EDNESDAY, APR. 30, 1930 I Professional CARPS JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, J Attorney-At-Law, DANBURY, * W. C. ' Prompt attention to all business Will practice in all State courta. j. w. HALL Attorney-a t- Law DANBURY, • • N. C. Prompt attention to all business. Practice in State and Federal Courts. s. GILMER SPARGER Attorney-At-Law, (Over Burton Drug Store) Walnut Cove, N. C. All business given prompt attention. .. Will practice in all State and 1 * ■ r" •> federal Courts. 1 v W. READE JOHNSON v-S* Attorney-at-Law, ' 409-410 O'Hanlon Building, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Practice in State and Federal courts. DR. H. G. HARDING f Dentist KING, . . - H. C. Oflce hours: • to 12 and 1 to I Sad But True "Some one suggests that the only way to drvo is with the idea con-tantl" in mind that the other fellow may be an an idiot," says the Los Ar.geles Times. This is sad but true. Reck lessness seems to be part of the motoring code with millions of American drivers. Ann the inevitable result is thai, every year, 25 or 30 thousand persons are killed and hundreds of thousands injured in prevent able automobile accidents. The tragic part of it is that the enormous annual waste of Ijflo and property is almost en tirely unnecessary. The un preventable accident is rare as the dodo bird. Some is incom petent or reckless in the case of practically every collision, great or small, between motor cars. The blame may be laid in two places. First is the apparent indifference of many motorists to the fundamentals of safety. Second is the lack of strict licensing laws in most states to keep the incompetent and reckless off the road, and an accompanying lack of enforce ment of modernized, common i sense traffic codes. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Samuel A. Lane, deceased, late of Stokes County, N. C., all per sons owing his estate are re quested to make prompt pay ment, and all persons holding claims against his estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly authenticated, to the undersigned, for payment, ' on or before the 15th day of April, 1931, or this notice will ?>e pleaded in bar of their re t(fvery. fr'innacle, N. C., April 15, 1930. W. B. LANE, Administrator of Samuel A. i Lane, deceased. , J. D. Humphreys, Atty. NOTICE- . Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Mrs- Polly Ashby, dee'd, late of Sto kes county, N- C., this is to no , tify all persons owing her es tate to make immediate pay ment, and all persons holding claims against her estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for payment on or before the 7th day of April, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery- This April 5, 1930. N- D. OAKLEY. Adm. of Mrs. Polly Ashby, deceased- J- W. Hall, Atty. for the Admr- Miss Emmy Urban of New York, who designed a new avia tion flag, was 1 dubbed by Mayor Walker as "the Betsy Ross of the Air." Can Handle The Men | Taken One At A Time Washington, N. p., April 28. —A delegation of approximate ily 50 women appeared before the county commissioners in special session here to urge that the work of the home demonstration agent in the county be continued. A num ber of ladies gave their opin ions in the matter. Finally an elderly woman from the Blounts Creek section rose to her feet "Mr. Chairman," she said, "I ain't much for talking to a big bunch of men like this, but I sure can give 'em hell when I talks to 'em one at a time. If you all are thinking of doing away with the home demon stration agent, I'd like to have the opportunity of seeing each member of the board by him self and talking to him like I been used to talking to my hus band." The commissioners hurried ly announced that action on the matter w.ould be deferred until August. | FAMILY DOCTOR | LEARNED THIS ABOUT j CONSTIPATION Dr. Caldwell loved people. His years of practice convinced hint riiany were ruining their health by careless selec tion of laxatives. He determined to write a harmless prescription which would get at the cause of constipation, and correct it. Today, the prescription he wrote in 1885 is the world's most popular laxative! He prescribed a mixture of herbs and other pure ingredients now known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, in thousands of cases where bad breath, coated tongue, gas, headaches, biliousness and lack of appetite or energy showed the bowels of men, women and children were sluggish. It proved successful in even the most obstinate cases; old folks liked it for it never gripes; children' liked its pleasant taste. All drugstores today have Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in bottles. | . NOTICE or APPLICATION FOR PARDON. Notice is hereby given that application will be made' to Governor 0. Max Gardner f«>r the pardon of Rufe King, who was convicted at Spring term 1929 of the Superior Court of 1 Stokes County >f assault with intent to commit rape, and sen- I tenced to serve a term of from ! 4 to 6 years in the State peni tentiary. This April 22, 1930. MARY SUSIE KING, wife of Rufe King. SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST. / By virtue of power vested in the undersigned trustee in a certain deed of trust executed by Wm. Mounce to Bank of Stokes County on Feb. 19, 1923, which trust is duly re corded in otiice Register Deeds Stokes County in Book 72, page 70, reference to which is here unto made, to secure the pay ment of a note in the sum of $318.50 and interest, default having been made in the pay ment of the said note and the holder having applied to the trustee to forecbse the trust for the satisfaction of the debt we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in front of the Bank n£ Stokes County at Walnut Cove, N. C., on— SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1980, at 2 o'clock P. M., the following lands conveyed in the trust, to-wit: Beginning t)t Northwest cor ner Cray and Jane Tilloy't; lot runs East along tneir line 400 feet; thence North 200 :oet: thence West 400 feet: thence South 200 feet to the begin ning. This April 18, 1930. J. B. WOODRUFF, Trustee. ' J. W. NEAL, C. E. DAVIS, Administrators. THE DANBURY REPORTER I Last Rites Held Here ! For Samuel W. Greene Walnut Cove, April 29.-t . Samuel Wilson Greene passed ; away Sunday afternoon at his , | home at Walnut Cove. He had , i been in declining health for a [ j year or more, but critically ill j ! only a few days- He was born . in Stokes county April 5, 1858, . where he spent his entire life. 1 Making his stay on earth 72 , years, fifteen days. , He is survived by his widow 1 who was formerly Miss Fannie ( 1 Burnette, four daughters, Mrs. [ M. E. Manuel, of Winston-Sa lem; Mrs. P. J. Mabe, Mrs. R. J C Smith, Mrs O. F. Tilley, of • Walnut Cove. Three sons,' T. : J. Greene, W- P. Greene, C. L. ' Greene, of Walnut Cove; 20 , grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. | J. P. Smith, of Ether, N. C.; . i three brothers, J. B. Greene, Walnut Cove; H. S. Greene, Aberdeen, N. CJ. W. Greene. Usk, Washington. He united with the M. E. , church at Palmyra August 22, [ 11889, and lived a consecrated | Christian life. Although not an I ordained Minister, he preached in local churches for a number of years, and the happiest mo ment of his life was spent in telling others of God's love and what He meant to him. He bore his suffering patiently and often said he was waiting for the summons to come. He will be greatly missed in his community. The funeral was conducted; Monday afternoon at Walnut Cove Baptist church bv Rev. O. E. Ward, Rev. C. R. Hutch erson and Rev. Fletcher Man j uel. Interment followed in the ; church cemetery with a beau-, ! tiful floral tribute. The pall bearers were B. F. Johnson, J. H. Fowler, If. H • Davis, A. T. Rothrock, J. L. . Mitchell and J. Frank Dunlap. !i James Leonard Tilley, infant son of Mr and Mrs. (). F. Tilley, 1 passed away Sunday at 4:00 o'clock P. M. at the home at , Walnut Cove. Born March 7, I 1930, died April 27, 1930, age 1 seven weeks, one day. Mrs ' '1 illey was Miss Gertrude Green ■ before her marriage. The fun eral was held Monday after . noon at the home by Rev. 0. E. Ward and Rev. C- *R. Hutcher ' son. Interment followed in the Walnut Cove cemetery. . 1 A FRIEND. t PELLAGRA ! can l e cured. Have you any «>i |jic»c syinp* ■ Tired and druw.*y feeling witli head* [ aches and depression; skin rough; breaking cut or eruptions; sore mouth, tongue, lips and throat ttaming red; much mucus and choking: indigestion nud nausea; failing memory; dinnliea or constipation. Write for 1 50-page book mailed- in plain, sea ltd I ; wrapper DR. W J McCRARY. Inc. ) | Carbon Hill. Ala. J When Food [ Sours Lot M of folks who think they have 4 "indigestion" have only an acid condition , which could be corrected in Ave or ten minutes. An effective anti-acid like " Phillips Milk of Magnesia soon restores - digestion to normal. f Phillips does away with all that sour t ness and gas right after meals. It pre . vents the distress so apt to occur two , hours after eating. What a pleasant - preparation to take! And how good it is 3 for the system! Unlike a burning dose t of aoda —which is but temporary relief 1 at best—Phillips Milk of Magnesia neu tralises many times its volume in acid- Next time a hearty meal, or too rich a diet haa brought on the least disoom ' fort, try— PHILLIPS Milk , of Magnesia ) • I A Brooklyn matador killed ■ four bulls in Spain in one day. When he comes home he may try his. hand as a Wall Street bear. Another surplus that is wor i rying the government to that of prisoners. NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST. By virtue of the power con tained in deed of trust execut ed by Charley L. Essick and wife Annie Essick, dated July 14th, 1922, and recorded in Book Deeds Trust Stokes Coun ty, No. 66, page 689, appoint ing the undersigned trustee, de fault having been made in pay ment of note secured, and on demand of holder of note, I will sell at public auction, for cash, on the premises in Stokes County, on— SATURDAY, MAY 3RD, 19:50, at 2 P. M., the following real estate: Adjoining lands of C. S. Walters and others, bounded as follows: Beginning on post oak in county line and runs N. 5 deg. E. 18 1-2 chains to stake in county line; thence S. 87 1-2 E. 28 1-4 chains to a rock; thence S. 7 1-2 East 4.80 chains to ford of creek; thence Soutli 40 degrees W. practically with the branch 9.30 chains; thence S. 60 west to willows, 2.82 chains; thence S. 64 W. with branch 5.26 chaifis to bunch of bushes on north bank of creek; thence N. 13 degrees W. on old line 4 1-2 chains to stake; thence S. 71 3-4 degrees West on old line 17 1-4 chains to the beginning, containing 39 acres more or less, as shown by plat made by Job McGee Oct. 12, 1921, and being part of the W. J. Wilson, Jr., land. See deed W. R. Badgett, Commissioner, to C. L. Essick. Second tract: A tract of 12 1-4 acres in Quaker Gap township, and being the land conveyed by J. P. and Laura Covington to C. L. Essick by deed dated Jan. 16th, 1914, and recorded in Book 61, page 59, Office of Register of Deeds of Stokes county, to which record reference is made for fuller and better and minute description of land. This is a r.'-sale under order of Clerk of Court. Ist traci bidding starts ;( t $1338.75, and second tract bidding starts at 1708.75. Sold to satisfy note $1500.00. interest and costs to add. This April 15th, 1930. O. E. SNOW, Trustee, Pilot Mountain, N. C. SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust, dated January 24, 1929. i recorded in the olHce of the| Register of Deeds of Stokes, County, X. C., in Book No. 7H ! page 255, executed by E. E. j Edwards and his wife Grace F. Edwards, to J. I). Humph reys, Trustee, to secure the payment of a note of $1,000.00 ami interest as therein set forth, and the said note and debt being due and unpaid and request having been made to me to foreclose the deed of trust to satisfy the terms thereof, I will on— MONDAY, MAY 19TH, 1930. at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., at the court house door in the town of Danbury, N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the lands con veyed in the said deed of trust which are described as follows, to-wit: A certain tract of land lying and being in Stokes County aforesaid, and more particular ly described and defined as fol lows: Being Lot No. 3, in the division of the Abe Edwards lands and containing 90.22 acres, »more or less, and fully described in a deed from W. P. Edwards, Mrs. Luinde Edwards Merritt, and P. A. Merritt to E. E. Edwards, bearing date of April 8, 1925, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C., in Book No. 73, page 418, for which reference is hereunto made for full description of the tract of land intended here to convey. This April 15, 1930. ♦ J. D. HUMPHREYS, Trustee. ——————* According to the Literary ' Digest, the United States, like ! ancient Gaul, is divided into j : three parts—dry, moist and wet. A Texas newspaper has a I Miss Love and a Miss Huggins on its staff. Quite a handicap if the editor contemplates an anti-petting crusade. NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR AS SETS TO PAY DEBTS. of a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes Coun- J ty, rendered in the special pro ceeding entitled "Dolly F. Dod son and Eugene Dodson, Ad ministrators of W. G. Dodson, vs. Willie L. Dodson, and others," we will expose to pub lic re-sale, in front of the Bank building of the Bank of Stokes County in Walnut Cove, N. C.. on— SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930, at the hour of 2:30 P M-, a one-half undivided interest, lots Nos. 4, 8, 10, 19, 20 and 21. on a plat of the lands of Miss Ruth W. Hairston, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County. N- C, in Book No- 65, at page 480. See also in said office book No* 69, pages 114-115. and book No -77, pages 224. etc. LOT NO. 4: "Beginning at a stake, corner of lot No- 2, thence North, 4 degs East on line of lot No- 2, 2254 feet; thence North. 86 de grees West, with public road, 1000 feet to corner of lot No- 6; thence S- 4 degs. West, with line of lot No. 6. 2329 feet to the corner of lot No- 6, a stake; thence east, 1005 feet to the place of beginning, containing 52 acres, more or less-" LOT NO- 8: "Beginning at pointers cor ner of lot No- 6. thence North, 4 degrees East, on line of lot No 6. 2000 feet to pointers on publje road; thence North 86 degrees, West with public road -1000 feet to pointers, corner of lot No- 7; thence S. 4 degs. W. 264 feet to pointers, corner of lot No- 10; thence South- 4 deg- West, 2098 feet to stake on public road: thence South, 43 degs. and 30 minutes East, with road. 151 feet to a stake;! thence East 883 feet to the be-1 ginning, containing 55.2 acres, \ more oi* less." LOT NO. 10: "Beginning at a stake on thej public road, corner of lot No. 8; ; thence North, ! degs- East, with ljne of lot No- 8- 2098 feet! to pointers, corner of No- 8;i thence North 55 degs. West. | with line of lot No 9. 509 fed to pointers, corner of No, 9; thence North 8(> degrees West. 561 feet to pointers, corner of No. 9; thence South 1 degrees W, with line of No. 13, 1552 ft. to a stake on the public road;i thence with the public road, a« ; follows: South. 46 degs. and 5 I minutes East, 358 feet; South j53 degs- and 20 minutes East 1-1(51 feet; South 41 degs. and 40 minutes East, 291 feet: j thence South i.'! degrees and 30 I minutes East, 17'5 feet to the beginning, containing 11-9 ac res, more or less." LOT NO- 19- "Beginning at an oak post, and pointers- corner of No. 20- in line of Mrs- Agnes McGill.' thence North N degs. and 30 minutes East, with her line,! 779 feet to an oak post and poi-j liters, corner of No- 18; thence East, with No- 18, 3280 feet to! a stake on the public road, cor-I ner of No- 18; thence with sajd road as follows: South, 43 degs. j and 25 minutes East, 99 feet; thence South, 59 degs. and 04 minutes East. 99 feet; South 46 degrees and 50 minutes E. 66 feet; thence South 34 de grees 05 minutes East 662 feet; thence South 33 de grees and 27 minutes East, 65 33 degs. and 27 minutes PL 65 feet to a stake, corner of No -20; and thence West with line of No- 20. 4021 feet to the be ginning, containing 64 acres, more or less " LOT NO. 20: "Beginning in the line of Mrs. Agnes McGill. corner of lot No -21. at an oak post, with hick ory, red oak and white oak pointers, and thence with Mrs- McGill's line North. 8 degrees and 30 minutes East, 909 feet to oak post and pointers, corner of No- 19; thence East, with line of No- 19, 4021 feet to a stake on a public road; thence with the public road. South 33 degs- and 27 minutes East. 808 feet; S. 42 degs. and 26 minutes east. 284 feet to a stake, corner of No- 21; thence West, with ljne of No. 21. 4812 feet to the beginning, containing 899 ac res, more or less " LOT NO 21: "Beginning at an oak post with 2 pines and 1 oak pc.inter, corner of No- 22, on line of Mrs. Agnes McGill. thence with her line. North 8 degs- and 30 min- lb Identify Genuine Aspirin The increasing use of Bayer As pirin every year is proof that it has no ill effects. It is the accepted an tidote for pain. It always helps; never harms; is safe to use freely as often, as it is needed. Quick relief whenever you ve a headache, or cold; or are suffering from neuralgia or neuritis, i he distressing pains of rheumatism, yield, too, if you'll only give these: tablets a chance. But be sure to gee genuine Aspirin. It has the Bayer Cross on every tablet. Look for the name Bayer on the box, and the word "genuine" printed in red. Proven di rections inside. ASPIRIN ▲•pi Tic li the trade mirk of Bayer Manufacture ©? Mviioaceticacidebter of Salioylicacid utes East, 934 feet to an oak post, hickory, red oak and white oak pojnters. corner of No- 20; thence East, with line of No- 20, 4812 feet to a stake on the public road; thence with the road as follows: South 42 degs- and 26 minutes 333 feet; South, 34 degs- and 30 minutes East, 66 feet; S- 11 degs. and 20 minutes East, 54«' feet: South, 17 degs. and 2S minutes East, 100 feet to u stake, corner of lot No- 22; thence West with No- 22, 5363 feet to the beginning, contain ing 107 9 acres, more or less " Terms of sale cash- This 14th day of April, 19.°,". | MliS- DOLLY F- DODSOK I AND .J- EUGENE HUDSON, I Administrators -1 N- O- I'etree, Attorney 112Mch2w j NOTICE. I Having qualified as admini- I tratrix of the estate of Walter j I). Glenn, deceased, all persons lowing his estate are requested ito make immediate payment, ■ and all persons holding claims ! against his estate are hereby i notified to present same duly i authenticated for payment, to i the undersigned on or before 'the 22nd day of April, 1931, r this notice will be pleaded i.i i bar of their recovery. 1 Walnut Cove, N. C., Route April 22, 1930. . .MKS. LULA GLENN/ Administratrix of Walter D. Glenn, deceased. ! J. I>. Humphreys, Atty. for ! Administratrix. It May Be |ll| Ur f nt Children Ciy, for It ' Castnria is a comfort when Baby i» fretful. No sooner taken than the little mut is at ease. If restless, a few dropa soon bring contentment. No harm done, for Custom is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you have tbo doctors' word for that! It is a vegetable pro duet ami you ennld llse it every day, Jlut it's in mi emergency that Custom means most. Homo night when constipation must- be relieu'd —or colic pains—,ir , other suffering. Never be without it; loine niothei-H kerp mi extra bottle, uu o|ieued, to make sure there will nlway* hit t'astoria in the house, li is elicit i, > for oliler children, too; read tliu book that conies with it. PAGE 7