DANBURY REPORTER Volume 57. WALNUT COVE SCHOOL DISTRICT; Lvmeas Request County Com ausstoners To Call Election Tn Vote On Extension— Matter Deferred Until Next Meeting Board To Meet \ Again Feb- 11 To Issue Short' Term Notes In Anticipation Of Taxes Citizens of the Walnut Cove : social school district appeared btlbre the board of countv j co:snussicners here Monday j requesting the board to call an! election to decide upon the I question of extending the lim- 1 »t c of the present school dis- ■ trkt Petitions were presented and considered by the beard tt was decided to take no ac-i tkifl in the matter until the next meeting of the board a 1 The commissioners will meet' again next Tuesday, Feb. lltli, lo issue $50,000 short term i»oties to raise funds necessary to meet expenses of the count ■ . in anticipation of taxes - Beyond the payment of reg ular claims and other routine matter- there was no other business' rf interest transwv-t-' ed by the board .. Visit To Virginia. I e ' j Jerry Baker, of Meadows. 1 was here today. Mr. Baker has # . ( just returned from a visit to (.Carroll county, Va-. to see .i relative. Mrs. Ellen Sizemore.! woo is very ill with dropsy. The weather in Carroll, Mr- Baker reports, is much rougher than here, snow being on the prc-und when he left measuring 15 inches in depth*- >lr. Baker is increasing his tobacco acreage considerably this year. Last year he burned 12t» yard beds, this year he is burning 220 yard beds- LICENSE PLATE RECORD BROKEN 112 More License Plates For Cars Have Been Sold This Year Than Were Sold Last Year- Raleigh, Feb- 3.—Through Saturday North Carolina hje? sold more new automobile license plates than it had one year ago on the same date, i' so announced Commissioner o!' 4 lit, enue A. J- Maxwell today # He reported a check which di. not include today's sales, revealed that 550,9:52 plates had been sold, compared to 55'',811 by Feb- 3 1929- Slightly over 500.000 license.: \w_-e sold in 1929- The com missioner indicated that num ber might not be reached this year. In that event it would be the first year that the saiv of the plates has not exceeded that of the previous year, h" said- Mrs- W- J- Sands, of Lawson ville. is seriously ill with blood poisoning- Established 1872. STOKES COUNTY j TIMBER VALUES Annual Growth of Lunriber Is Over Seventy-Six Million Board Feet—Citizens Called On To Co-operate .Against • Fire Damage. The total land area of Stoke?. | county is approximately 307.- ! 200 acres- Of this area. 160 - j j 483 acres, or 59 per cent, are l forested- According to a sur- j • vey made by the North Caro j lina Department of Conse-va- j 1 tion and Development one year j ago, the merchantable tinier j remaining in the county is 80 . million board feet- The value .of this merchantable timber 4 alone at an average stunrqiage j price of $3.00 per thousand is $240,000 to say nothing cf the 'young growth which has not yet reached merchantable ago- The lumber value of 80-000.000 , board feet at a conservative . value of $25-00 per thousand j board feet would be $2,000,000- ! Authorities claim conservati j vely that the average acre of forest land in the countv will 4 grow 250 beard feet per acre, per year- This means that the 'annual growth in the county •is 76-000.000 beard feet- Hbw 'ever, this growth cannot con , tinue unless the forests are protected from fire. • To protect the forests of this • county from fire, the co-opera |tion of every citizen cf the county is necessary. Such co j operation consists of extin , • guishing camp fires and cigar ettes along with taking suitab'e . precaution when burning brusn ,-or tobacco beds. Co-operation 'of this kind costs nothing and , | yet produces surprising re- I turns ! Three Hurt In Automobile Wreck • ' • Information received hers Is ■to the ffnt that three men were hurt yesterday on the Ru ' ral Hall road in auto wreck- cue of these being Norman Slate, of King Route 1. whose car turned over about four times when it hit the fender of anoth er car operated bv Elbert Hun ter. of Rural Hall. The other man hurt was Har vev Bowles and the three wera I* carried to a Wir.ston-Saleni hus t pita 1 i Oyster Supper Feb. Bth. J The Woman's Missionary So jciety cf the Baptist church •'» will give an oyster supper in - the Bank building Saturday - Feb- Bth, from sto 8 o'clock s' All kinds of good eats will br 1 on sale- Don't fcrget.the time v and place " Noah Priddy, of Ilartman was here today. —, i-' D- S. Priddy, of North View !-; was among the business visi tws In ttywi today. Danbury, N. C, Feb. 5, 1930. ROGER CALLOWAY , BUILDS NEW HOME Justice Garner's Court Busy! With A Live Docket—Other) King News Of Interest. King. Feb- 3—Daniel White has returned to his home in ; - Roanoke, after visiting his mother. Mrs- C- F. White- Roger Calloway is having ma terial placed on the site cn his farm two miles west of town preparatory to erecting a new i home. The building will be constructed of brick and mod- 1 ern throughout James Love and daughter. Miss liazel Love, of Winston- Salem. spent Sunday here with! relatives- ' The following births were registered here last week: To Mr- and Mrs. Dave Horton. a' son; tc Mr- and Mrs- Shirley' Lawson. a daughter. I>- V- Carroll, prominent plan ter of Mizpah. was here Satur- j day on business. The following cases were tried here Monday before Jus tice cf the Peace J- S- Garner: ( Luther Newsum, being under : the influence of liquor and af fray. flned $l2-50; John McGee. intoxicated, lined $10.40: Norn • White, partaking too freely of joy juice, fined $7-50: Bryan ( White, affray, $3-50; Thomas WclflV charged with being in j toxicated* acquitted; X-E-Pres ! ton. contempt of court, thirty | days in ja.il j The infant of Mr. and Mrs j Clarence Cox died at the home of its parents Sunday- Funern I | services, in charge of Rev. Her ' man Newsum, was held at Mb Olive church Monday afternoon 1 and burial followed in the eem , etery there i Miss Clara Pulliam of Greens ; shoro. spent the week end here the guest of relatives i Miss Onita Caudle, of Greens shoro. spent Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Jas- R- Caudle. Stokesburg Personal And News Items Stokesburg. Feb. 4—Born unto Mr. and Mrs. E- F- Mich ael. a son, Jack Anderson- Mrs # Tom Jones, of Walker town. spent last Sunday with I her mother. Mrs- Dock Carter i O- L- Gerry spent the week 1 end with his family. '! Miss Grace Isom- of High • Point, spent the week end with [ ' her parents, Mr- and Mrs. Zack t laom. Wade 11. Davis, owner of the I Davis Machine Co , has reeen , itly been ill at his home here i j !>ut is recovering nicely- Mrs- 0- L- Gerry visited Miss j Willie Sanders recently- Mr. Tom Glenn turned hi: j'car over near the veneerinr : plant recently, but w&.> not so , i riou.il>' hurt. -, Mr- I*et6 Davis called on Mis Fhetit Gerry krat StuvJuy t * KING MAN GETS OFF ON FINE Justice J S- Garner Sentences i • 1 Citizen To Prison For Thirty Days Bat Changes It To $25 Fine For Contempt of Court. ■ At a trial held in the court of - Justice J- S- Garner at King on Monday his honor found it al most impossible to keep order in the court room, and on the charge of contempt of court he sentenced N- E. Preston, well known citizen of King, to jail' for a term of 30 days- But! I the sentence was later changed; to a line of $25-00, which Mr. . Preston promptly |»aid- King citizens here this week ' stated that no offense to court, was intended bv Mr Preston,' I . ! but that Justice Garner never I j stood for any foolishness in his court- I Thought AI Smith Was President Senator Wheeler recently re lated a story in the course of a t Senate debate of a young man in Montana under examination for citizenship paiMirs, who an swered most of the questions asked him correctly until the judge asked: "Who is Presi dent of the United States?" i "Al Smith." was the prompt re"ply "What makes you think Mr. Smith is President?" | "Well," replied the applicant, "all I know aliout it is that the Republican orators told us thai if Al Smith was elected we would have a general panic in the country; that prices in Wall street would drop; thai 1 many would be out of employ-! ment; that farmers would go broke and banks would fail- All' of these things have happened, i so 1 think Al Smith must hoi President" 1 1 73 COUNTIES REDUCE TAXES Reductions Range From 73 To i 2 Cents—Clay County Has Highest Rate ■ ■ t Raleigh. Feb- 3—Seventy . Nhree north Carolina counties reduced their tax rate in 1929, reports to the State tax com- P, mission reveal- In eleven counties the rate !{ was the same as in 1928 and it was increased in 16 counties. I I) j Clay county had the highest I, tax rate of any of the counties |. for 1929, being $2-52- while ! Forsyth had the lowest with f . only f>) cents on the $lOO valu | at ion i o 1 j Will Hartman and II- G. s! Alley, of Hartman. were visi- J tors here Wednesday is' Jake Jackson and Will Inman g; of Westfield, visited Danbury - on business Tuesday Elder Watt Priddy was in town Wednesday from North View- BANK OF STOKES , ] ENTERS 25TH YEAR; Annual Meeting of SKockhdd-' 2 era Shows Successful Year—| AH OM Officers R& Elected —To Celebrate Twenty-Fifth Anniversary. The annual meeting of the; stockholders of the Bank 'f i Stokes County was'held Thurs day in the office of the bank at 1 Walnut Cove- Reports of the ' officers indicated that the insti-!' tution had experienced a nor- ' mal year ami the officials look to 1930 with a spirit of opti- ! 1 mism relative to general bus;- 1 ness conditions- ,' The bank was established in 1905, and this year marks a 1 t, quarter century of service to 1 its thousands of patrons in j 1 Stokes and surrounding cotiu- * ties- It was the first bank ever : * to open its d«x>rs for business J in the county and from a mod- ! est beginning with $10,000.00. 1 it has grown to an institution 1 of more than two million do!- ( ( lars resources and ranks as one 1 of the largest banks in Pied- ' mont Carolina, operating offices ' at Walnut Cove. King. German- ton and Danbury. During the ' fall months the officials of the ; bank plan to commemorate the 1 twenty-fifth anniversary of the ' Institution's existence in a 1 most appropriate manner, the details cf which are already in ' the making- All of the old officers who have served the bank for many years were re-elected for the ensuing year: Dr- J W. Neal. president; C- E- Davis, cashier at Walnut Cove; C- C. McGee. cashier at Germanton; M- O | Jones, cashier at Danbury; H. H # Leake, cashier at King- No . changes were made in the per sonnel of the clerical force ;,t ■ any of the offices i j 1 Attorney Sparger For House ?, i Attorney Gilmer Sparger, of ! Walnut Ccve- spent a short j ! while in Danbury this after-' I noon on business- Mr- Spar ger's name has been menti: n ed as a probable candid; to for ♦ the House of Represoiuatives on the Democratic ticket. No ! expression, however, has been heard from him as to whether he would make the race or not-! ROAD CONTRACTS j TO BE LET SOON i More Than 240 Miles Of Hard j Surface To Put Down—Con tracts Awarded On Feb- IS j Raleigh. Feb- 3 —The State Highway Commission will let contracts Feb- 18th for the con j struction of 275 miles of ix>ads l and 240 miles of this will be ■ hard-surface, including con crete, sand and asphalt \ Some of the iTads lie in each \ of the nine districts of the. No. 3412 BIG CROWD AT ROAD MEET Many Candidates For PositiM Of Svperintendeat H- H> Brown—Reported That Com missioner Kiger Will Resign Next Month—Roads in Bad Condition Owing To Severe Weather- A large crowd attended the meeting Monday of the Stokes County Highway Commission here, many of them being can didates for the position of H. H % Brown, superintendent of roads, whose year expires next month. It is not known wheth er or not Mr- Brown will asjc for his position again- The roads are in bad condition ia many sections, owing to the se vere weather of the winter, and the impossibility of giving at tention to them- It is rejK>rted that Commis sioner Kiger made the state ment that he would tender his resignation at the next meeting of the board- In this case it would leave only cue member of the board, Mr J. W. Young- Since the resignation of W- S- Hart, several months ago. the board has consisted of Young and Kiger. The law prescribes three members, but the Stokes County Democratic executive committee, whose business it is to supply the vacancy created by the resignation of Hart, has taken no action in the matter- Two. meetings have been hekl by the committee >r this pur pose- At the first meeting, the matter was deferred. At the last meeting a quorum failed to be present^ TWO DIE IN SAME HOME Onlv Few Hours Between the t Deaths of Alex Flippin aad j Daughter. .Miss Susie Flippin At their Home Near Fran cisco Sunday Night i Alox Flippin. aged 70 years, ' died at his home at Francisco ! Monday morning at about six o'clock. His daughter. Miss Susie Flippin, aged about 35 years, died the night before in the same house at about 1! o'clock. Mr- Flippin jind his daughter had been ill only a few days with pneumonia and their : deaths were a great shock to the community. The wife and mother besides a number of sons and daugh ters and brothers and sisters survive. Funeral services and inter ment was at the home on Tues day. a largo number of relati ves and friends being in jittend anco Charlie C- Johnson, a former Stokes boy, who has been resi , ding in Greensboro for a num , ber of year*, was a visitor U anbury li.atlay - •+'

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