THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 60. DIVIDENDS PAID I TO CLOSED BANKS During Past Three Months Liq uidating Agents Have Paid J Out $1,118,000 to Creditors. Raleigh, D-c. 27. —More than >1,118,000 tied up 4n closed bank* was released to 28,710 creditors dur. 4ns the past three months by the liqiu Siting division of tjhe state bamkins department, Commissioner Gurr.ey P. Hood reported today. The majority of the money, $713.. I 4 485.71 went to delators, while 5»307,263.75 was raid to (secured oreditons «nd 5»7.29«.45 .to preferred creditors. Hood pointed out that only two loans. 'totaling $123,497.65, had ■been made ftom the Iteconstruction Finance Corporation to finance the dividends. One of the«e loans, $G,f27.27 to the liquidating age.i t of the Citizens Bants of Mount O'.ive, has heen ;iaid in full, he said, while $14,781.994 h.w been paid back on a loan of ?11t>. 470.5R" to the liquidating of tho Merchant!) Hank of I>tirhn.m. The following payments in detail toy banks follow: Farmers_Aho>*kie llank. Ahoskie. $14,869.62. Angler Dank and Trust Co., An. gler, $4,809.57. "Bank of Had in.. I'ad.n, 54.752.6tf. Beaufort Banking and- Trust Co., Beaufort. $29,742.12. / f „ .. ' • ' KftVinor* Bonk, Delhaven, SG,aO6. 35. Bank of Chadbottrn, Chardbourn, $13,003.40. Oontiental Trust Co.. Charlotte, . $2,417.69. Carolina Banking and Trust Co., Columbia, $8,344.87. Bank of Clinton, Clinton. $12,537.. 39. Merchants Bank Durham, $200.. 23. Carolina Banking and Tru-t Co., Elizabeth City, $36,287.65. Savings Bank and Tru>t Co., Kliz. abeth City, $101,176.22, Kim City Bank, Elm City, $3,919.. 06. Mercihants and Farm,era Ban't, Grayeburg, $1,929.26. Peoples Bank. Gasttonia, $7.287.. 04. Carolina State Bank. Gibson. $9,. 408.67. Bank of Grover, drover,! 4.627.15. Bank of Goldslon, Goldston, $5,. 317.02. Farmers and Merchants Bank. Klnston, $20,616.51. Sicotland County Savings Bank, )„auirlftWrg,. $10,745.91. Fhrerjers K.nd Merchants Bamt. Littleton, ;»?;"993. Bank of Lowell, Lowell. $5,291.17. Bank of Macon, Macon, $4,689.. 05. Commercial and Farmers Birk, Mebane, *11.060.31. Marie Bank, M.orehe»d City, $2.. 486.07. Cherokee Bank. Murnh/, 13.123 _ .4 .01, Bank of Pee l>e* U» ikin».lia*n, 911.0U.28. CHU«n Bank, 'flprln? hope, $?,. . r, 'Bank of Stony Po ; .it, S:ony Porr.t, " ' MlMll. "T ' Troutman Bank'.nj and Trti-t Ot . TPoutman,sl,»»l.»4. It . Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, December 28 1932 | First Bank and T.if>« Co., Try. on. 6,445.49. Bank of Vsa, Vasa. ss,7*' 1.95. Peoples Bank, Waeeo, $3,938.43. Bank of Warden, Warrenton. $38,. 688.44. Bank of Whiteville. WhJteville. $11,332.68. Home Savings Bank. Wilmington,. | $25,096.80. Commercial Bank. Wilson. $3,201..' 50. j s£el:ulon Banking and. Truct Co.. ' Zebulbn. $25,307.65. I I I Payment* in Securvd Creditor i Merchants and Manufacturers Bank. Andrews. $13,517.28. | Central Bank and Trust Chj-. Ashe, i 'ville. $30,529.91. I Bank of Aulander. Aulander, SI4O. Bt'evard nankins Co. Brevard.. $494. l! 0. | Bank of Cary, Cary. 5323.52. Bank of (Clinton, Clinton. SSSS.7.t . Merchants Bank, Durham. $14.. 7*1.94. Citizens and Commercial l!.:iik j Franklin ton, $750.95. Bank of OuldMon. Goldston. ST.. j 515.64. Bank of Cril't'Oi. tiril'ton. s7.osv..' _ | 37. , Flwt Bank and Tru-t Co.. llcnder. j sonvillr, $.545.42. Planters B'ink and Truflt Co., i Lumber-toil, $8.737.5 W. | of Macon, Macon. $12.50. Farmers Bank a ill Trust Co.. - Madisoa. $3,000. Wank of Moneure. Moneure, $12,. 851.10. Merchant* and Fan.vor.s lan!:. Moorcs ville, $',*74.96. ' Peoples Bank. M si.. 697.91. Eastern Bank and T.ifst Co.. Np>v I Bern. $1,048.92. Bank of Oakboro, Oaklioro, $3,. 539.45. Bank of Old Fort, old Fori, si:|._ 335.01. i i ; Bank of I'ikoville. Pikeville, i $627.58. I Mechanics Savings Bank, Ualeigi:. i Citizen* Bank, l'ichland, $685. | Graham County Bank. Robbing 'ville, $148.63. Citizens Bank, Spring Hope. 11.. 9975.10. Bank of Alexander. Taylorsvili'V. $2,3199.03. Bank of Wagrum. Wa.-rnm, $314.. Bank of Stoke* County, Walnut Cove. 50,547.58. I Farmers and Merchants Bank. I WaUtonburg, $796.02. I'lanters Bank. Wilson, $20,824.30. j Citizen B;tnk, Windsor $7,2G6.21. Winton Banking and Trust Co., W!nton. $128,445.14. Zebulon Banking and Trust Co.. ' Zebulon, $128,445.51. Payments to Preferred Creditors Bank of Badin, $1448.23. * . • Bank of Beaufort, $3,062.47. Merchant* Bank, Durham, $22.80. Citizen** Bank, Farmville. $8,723.. 72. American Bank and Trust Co., Henidersanville, (11,050.13. Bank of Kenily, Kenly, 7,587.92. Bank of Lowell, Lowell, $8,421.. 39. I Merchiants and 'Farmers Bank, Mooresville, SSBO. Citizens Bank and Trust Co., New ■ Bern. $6,866.28. WATCH SERVICE ( SATURDAY NIGHT At the Baptist Church There 1 Will Be Interesting Program With Refreshments — Sev eral Ministers to Be Present. A community watch service wi'.i , be conducted at t':>e Baptist church S,a;tu»da.v flight participated in by Kcv. O. K. Ward, of lent Baptist Church, by Dev. J. B. Needlh.ini. (of Hie Danbury M. F. j Church, and by lllev O. W. Marsh ill of lie Danbury Prcvibytprlan Church Tftp meeting will b«gin at 9:30 P. M., with a social hour in the] ! Sunday School rooms. At 10:30 there will be a love feast, coffee and buns be n'i seized' Special mu.-i • will be arranged- The pu'oll" is cordially Inviied 10 j attend the service which will con. tinu-e until midnight. 1 10-ing Willi | the advent of the new yer.r. Death of Mrs. Sarah J. Tilley Mrs. Strah .lessup Tjiley died i Monday at her home near Westlle'd i i H4ed l«'t!t 75 yeaix. She was the I i widow of t!ip late A. Tilley, who I 1 has been dead for a year. M .s. I I j Tilley had been practically an in valid for several years. • The funeral wag at Went field on I Wednesday. I Surviving are the following chud • ron: Mrs. Laura Hail, of Tolm^cco. "* •- ! ville; Mrs. Held Hall of CMhaee. I ift-.s. Ml-Daniel 01 Aberdeen; j Mrs. Klisha Simi'ions, of Charlotte: | Mrs. Hill of Wim»ton_Salem; Mrs. Undo Pell, of AVeetfiel'l; Mrs. lona' lof WestfleUl; Messrs. (Sninuel, William, and Andrew Tille\. of Wee»i J field: and Marshall and Bufus Tilley 1 of As-iieboro. Surviving also are the . following sisi.ers: Mr.«. Cole Sim. 1110ns, Mrs. A.F. Christian. Mrs. J.M. 1 ' Mrs. A. F. Christian, Mr*. J. M. . Jesstip ail of Wes:field and one j brother, A. W. .lessup of Westfield- Mrs. Tilley wtw a splendid Christ, ian lady and she will tie seriously mis.sed in her community. Mr. and Mrs. Easle.v .loyee, of Washington, D. C., accompanied l»y ' their friend .Mr. Otis Chapman also . 01' Washington, spent Christmas j here with the parents of Kasley. Mr. and Mrs, W, E, Joyce. Mr*. X. E. Pepper fell down a j short flight of steps Friday and dis. j located a bone of one hand. The I Injury was attended by a physician and is healing. Miss Mary Taylor, of the fie mar j ton high school faculty, is spending ' the holidays at here. Bank of Old Fort. Old Fort, $156.. 60. Raleigh Banking and Trust Co., Raleiffh. $29,823.05. Weldon Bank and Trust Co.. Wei. . ! don. $19,224.24. Bank of West Durham, West Dur. , ham, $329.64. Three Paid In FuU The report called attention to tho . foct that All creditors of the Con. | 'Mental Trust Company of Charlotte, , the Citizens Bank of Gattca and the j Troutman Banking and Trust Com. 1 pany of Troutman, .have .been paid j in full. CHRISTMAS IS ! QUIET AT KING 1 1 Victories at Basketball with Pinnacle and Walnut Cove— Personal Items of Interest. King, Deo. 28.—Mr. and Mrs. Alva 1,. Turner left last week for Canada ' where they go to make their future ' home. Mr. Turner wiio is a tohao o I raiser will grow the weed in Canada. ' William 11. '1 il'ior re art'el I • day from Durham where lie went on , a business trip. Pt\;'. 11. G. TlKMiia>- of Stoncville jis snendin 1 : the ' hri. tai.i holiday.* •with relatives i.oo The King high played a doulde. header basketball game wi'lt Pinna. . ele at .Pilot Mountralii Thin t! i.* | night. Boys p-core King 2a. Pinna. ( Jdo 19. Girls .score King 24 Pinna. 1 cle 20. j Harvey Ptilliani and family or I High Point are spending a few davs I , 1 I with relatives and friends h«iv. j Albert Petree of Cimintiaii. Ohio, is spending thv C'hrlwnias liolUlayH with relatives here. Mr. IVIre" w i-' ; reared near here going to Ohio about thirty year* ago. lie holds a po- . lion ari locomotive engineer with | the Norfolk and Woflern Kaihviy. I Baliesh Voting deputy rheriff of I Danbury was here looking .1 tie.' some legal matters. W. A. Smith of Winston_Sale*n 1 formerly of King was a business visitor Were Saturdoy. j Mr. and Mrp. Bryan PulMani •if j Winston.Salem spent S.iturdav and Sunday here the guests of .Mr. I'm'. liam's mother, Mrs. li. F. Ptilliani. j O. L. Kiger banker of Rural Hall was here .Saturdav attending to bus. I InesK matters. I | The Kin#? All s>'ar. I»UHkotb:ill won a double header '» 1 Walnut Cove in ihe Kini; uyninasin.n J Friday nigh?. Hoys M'orp Kjnu 11. Walnut Cove 11. OirN Kins 31. Wal. , nut Covv -0. ! Mr. and Mrs. Robert ISruwn »f ' i ! i Winston.Saie.n repent the Christ mas , holidays with relatives here. j Lester l'ulliam and son, Joseph if , Ouj haiii w'ere among the chrlstm is vj-itons here. Mr. and Mrs. lrvin Knight ..f ' Newport News. Va. are spending ! some time with relatives liere and . at Greensboro. j J. G. Moorefield of Rural llall | was hare on business Monday. i Tile folli\ving births were regis. j tered here Monday, to Mr. and Mrs Chester Carroll u daughter and to , Mr. and Min. Raleigh Hall a daugh. ted. Atorney Dallas C. Kirhy of Win. est on .Salem was here Monday on j legal business. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 10. Smith ■ have returned from Asheville where they cjpent Chrlsimas -with relatives 1 j and friends. | Fred Haus-e.r medical student of •, Riichmond, Va. i» spending a. few ! days with relajves here. Misses Kate Stone of Charlotte and Clodie Stone of High Point returrted to their homes after spend. 3 *.ig a few days here the guests of -1 relatives. A. F. Collins and family eper.t 6 Monday In Mount Airy whetre they * were the eueets of relatives. Mr. and Mne. Gurney Edwards of Winaton_Balem vial ted reHatlves here- SUGGESTION OF 11 JOHN A. LEAKE Thinks a Law Should be Passed j Prohibiting Deficiency Judg ments. The following letter, which co.i. tains Interesting and valuable xii *. v xestions. i*i published without at»*ib». | . g,v to Mr. John A. I.oake. its autho ,| t»onville. N. c j Dec. 2s. l:« 32. i Mr. N. K. IVIMH'V. I>anl»ury. N. liear Mr. IV-ppc*: As you know thousand* *»ui ! , bent and most .«ul*»tantial citixeivj, have l»e«*n. are hoiuu. will l»e h«»1 I I out of thfir farms and h«ni»T>. mg thoir life oarniiiK**- In jntu.y eici's ithis piN.pefly luinuinu | than p«»r «*o• *t. *»i a« iua! value: ■ in nearly ev* i\ * a>" lirinuini: inu« !i I less than niormam* «»r deed of trust held avain-'t >a:d properly, i These nion'\vr'l int«*reM> wiP e"' 'a man oui a!\\a.vs at i >a«rit i»". t'-« • less tli«n delu. T'non they will a\,» judgment for reuiainder »t d**lit. The loser o! hjs property i> not only l»roken up. l»»it hi- 1 futuro blighted l»y a so if time anl should he could ar»umulat»» anything he H»uld never have another home. And •« homo is what fills thv »\vihm* wit i •ommunltv pride and and the tiling uliat are ne«es>i'> to a luiildor «>t a eommunitv, or nation. What prido ran a tenant have in his community. «»r fhe huildinu u*» of his eommunitv. when he ht« t ! l»eeu sold out, and future hampered l»y a judgment taken l»y .-erne heartles »»ppre*'or? • j Patriots d"»n't sri»\v under nuelC conditions. , l ! To remedy such conditions a law should be ]>a>ved prohihitititf" any individual. «-orKoration or e»nci'.*n |!ro-m rakiim in sueh car"*?-. I and void all jud-ment>" taken t'«.r i the past five yeai>. This will *iivc , our f.'ood eitizons an opportunity * 1 ' ree«»ni?ruot. hold t°ycther. and to tierome patriots rather th in to !« ( oppressed "er**s. Yourpi trulv ' JOHN A. I.KAKi: I Mill .M. . anle-. I! t -»«v IY.-g, | Mtudents it llainravcs Military! demy at That ha in. Va., are here for • the holidays. I , Will llartman, of Hantaan, w.m in town I'riday. | Klder Watt l'riodv unl Jesse U. Priddy. of North View, spent a eliort while in town Friday. ' Ueputy Sheriff Oleve Lawson, .if la»"!Kitiv.ill(>, ij. re 'hi it ed (|uite : ' 1 ■with flu. | Mr. and Mrs. Wa lace loyti l O' Wins'on.Salem, /Lntted fjll-jt here during the 'holidays, the family of Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Icv The Danbury Union Sunday Sc'ioil tendered a Christmas tree and en. [ tertainment at the M. E. Church Saturday night. A large crowd was present r Gray Tilley. white, and a Colored girl were bitten by a maddog nt TV.i>nut Cove Trurnday. Number 3/756 MRS. HARDING COVINGTON DEAD Passed Away in Winston-Salem Wednesday Funeral at Clear Spring. Alls. J.-ttic Covington, 7|„ «ido« U nas-vd away WednesiJa\ noon at the hume ...» her d»»-liter. .Mrs. H. Murray, 1-1 : East Tu.'nty_rirth., Willi- t« fnVn.vinK >prioi:s illn t ... of pneumonia. h was liiirn in s:oke -ounty, •V" ii !•:. ! a of th * inu- i-:;:jaii ;.! i i:ji Z . t„ , h i:j er *, rt- She -l-ont m.wt of |,or :iiv in stole,* , ■ 1 nt • . U lUM'e 111 1 ' III!.--!. II (J yx-tut A larmor. !lt» ji.«— t .-l aw.i> ten year " Mu> ii i,| liren iKjnj^ home with :| ,J • ,i- >, M j ,\l.i,"e. U:n ie»ii. K.mie J, an.l w.,, viri:!n« Jl «. Murray wh*w, she »,I. strii-Ueii ;|! Slip «.|. a mt-in. ' v: ' '•"'' i I'ri:ii.itiv«* ' - 'inr. li. Si •" 1 i ; a>• » v ,| • hie^ U " '• '' I «■' «•' Jl Cuiittj Ai '• " M Wi,..o.i_. Pfilem. and XI I- .: J\ o| j W-i .».!•.>.»., .j,, I.mile 'J. -tav M>n, W. A Covin-ton of W|:i-i..n.»Saloms[ I ..ii sifti-iv, Mrs. .Vlier: Samuel II gh I'niii:. anil .Mrs. leather YiMimfj I' ii.liiii'.v. .tii(j * I.iripen ilren. The I'une. a! will Iv ,| I'l itl ir a:ie n.mi . • :• ~vn„ ( oiwir S;nji:_ I'rilnit:v • liaji:;. t "'huri-h. I'.Mer* Walt Tim;„ urd S. 11. J.'oirf will the serviri-s. will follow ill -hi' iliurth ■-*im vey"iril. I Jli*« Mary Martin, who holds a |ii'.«itioii in the Splma elty s.-hools. , silent (' hris'i, mr. at J>er 1. nnp hc»r-». the family of Mr. ai:.| Mrs. N. A. I Martin. While here Mi-. 1 Martin wit-- vi ited i.y lv frietid Mr. S. p. Wood of Splnia. Mt*s I.una Tax 'or h.. r jo'nerf ti-p "ivuhe". M Ni-:i> 1.M.011 Taylor, who i» \i.-::nu her sun. I';-. Spots*. Ta>!-ir. ;n I'hi'.tdell'h.a. • Ape i '.• re".ii; n home after the hnl„ ill iv- Favors Our Food aEwBHm WOL k m. ] MARLKNE DIETRICH, who will make two more pictures in j Hollywood before returning to Eu- I rope for a vacation, has become an I American food fan according to the , | gossips. Although she adores her native German cookin t , she has astonished her film friends with the new American dishes she serves them at home. Eggs Louisiana, rem- I iniscent of the old South, is a lunch eon favorite in the Dietrich house hold and is made by combining a cup of condensed tomato soup, "4 cup of i cold water, cups of crumbled soda crackers, Vi cup of mixjd cooked 4 vegetables and a tuaspoonful of minced onion. This is poured into a greased baking dish and six eggs are carefully broken on top. The dish ia then covered with ',i cup of grated ' cheese and placed in a hot - ven until . the eggs are set, usually about IS minutes. It serves six.

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