PAGE 8 Idem MS MS Mr. and Mrs- N. S. Mulliean a' i chil iren. of Wilson - \ i-itfd Danbury and Pi «i;. ut S: -inns Sundav afternoon. Mr. and .Mrs. .!•»•* I.ynch. o ! Mi.vodan. visited triends here S uday afternoon. Mai tv Mail*, who has 1 ■ll s M'oring with s"n,e gland af f ti«m of t!u' lift k. it-It Meii d:;v l'ctr Johns-lfopkir.s 11 • >|>i t;• 1 i: Haltim ore where lie will uu d go treatment. Mr. Maiv iv fiitly underwent ail opera t n ill a Mt Aii'v 11• -pital. •lev. and Mr.-. *>. 11. Hansel' ... ■ -rnali daughter. • W st !! 1. wt'if in Danbury a -iiort ■>\ 'ile Sunday ;i 11f!'is»«»::. -.mi 1 i.'armi::. ::a. inpai.i. •! hi.- daughter. Miss Ivvt J»«i«»- visited Dan'oiirv Monday. M .- Dearmin i- of the v-:. !id;t'!'- ill The R"port r - ■ , t' S ? . Attorney ('has. K. N'orfleet. >\ in-* 'ii-SaK'i' . wa- it Pan v a short while Monday. , i •!. Fagg and I - .. 11- Nelson, • : Route 1. I> th i andidate.- tor nil'. were visit rs here M -dav. Mr. and Mrs. it. A Smith at I i-i 'ivr. of l.avv-otr. ille. \: -it i 'Yioiid- hero Sunday. ■ ■ Edith Fagg returned }• c S> •' lay much improved, af'.«'r a short stay it: a Wins- S;d. -m hospital. . ol 1.. 1! Floyd, attoir-;.:, i In Mi s. l - lo\d and • hildre .. >.-■•.ir- }..'!•■ }':• m Wal ' ■ u ii v . > : • . p. mine!:' ! ; >1 v ' !o Ti •sd • . af' ■>• 11. •.-t ma-tor U. I*. Spencer va to lav )!'>!.. ' .•p 1 ' - from the pi-. >'i orchards in the Sam! Hills say cii!d v." ither of th" pas: t di" ro dam;,;." t■ > tin* •-it i■ r• |» in that section due id- la ' that ti' f liaj»i is I "'ii «i advam ed t pro i tin fruit. Mi- IMioi'li.' Fdni'iids an 1 da Miter. Mi.-.- Willi*', of Win s' . -Salem, visited Mrs. {l. M. ,J . i!• i• >Mala.v. Superlative Types ol Walnut Cove Seniors tin Tuesday of last week the senior.- of Walnut Cove High School met to disi uss cum m iiceiueiit exercises and to vole nil the superlative types. Tn« class day program was planned and practiced. The superlative types were voted a- totlows: Rest all round girl, Mary S ■ William.-. iii'st all-round boy, Hubert Sish Most popular girl. Saxon \'o.- -■ Mo-t popular boy, Hubert Si-k. Rest jiirl student, Saxon Vo.-s. Be-l b y student. Merrit Hudspeth. Most studious, Ilobert Joyce. Most willing to help, tiail Voss. i'li-tti' -t girl, Saxon Voss. Must hands >mo bov. Spencer Hill. Most attractive girl. Hutu Mitchell- Most attractive boy, Paul Davis, Jr. Most athletic girl, Mattie Morelield. Most athletic boy. Hubert Sisk. Most dramatic girl. Huth Mitchell. Wittiest boy. Paul Davis, Jr. Most musical girl, Mary Zim merman. Host dressed girl, Thelma Rothrock. Best dressed boy, Paul Davis. Jr. . „ , Smartest girl. Iris Southern. Most polite girl, Hallie Spen cer- ~ Most loyal boy. Davul More lield. Most sincere girl, Mary Sut Williams. Quietest, girl, Eunice Mabe. Biggest talker, i aid Davis Jr. Biggest grumbler. Joe Sand? Biggest llirt, Huth Mitchell- Biggest flapper. Huth Mitch Biggest sheik, Ihomas I Rothrock. Cutest gii'l, Saxon Voss. WALM T COVE TO I HOLI) ELECTION Will !.ikei> Re-Elect Old .Mayor and Board of Commissioners r —Young People Enjo> Out- 'j inn—Personals- I \ I i Walnut Cove's municipal el-.*c-M tit 'i will In- held next Tuesday. ; May (ith. Mayor J. F. Dunlap,' ai d the old hoard of town coir ' tni-sioners will probably rat' have anv oppositum The mem- hers are H. H Da' N, R. 1„ • Vaughn. J. L. Mi. hell a.ic! K. ' F. Michael. ! A party composed of Misses Mary l.ane Brewer. Elizabeth 1 Sparger. Helen Fulton. Messrs. * Ci'mer Sparger. 11. H. Britton. ' Kill Fulton. Mrs. Anile Carter. 1 Mi- .lac 11 Fulton a n i M:\ ami Mrs. F. P. P.-pp>'i' 1 \M-nt to Cascade last e\«• 11i11g aiai ooked supper. Ihe occas ion was a most enjoyable one ; Mis.-es Huth Mitchell an: Nell F wit r w» re tin week-tc.U gu« .-ts of Mr- and Mrs. A. A. ' Foui.-r in Mt. Airy. Frank IV?m* thi.- week iiiov e . his i'anrily into the home recently purchai'd l>y him on Summit St. Mr. IVtroe has completely remodeled the hous" :brought >ut the interior with * - tile iharge.- outside. Mrs H. 1.. Murphy has I»• 'ii «11iit• • ii! at her home hero foi -i-veral da.\ ■. Ib r son. Jnc , W d. of Creetisboro. wa- *;dl td to her it side. Her con- . t'it i- ii i- rep' i ted a- >onn lie!- t.-i- todav. ' _ ' Mi-s H'itu lltii.-toii arrived . to,ia\ to -pi" d a while at !;■ i i ■ • ■ plat ■ n Da* iv r. * Mrs. Pa ii 1 Fulton and I•. i > ' ht'-r iet ui net I nm a\\ in .-ton-Salem hospital Tuesiiaj . 1 r.? illusion t)l Spring. The fanner i- al\va> - ,' '■ 1 mi-'ic ia May. Nature i- green • after the .lead v. inter, a at! U'e -un-hine i- like wine in th- ; ->-tc!ii. The -cent of guano in the other make- him wild, and in -pile of all the calami ties in the world, he envisions hiiiher prices and prosperity. If he has made an allotment in hi- mind of fewer acres in to bacco. and more home supplies, he revises hi- plans, and the result is more tobacco invar iably. Pope said "hope springs eternal in the human breast." hut his countryman Shake speare had already written "what fools we mortals be." | Both of these epigrams are true to life. N. C. Buses Must Carry Negroes 1 Raleigh, April 2ft.—Motor t . i'l'iers operating vehicles and Using union passenger stations in their schedules are today in 1 structed by the corporation commission to get ready for j the transportation of negro passengers who had not been : given these riding privileges ' until the Supreme court held ■ bus lines to be common carriers! ami therefore under state con-■ trol as railways and other com-1 panics doing public service- I 1 The instructions of the com-1 , mission affect the stations in 1: ; j 1 North Carolina towns and i cities, but these places will not be the only points affected by ! tilt- order. The bus lines will 1 be expected to pick up passeng ers along the way and all cars 1 carrying persons will be requir ed to take them on. The young sons of Sam Prid- I tly and Will Steele, each driv -1 ing Ford cars, had a head on 1 collision last Sunday in the Sandy Ridge section. Both ! young men were more or less '• injured and the cars badly damaged. Some farmers are reported Ito be watering their tobacco le, beds. Haiti is needed for all I growing crops- The land is getting hard and wlure it has s, pot been broken is difficult to | plow. This April has been the s. dryest in many years. h O. M- Southern, proprietor I the Walnut Cove Roller Mill ' ] was here today enroute to Mt Airy. THE DANBURY REPORTER News and Personals Reported From King: Kin jr. April 30.—A new Foril roadster with Lawson! ami a younu man named l>njr gins from neu»- \\ irst-»n-Salem. was wrecked on t lie Great Lakes to Florida Hghway four | miles .vest o{ iere SundaJ • morning resulting in Lawson lteing instantly killed and the other occupant being cut and , bruised severely. Hie car wf | completely demolished. ' • t seems that the car was makinc so much speed that it would not take the c:rve and left the highwav striking a guy pole oi the Southern Public L'tilities elect iric line whirh extends along the highway. Both yiuni;.' men wore said to have been drinkiinr at the time of the ac cident. The King Tiger* took one lrom High Point Satur day on tin- Hi 'h I'oint diamond. The final store stood 27 to 2. .Mr. and Mrs. l»a\id Callowjp • t' Klkin. were among the visi tors here Sunday. Cladie Moore. ot this place, who underwent an operation for appendicit : in the Law rence hospital at Winston Sa lem. last Wednesday, is report ed to be getting along nicely. Albert I 'el roe. of Cincinnati. Ohio, is spending a lew day witli his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Petfee. who reside near here.' Messrs. Julian Savage and Elmo Long. of Richmond. \'; . and Mis.- Louis* Sparks, of Wilist• n-Salein. have returm t,. their homes alt r spendi::g a .'in," time with Miss Irene ! !du ards. I": foll. u ing births w« resisti I' d iler. last week: I "v Ir. a d Mr-. Iv -1'• r Watts -on: t Mr. ami Mrs- Fletchei Vaden a daughter: to Mr. ai. Mrs. Ammond Shaniel a son: t i Mr. and Mr-. Koscoe Snio a son and t" Mr. and Mrs. Muggins a son. Mr. ai d Mrs. J. Allan Co are spending -onn* time with their -on. DeWitt Cook, win resides near High I'oint. The Ladies Aid of the King Moravian church gave a picni supper to the teachers and Seniors of the King High School on the lawn at the home of Mr- and Mrs. S. W. I'tilliani Thursday afternoon. It was an enjoyable occasion for aH pres ent. Nemoie ('. Hooker, ot Char , lotte. spent the week-end here the guest of relatives. Virginia, the small daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. E. M- Hauserj fell while at play at their home here Friday morning incurring! an inquiry which necessitated an operation which was per formed in the Lawrence hospi tal. Her condition is not re garded as serious but it will be necessary for her to remain in the hospital for a few day-. | Mrs. Leonard Sparks child ren and Mrs. II- 11. Tinker, ot Winston-Salem, have returned to their homes after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. K. I'. Edwards. Ralph Metier, of Toledo, )., is spending a few days with relatives here- The King Highs crossed bats with the East Bend school Fri day resulting in a score of 12 to six in favor of King. Stanley N'ewsum. of High | Point, formerly of King, was ooooooooooooooooo ! I SCHOOL ! COMMENCEMENT I | __ ] 0 Time Now On. ! 1 See Our New Lines of I $ DRESS GOODS, 1 S HOSIERY, OXFORDS : £ AND MILLINERY. £ The Latest Styles i o bought for cash, j i ' We Sell them for LESS si $ at The "Big- Store." i) 6 : | Shore Mercantile Company, Inc. t- I "The Big Store" ' KING. N. C. >ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo among the visitors here Friri|\ Mr. and Mrs. Leo (I. Lawton.! of Boone, spent the week-end i here the guests of relatives! and frunos. I'. J. (iunter. of Stuart. Va.. formerly of King, was here Monday attending to some business matters. Work on I)r. Rupert S. Helsa beck's home which is being erected on the site of the oil fair grounds i well under way. Mizpah News Items Mizpah, April 28—The farm ers in this section are very busy planting corn anil hauling fertilizer for their tobacco crop. Misses Mattie Ferguson and Lynn Bowles visited Mrs. Huz ie Robertson Saturday and Sunday near Capella. The Mountain View ball team played Capella team Saturday evening. The score stood 6 to S in favor of Mountain View. Misses Benlah Barr. Ethel Holes and Benlah Boles visited Miss Nina Baker Sunday. Miss Alice Boles spent Sun-, day in High Point visiting her sister- Mrs. Gilbert Ferguson i vory sick at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Hart gr >ve visited Mrs. Mary Ben-, nett Sunday. Miss Opal Petree, of Char lotte, and some of her friends visited Miss Benlah Barr Sun-, day. The Mountain View Inter-1 r: tiate Sunday School class! Nt on an egg boiling during] *>• Faster holidays and had ». r> ,:i g> kI time with about 50 present. Native Stokes Lady Dies In Mt. Airy Mrs. Ann Uache! M iore died a! the home ol her iece.j Mr.-. .1. I)- McCollutn. in Mount ,\ i \ Tuesday morning. Mrs. Mm re was SO years old at the t : •!i.• of her death, having been , I■ i n February 11. 1811. at j Sandy Ridge in Stokes county. The deceased was the daughter; of .John lianner and Virginia Moore lianner. and had made. Mount Airy her home since, early childln od. Mrs. Moore was the wife of .lesse F- Moore, of Mt. Airy. He died in 1801. Since this time she had made her home with Mrs. McCollum, her niece. Though her health has been on a steady decline since January, her sudden death Tuesday came as a shock to her many j friends. The deceased was a graduate lof old Greensboro Female Col lege. now Greensboro College, and has for many years been a prominent and highly esteem ed member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Announcement l I hereby announce myself Republican candidate for coun ty commissioner, subject to the wishes of the people in the next ! primary. Your co-oporation will be appreciated. CARL T. MABE, Lawsonville, N. C. LOST —Black and tan hound, : white feet, end of tail white, . breast and nose white, one toe ; off hind foot. Lost near Ca pella. Reward. R. J. WHIT i MAN, Telephone 848, Winston ; Salem, N. C. 30apr2w oooooooooooooooooo ; Tobacco Plants Will Be ( Planted This Week j Kinston, April 27—With re turn of warm weather, trans planting of the Eastern Caro lina tobacco crop will get into j full swing this week. Most of i the crop will be transferred j from plantbeds to fields within ! j two weeks. The crop will have the latest j ' start in several years as a re- j suit of cold weather .since the j ; middle of April. The produc- j 1 tion may be somewhat larger ! 1 than last year's in the belt. i Miss Janie Martin and Mrs. i Ellsworth Hartsfield expect to leave today for a visit to Mrs. • Hartsfield's mother at Lenoir. ! Il j Pay your 1929 tax by May 2, 1930, and save a penalty of 1 | per cent, for May and cost of advertising. J. J. TAYLOR, Sheriff. 1 1 I .. - : ! \ To The Farmers i I of Stokes and i-\ Adjoining Counties . i i a I Who are interested in growing a better type of to i>' baOco. Without having any interest in any way, I was persuaded by a fertilizer dealer the past season to divide my fertilizer purchase from my old brand that I had used for 13 years. I used 40 bags of 8-3-3 >v of another's goods and 40 bags of Ober's 8-3-3. The ► i tobacco that grew from Ober's fertilizer averaged 9 $29.00 per hundred. The tobacco that grew under 0] the other brand of .fertilizer averaged less than 0 $14.00 a hundred, besides I top dressed this brand 9 with nitrate of soda at an extra cost of $4.00 per 0 acre. I figure that I lost enough money on my crop Xj by not using Ober's to have paid for *my fertilizer 0 two years. You make r.o mistake by using Ober's 0 fertilizer for growing a high type of tobacco. 0 H. D. SNOW. q Witness—J. W. Saunders. o Ober's Fertilizer for sale by Pepper 0 Bros., at Danbury and Walnut Cove, o See us for your spring needs. 0 1 j Pepper Bros. > WEDNESDAY. APR. 30. 19.50. Cars Entering State Highways From Side Roads Must Stop Raleigh, April 26. State Highway patrolmen have been instructed by Captain Charles D. Farmer to immediately start strict enforcement of the law requiring vehicles entering State highways from side reads to stop. Many wrecks recently have been reported due to violation of the law requiring motorists driving onto highways from side roads, even private drive ways, to stop. Many convic tions for violation have also been reported and now orders have gone forth for a strict enforcement of the statute.