THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 60. SCALES BOYLES DANGEROUSLY SHOT Boyles Shot Through Left Lung and Is Reported in a Serious Condition=-Was to Arrest Negro.j Sealee Boyks, -of county, but whe has been (serving on the Wdn M'Jon—Sa le m police force fw a number of yearn, was nhot and dangerously wounded j through the left lung about 8 o'clock Thursday night, by a negro whom he ' was trying to arrest. The affair happened at the corner of Patterson avenue and Third St. Boyle© was taken in an ambulance to City Hospital. Hie condition la described as serious. Every available policeman ton the force was soon hunting for the «iegro, Hampton Watts, who is sa'd )iy police to be a dangerous chara-'. ter. No tracer have been discovered of him. .. A New Paper. The first number of the Stokes Record appeared last week It is * . ti.ool. (.page all borne print paper. ' at Walnut Cove, by the Stoked Record Publkdiing Co.. I and is very attractive and credit, able, not only to its home town to the county. It Is typographic-, ally neat, clear and readable, and ite columns are well filled with Interesting news and ether features. The Importer eextends a cord'il welcome to the Record In its venttins on the sea of Journalism in Stokes, and predicts for it the success which It deserves. ■ j The Record sahitee the reading public In Ks editorial column, as follows: "The Btok«s Record makes Its appearance before the public Oct J. , ' • ber 4th without invitation or excuse, but at the same time seeking your patronage and support. It plan* to be an weekly giving th* moat important happen. I infcs and omenta tor your approval The newspaper will necessarily be politically independent as the Mr., of the paper Ja Democratic while the' Mrs. is a Republican. therefore 1 betwixt us both w e will try to May' 'off of politics or else give the low.' down en both political parties. "As this la the paper's first issue it is hoped that the public will overlook all mechanical and other imperfections. We hope to 1m. 1 prove." Death of Mrs. Lizzie , Mabe. j i Mrs. Lizzie Mabe, 24, died cuddeti. |j Tuesday night of heart .trouble at 11 e'clock at 'her . home at High }\>ln4. The deceased is survived bv her husband, Matt Mabe, a son of John W. Mabe. formerly of Dan. ■bury, and by two girl children, agM The funeral ar Dover, Moore foimtiy, was by Mr. and Mm Marlon Stephens, of Dan bury drceved beta* a v (Mrr. Stephens. Established 1872. DEATH LURKS IN THE KEROSENE CAN| — ————» » A SAD TALK TO BE BEAD BY , HTfATIOS WHO DO SOT BK. LIEYE IX THE THEORY THAT OIL. WIliL BI'RN—THE I>AI Kl\. Bt'KG TRAGEDY. A large por cent, of the people do not believe that kerosene will burn. If the victims of oil cans could be du«; up out of the cemeteries an.t forced to anwwer a questionnaire, doubtless all of them would agreo that they were mistaken. We have seen poor, deluded creatures stand and pour oil on a fire or in a atove out «f a. kerosene can. either right onto the blaze, or upon coals, where immediately a dangerous gas forms. ,AH the while the pitiful creatuiv j would be looking off, and talking about something else. If those Danbury and Stokes* coun. i I ty boys and girls, and men and women who have this dangerous habit, will read about the Laurin. burg, tragedy which happened lan: week (printed below), and try keep tbler mind on the subject until ■ they read the piece clear through, maybe it will at least impress on their consclousnaj enough to remind | them to give a warning to Innocent bystander* so they may escape when the oil can is reached Dor. I Now listen: ' Laurin burg, Oct. 2.—Six members of one family who were fatally j.-. «(=- 1 burned when an oil can exploded and set thedr house afire were buried here today. [ They were John E. Ruaa, 21, em. ploys* of a gnocwy; Mrs. Ora Lee j Ruaa. 22, his wife; their three small children, and Mis* Maggie Ruaa, IS,! his lister. j The children, the eldest five years Old and the youngest, three month*.' were buried in one grave near those' of their mother and father. Rusla was putting kerosene on a fire be had kindled in the fireplace in the bedroom of their home when i the can exploded- Instantly, the room blazed In a dozen places and every living thing In the house. In.' l eluding; two pet dog* burned to' death. Residents of the neigh borh >cd •who ran to the scene told a graphto story of the tragedy. They saw j Runs standing with his clothln3 afire and his wife attempting to ai>.l hsm. They heard their piercing screams, but were helpless. 1 The three children burned to death in their beds. Both Rusa and I his wife lived for six hours and MTA RUM about eight. Bur-Lai was In Hillside Cemetery. J Tho Rev. W. L. Dawson, pastor of the Calendonla Methodist Church conducted the services. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, Oct 12,1932. I • " I J. C. B. EHRINGHAUS. The Reporter U pleased to present its readers this , w*!th a picture of lion. J. C. B. Khringhaus. Governor of North Carolina. Mr. Ehringhauts will address the pople of i*toke« in the court hourfe at Danhury on October 24. 1932. at 1 P. M.. the name being Monday, the first day of the civ'l term of court. He U on« of the finest orators in the State, and w:l discuss campaign with eloquence, force and ability. f '«aa I VIRGINIA HIGHWAY FROWNS ON N. C. I I ORDER HSI'ED BARRING CUM). I UNA FIRMS FROM BIDDING OX | VIRGINIA PROJEtTK —I VIR. I ' GIMA CONTRACTOR NOW AT f WORK IN STOKES. I i A Virginia, contractor, a* the Re. j porter la informed and believe*. !j' now at work on the bridge or road projects in process of construction between Danbury and Stuart. | 1 s l T«t the Virginia Highway. Com. i mission haa issued an order barring road materia! fl"rms of thla Stats I from bidding on highway prt*)ec'.j ' in Virginia. L I | A dispute from vbgfcqj ETjWHKM I A dispatch from Raleigh nays: North Carolina highway official a j today aaid they were "at a loss to I understand why the Virginia High. way Commission fcwued an order | barring road material firms of this ! State from bidding on highway pro. ' Jects In Virginia. Reports from Virginia aaid mate. ' rial men of this state could not take . part in highway construction In Vir. I ' glnla, because this etat} did not ex. I i ' tend Virginians that opportunity. | "That Is not true with respect to ( North Carolina," said E. B. Jettrem, , 'h Ighway chairman. "We have bar.' I I red neither outside contractors nor rrtaterlal men." Chal Roinesrto cm m m m m mm , Charles Rosu,- general ooum-el of tho North Carolina Commission, to. , day discussed the matter In a lon t , ; distance telephone conversation with Henry G. Shirley, chairman of th« I Virginia commlajlon. j North' Carolina officials pointed out that a crushed stone contract ' recently was let to a Virginia con. ! cem. I CLYDE HOEY HERE NEXT MONDAY I I NORTH CAROLINA'S STAR CAM PAIGNER W I I It ADDRESS STOKES CITIZENS IN THE COI T RT HOI'SE THE FIRST MONDAY OF COURT, AT 1:00 O'CI/OCK P. M. ' Hon. Clyde Hoey. of Sholby. who is probably the Democrats' star campaigner, will speak to the ■ Stokes citizens in the court house i here next Monday, at I o'clock **. M., the Bam* being the flmt day of criminal court term./ Mr. Hoey is Vemembered well feet*. where he spoke exactly two years ago In the 1»S0 campaign. He p If an accomplished and very grace, ful speaker, and Is well posted on the Issue* now confronting the voters..both State and national. | The people of all political parties, ■and the ladles, especially, are invlt. Ed to come out and hear this gifted orator. t Leaves. , leaves, leaves, leaves bright crimson things of laughter and eom;. of giddy .headed frivolity and vain, senseless Jazz; yellow leaves and sojturrwine leaven that betoken som. berness, reverie and gloom;' dull, drab leaves of russet and bi'own ( that swish in the fall rains, and 'soon flutter to the ground; and theii' I the green leaves that point to the ! sky with their meaning of hop-.\ ' i I I aspiration and life. I ! Go to the October woods now, and . tha*. IVrnian beauty in the dim, | I enchanted aisles of dream and I memoiy. Jones Nel»on, of Route 1. ww here today. A KING AFFAIR Silas Fulk Fires at Night Thief Who Drops in His Tracks But Is Missing When Silas Looks Again Kins. Oct. 12.—Mr. and Mrs ' Edwin 4'a(Kite. »I \\ ;nnt>• ;;_Sain. ] spent Sunday with relatives h«-ie. Robert NVwsum and Miss Lizzie ' t Shaw motored to Martinsville. \'a.. ' Wednesday wh»re they were mar. | ried. They wcw accompanied o'i th e trip l»y Mr. and Mrs. M. T. S|>ain. I hower and Miss Myrtle Xewtfu*i». j Th«* bride is the dausht«r of Mr. and | Mrs. Fillmore Sh iw. of Kins, and i the brldgroom is th* son of Mr. J William NVwtum also of Kins. After 1 a short honeymoon they will be at home in Kins. A. L Bean. of Winston.Saiiem. »a» a buiiine.i« visitor here Saturday. I>r. K. M. Griffin has built a ne v front to hi* drug store and given it an inside finish of walnut and mahosapy. Hill Boyle*. Spanish—American War veteran of I Jem ins. New Mexi_ co. is spending some time with reli. tiv«w and friends here. Mr. Bovk'-S M* reared in this section, (joins t'> Mexico several years a so. W. O. Tuttle. of Rural Hall, was here Saturday looking after gum- 1 business matters. Ix*ter O. Pulliam and son. Jonr-ph of Durham, spent the week-end with his mother. Mrs. J. S. D. Pull, iam. in west King. Attorney H. H. I.eake. Dr. K. ' fitone, H. H. Brown. J. A. Rumley and Prof. A. R. Phillips made a business trip to Greensboro Satur. day. i | Je.-.e Cordy and Miss Mam'e Law. 1 son were married hwe Sunday. | Squire J. Stedman Garner offlclat. I ed. Robert N. Hauser, of Winston.' j Salem, was a business visitor here Saturday. C. D. Slate, Jr., has accepted a Tx»»lt'«>n as mlesman with the S. E. Hauser Co. and has already entered ' on hl« new duties. , Wsl«y Shore, planter, of the To. baccovllle section, was here on basi. tiee* Saturday. The Cabin Grocery Co. are pre paring to put In a meat market in their new place on Depot street. Owen Carroll, of Mlzpah, was, among the visitor* here Sunday. John Bea.-*ley has returned from | Ontario, Canada, where he made *■ j tobacco crop this year. Mr. Beanley states that the wevi is bringing gooi prices In Canada. MV>n of the Ci. nadian farmers are receiving 135.09 per hundred pounds this year. Ray Ha inter, who is employed by the S. E. Hauser Co.. fell from their truck Friday dislocating his ankle. It will b e some tiiye before he will be able to walk. " ' i The following births were regla. tered here last week: To Mr. and MM. Robert Sand.', a son, and t> Mr. and Mrs. Foy Young, a daugh. ' ter. j J Silas Fulk. planter who resides 1 miles east of .town h?ard a noise at his packing houi'e which Is located near his home Sunday night. He arose, took h:s phot gun from the rack and slipped out of the house. ' When he entered the porch a mm started to run from the packing house. Mr. Fulk "ailed on him to wrop hut when he failed to heed his command he fired at him. At the | crack of the gun the intruder fell |to the ground. Mr. Fulk ran back j into the house for more shel'. i hut when he returned to the scene the I Would-be thief had disappeared. , ' Upon examination Mr. Fulk found , the jvlndow to the packing house I had been prized o>ien. A quantity of tobacco already tl p d up ready fo«' ( ' market was stored In the building, j I On Monday morning he was tracked ! for some dl -tanee by blood from hi' Number 3.745 R. L. JOYCE DIES AT STUART, VA. WAS OXK (If TilK OI.HKST HTU Zi:\S OF PATRICK—AI'TO AO. CIUKNT IN.IIKKs TIIKKK ! (Ol ItT OI.OSKS WITH k'OUTY. XIN K CASKS OONTIXI'KD TO ! BKCKM ill-lit TKItM. ] The Stuart KnterprW says It. L, ' Joyce-. one of Stuart's dearly lov?i| elderly citizen*. last week. H*» hid been critically ili for «everil dayH. | Bi-onza Clifton. of near Stuart, Phil Brown, of \Vinxton_Sailem. M. C., and Marion Lawwn. of Carroll county. were- driving toward town in a Chevrolet Coupe. tha driver. Marion hit the of the. bridite just outside the city ! limit on the J. K. B. Stuart High, way. It was stated that f/awso:» srlanced off the roaJ for a moment, and lost control of the car. Twk I of them were thrown into the- creek, and pinned under the car. white ona Jumped clear as the car went over. Brown, sustained a fractured «*u!l; Lawson. a broken le« and cuts; and Clifton only minor cuts and bruises. I They were rushed to Stuart Hoapftal where they are reported as doing |as well a* could b» expected. Th« car was completely demolished. J Term of court Ju*t cloned wtth a large docket unflnished, 49 mw being continued until Deormhar term. Most of them werv> Mquo* affaire. -J V ■» f i | Series of Meetings. J" A aeries of religious meeting* have been bepun by Pastor Marsh*ll, of the Banbury Prvrfbyterian church, at Vaden's school house In Big Creek township. A number of tha Dan bury people have been attending these meetings which will continue for a week or longer. I Stokes Farm Wins. j Woodlawn Farm. Stokes county, wan awarded the blue ribbon at th® State Fair this week for the best live_at_home display. wound. A Wood.' handkerchief which he had discarded was a!«» found. Kverette Stone, of Hiuh Point, spent Sunday with his parent*. Mr. and Mrs. .1. E. on Ma ! n St. i Br. 11. C. llardinp has moved hit*- dental ofllce from Win«ton_Salen» to Kins. i William 11. Holder made a. husi« nw trip to Durham Friday. ' Rev. Mr. Smith, of delivered a very intern 'tins sermon* at the Baptist Miss'ion Sunday mosn. in.s. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pulliam. oC ' High Point, npent spent Sunday with relatives here. •