DANBURY REPORTER Volume 58. MASS MEETING OF TAX-PAYERS Resolutions Passed Making Drastic Cuts In Salaries Of County Officers— Want To Consolidate County With Forsyth. A mass meeting of Stokes tax-payers was held at the court house here Tuesday to devise means to find relief from taxation. The meeting was called to order by Thos- H- Gerry, who appointed J- M- Fagg secretary. Short speeches were made by Attorneys John H. Folger, of Surry, and Dallas Kirby, of Forsyth, who had been invited to attend the meeting- A committee composed of J. L- Christian, J. L- Mitchell, N- S. Mullican. W- M- Martin, W. K- Pyrtle. Jesse Amos. J. H Robertson, and P- 11. Voting was appointed to retire ami draft resolutions. The committee reported with the f '.lowing resolutions: 1. To consolidate the oflices of tax-supervisor and register of deeds, with salary not to ex ceed $2500-00 per year 2. To reduce the salaries oL' > Sheriff, Clerk. County Dornon and Superintendent of Schools, 20 per cent-, with no car or gas allowed Superinten dent ;; f Schools. To abolish the highway board and require county com missioners to perform their duties without extra pay. 4- To abolish the office of county road supervisor 5. To effect a flat reduction of 25 per cent- in the assessed valuation of farm lands- G. Endorsing the proposed plan of the State taking over and financing the schools anil roads. 7. To appoint a committee to interview all candidates and of fice-holders and solicit their co operation in these reforms. The committee was appointed as follows : C. R Wall, J. L- Chris tian, N- S- Mullican, and M- O. % Jones. y 8- To appoint committee to confer with Forsyth county of ficials regarding the taking over by Forsyth county of Stokes county. There were about 75 people in the auditorium when the above resolutions were passed, the votes showing from M 8 to 55 in favor of the respective reso lutions, no one voting in the negative- The meeting adjourned to meet again on Septemebr Ist, at 10 o'clock, A. M- Madison county farmers working through their local co operative association did over ?3:S,000.00 worth of business last year. The association is known ns Madison Farmer, Inc., and the membership is made up of bonafide farmers. 1 Established 1872. SOME ADVICE FOR STOKES FARMERS County Agent Trevathan Of fers Some Hints On Conser ving Feed Supplies That Our People Will Do Well To Heed. Walnut Cove, Aug. 18.—The following letter just received from ()• F- McCrary, District Agent for the North Western oo cmfwyp etaoinshrdlu cmfwv District of North Carolina will be of interest to the farmers of Stokes county: "State College Station, Ral eigh, N- C-, August 16, 1930- To County Agents of the Northwestern District: There is a serious shortage oi' feed for live-stock in a number of our counties. All fee;! possi ble should be saved this fall in order to meet the situation as far as possible. With th's in mind, the following suggesli>ns are 'timely: 1. I! is too late to plant sum mer crops to be harvested and stored this winter, In most counties. 12. Harvest all fora.ee possible and store for winter use- Cui corn as the blades be in t'i fire above the car, cure in open shock:-*, and put under cover when well cured. d. K.cvp live stock on pa.-lures as long as possible before feed ing begins. Feeding alue of sin rt dry grass is very high. Pastures arc expected to make rapid recovery with fall rains. 5- Save corn for work stock and maintain other stock as far as possible on pastures (J. Conditions are usually fa vorable for the growth of fall sown grain and clovers- Acre age should be greatly increased. 7. Encourage your farmers to buy seed now before the sup ply has been fed or sold for feed. As far as possible, as sist farmers who have seed for sale, in sell ing it to other far mers in your county -- If farmers must buy feed, assist them in every way pos sible to buy it co-operatively. Very truly yours, O- F- McCRARY, District Agent- This letter is in line with my recent circular sent to about 1700 farmers of Stokes county, asking them to begin now to sow Abruzzi rye, barley, wheat, Austrian winter peas, vetch, alfalfa, and pasture grasses- I shall be glad to render further assistance to any one request ing my help along this line. J- E- TREVATHAN, County Agent. Farmers in Richmond county are not complaining this year as they have the largest small grain crop on record for the county together with good crops of peaches, melons, toma toes, and other .produce. Buy ers are coming from other sec tions for their products. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, Aug. 20, 1930. AUTO ACCIDENT WEDNESDAY NIGHT A Number of Danbury People More Or Less Seriously In jured When Cars Collide (V- Piedmont Road. An Olds sedan driven by Mrs- Virginia Joyce collided with a I Ford roadster operated by Ezra j J ess lip, of Westfield, Wednes day night on the Piedmont road near Cook's garage, a mile west of Danbury. The injured are as follows: j Mrs. Virginia Joyce, hurt in breast- Nellie King, severely bru-sed and injured on back of head Marjorie Pepper. severely cut and bruised about the face. Tootsie King- hurt in face, teeth dislocated, and bruised ir. head. Anna Hudspeth, slight cut >n leg- Mrs. .Joyce was retuniin;,' from a picnic at riedmo.nt .-pii.! 's will) thi cill'.ren when her car c.illided wii.li Jessup's car- ii. was just about dark, and lights blinded bolh par ties. The left front wheel Mrs. Joyce's car was torn off, and the impact swvrv •! the car into a ditch beside the v-. :c : - The wnidshitid was -mashed t > pieces, and Nellie King and Marjorie Pepper were evider.-.!, thrown through it. though ow ing to the darkness .jid excite ment no one could say with c r tainty. The Olds was other wise badly wrecked in front The left front of -Jessup's car was wrecked, one wheel being torn off- Mr- Cook, who lives nearby, heard the crash as the cars came together- He brought the injured to Danbury, where their wounds were dressed by Dr. Morefield. No one was found to be seriously hurt, though several are jminfully bruised and badly shaken up. Mr- Jessup, the driver of the Ford car, was uninjured. Margaret Crist, occupant of Mrs- Joyce's car, was also un injured. An Announcement From France It is announced that, due to the increase in motor accidents in France, provincial telephone exchanges will be kept open on Sundays and holidays and to a later hour on week days. This will seem « strange an nouncement to Americans who are accustomed to 21-hour tele phone service every day of the year. However, in France the telephone system is government owned and operated and in the past service has not been pro vided from small centers on Sundays and holidays. This is a striking illustra tion of the difference between government operated industry which is controlled by private .initiative and enterprise. HAUSER REUNION FOURTH SUNDAY King Section Having Fine Sea sons and Prospect Good For Tobacco Crop— Births Re corded—Personal Items. King. Aug. 20.—The annual: H.iuser reunion wili be hoi I at > Mount I'leasant chi'rcl, three! miles west of Tobaeeoville on j the fourth Sunday in August. All relatives and friends are cordially invited to attend with well lilled baskets and enjoy the day with old friends and acquaintences. Program is as i follows: Sunday School at i 9:45 A. M., preaching at 11:00 j A. M., by Rev. R. Wilson, din-' ner at 12:30 P. M. Afternoon, short talks by J. E. Flynn and others, singing by Fishel quar- j tette, Twin-City Quartette, I Reynolds quartette and others. Dr. R. S. Helsabeck has re turned from Wrightsville j Reach, where he spent his va cation Rev. W. R. Hill, of Winston- Salem. is conducting a tent meeting on Main street. Large crowds are attending. N. C. Hooker, of Charlotte, is spending a ton days vacation w : th relatives and friends here. Erri'-st 1!. Candle and tlaugh i'T, Miss .loseehme Caudle, of Pikv'vll-.', \ .. a/e '■jvMnijng a few da\s with ivlu-\\es here : -id at Greensbcro. I'he following births were registered here last week: To Mr. and Mr*. Iloyt F. I'loyd a son. to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert !). Sykes a son. to Mr. and Mis. Robert Gordcn a daughter and to Mr. and Mrs. Dallc-r Moore son. Mrs Albert Rains arul cliild ]• •'), 'j ,'ioniasvilie, ire spc id ; f, v d: 1 vs 1" ve. 'i -".v a - ' gut - . oi Mr. . >•■■■. >- I. Rains .Mr. and Mrs. e'" !1. oi Darbury. are spending a i \' i'ew days with relatives near here. Tli ' King Tigers lost t • ):»! Ridge in a gam*' nlay I at Pin nacle Saturday. The game was hard fought from the start and and was a very interesting one. Mr. and Mrs. Ham y Puli iam. of High Point, are spend ing ;■ few days with relative here. Dr. Oscar R. Schaub. it Winston-Salem, is spending a few days here recuperating. from aii attack ot illness. J. 11. Lawson. prominent i planter, of the Pinnacle section.! was here Saturday looking af ter some business matters. This section is having I'm" seasons at present and in spite; of the drought of some time ago it looks now like we will have a fair crop of tobacco. John Moser, of Tobaeeoville, was here Saturday attending to some business matters. Keiinis Pulliam, of Knoxville, Tonn.. is spending his vacation here the guest of his mother, Mrs. J- S- D- Pulliam- Mr- and Mrs- 11. L. Kirby and Mr. and Mrs- Millie Spease. of Winston-Salem, spent Sun day with relatives and friends near here (). J. Johnson, of Pilot Moun tain. was a business visitor here Monday. Mavodan vs. Wallburpr At Walnut Cove Sat. At Walnut Cove on Saturday of this week at 3:30 P- M-, the baseball teams of Mayodan ane. ! Wallburg will contest for ! honors, and a most interesting game is promised, according to those who are familiar with the players on these teams- A small admission price of 15 an -25 cents will be charged- Germany is spending a large sum in an advertising cam paign to attract foreign tour ists to that country. WALNUT COVE NEWS ITEMS New Grocery Store Opens— Native Stokes Citizen Is Vis- j it ng Relatives Here— News' and Personal Notes of Inter est To Stokes People- I Walnut Cove, Aug- 10 Ilauser Bros., wholesale and re tail grocers, ol' Winston-Salem, have opened up a branch su re I here in the bank building 'I he, store was opened for business l on Friday morning with Fred i Marion, of Winston-Salem, as | manager. The store will also! have a meat market in connec tion with the grocery business i and Howard Woodruff wili be in charge of that department- j Clinton Davis, of Portland, i Oregon, a native Stokes county i bov and son of the late Thos. J. i Davis and Mrs- Laura Davis, n Walnut Cove. h:is spent the! past few days visiting his mother and his bivihors. Ilarr I!• and '. il. I >a\ is Mr- Lav' ha.-- Ir 'U i rigaged iii the cl'-l-i icr business iivpor'-and since he left here probably 211 years ago a:id has been very success- i ful- Mrs- Laura Davis i; confined to ln-r home with illness this u eek. Miss Tlu-lma Uovhrock has re turned from a >-sit i-> A 1 5..1. i ong. of i lend. son. ami .• "i •» •'as a conipai'ie - d home by .-.ii ') on ng. who i- her guest. Mis- Minnie Gates, of Given bor-i. was h re reitntly enrou; - to Baltimore. Md.. in the inter-; • i 1 est ol her company- Rev. !>• W. Allen preached in j Greensboro Sunday morning at Holy Trinity church Mr- and Mrs. R. L. Vaughn announce the arrival of a dau-; ghter, Saturday. She has been named Mary Lou- Mrs- Joe Pet roe, of Winston • Salem, was a visitor here Sat urday. - Mr- and Mrs. Donnell Van Nopjien were here over the week end- They were enroute 1 to their home at Mebane after a trip to Washington. 1). C Mr. and Mrs- A. C- Davis and daughter, Virginia, were din- j ner guests Friday of Mr- and j Mrs. P- W- Davis- Miss Alice Fulton is vis'ting Miss Delia Grant in Mocks ville. Mrs. )- J- Cates and small \ grand daughter. T ary Vaughn • L« welly n. are visiting relatives! i in Greensboro. Mr- and Mrs. Arch McNeil i ! announce the arrival of a son 1 Saturday at a Winston-Salem | hospital. Mr- and Mrs. Hugh Carter, ; and baby, of Danville. Va- have been the guests of Mr- and Mrs- J. Wesley Morefield several days- Miss Christine Haislip, etf Neederland, Texas, was the J guest of Mrs. Paul Davis the latter part of the week- Mr- and Mrs- H. H- Davis, (Continued on page 8.) No. 3,638 DAIRY COW CAMPAIGN HERE County Agent Trevathan Will Be Assisted Uy Dairy Spec ialist—Schedule of Meetings To He Held In County. County Agent J. E. Treva than, of Walnut Cove, will bo assisted by F- R- Farnham, Dairy Extension Specialist of State College, in a county-wide campaign for better feeding, better breeding, better man agement of the dairy cow for more profits j Farmers will be urged to cull out the unprofitable cows and keep only such cows as will pay a profit above feed cost. It is believed that more good dairy animals arc needed in Stokes i j county so that a profitable dairy enterprise may be devei -1 oped. Because of the summer ' drouth there wi:i be a shortage • i -!'rk feed thN year. It i.*. therefore, iant that tlie !»«.' .•>:iina!.-'. i. • culled now, :.: J ! ate .os be taken for the grow iv.g ■ w inter hay j and pastures to Lie care «*f animals that will be kept- A3 .soon a surplus of food can !>;> produced more dairy \*ow.« of good quality siiculd be Drought , into the c. unty- Four meetings will be held each day for two day.-- Follow ing is a schedule m' the t.ieoi ■ ings ])lanned: Thursday, Sept. Ith: 10 A- M- Meadows school house -1 :-50 P. M Francisco school -1:00 P- M- Flat Rock school house. 7:45 P- M- King high school building. Friday, Sept. sth: 10 A M Dillard school house. 1:00 P- M Sandy Ridgv I 4:00 P. M. Lawsonville school house -7:45 P. M Walnut Cove school house- These meetings will be of in terest to any person in Stokes county who k»eps one cow or more. The meeting will be well distributed over the coun- I ty, and it is hoped that there ! will be good attendance at each place. J. E- TREVATHAN, County Agent. Important Bee Keepers Meeting Walnut Cove, Aug. IS.—Bee ! Keepers of Stokes county are ; invited t> attend a Hoe Keep er's meeting at the farm of lv it;, l.ynch. near Pilot Mountain !at 1 : ; H) I'. M-. Monday, Sep ; tember Ist- Mr- C. L. Sams, Extension Apiarist, will be at the meeting to give a demon stration in handling bees and to answer any questions pertain ing to any kind of bee prob lems. T trust that all bee keep ers of Stokes county will plan to attend thfs meeting- J- E- TREVATHAN, County Agent.

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