WEDNESDAY, FEB- 5. 1930 Weather Signs Tom Flinchum says when the ttowa cough at night it is a sure indication of rain. Robert Mabe depends on the hoot of the big wrta from the Seven Island hills to warn him of fowl weather. Luther Wood says the cry of the red bird is a certain sign of *: bowers- Various people have various fwtents to notify them of chan ges in the meteorological situa tiw- L- J- Young studies some kind of a chart that never lies wheal predicting snow, rain .itw!r*»B, etc. John Gibson is one *>f Usanbury's most reliable pro jiiet* John's predictions may be Itfftnded upon by antithesis. aaya he learned his reputa tidd from old folks long passed xteE*', who were wiser than this 'fcfenterftte age- Mr*. Bickett Granted . Law License #f the 104 applicants who fche State exam nation lhw license the past week. ■mt. Fannie Bickett was one of Ike successful applicants >H Bickett is the widow of ♦Mr late Gov. T. W- Bickett, wka was once a resident of •ittbury for several years fH* ia county welfare superin iMadent of Wake county and has read law to use in her work hat does not exptvi to practice •MKrwisc Ike rate at which new laws aas being made sorely taxes oar disrespect YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON YOUR I CLOVER AND GRASS •SEED They are CHEAP ER than last season i Bennett t j Mercan= | tile Co. KING, N. C ML Airy Market To Close On Feb. 7 Announcement is made that the tobacco warehouses of Mt- Airy will close for the season on Friday, Feb- 8- This action was decided upon at a meeting of the Tobacco Board of Trade last week- VIRGINIA FARMS IN SHENANDOAH VAL LEY FOR SALE. Level, Smooth, Bluegrass, Stock Grain, Dairy, Orchard, Poultry Farms, Filling Stations and Flour Mills—good home markets near large cities. 157 acres, splendid new. seven room residence, large new barn, new tenant house and barn, all needed farm buildings—4o acres bearing orchard, fruit netted ?4 ( 750-00 past two years—well watered, fenced and timbered— one mile from railroad town. 516,000- 200 Acre Dairy Farm, level and smooth, 2 houses one 6 and other 5 rooms, new dairy barn, silo and milk house, cost 53,500- An abundance of fruit, water and timber, 3 miles this citv -56,000- 153 Acres, new 6-room stone residence, barn and usual build ings, 12 acres timber, 30 acres creek bottom blue-grass with running water, 3 springs on the farm, 400 fruit bearing trees, 40 acres wheat included if sold at once, school and church near, 1 mile highway, 6 miles this city, 15,000- 100 Acres fertile, smooth and level, new 6-room residence, large barn, large family orchard 8 acres in timber, well fenced and watered, half mile of largo school, 3 miles to city over good road. 54,000- 50 Acre Poultry and Truck Farm, good 7 room house, barn poultry and hog houses, school, churches, store and mill at farm, 7 miles from this city over solid road 52,500- Our taxes are low—our high ways built and paid for- If you want to live where farming DOES pay investigate these farms. Write lor details —tell us your wants—cime see for yourself- W. T BIRMINGHAM, 35 West Water Street, sfb4w WINCHESTER, VA NOTICE- Stokes County hereby gives notke that at 10:00 o'clock, A. M-, on February 11th, 1930, at the Court House in Danbury, N- C-, it will sell 550,000 Revenue Anticipation Notes at public or private sale- R- N- BROWDER. Clerk, Board of County Commissioners, Danbury, North Carolina- Mrs. R. H. Fletcher, of Lon don, reported to the police that her butler had stolen her jewel ry and eloped with her cook. PLANT BED CANVASS YES— PLENTY AT— BENNETT Mercantile Co., KING, N. C. HIE DANBURY REPORTER Sunday School *LLesso r (By REV P. B riTZWATER. D.D., Mem ber of Faculty. Moody HI bid Institute of Chicago.) £k IMb. Western New-paper (Jnten.t Lesson for February 9 WARNINGS AND PROMISES (TEMPERANCE LESSON) LESSON TEXT—Matthew f:l-M (Print vr. 1-11, lt-17). GOLDEN TEXT—Every tree thu brlngeth not forth good fruit le hews down end caet Into the Ore. PRIMARY TOPlC—Obeying Jeaua. JUNIOR TOPlC—Keeping the Law mt Christ- INTERMEDIATE AND BENIOR TOP IC—The Truth Abont Alcoholic Bev erage#. YOUNO PEOPLB AND ADULT TOP lC—Cutting Down the Corrupt Tree. I. Concerning Censorious Judgment* (vv. 1-13). I. The eta and telly of (vv. 1-6). This prohibition should not ho oo sous treed an Co forbid our making mm estimate mt the Hvaa ad Omm about us, for "by their fraita yo shall know thorn." Neither shoal d tt pre rout ua from administering rshake te those who deserve it. M hi not wrong to earn dam tea mtrmm had hi aits mt teoao who are fa the way .of ate. It dooa aat ■an that eta aho Md «e aatobokad MO wa MiMlm are yahit u re- Soke* medlaeee ue Maine lihere gal to amgfttfy teste waste see and error. i The duty of dfceaalaalaattae le dautthg oat holy things (v.d). Tho Gospel dhoald ho praetesd W all. Wo should teri groin those who rojoet and leant with aaoteasgc tea Goapol aaeaaaga. S. QoallCeatioa far discrlmtaaaae (or. *l2). (1) A Ufa of grayer (vv. 7-li). Only tboae are eble to rightly divide tho word of truth whs Use e Ufe mt grayer. (X) A dl «g eel Hon to treat otliera mm one would he toasted (v. 13). It Is not merely te refrain from doing Injury, but positively to do far others Bat a bleb we would deaire to have doua ante ourselves under similar cirnua etauces. No man cue live this rule cm- Iron he has been bom from above and abides with Christ. 11. Entrance Inte the Kingdom Urged (vv. id, 14). There are two ways only before seek sue—life end death, heaven and hell. The narrow gate la tho way of Nfo. While tho gate la strait and tha way narrow. It la an opea gate and tea only gate to llfa, and all are In vited to enter. The gate whleh spans to every good thing te lite le ateaib— restricted. Tha way of Jesus Christ la not the way of the crowd. 111. Warnings Against False Teach, ere. (vv. 15-20). 1. Their real erletenoe (r. 16). Ever since God has bed e people, telne prophets and teachers hare ap peared among them. 2. Their nature (v. 11). (1) They are bypocritieal. Tho devil does his most sue easeful week by masquerading ns an nngol mt light (II Cor. 11:14,16). His ministers ap pear in this way and turn people from the narrow to tha broad way. (2) They are destructive. This Is suggested by their being ravening wolves. It Is when the wolf is in shsep's clothing that it does its most destrucUve work. Ftilse teachers are doing their most deudly work while pretending to be loyal to the Bible and Jesus Christ. 8. The unfailing test (eel 10-18). "By their fruits ye shall know them." Every tree bears Its own kind of fruit. One may search the universe In vain for aa exception to this rule. It Is equally true In the spiritual world —there Is a vital sonnection between faith of heart and froU of the lite. 4. Their ultimate and (v. 18). Although Hod has Infinite patience and bears l«ug. He will see to It that •his evil work does not go mm forever. IV. The Dangers of Empty Profes sion tvv. 21-23). 1. Merely calling Christ Lord will not answer for doing bis will (v. 21). 2. One may do supernatural works and net be saved (vv. as, 38). Not all supernatural worlds are divine. There is s supernatural world mt evil. It Is the business of svery be Pever te test the Spirit (I John 4: I. 2). 3. Separation from God (v. 28). One way have been a Sunday school Seoclmr or o minister and bavo per formed atony mighty works and yet hear from Christ tha awfnl worda. "I sever knew yon; dopart from kfc\" V. The One and Only Safe Way (vv. 24-29). 1. Hear the sayings ef Christ (v. 24). To do this ono Btuai giro attention te reading the Word of God. 2. Da wliai Christ commands (w. 24- 29). Hearing and doing the teachings of Christ Is building spun solid rock. Hex ring and not doing Christ's sayings Is to build upon the ssntl. Properly Protected If a man have Christ In his hearf, heaven before his eyes, and only ns mush af temporal blessing as la just needful to carry him safety thraogh life, than pain end sorrow here little te shoot eL—William Bums. Faith By faltb we aadecstand that tha worlds hare been framed by tee vacA mt God, so that what le seas hate Mt bees made out of Gdugs white da apgefr.— Bptefta to fie Hebrew*. Mr. ftrummit began farming ten years ago withofut capital—today he has 248 acres all paid for In Oxford, N. C., a long-time user of Royster's, Mr. T. B. B ruin mi t, made $68.50 net profit per aere on his last tobacco crop, using Roysler "Bonanza Tobacco Guajao." Plants were hardy, leaf ripened and cured uniformly, and was of good weight and color. "Royster increases my acre profit by 25%," says Mr. Brummit. Field tested for 45 years, finely ground, well mixed and aged, Royster Fertilizer will help your crops. Ask your dealer for ROYSTER— every bag full weight. Hgyster SEEMS TO HAVE SOMETHING THE OTHERS DO NOT HAVE NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR AS SETS TO PAY DEBTS. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes Coun ty, rendered in the special pro ceeding entitled "Dolly F- Dod son and Eugene Dodson, Ad ministrators of W. G- Dodson. vs- Willie L. Dodson, and others," we will expose to pub lic re-sale, in front of the Bank building of the Bank of Stokes County in Walnut Cove, N- C, on— MONDAY, FEB. 24TH, 1930 at the hour of 2:30 P- M-, a one-half undivided interest, lots Nos. 4, 8, 10, 19. 20 and 21. on a plat of the lands of Miss uuth W. Hairston. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County. N- C. in Book No. 65, at page 480 See also in said office book No -69, pages 114-115. and book No -77. pages 224. etc. LOT NO. 4: "Beginning at a stake, corner of lot No. 2. thence North, 4 degs East on line of lot No- 2. 2264 feet; thence North, 86 de grees West, with public road, 1000 feet to corner of lot No- 6: i thence S- 4 degs. West, with i line of lot No. 6, 2329 feet to J the corner of lot No- 6, a stake; I thence east, 1005 feet to the place of beginning, containing acres, more or lose.-" LOT NO- 8: "Beginning at pointers- cor ner of lot No- 6, thence Vorth, 4 degrees East, on line of lot No 6. 2000 feet to pointers on public road; thence North 86 ucgrees, West with public road -1000 feet to pointers, corner of lot No- 7; thence S. 4 degs- W. 264 feet to pointers, corner of J lot No- 10; tnenee South. 4 deg ' West. 2098 feet to stake on public road: thence South, 43 degs- and 30 minutes East, I witn road. 161 feet to a stake; I thence 883 feet to the begin ning. containing 552 acres, more or less." LOT NO- 10: "Beginning at a stake on the public road, corner of lot No. 8; I thence North, 4 degs- East. I with l|ne uf lot No 8. 2098 feet to pointers, corner of No- 8; thence North 66 degs- West, i with line of lot No_ 9. 509 feet | to a stake on the public road; thence with the public road, as follows: South, 46 degs- and 5 minutes East. 358 feet; South 63 degs. and 20 minutes East 461 feet; South 41 degs. and 40 minutes East, 294 feet; thence South 43 degrees and 30 minutes East, 176 feet to the beginning, containing 41-9 ac res, more or less-" | LOT NO. 19- ! | "Beginning at an oak post ' and pointers, corner of No. 20. in line of Mrs- Agnes McGill. I th«nce North 8 degs. and 30 minutes East, with her line, t 779 feet to an oak post and poi nters. corner of No- 18; thence East, with No- 18, 3280 feet to a stake on the public road, cor ner o€ No- 18; thence with sap.l i road as follows: South. 40 degs and 25 minutes East. 99 feet; | thence South, 59 degs. and 4 .minutes East. 99 feet; South 1 33 degs- and 27 minutes E. 65 ! feet to a stake, corner of No . 20; and thence West with line 'of No- 20. 4021 feet to the be ginning, containing 64 acres, more or less " LOT NO- 20: "Beginning in the line of Mr*. I Agnes McGill. corner of lot No -21, at an oak post, with hick ory, red oak and white oak pointers, and thence with Mrs- McGill's line North. 8 degrees and 30 minutes East. 909 feet "OK rv*st and pointers, corner of No- 19; thence East, with ..lie of AO- 19, 4021 feet to a stake on a public road; thence with the public road. South 33 degs- and 27 minutes East. 808 leet; S. 42 degs. and 26 minutes e« st. 284 feet to a stake, corner of No- 21; thence West, with line of No- 21. 4812 feet to the beginning, containing 89-9 ac | res, more or less " LOT NO- 21: I "Beginning at an oak post with 2 pines and 1 oak pointer. I corner of No- 22, on line of Mrs. 1 Agnes McGill, thence with her line, North 8 degs and 30 min- I utea East, 934 feet to on oak post, hickory, red oak and white oak pointers, corner of No 20; thence East, wtth line PAGE 3 of No- 20, 4812 feet to a on the public road; thence with the road as follows: South 4fi degs- and 26 minutes 333 feet; South, 34 dfcgs auf 30 minutes Bast, 66 feet; S- m degs- and 20 minutes fihust, p4t feet; South, 17 degs- and 2f minutes East, 100 feet t# a stake, corner of lot No- 2&; thence West with No- 22, 9dm feet to the beginning, couthia inir 107-9 acres, more or leA " Terms of sale cash- This 3rd day of Feb-, MRS DOLLY F- ANI) J- EUGENE DeBHpN, A dmkiiefr aflltf*- N- O- Petree. Attorney sfeb2w | A FAMILY DOCTOR'S LAXATIVE j IS BEST Your health is 100 important!, Ye# rannot afford to experiment with yMf delicate bowels when coaled tongne, had hrcath, headache, gas, natfcea, fcvcrishness, lack of appetite, u* energy, etc., warn of constipation. This applies not only to grown pedpta, hut more particularly to chifdkflM. That's why a family doctor's laxative is always the safe choice. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is prepared today under strict laUoratory supervision from fresh laxative herlts and other pure ingredients, and : exactly Recording to Dr. Caldwell's ! original prescription | Today, millions of families rely on I Dr. Caldwell's judgment in the selec tion of their laxative. For PP. CaM j well's Svrup Pepsin, in bottles f«»Iy for use. sokl in ah drugstores, is now the largest selling laxative in the world!

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