DANBURY REPORTER Volume 57. BAILEY OWENS i KILLED IN WRECKj Was Former Stokes County Boy and Brother of Dr- E-! W. Owens Particulars Of ; Accident Not Known Here, j i Relatives at Pilot Mountain : this week received a telegram from Los Angeles, Cal-, stating, that Bailey Owens, of that city, was killed in an automobile ac cident on Sunday last, Jan- 26- No particulars of the accident' were given in the telegram- I Mr. Owens, aged 25 years, was a son of Mr. and Mrs. J- !• ! Owens who removed from Pilot j Mountain to Los Angeles, Cal, j about two years ago- He was a brother of I)r- E- W- Owens, • formerly of Danbury. and his I father is an ex-county com missioner of Stokes county. Bailey is well remembered, in Danbury, where he ofti'ii! visited his brother, while he I way practicing medicine here, and his many friends here ar » shocked to learn of his un timely death. MRS EDDIE LAWSON DIED SUNDAY Three Children 111 In Same Home With Pneumonia Mrs. Lawson Had Infant f»nly Three Days Old. Mrs. Eddie Lawson died 'it her home in Quaker Gap town ship early Sunday morning, al ter a short illness with pr.eu mor-ia. The deceased, who was an excellent Christian woman, is survived bv several children, anung whom is an inifant only thr«*e days old, while three of the other children are now .11 with pneumonia. l.' terment was made at the family burying ground near on Monday, and the funeral was preached by Elu« r W. J. Brown of the Prim itive Baptist church.. A large number of sorrowing relatives and friends were in attendance. Wants To Abolish $2.50 Gold Coin The $250 gold piece, freque erttiv used for a Christmas present, will probably soon dis appear from the list cf Ameri can gold coins- Secretary of the Treasury, Me;'on, has requested Congress to - iiact legislation to provide for the discontinuance of the s2*so gold piece- He said the gold was needed for credit pur poses and that the pieces disap peared from circulation, espe cial?}* after being given away as Christmas presents. • "Senatorial courtesy" is an other old idea that has been debunked- Too frequent appearances of the wolf . f i-aie at which new laws ip'e b'frrg mndi' sorely tiuco* Established 1872. RICHARD MABE'S TOUGH LUCK looses $390 Somewhere Be tween Winston-Salem and I His Peter's Creek Home—No | Trace of the Money Found Richard Mabe of Lawsonvillc, is .short $390-00 in his pocket [ change- Monday he went lo Winston-Salem with $.'500-00 in his pocket, as it is his custom to carry quite a large roll of i cash in his jeans. He also car- I ried on his car a load of tobacco which he sold for S9O-00. Re ! turning to his home Mr- Mabo j was distressed to discover thai : his money, about $390-00, was ! missing- He has no idea where ! he lost it I Our Stokes county banks are well managed and safe institu ! tions, and are always delighted ,to receive deposits of the peo | pie's surplus cash, paying in terest on the same and having i. " it ready when you want it back. Carrying cash in the jeans withholds currency from circu lation, and makes times hard, to say nothing of the danger of robbery or other loss which is threatened when you niak; ! your pocket your bank. TWO STILLS TAKEN TODAY One of the Vessels Was Too j Large For the Officers To | Move—Several Barrels Of Beer Poured Out j •; Deputy Sheriffs E E. Shel ' ton, W. A- Leake and W. S . George made a round today up , near the Virginia line, in north ern Stokes, and captured two sti'ls, poured out a number of I barrells of beer at each still : site and gr;t in a snow storm * before they reached heme. The officers were here late I yesterday afternoon, bringing ' the copper still with them, an - it was only of about 35-gallori - capacity, but the other, which > was a large one of the submu . rine type had to be cut up on . the grounds, being too heavy to attempt to move -1 At one of the still sites tht officers found a large number ol - new five gallon cans ready U ■; receive the whiskey as fast u.- - it was run out- The beer r - barrels had been placet! in pit in the ground and had a light , ed lantern in the pit beside thi ? beer- This kept ths beer warn > s-'o that it would ferment. i Parent-Teacher Meet Monday, Feb. ; Walnut Cove, Jan. 29—Th * Parent - Teacher Associatioi , wiU meet in the auditorium ol i the school building on Monday - evening Feb- 3rd, at 7 o'clock 1 A splendid program has bee; arranged and some very abii * speakers have been seeuracl Every member and ail patrnr .a aj\ capx-iaD)- invited to b * present. Danbury, N. C., Jan. 29, 1930 KING MERCHANTS GIVE AWAY CAR | Lucky Number Was Held By James Bottoms—Mrs. S- W -1: Pulliam 111—Homer Slate Un dergoes Operation- King, Jan. 27—It was esti- I mated that 3,000 people were 1 ; here Saturday to witness the ; giving away of the Chevrolet [automobile which was given by 'the King Drug Co-, Wilson Mo tor Co., Bennett Mercantile Co • and King Hardware Co- Jas. • ; Bottoms, who resides 2 miles i west of town, was the lucky i . man- Several other nice pres i ents were given away ; Mi's. S. W- Pulliam, who has been very sick at her home for > several weeks, shows decided ■ improvement, her many friends j i will be glad to know. The 1-year-old son of Mr- and i - Mrs- Harvey Coe. who reside 2 1 r miles East of King, died Sun-! . day from pneumonia. Homer Slate, who underwent • - an operation in the Lawrence; , hospital in Winston last week,, f for appendicitis, is getting on; nicely, his friends will be glad » to know. I)r- E- M- Griffin and family ■ attended the 71st anniversary; lof Mrs. John H. Sink at her r home in Winston last Thursday | ! and the doctor states that it J was a happy occasion - 9i The King basket ball team • lost to Guilford College in the i game played at Guilford Friday night i I The home of Mr- and Mrs. Sy- j ). • lus Fulk was made happy Sat ; urday by the arrival of a line ! baby girl. j ,! Austin Garner, student at Guilford College, spent the week end with his parents. N- C- Hooker, of Charlotte, spent Sunday with his mother, e Mrs D J. Hooker, near here in s N. C. Couples Get n License In Virginia !i Four more North Carolina n couples were granted license to v marry at Martinsville, Va-, du ring the past week- They were L > as follows: f Elmer H- White and Oracie o M- Lankford, both of Walnut s Cove; Jeff Sizemore and Edna -i Roberts, both of Stokesdale; -i Edward W. Hedgecock and Jus tina -S. Wooten. l>cth of Wins- t > ton-Salem; James L- Williams, n and Tissue M- Nichols, both nf 1 Hanes ; Uncle Joe Ashby Falls At His Home i i Uncle Joe Ashby recently I fell at his home near Seven Is " | lands and hurt himself- He is '' j nearly ninety years old, and at v this age a fall is serious. He is confined to his home. n ie An optimist is a man who r j expects to find a clean pair of socks without holes. j Folks most repeat: ther; '" ■ i/:Vt enouorlgfnul eonversa |tioo to go around. P. O. ELLIS COMMITS SUICIDE Good Citizen and Industious Farmer Sends Load of Shot Into His Own Brain—No Cause Known For the Act. I P- O. Ellis, 45 years old, a good citizen and industrious fanner of the northern section of Stokes county, committed suicide Monday afternoon by shooting himself in the fore head with his shoi gun- Relatives of the dead man are unable to assign any cause for his act- On Monday forenoon he told his family that he was going hunting, and when he did not return, search was made and his dead body was found in the ! woods not far from the home |He was sitting in a reclining • position with the shot gun and i the stick with which he pushed ' the trigger lying by him. The j cap which he had been wearing i had been hung on a bush be ! side him- Almost the entire 4 ! top of the head was blown off j ; by the load from the gun. i Soon after the discovery of the death of Mr. Ellis, messen gers were sent for Sheriff Tay- I lor and Coroner Helsabeck and I an inquest was held, the follow ing named citizens acting as jurors: A- G- Sisk, H- E- Black | burn, H- T- Corn, J. V. Martin, R- A- Smith and Everett Haw kins. The jury found that the deceased came to his death by his own hands- Mr. Ellis, who is survived by his wife and six children, was considered a good citizen and was a very industrious farmer. He was in good condition finan , j ciallv, and this year lie grew nineteen barns of tobacco and 150 barrells of corn, in addi tion to other crops- Mr- Ellis was a cousin of Mr | A- (i Sisk, of Danbury, and had a brother, Rul'us Ellis, who re . sides in Patrick county, Va. Mrs. Ellis is a daughter of Mr -1 Howard Nelson ' Funeral services were held to day and interment was in the family plot near the home ot the deceased- Road Money Increased Fifty Million Dollars An injuease of iil'ty million dollars annually in federal high wav aid was voted unanimously f by Congress last week- 'lhi means that 8300,000,000 will in ■ available for road building ir »i all the States during the years (of 1931, 1932 and 1933- i Deep Snow Fell Here Last Night t: The heaviest snow, probabl;. |(5 or 8 inches deep, which ha: J been seen here for a long time ! fell here today. Roads off th main highways have been im ! passible, but the mabi road ; haw been cleared and trave - is iwrmal FEDERAL AGENTS GET BIG STILL Outfit Is Taken Few Miles North-East of Walnut Cove —Capable of Producing 75 (iallons of Whiskey Daily. i ! Federal Prohibition Agents,; assisted by Forsyth county de puty Sheriffs, on Saturday af ternoon captured a distilling! outfit a few miles north-east of! Walnut Cove that was said to; have been capable of producing 1 75 gallons of whiskey daily. The plant was in full opera- j tion when the officers arrived! I on the scene, but the operators took to the woods and made a complete getaway. Commands | to halt and shots fired in the di- j rection of the tleeing men had no effect toward stopping them. \V. T. Kennedy and W, C, Smith were the Federal agents and they were assisted by Dep uties Kiser, Mickle and Myers, lof Forsyth county. It was sta ! ted that a white man and four I | negroes were at the still at the time the officers found it. j The officers stated that the j outfit was one of the most com ■; plete that has been seen in this 1 section of the country. ii Little Doris Mitchell Has Birthday Party 1 Walnut Cove, Jan- 30.—Lit tle Miss Doris Mitchell was the honor guest on Monday after noon when her mother, Mrs- J- L- Mitchell, delightfully enter tained a number of the young friends of Doris in celebration of her eighth birthday. 1 After a while spent playing games and working contests, the little guests were invited into the dining room- The cen tral decoration on the table was ; the beautiful birthday cake, J with its eight pink candles- Tb> , home was beautifully decora : ted with the colors of pink and j white- Delicious cream and cake was served and a pink bas ; ket filled with hearts was pre ! sented each guest as a souve } neir. The honor guest was til" 2 ' . . recipient ot many attractiu 1 gifts ' The folic wing named llMle . guests enjoyed this delightful I occasion: S Doris Mitchell, the hnuo, guest ; Kathryn Mitchell, II Georgia Ann Woodruff, and " Sarah Sands, Mary Vaughn v Lewellyn, Marion Floyd, Mary s i Elizabeth Floyd, Edith Dun lap, Mary Lou Brown, Peggy n Jane Blum, Virginia Wall s Mitch Fowler, Bobbie Heath ' Dan Heath, Jr. I ! Jim Venable, of the Vadi { Mecum. section, had the mis fortune to cut his right foo | nitJier badly when his axe slip ped a few days since- Mr Ven able is in the Mount Airy bus 4 pital for treatment l- niliy Grey, u, of Levy, Ark I rh-ngye'i his 2-jvar-okl siste 1 tYcm t.hei? home u-hv 1 I hv had accidctitly ou tir-e. No. 3,011 HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE MONDAY F. R- George. of Francisco Sec tion Loses $5,000 Residence, OnJy Partially Covered By i Insurance. ; Fire which probably origina ted from a defective flue, de stroyed the nice ten-roorn bun galo of F- R- George, of the : Francisco section late Monday ' afternoon. A part of the 1 household effects were saved. • Mr- George and family were ' away from home a short while | and when they returned some thing was heard roaring in the ceiling of the house, however, ! the fire was so advanced when I discovered that it was impos sible to stop it- The value of the house was near $3,000, and while some in surance was carried on it, the amount was not sufficient to cover the loss. ""——— News and Personals Of Lawsonville ; Lawsonville, Jan- 30— Miss Rona Rhodes, who was in a car | wreck New Year's day, is im ; proving as rapidly as possible but is unable to walk vet | Warford Spencer, senior at King high school, spent the week end with his parents. Miss Alma Stovall spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Miss Ruby Ziglar- Messrs Leone Dillon and Crau ford Priddy called on Miss Cat r herine Dodson Sundav. I 1 Among those who visited i Misses Blanche ' and Gladys • i Wood Saturday night were : •; Miss Lucie Spencer, Messrs. '! Lindsay Hawkins, Roy and Re alous Steele, Cranford Priddy, • Clyde and Jessie Com and ot • hers. Miss Lena Corn spent Sun day with Miss Euna Handy. ' Mr- Tom Poore recently pur ' chased a new Ford car. Dr. Bernard Favors * Special Session i In reply to a questionaire recently sent cut by the Bun combe County Tax Association . as to whether it was advisable ii; | to call a special session of the North Carolina General As- I sembly, with a view to reducing '' taxes on land. Dr. Ilolman Ber d ; nard, of Pilot Mountain. Surry n I : county representative, wired ; the committee that he felt thv i-1 special session whs needed l\ t I With all the wisdom being syndicated daily by Dr. Cad- Irnan, Dr. Copelund, Arthur I | Brisbane and others, the rest of us hardly have to do any thinking at all. >l"' I 3 ", In several countries bachelor i-; must pii.v a special tax. Alar s ■ l-ied men pay heavily, also, J>ul 1 it is called something else. i Senator Griuidy isn't sayiu> ; _ j much. but the mythical I Grundy hits been even moi'« V loquacious than us-ual since hi'