THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 60. NO RESIGNATION FROM MR. STONE COUNTY COMMISSION"Kit CLAIMS HE HAS NOT RKMOVKD HIS RESIDENCE TO SCItRY COI N. TY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETS AND ENDORSES HOW. ARD GIBSON"—SALARY CUTS AND RAISES DISCUSSED—OTH ER MATTERS BEFORE TIIK BOARD AT MONDAY'S SPECIAL MEETING. The Stokes County Democratic Executive Committee met here last Saturday and recommended Howard Gibson, of l ine Hall, as a successor to F, P. Stone. pre>sent incumbent. Board of Stoke* Commissioners, but whose resignation was expected owlni: to the understanding that Mr. Stone would resign following hia reported removal to Surry coup, ty. But at the special meeting of the Board of County • Commissioners held at the court house Monday. fct which J. A. Joyce, chairman, F. P. Stone and H. il. Brown were present. Mr. Stone lc- it be known tiat he had not removed to Sui ry county, and was still a resident »I Stokes. (TherelWe- hiß resignation was not forthcoming. The report .that Mr. Stone had removed to Surry, that he was no longer a citizen of Stokes, and hij N immediate resignation a* a member ■of the Stokes county Board of Com. mlssioners was expected at ono», has been generally current In the county, and ww published in the last issue, of the Reporter. The Reporter's informant stated that Mr. Stone had rented his Stokes county farm to his and that he had taken up his residence in Surry county. ■Monday's meeting of the Board of Commissioners was a special c?>li. Ed session to consider the instaila. tion of a new lighting plant at the Jail, as -well as the consideration of some other matters of county In. terest. There was a discussion of the reduction of salaries of the county officials, with the exception of Auditor Prank P. Stone, whoee salary was proposed to be raised $900.00. No action was taken in the matter. No salaries were cur. tailed, none raised. The matter of Installing a new electric lighting plant at the jail was deferred pending; the report the S. P. U. Company may extend Its lines to Danbury, in which en.»? the county would save money by patronizing the public service com. pany, instead of investing In a new plant, which will cost upwards of SI,OOO. The present lighting outilt , at the Jail is said to be old and wornout. and giving, bad service. Violating the Game ' Laws. Austin Baton and Chester Smith w§re tried recently before Justee O. M. FJyrut on the charge of violartlm; the game 'law*. Likewise, Nut I Tedder was arraigned before Justice T. W. Gerry. The verdict against «ach of the defendants was the same: Payment of the cost of the action, and the purchase of llcen3e to hunt. i ' Established 1872. HOWARD GIBSON IS RECOMMENDED DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COM MITTEE MEETS AND RECOM. MENDS SUCCESSOR TO P. P. STONE—CLERK OK TIIE COURT TITTLE HOLDS THE AI'POIN TIVE POWER. Howard Oiliton, who was the run. ner.U]> in the last Democratic prl. mar.v for county commissioner «»f Stokes, was recommended for com. nil-aloner by the Stokes county Democratic Executive Committee at its meeting here last Saturday. This action by the committee was taken in response to the generally understood situation wherein Coun'y Commissioner I\ P. Stone, alleged to have removed to Surry, a vacancy would he created on the Hoard of Commissioners by .Mr. Stone's rcrilgnation, which was expected. The executive committee. how. ever. can only recommend. The appointment of a new county ram. missloner to 1:11 a vacancy on the board is vested only in the Clerk jf Superior Court. J. Watt Tuttle. yet he would be doubtless guided by hi« party's wiishes. Danbury Parent Teachers' Association ( Deported for the Reporter.) The Pa rent.Teachers' Association of Danbury met Tuesday eveninj;, Dee. 13. in the school auditorium. The meeting was opened with a short but interesting program, a prayer by Rev. J. 13. Needham, followed with a duet by Mm. N. H. Pepper and .Mrs. O. \V. Marshall. The program was concluded with a very helpful talk from Mr. Need ham. The following business was at. tended to after the program. Mrs. W. •J. Petree was elected vlce.prcsldent, Mrs. Ralph Scott, secretary of the association. A welfare committee was chosen made up of Mists Janie Martin, Mrs. J. W. Hall and Mltw Mattle Sue Taylor. Also a cafeteria committee: Mrs. N. E. Pepper, Mrs. O. W. Marshall and Mrs. A. J. Fagg. In addition to this a school ground improvement committee was chosen composed of T. XV. Hovls, Mrs. R. R. King, Mrs. X. A. Martin and Mrs. W. O. Petree. The meeting wa* closed with prayer by Rev. ,T. B. Needham. Revival Closes With Several Ac cessions to Church Several access-ions to the Danbury Presbyterian church marked the closing of the revival services which had been conducted by the pastor, Rev. O. W. Marshall. The last ser. man of the revival series was preach, ed by Mr. Marshall at 11 A. M., Sunday. At night the pulpit was filled by Rev. J. XV. McFall, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Mount Airy. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper waa observed at this service, and following the communion there were several accessions to the church. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, December 14,1932 FIFTY-MILE CHASE AND THEN DEATH EXCITING KXPKRIKNOK OF PRO. IIIBTION OFFICERS AND RIM. ItINNKRS FROM PRICE TO WALKKRTOWN. i Clyde Seagraves, 28, bricklayer of High Point, was instantly killed at Walkertown at 1:15 o'clock Tues day morning when the Ford road*tei in which he was riding with De\ter Welborn, -3. also of High Pol'.;, crashed into a tree. The car, wh..ii was being chased by Prohibit! in Agents L. O. Trexler and C. S. Felt*, was loaded with llu gallons of liquor besides the two men. and was de. molished. The chase had led from Piv.e and during -.lie uO.nule drive, though the road was slick, the speed fre. •luentl.v exceeU'd 70 miles, so tbe officers say. Welborn. who escaped after tlva I wreck, was arrested later near Sedgclield. and placed under a $3,000 i>ond. charged with mnnslaughte', in addition to the charge of trans, porting booze. Welborn has a police record, but the dead man. it appears, bore a good character. ' Shades of Sixty-One San ford Ring, of Westfleld, S3 come spring, hale and spry, rugged and still unreconstructed, was down after his pension today. Mr. Ring is one of the last itur. •.Ivors of that band of tiger.cats known as Reece's Battalion, made up of Stokes, Surry and Forsyth sharpshooters, men of the hills wlio I fought around and all over Ricb. mond and Fredericksburg, and who were with Stonewall Jackson when he was accidentally killed by nis own men at Chancellorsville. Before the surrender, Mr. Ring had a lojk in of a few months at Point Lookout, a dastardly place, he says. Mr. Ring's step is still as steady almost as when he marched with his musket and knapsack and can. tee" on the Rhappahannoek and his rye is still keen enough to glance down tile long barrel of a rifle and see the white of the eves of a Tan. kec. or a deserter making away with the corn and meat. In Stuart Hospital The Stuart Knterprise reports the following Lawsoivville, Stokes coun. ty. cltliens in the Stuart hospital: Wm. McHone. with injured foot. Mrs. Maggie Smith, improving. J. C. Spencer. Private Sale Of Personal Property On Friday. December 23, 1932, at one o'clock P. M., I will sell at pub. lie auction to the highest bidder for cash all of my personal property at my old home near Quaker Gap church: Tobacco flues, Tobacco sticks. Two stacks hay, Lot of wheat boxes, Various farm tools of all kinds. Other articles too nulhvetrous to mention. T. V. SIZEMORK, Oermanton, N. C. NEW RED CROSS SUPPLIES ARRIVE | VARIOI'S TOWNSHIP OHK IALS OP CHARITABLK ORCJANIZA.! TION IIKICK PREPARING roll PRE-CIIRISTMAK IHSTHIIIITION. A new supply of clothing an-1 other articles to hp hand led l'.v the Red Cro»* arrived fit the court house today. lii w|M>n*e to rail hy Chair, mail of the county organization. I C. Carson, quite a number of town, ship Red Cross officials were her.' making arrangements ami receiving Instructions touching a pre-Chris;. maa distribution of supplies. It is learned that applications to the Red Cross for relief in tli.s county will probably exceed those of last year. KING NEWS King. IV. 14. J. I!. Crahain. of Firmington. was anions the visitor; here Sunday. .Morris I'll 1 Hum. of tile I'nited States .Marine Corp*. who i> spend, ing a furlough with 'his parents at Aslieboro. visited relatives here last weeu. y Gilbert Rierson. of Tohaccoviltc Route and Miss Iris Preston, if King. motored to Hillsvilte, Va. Saturday where t hey were united in marriage. Their many relatives and friends Join in wishing tliem a long and happy married life. Slate. of Winston-Salem, spent the week end here the guest of relatives. T"he following births were regis tered here last week: To Mr. and Mrs. I'aul Southern, a daughter: to Mr. and Mrs. Coy Simmon*, a Mon; to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butcher, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owens a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spainhower, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Sho use and Master T D. Tuttle. of Rural Hall. Visited relatives here Sunday. Dr. Gilbert I'"". Petree is nursling * broken arm. the ejects of a kick ing Ford. SherilT J. John Taylor, of Dan. bury, was here Saturday on his regular tax collecting round. He stated while here that collections were fairly good. Air. and Mrs. Thomas S. Eaton, of Winston-Salem, were among the visitors here Saturday. Only a email per cent, of the tohaceo crop remains to lie sold Mi this section. Raleigh Young, of Danbury, was here Saturday shaking hands wl'h old friends. Lawrence .Macßae's idea of build. Ing a road to the top of Moore's Knob Is meeting with the approval of citizen's here and it is hoped that It will materialize. The King All Stars won a double header basketball game for the Old Richmond high scluiol of Forsytn Thursday night. The gamies were played In the King gymnasium. Spencer Tuttle and P. M. Newsum made a business trip to Walnut Cove Monday. R. P. listen by, of Mount Airy, was a business visitor here Monday. Ho, For Moore's Knob. Mr, Lawrence Mcßae's suggestion of a toll highway to the top of Moore's Knob, at the expense of the Reconstruction Finance Corpor. ation, meets with the approval of everybody. It is assumed that the X. C. State Highway Commission will furnish the engineering and equipment, while the county would no doubt j bear the expense of the dynamite and feed the mules. P. W. Davis recently of Winston. Salem, removes to Lynchburg, Va., / where he will conduct a Ford agency. OFFICER KILLED I NEAR STUART i CONSTAIIIiK SHKPPARI> M KKT IIIS ItI'.ATII. Willi.l. I'OI.Hi:. | MAN FRAN'S Is SKItIOIM.Y | WOIM>KI> A F F A I R AT .JOYCE'S F11.1.1M. STATION*. I | Oonstal»l«» ShePl>tnl. .-«# »i of II »l". j .Shepiiard, «»f Stuart. V.i.. \va*« ; i :»nd in»t int'.y killed. while l*«»ll»v J Hi» c»r Kr ins. a!-o of Stuart. \v utu!c«| it. a uiin !•:»tt j • n thf law ai.«i runi.ninm»iv ; tVncv' hi'!"' oh* «»J" Stuar a? .J«»\ve.- flllinu nation. S:it'iid-«.v i.i-ht Fran* : .-i now in Stuan h.ispit »l. » while two viintipT in«*n «•!' Mount ' Airv. Harvey Vernon .u.d one MM- I kiff. are in j iii ehars' d Willi the crime. The Unlit occurred wlion ShePpard and Frans fiillo.ved Mink.lV Fran and three others in i en.- out fnun Stuart. The ear :n which tin illeu. Ed bootlengi-rs were rMing had pi.»_ vtouslv been captured by Stua officers. and war being held. MidkilV Jtnd his party went i> Stuirt Situr day and tried to the mi. | Chine, but w. re not al!.iwed to 'I ' I , Iso by the officers. The report goe" i that the visitors took the car with out authority at night. and were' in the act of escaping when over taken by the pursuing ollleers. At the tilling station the putmcd found their car out of water, ami had t'i ctop. The officers arrivinu, Sheppa>d jumped to ihe around with a gun i'i each hand, and was immediately *h •! down. Frans, who had no g u 11, was trying to pick up Sheppard. when he was also shot by the rum.runners. Play BjTrhTpTT. A. Thursday Night A play by 'the Danbury Parent Teachers' Association will he render, ed at tiie Danbury school on Thurs day niuht, December 21!. at 7:So. No admission will he charged, hut a free-will offering will be acceptel at the door, the proceeds going ta defray th»> expense of establishing the Cafeteria at the school. _ I Negroes Jailed Hick Headen and Robert Scales, ! 1 both colored, were given a hearing before N. A. Martin. J. P.. Monday, and committed to jail without bond, charged with burglarizing the home' of Dr. A. l. Jones at Walnut Cove Thc.v will await the spring term !' superior court. R. 0. Lasley Dead R. O, Lasley. of Wlnston.Sulem, died in the government hospital at! Atlanta Saturday. He was a son of the late .1. M. Lasley, of Walnut Cove. Closes Dull Tobacco market closes today (Friday) dull and low. average S centts. To date the Winston-Salem market has sold 31 million pounds for 3M million dollars. Market 1 opens again Jan. 9, after a vacation of 3 weeks. Snow Coining The weather feels like snow to. day. The weather man predlc's snow for Saturday. Number 3,754 YOUNG MAN BURNED TO DEATH MACK HONS OK PATRICK TV Mi:iris i>isTlti:ssi\(j KND —JOK «;\VYN.\ I.\ .1 MI, CILUIG. I:I> WITH KII.UMA PIUKTOR M Mtsll M I.—OTIIKIt M:\VS OP \M;lllS>l{l\. \ I It li I M.* COIXTV. Mok !:••• • tti ( . 27.y-a ..»M son nC M \ at'.d .Mr-. II ii'lfour lioi-s. of Kl, umsville. I'.rriek county. V 1., w\is I'll: r»("l ;■ > death Suinliv. Dec. 4. about iiiM-n .1: :!i.• |j■ .1! a neigh, oor .IM> 1 -1.. ULM-I- home WM ai.-o lies!r«>>'o(l i.y t h t . ii ... I »• touotllt'i ivilh seveal bor~. was visit ins; th. '-1.-.- home, tii-! it i> l.arivcl ! ho went ui* with tiic inn.iun el ;ntentio.i of taking a 11Tin- Stuart pr:«t> say.- whi'ii >e ,, n lie wl4 stnokii.l l iuM'it'c and it !(- suppos. • d tli 1: iif .1 • 1 •; >o«l "IT : 1 >!c f 'p with it 'till I>uruili4. til. i'liv .I.Miiis; tire t.i the lied Tliy lire had made surlv headway 1.(1' discovered that pcated at'empt* to i.t lie lra(»„ ninn were frti-trat d by sheets -.f tiaine which met ail who ...» enter by time or window. The tiro spread rapidly .■ dc| Inn little wiw saved a- the hume liuriie'l to th* ground !• tiller il service* were '"oiiducte'l by Kid. r I'. Itrammer a- the fajn„ i'ly iiurial ground Monday afternoon following. The deceased is survived by hit parent-, one grand.mother. Mrs. Ch irles Pedigo, of Roanoke; four vi4:t-r.. Mr>. lAnnie Tatutn. Mrn. Tat 11 in, Mi.-se- 4 S©nah and Mary Agn.v: two brother**. Charles Daniel, several aunts and uncles and other relatives. Joe Owynn, of The Hollow. i« in jail at Stuart. charged with th® murder of Procter Marshall, 22. son of Arnold Marshall, of the same neighborhood. Tuesday afternoon. December Detail.. . 1 f the killing are meaner, but it l.s learned from officers that J John M. Montgomery and Proctor | Marshall were engaged in a fight, when :hey wer e approached by .lo« and Alex 'iwynn, Iwith of whom carried nuns. It is alleged by Jwyn th it Marshall turned upon him. anil that he shot in self.defense. A wedding of special interest many state*, because of the iHipu.. T.'irPtJ aiM 'ivideiy 'know: 1 aivivitieat of the contractinjr parties, was sol« emnlzed early Wed ne-'dav morning. Dec. 7. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Dol.yns, of flaudevllle. n'h s n their daughter. Mrs. Annie Hobyna Reynolds, became the bride of A*, torney S. W. Tompkins, of Mlt\H>uri. The marriage wax marked by ifs simplicity. Mrs. Reynolds hiving no attendants. and only immediate members of the family being pres_ ent. Kide.r S. A. Thompson, of Stuart. Vn.. offlplated. !eo. S. Nolen. aged to, one of the m.wt hltrhly esteemed citizens ot PatrlcK county, died at his home near Klamsville of pneumonia Dej. #th. How times have changed. Cain dldn t threaten to withdraw from th» league and Moses didn't go around talking about gtting war dbts re. fundeii.

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