FIRST PRIZE-Cost $995.00 NEW CHRYSLER Six .... _ fife.. /*[ Hh ggg §fj|j[ : .^^- ■ \3L W Four Door 6=Cylinder Chrysler Sedan FOI'RTH PRIZE FIFTH PRIZE SIXTH PRIZE /5V $50.00 V% >> J SEVENTH PRIZE DIAMOND DINNER RING GOLD WRIST WATCII liN v Aon If You Don't Win A Prize You Get Tw Twenty Per Cent. To All Who Do Not Win A Prize! No one who enters this contest can pos sibly be a loser, because twenty per cent, of all collections made by the contestant will be returned to him or her, provided they fail to win a prize. So why not get into it? YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY LOSE! Contest Ends May 31st, 1930 i nil UAinDun i KuruKifiK Greatest Subscription Drive and Contest Yet Put On. The Greatest Subscribtion Drive and Voting Contest ever conducted by any weekly newspaper in this section of North Carolina, is now being started by the Danbury Reporter. In order to increase our already large subscription list, we will absolutely give away the following prizes to those who record the highest votes : FIRST PRIZE—CHRYSLER 6-CYLINDER SEDAN Latest Model- Costing $995.00, purchased from Salem Motor Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. SECOND PRIZE—FORD COUPE, Costing $628.00. Purchased from Fulton Motor Co., Walnut Cove. THIRD PRIZE—ATWATER KENT RADIO, Cost ing $140.00, either electric or battery type, purchased from Burton Drug Co., Walnut Cove. FOURTH PRIZE—DIAMOND DINNER RING. . FIFTH PRIZE—GOLD WRIST WATCH. SIXTH PRIZE—SSO.OO IN CASH. SEVENTH PRIZE—S2S.OO IN CASH. HOW TO OBTAIN THESE PRIZES. _. .. Secure subscriptions to the Danbury Reporter. Get them at home or abroad anywhere. Every yearly sub scription at $1.50 counts 5-000 votes. Two years at $3.00 counts 12,500 votes. Three years at $4.50 counts 22,500 votes. Four years at $6.00 counts $30,000 votes. Five years at $7.50 counts 45,000 votes. Ten years at $15.00 counts 125,000 votes. THE DANBURY REPd WEDNESDAY, At*R. 30, 1930.