modern: Art, Miss Eflie East. I his was followed by a piano, solo. "Meditations" by Thais, by Miss Mary Taylor. After the completion 'i >, program a Thanksgivii • tur key contest was very nine 1 e: joyed. The answers to Dl questions being parts cf flu*! turkey. Mrs. R. R. Kir won the prize, a very dainty hand kerchief. Ihe hostess then ser/ed 4 delicious salad course. c F JOE FOWLER | INJURED IN WRECK Car Turned Over When It Skidded On Ice Walnut Cove News Items. Walnut Cove, December I. Joe Fowler received very painful though not serious i;.- i juries Monday when a truck | in which he was riding skidded j off the road and turned over j j about 2 miles from Rural Hal!. Dr. Tillotson. of Pilot Moun tain. attended Mr. Fowler, ii being necessary to take sever |al stitches in his forehead. Roy Southern was driving th i truck and escaped unhurt. They were enroute to Mt. Airy ! with a big truck load of tobae- ICo which was damaged eonsid i erably by the rain. The sleet | »n the road was the cause of ; the accident. Mr. Fowler is able to be out and entertained H. H. I Davis and several others at a delicious breakfast recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Welch, who recently married are now keeping house in the home of Miss Lucy Burton. Mrs. Welch was Miss Eva Crews, of Mayo can. and is a sister of Mr. I Leonard ('rows, barber of thi-- j place. Mr. Welch i- connected ! with tile P. W. Da\ is Chevrolet i ! Company. Walter Rier-on and a party , of Winston-Sali'in. >p nt Thurs day with .J. ('. Redman enjoy ing a diiin.T and a hunt during the day. Mr. Kierson is a t>- baceo buyer for R. .1. R ynohN Tobacco Co. ( arl I Jay is out again alter being confined several days j with illness. I A play entitled "Daddy's" • will be given Friday night, Dec. i loth, by tile faculty of th !I;gh School and a number of iI he young men of the town. I'lle play promises to lie th« 1 . best ever giv. 11 here, is full i t' tun and real entertainment. I hose who have seen the re hearsal say you cannot all'ord to miss it. Mr. and Mrs. George Fulton spent yesterday hi Charlott • on business. Troy Shelton is confined t > , his home with flu. Lindsay Lewis has opened a cafe in th* building formerly known as Mary s Coffee Shop. Miss Nellie Chilton, who -; teaching in the City schools of ! (ireensboro. spent the Thanks giving holidays here with her father, M. T. Chiltoll. Mr. ami Mrs. J. C. Hutcher son spent the week-end at Henderson with their daughter. Mrs. Nat Young. Miss Gladys Morelield has returned from a delightful •jiiit with Mrs. Charles Adams fti Cj!T'onß'..,oro. f s. Paul spent ,1 •lav i:, with has retiuv. ,: .p nrovml CRIMINAL COURT OI'KNS MONDAY ' This Will lit* One Week Special 1 Criminal Term and Will Ite Presided Over l»y Judge Mr Kirov. One week spei al term of criminal court for Stok >s coun ty will open here .Monday morn ing, Dec. Sith, presided over by Judge McKlrov. and Solicitor Sprjil! il! represent the State. Two petit juries were .sum moned to heai* the cases during the term. There will not be a • grandjury in attendance, as the term is called to try to char the docket of cases in wh.ch true bills have already been found. While a number ; of defendants arc in jail here, a majority 0 f those to be tried | are out on bond-.. There is one capital case to , bo tried, this being the one i.i which Terry Hazelwood, of ■ Sandy R dge. is charged with ' bivaking into the home of H. i T. Crittin, of the same section. > Hazelwood is being held with out bond. Jurors drawn to serve at ! next week'- e»urt are as fol lows: J. 11. Duncan. .1. I\ C illins, W. li. Katon, R. H. (iordon. R. I). Hill. .1. K. Wagoner, J. 11. Keaton. L. F. Smith. W. Sizeniore. Jno. (i. Smith, Roy Holejack. W. 1. Dalton. Alex Rogers, J. A. Stewart. ('. W. Westmoreland. A. J. Amos, jjohn Martin. K. S. Rullin, E. W. l.awson. W. P. Wheeler, W. I'. Roberts. J. R. Hartgrove, J. jW. Ferguson. J. M. Fagg. ~ _ | V\ alnut Cove W. M. U. Holds Meeting* ihe Woman ■ Missionary ' Fiiion of Walnut Cove Uantist I l chuivh In Id it's regular mouth . i.v at the hi me of Mrs. i!. I!. IMackburn with eight members present and one visi ter. Th ■ president 'Mrs. C. J. Hel.-ab* ck. presided. Splendid relKirts wrre heard from the different committees showing six visits made, three trays, a I a letter and three baskets of flowers were sent to the sick. Routine business was transact ed and plans were discussed and agreed upon for the Christ inas work. Four new member.* were added to the* roll, i After the business session the hostess served a delicious salad course. A call meeting will be held with Mrs. C. J. Helsabeck at her home on Summit Street on !>ec. 10th. at -1 p. m. All meni • I)t.rs are urged to be present. I \ tsitors are invited to attend 5 [this meeting held in connection with the observance of the t "Week of I'rayer." >• . Miss Snllii? Matt Marshall, ' f 'he K'-ri ersville school fac •t!tv -pent the week-end with I h.r ,~>'erts. Mr. and Mrs. A. v. Marshall. * No. 3,003