DANBURY REPORTER «li "ie 58. * MEETING TAXPAYERS i V. \( Tuesdav. Aug. i ■•> Officials Request • • i With Citizen.-, in Itemed v Ta\ Sit ua- I';t\el- of Stoke; | ieb» r. -pi'ttlully ii meet with urt i 'lis*' hi Dan .'clock A. M., Tues ' I'.i, I'M- t In- purpose i» - to meet the • itn:itii»n ill Stokes' !• m >r. time* are .• ..rvbody knows • ! • I |»-> pie conilot Taxes are ".vt rnnient ex* > •:«iik'iiMime. [s 11 in ily we may i> • tlie condition • i! ,ee|' of Stoke-; ei- tax payer of "> "•'i interested >l.; |iiestion is • vith us. This ."•ii meeting an.l ■ " ill have a voiee ■ his opinion. •jiities are holding ■ tak ii/ i ognizance •■'ant ;i!iil serious invite every i i WIWV to Ik' with ?•> i Mice nut and at ii .it; r whieh con • • ■ -- life of our if CKRRY. n.tj lax Com, 1 lama Parly. • Auk 11.— •ilv i ,- "w|er and ie charming i.oiMher of friends i iJ.iJ.ty Wednesday ' 1 h nie of .Miss in/ .Misse- Kve ar.d IWofhy Jeiik- IJaptist Hospital in H .■•ii «.t lovely Kardeii /hoii* tin- home. • r attTTTrtiTe -et - • ••. "In pi i/e goiier 'i* .Marshall for th • ' "i paiani|i> vvhkn .ii voile. •i Miitr bridge I. V.i • j«i\ id, aft ii r i . i , I Ii -.it *\ I' In - t • th .v est «I vj- .Mil, hell. If , t • ii ■ or "ii 4 Il i iii livv hi, Ni-.i ■ Mary and H ■ i .i idii V ,d, \ i!i Fulton. I v•• 1.. in \\ '■ d. uf. II i.•> ' i lid)' I i ak • • r.ir.*, Tlielnu l» l>i'' Fulton M nl TMV lor Established 1872. FAIR CATALOG II NOW IN MAKINO Stokes Farmers and Business !■ Men Joining Hands In Pro moting County Fair—Citiz ens ol Every Township Pur chasing Stock. 1 Officials of the organization for the promotion of a Stokes County Fair are this week j mailing out a letter to citizen.- of the county reading as fol- ' lows: 1 The farmers and business | men of Stokes county are join- dig hands in the promotion of a Stokes County Fair. We are i building up our organization ON a non-profit basis, our whole 1 aim being the promotion of the I agricultural welfare of Stokes county. Farmers of every ' township of Stokes county have * purchased stock in the fair on this basis. This assures the in terest and eo-opeiVition of the larniers in the development of a successful f«ir. I Quite a number of legistemi ( (iuernsey cattle have been re- ( cently brought into Stokes county. The Stokes county fan* ' will bring together the largest number of registered (luernsey cattle ever exhibited in this i county. i Our catalog is now in the making. We will distribute 2500 or .'SOOO copies among the leading citizens of Stokes coun ty. This catalog will be read by nearly every reading person in Stokes county. An adver- ' tisement in it will be a good in vest nvnt. It will pay you we'l ; to have us reserve space for voil. We believe von will d:> this in a spirit of co-operation, and at the same time you will -realize that what you spend fo- advertising in thi catalog will be a good business investment. Our representative will call l to see you within a few days. We hope you will give us your order for advertising space, when our representative calls, i Thanking you for your co operation in promoting the Stokes County Fair, we are Yours very truly, W.M. F. MARSHALL, Sec'v Stokes County Fair. •I. K. TRKVATHAX, County Agent. Inn. of Catalog Cammittcc. I lurk, i mint v f.irmers have • rile red a »ar ef ground lime '• in m he u.M'il in demenstra t• o»- with growing legumes for > eil ,:'i 1 i,| ii I' • ovill, pli: - i "s. th 1 - .liter, .\' ist if 111 • 11111« » i'l I e u-i d under alfalfa. % ! ui 11 - of insh potatoes prixlut'id I l iwheln of mar I !. t. I I.- t iibec- HI the farm of: .1 nn .1 b.it. li!"i'.i uf Catawba II ll' lv I li|l«ii'erif!g tile pl'e* drotigjit, this i- ci.nsid end an exc elicit yield. Akei *. f Hat s\ jl i', \ru . i nmpluititil to |m«l.« tha' M'lili'li. ly ftole hi woi leu le.' Wlllli hi- »l« pt. «k. Daitbury, N. C., Wedne .da;,, August 13, 1930. BI(i LION MEET FRIDAY EVENING Stokes County, >ll. Airy and and Kernersville Clubs Will Hold .'oint Session At Pied mont Springs—Steak Fry To Precede Meeting. i Oil Friday evening of this week, at Piedmont Springs, i joint meeting of the Lion-; Clulis of Stokes County, Ml. Airy and Kernersville will be held in the ball room at that place and the clubs will be ad dressed by entertaining speak ers of the several clubs on var ious and sundry subjects. While the meeting will be in the n-ytin a social affair, the Lions expect to discuss several subjects of importance and ri full attendance is doired and expected. I'receding the business sess ion of the clubs there will be a steak fry. and the food will be served by the wives and lady friends of the members of the clubs, after being prepared by experenced cooks. Following the repast the members, their wives, sisters.! daughters and numerous invit-' ed guests will dance in the ball room to mu.-ic furnished by Charlie Bodenheirrjor and his 10-piece orchestra. Hail Destroys Crops Near Kinir King. Aug. I:s.—.Misses Fan nie and Lillie (J off, of Winston- Salem, are spending a few days with relatives here. C. S. Xewsum has accepted a position with the Wilson Mo tor Co. and has already entered in his new duties. A severe hail storm covering a small area in the Chestnut (Jro\e section last Tuesday completely destroyed the toba> co crops of several farmers. The King Tigers lost to M'. Airy in a game pia.veri at Pin nacle Friday. The final svore stood seven and four. The following births were registered here last week: To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Edwards a daughter and to Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Stroupe a daughter. Homer Slate has accepted a position with the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey White. ;of Roanoke, Va., are spending la few days here the guests of relatives. Miss Rema Allen, of High Point, is spending her vacation here. Sin- is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Allen A gany which was very in teresting and exciting all through was played by tli Kinir Tigers and Oak Ridge at Walnut Cove Saturday resulted in a score of two and one in favor of the Tigers. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith and Captain and Mrs. ,1. ('. Northscott and Miss C.reta Tillotson are spending their vacation :n Virginia Beach Mr. and M>s. K. I>. Lawt :i and their little daughter an pending ;• few days here. The.' •ire tli' guests of Mr. Lawton's on tin r. i.. (!. Lawton, in Wal nut Hills. T. S. Petree, of Winston-Sa lem. was among the visitors here Sunday Rev. John Spainhower deliv ered a very interesting sermon at the Baptist TVlission Sin dav morning. Miss Opal Ingranf, of Wins ton-Salem. is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. C. O. Ingram, who resides near here. FIERCE STORM I AT WESTFIELD Building Damaged '»> the ' Wind. Barn* I'nrcofed. Tic* I'ijrc-tfd l'rop> Intpr>\ed By (he Rain—Highway No. >> l Bi'ing Hardsurfaced. t A I('•'!'i/n." wind and storm ccurred in tlu* Westlieid ; community Saturday evening. 1 A smoke house at the home stead of S. I'. Christian was ' wrecked by the wind, while a portion of the roof on his resi dence was blown oil". A number of tobacco barns were unroof- ] ed. A heavy rainfall accom- j pained the storm, benefiting ; the growing crops of tobacco ) Highway No. (>(sl, I >adin,,' ] from Smith's lilling station to t liural Hail. via Beynold'. school, is being hardsurfaced with crushed granite and tar prepii l Htion. NEW SURFACE i FOR ROAD HERE i lianhury-Buck Island Highway v (Jetting a New (:*at of trav el and Tar at the Hands of the State. State Highwav forces arriv- I L*d here this week and are now iriving highway No. 80 between Danburv and Buck Island bridge a new coat of gravel ind tar. This road, which had already [lad one coat of tar and gravel, ivas becoming full of smnll ' holes, but with a new surface ' f the same material on top of Ihe present one. it is believed I hat it will stand up under the 1 rallir. Since this road was surfaced i year ago it has been subject ed to very heavy traffic, espec ially by the hauling of popla" :nd oak chunks, a majority i' ihese loads beinjr unusuallv hea\f. It is the opinion ;n" many that these heavy loads were mainly the cause of the ■airface breaking through so ijiiickly. Family Reunion. The reunion of the Duggins family will be held at the homo f \V. M. Duggins in Mayodan in the 4th Sunday in August, 1H."50, instead of the Ith Sun lay in September as heretofore held. All relatives and friends invited to be present. I Ants may be driven from a* fuelling by applying sodium ■'.niride around all places wher" ' I lie insects are observed com-, ing into the kitchen or pantry. Fifty-one poultry growers ef havidson county, made a trip :•!' inspection to the leading poultry farms of the county on July 25. The upland corn in Wilkes I'ounty is dried beyond all hope hut the lowland corn will pro duce a fair crop reports A. 0. Hendren, county agent. PRICE OF TOBACCO GETTING BETTER Limberton Market Sells 11 «•. 1:52 . Pounds At Averau:? Of S !).."> 5 Per Hundred. Lumbi rton, Aug. il.— With the |iiaiit\ of tobacco some what better the Ltimbert'll warehouses sol (i pounds * J i' tobacco for an aver age of *;t.55 per cem .-pound. It was tile best average of the season here. $9.75 Per 100 Fair Bluff'. Aug. 11.—Fair Bluff' warehouses sold 56.000] pounds ol tobacco today at an ! average of .$9.75 per hundred i hundred pounds. Prevailing! light sales are expected to con tinue through the week. Prices Advance. Fairmont, Aug. 11.—Prices of all grades of tobacco whicn sold lor £B.Oil per hundred pounds or better last week ap peared to advance on the Fair niont tobacco market today. Sales totalled 209.9.">0 pounds at an average of $9.76 per hun dred pounds. STOKES 4-H CLUB AT RALEIGH County Agent Trevathan Pilots Goodly Delegation lo Capital City. Danbury Reporter: Stokes county was represent ed this week at the North Car olina State 1-11 Club Short Course which was held at Stat: 1 College, Raleigh. by the follow ng 1-11 Club nuni'bers: Willi! red Robertson, Freil Ashburn, and Mill Ashburn. of iMne Hali; l.indsay Hawkins, of Sandy Kidge; Uerkiey Priddy, of Danbury Route l ; Mae I'itz or, and Miss Mary Xeal, of Meadows; Louis Trevathan, Stedman Mitchell, Sam Jones, William Trevalhan, Walter Sands, Jesse Trevathan, Jr., and County Agent, J. F. Tre vathan, of Walnut Cove. The delegation returned to Stokes county Saturday. Mrs. J. K. Trevathan and her three younger children are spending the week at Rocky Mount and Tarboro with rela tives while Mr. Trevathan and the three older boys attended the State 1-|| Club Shot t Course in Raleigh. J. F. TKFVATIIAN, County Agent. Dr. R. C. Hewlett, of Munches, tor. Fng., called to attend t child, found the mother had baked a live nidiise lTrrr pie, be ieving /hat this would cure Ihe measles. Because the court of appeals refused to lighten his bigamy sentence if he returned $25,000 he had gotten from numerous wives, (ieorge Leslie of London, j kept the money. Palm Tippy, 8 years old, is ; a swinYming«instructor at St. Petersburg, Fla. At the age of she saved a baby from drown ing and was awarded a Car negie hero medal. No. 3,637 VIRGINIA CROP IS CUT SHORT S 'J!'e> .M;dt Is> !{ichnv>nd- Times Dispatch Indicates T. bacco Crop !.• .-hurt Forty Per Cent. A -uirvey h- i thiweek by the Uichi): i;l Times-Dis patch with tin- ;-operation ot' the county lam? agents. indi cated that not _• »unting storm damage tin- Virginia tobaco i rop had been cut 10 per cent, i-t the estimated yield by the drought. DKLIGHTI I I TRIP TO STATE CAPITOL Four-H Club Members Attend Short Course at State Col lege—Lecture by (iov. Max (iardner. Twelve members of the 4-H Itib. with their county agent, J. 10. Trevathan. and the coun v leader, Miss .Mary Neal, pent a most enjoyable week ittending the 4-H Club Shore ,'ourse at State College in Rai ?igh. Those enjoying the trip vere: Winiford Roberson. Berkley ITiddy. Bill Ashburn. Fred Ashburn. Lindsay Hawkins. Stedman Mitchell. Louis Trevathan. Jesse Trevathan. William Trevathan. Sam Jones. Walter Sands. Mae Pitzer. The girls and boys think this s out' of the most beneficial vays to spend our summer vacation and we hope more of Mir members will make a great •ffort to attend the Short 'ourse next year. We were kept very busy with •lasses, sight-seeing trips, anil ive were also honored with a lecture by Gov. Gardner. Our trip to and from Raleigh was made on a school bus. You 'an imagine the fun we had. Begin planning now to at tend this course next year. It is worth all we put in it. Yours truly, MAE PITZER, C. M. After plowing under a field >f sweet clover and planting lie land to wheat. ('. S. Martin if Iredell county harvested an ivcrage of :2:2 bushels as com pared with eight bushels an icre before using the sweet . 1«:\ el". Ball Game At Walnut Cove Gei ready for a big ball game Saturday at Walnut Cove. Mayodan and Pinnacle are scheduled for a game on the Walnut Cove diamond at 3:.'U) o'clock. Come on and see these crack players. Elmer Kasteen of Chicago, defaulted in alimony payments to his wife, but sent her a valu able wolf-hound for a present.