NBURY REPORTER «> la iN \Tt I \\i» M »* l.itr mm 4 Nf e» •» . I-. M M |u> ih4P I Banbury. N. Wednesday, Sept. 3, 19ou. REBUILDING THE REYNOLDS ROAD II i:huii\ 1 ories Are at VN«rk Now With Steam -(i %«•) .mil other Equipment Will I'ut en Tar .and' l.fjvrl. • y (»mmis- j • nun a. 1 ■ •( U. y nld -j !• ,i iii,|! fro.v. | W ( !g lit ' Stol'i "• t (• /i.nimg this v *t.!i! the next •• • fur.• - ex « tai ai i gravel nil " ak • g it • >t her hard '• it ' tiat -ci ti' .1 , * •, .i 1" Vi u l : «■ a(| s th«- I »•—t scc t ■ i ' vi .i - adopt - ' 11 • St;t* • H lr rh -• • ra' vear : i ■ * i'* '(it. fr m - t a »f the W n.t'ii Salem I. . an i Rural Mr** tin? of Indies' Fine Arts Club .• .. u ting •1' the via- held at the M \ E Pepper aft* 11 -a ('iiUtrful v» .t - vi. r« Used l' . I a • and ill in-' •f ■ jr'lfst - VI er I v. M.i tiny via• tia pe-idni. N i p. p|» ( vi hi. it wa it Mm ' lit M..mat:' ■vi • • »•' tile ( lllli I *t,» a'' • tii eot til tfWMWI Mr- .1 .1 V! S> l» J.IV i e -el'V - ♦ * ,P • nlv J.r tin v»a- the (miliar ■ i ■ pi« n pi-ii- Mr- R K king gave . -•|| s a. • I I imp! •• •hi! Ilf. . H k Hwrfoftekt. «f ' !»* a i ha , wh" i - • v tt her sut . i it •' : ' id. and wii • i -• ni. tmi ■ i. |.>t>s and • N * - and pi mi ! ■ vi h . « n i i '( | tile pa • • t.st Mi • ttv- plan , vi | "Ml inl , ill' pi (Us V* i I pi. asar t Is ho • s, pt, fi . ,1 tl. I. ' v • ait- \el . » • • here -llti i l 'a I* shol' • * t» ids nf the tliif- 'GREATEST DROUTH IN HISTORY Appears To Extend Over Seve- j ral Slateen—Dan bury Citi-j zcns Return From Trip i Through I'ennessee and Ken-; I tucky. I N. ). IVtree, accompanied by! lii- sun. Thus. S. I'etree, of j Wiusti ii-Sak-m. has returned • from an extensive visit in sec-j 'tions uf Tennessee and Ken-j tucky. They report droughi i conditions obtaining where- | ever they went, and much morel serinti- in portions of Tennes see and Kentucky than here. T. S. I'etree says the Ohio | river was perfectly clear, and ; very low. Citizens were every where observed hauling water, sometimes great distances, for i the u-e of themselv.s and their' st(H k. In the corn belt of the West i 'it i.- stated that damage to the j •crops will reach 500 millions | of dollars. I Real Estate Transfers The following real estate transfers have been entered for{ registration in the office of the ) I Register of Deeds recently. Mary D. Mills to E. F. Mi chael and Mary Jane Michael, I I 2 l t-. Yadkin Township, $lO ' and other considerate ns. I.ottie E. Dunklee to R. R. i 'Mills and E. F. Michael. 80 aires. Sauratovvn Township. SSO i ■ us deration. E. 11. Spainhour, R. 1). Wat-1 n and Robert A. Wall, Trust-! • •Fourth District.. I. (). O. i I to Stokes County Hoard of; Education, a lot in Pinnacle, - Joo. consideration. Ella Hradley to Hoard of j i i nation. Stokes county, lot | \ ■ 51. Pinnacle. SIOO consid-' I . at ion. Hoard of Surry county to • ikes Hoard of Education. E- I acres. Surry county, sls and 0 r valuablt considerations. Mr-. M. K. Hoggs and hus nil to C. N. Newsom and I lot, Yadkin Township, - "O and other considerations. R E. E. Francis and wife, if. to Stokes county Hoard! Ed.ic.it io'.. 5 1-8 acres, Rig ( k. s- 1 and other considera t irah law rence to Hoard I; en alioi . St kes county, acres. Hig Creek Tovvn .-!• and other coiisidera ' •nocrats Grant Republican's Request .h. ;' pi. .'l. State • I ot i.it! n- today grant - 'in Ri | idilii ans their tv -1-t lor s 'pnrate senatorial 1 congressional ballots for I'.•:!I State ticket and ad ,lined the -how. which had at-j II acted quite a few of the ci eat hitheiward, in about Id, n notes. st«t« l.ihrary DATE FIXED FOR COUNTY FAIR I To He Held at Walnut Cove. I j Oct. 20-21-22 —Farmers and j Others Asked to (Jet Ex- ! i hibits Readv. I ' I I A real county fair for Stok"! Y now a foregone conclusion. I The Lions and the Juniors! 1 and all the good citizens f tile county are behind it. and iti i got to go. The announcement and list of i prem.ums to be offered is now 1 on the press and 2.500 copies ! ,J 1 this will be mailed to our | people of the county within j the next few days. There are; j numerous prizes worth while,' land it is hoped that everyone j will take an interest in com- ; peting for them. I i Jhe 4-H Club members are J to be shown special preference 1 j in the awarding of the premi-! i or prizes, and they are ex j pected to get busy at once, j The dates for the county j fair, which will be held at War' nut Cove this year, have been ( I definitely fixed for October 20 to 22. The fair management is ex- I pected to secure a first class j carnival to amuse iliose who attend, and a general gi oil time is promised Jill who at- ) ! tend i Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ward and j Mr, Ward's mother of High | Point were here today enroute ; home from attending the fun-! oral of the child of Mr. and I Mrs. K. E. L. Francis, atFran |i cisco. i Wide Berth ' i ; Trailers with money to spend, sometimes shy around towns th.it don't advertise. It looks | 'like old ideas, old ways, old | j stocks, where there is no print i er's ink used. Whenever the 1 business man learns that ad vert sing is not iin expense, but an INVESTMENT, he is get- i ting on the track of trade. I „ Boles-Eddy MY. and Mrs. A. (). Holes, of , (Jermanton, announce the mar riage of their daughter. Her itha Mope Holes, to Edward 1.. Eddy, of Washington, I). ('.. Aug. 27. I!>:'»). Tile couple will make their lioliie ;it thai pliiee, where Mr. Eddy In Ids ;i position with the Petroleum Power Corporation. 1 N. E. Pepper Appointed i —— Govern* r Gardener has ap- I j pointed N. E. Pepper a mem her i i the Hoard of Trusti ■ I id the Winston-Salem Teacher- College. for a term expiring i May 1, l!i;k">. His appointment is to succeed J. 1). Humphreys, i resigned. j I Attorney Gilmer Sparger, of Walnut Cove, who was a visitor | here today, expects to leave to ! morrow for a vi t sit to his vela i\*«>c in Unltimovo Number 3,640 NEW VIRGINIA ROAI) TO STUART Yirgirt'a Becoming Really Inter ested in .Modern Turnpikes— State's System and Policy Compared With North Car lina's. A representative of the Re porter rode over the new turn pike road l'rom John Andy .Mar tin's to Stuart this week. This ; is a real gi od road, is wide, and well graded. It is constructed •of the same material as the Stokes county minor hardsurf ace roads, with firundation of • stone, and top dresser of tar j and granulated stone. I The Virginia people are very | proud of their growing road i system, which is yet in its in -1 tancv. however. Mr. Thomas i j tieorge, formerly a citizen of . this county, but, who for years \ has lived in Patrick, and. who is an enthusiastic good road , man, t ells the Reporter, the \ irginia authorities now have qu.te a quantity of money in I hand for the building of roads, and expect to have much more ■ next year, under their pav-as vou go plan. While it will, of course, take Virginia many I years to overtake us in roads, and while for many years they ' must deny themselves the ad ; vantages of the great system ! of state highways which we 'have, yet, they will eventually .'have a real fine system of roads if their present policy is ad hered to. North Carolina has already J spent upwards of $150,000,000 i tor the finest system of roads i'in America, and while the State is yet heavily bonded, these bunds are being retired at the rate of several million dollars a year, at the same time maintaining those already con structed, and yet having in hand yearly a goodly fund for continuous building—all with | out taxing the citizens' proper , ty. The automobile pays the I bills, in a large measure. In Stokes county, now, No. i 001, the highway running from Wright's store, near Westfield, via Reynolds School and Capel la, and on to Rural Hall, is be ing surfaced with stone. It is now possible to visit every town , in North Carolina, of any conse quences, over a hardsurfaeed Vend. All the county seats in the Slalt an connected with i cement turnpike i f the most i modern pattern, Ihe in \t legislature will probably t iki wr all import j ant roads of the counties, thus relieving them of tile road tax. Attepi Positions ————— K. 1.. Tate, of Liberty, late editor and publisher of the Dup lit) County Record, has accepted ' a position with the Reporter. .'Percy Lines, late of the Win . | ston-Salem Journal linotype I staff, has also accepted a po sition with the Reporter.