THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 60. SID P. BENNETT ROBBED OF $1,300 TUESDAY NIGHT — i Farmer Of Capella Finds His Trousers' Missing and His Money Gone When He; Awoke—Probably Gassed While He Slept, --Officers Searching For Clues. i S. I J*. Ilemictt. well known citizen mul farmer of Yadkin t"'« iishlp. • 1 :v::i_ a mile s*uitlnve>t ol' t'apelii. ' w.i- robbed «>f !fl.3"d Tuesday nig it while li»' slept. His p nits, in which he k' Pt !iii» -ash. were found at the teed barn some distance from the Jiou-^ l! .. believed the thieves sic-urcd e')ti tne to the Bennett home thru .1 wjndow to the bedroom in which Mr Bennett slept- and that ch-loro. torm •>•■ some form of gas W.W a>d to d">:'e IIIH sleeper. being injected thr> :_-h the window. Indications ■>[ i his were 'eft upon the curtain over the window and U|>on the window bill o." faving. Mr. Covington. who slept in the* >xx>r.) alone. was in the halwt of arising frequently during the night, due w a disorder from which h J ( d. But on this Tuesday nitfh- he slept unusually soundly. 1 and cid not awake until 4 o'clock A. XI.. Wednesday. I Soo - after awakening, he dlscov. «N>ve!-J that something war wrong wher he missed his pants contain ing h;s money. AT another part of the house hi" fani:!y were sleeping, consisting of hi-« v. !e and several younger chil. i dren. A hi red man a!.-o stayed in the i The Bennett home lies off fro"ri the highway a mile or more in di*- tanee. Tracks t'nom an automotive plainly apparent, showing the vUlr c! a car during th« night *»Ulcer.-. .ire working ti|ion this chip. I DEATH OF CALVIN COOLIDGE FX.PKKSIDKXT PASSKS AT HIS HO.MK . AT.. XOKTHAMPTIOX, MASS.,—XATIOX MOIItXS PASS. IN« or i>isTi\;risnKi> CITI. ZK.V Kx. President Calvin Coolidge d'- ai Muddenly at hie home at N'orthamp. tion. Mas# Thursday, at the "!te • f 60. Mr Coolidge hid not been ill, except slight attack of indigestion. I'he nation Ino u I'll s the parsing of one of its most distinguished «iti. zenn. .Mrs. S. :. Sparger and child are visiting Mrn. .1. (!. Pulton. Mrs. Sparger's mother, at Walnut CIVJ, during Mr. Sparger's absence at Kuleitfh. Mr. and Xlis. Oliver Oakley H>ent the holidays with relatives -it Xloelufville. Established 1872. FINE ARTS CLUB MET TUESDAY i:\iKitr AlM:l» nv MKS. siiiitirr .1. .1. TAVIiOIt—INTI.HKSTIX; 1 PIHMiItAM. —. Mrs. John Taylor entertained the members of the Pine Arts " Iti 1» a: a deli-htful meeting at her home, I here Tuesday afternoon. Potted | plants and the fit glow of many t candles gave a festive note to tlr* lir.-t meeting in the New Year. Mrs. John Taylor, president, pre-] sided and opened the business >•«. ion with the club collect repeated in unison. The Jlrst paper tor the afternoon. A Poet's l-ife: Veate Autohiogra. | phies was prepared by Mrs. X. K. i I ! Pepper ind read by Miss Elizabeth . ■ Xeedhani; The Plough and The! I . ' i Mars by Sean O'Casey was given by Miss Mattje Sue Taylor. A note of thanks was read I from Oteen Hospital t«> the elu i» members thanking them for the, ' 'hristmas stockings sent to disabled I veterans titer*. Mrs. J. I!. Xeedhani . and daughter were enrolled as new members of the club at this meeting. I During a social hour a contest i i was engaged in with Xlins Duna i Taylor winning first prize. .Mrs. i Spot Taylor and Mrs. A. G. Si*! drew for second prize with Xlrs. Sisk being the lucky winner. A salad course w.ut served by the hos. teas. I i P. T. A. Meets I Tuesday Night j The regular meeting of the Dan. bury Parent Teachers' Association wjll meet at the Presbyterian church Tuesday night. Jan. 10. j As business of importance will come before this meeting, full at. | tendance is urged li _ |— i I " ( Will Dtinilap, Will Duggjnis and John Sis! were in the crowd Xlondav ! attending the commissioners' met ing, all tif the eastern section of th» I county, f i -I !• red Pepper has recently visited | his cousin Oe>. Pulton. Jr.. at Itoa. ' nok'e, V:t. If Tlifere Were No Taxes y.i U • Could Take Pour Months' Vacation 1 Every Year and S'ill Have Just u, Xlu h .Money as now. Itead About It in The American Weekly, the | -Magazine Distributed with Xe\t I Sunday's Dallmore American. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, January 4, 1933 LIARS CLUB ANNUAL MEET!' I Oli'llKlN FJ,«TKI» FOR Till'. I K\sriN; y »•: \it ckhtaix , ; 1 SI IMIX TS T\WK)K». ! I lieporteri f«-r the ' The Ancient 1 l«»n«n-nl»l«- and Inde- . | Pendent Order >i ('multigated I.ia-> ] i met Monday niaht and fleeted of. liers for the ensuini: year. a-« fol. i lows: l're*ident —l'. \ Campbell. I ! Vi'e-I'rt'-idcnt —Oavp Tuttle- Secretary—lV. 11. Young. Chaplain—I I '. K. Yarborough. lixecutive Committee- —Or. K. H. I I j Moretteld. Ixin Riley Turner. { Or. S. A. Moir, Will Stovall. O. C. i Taylor and Or. Tom Smith. | No biulne.'.« of importance wrs ' transacted- I It was decided that tl-">h and ra'i. ! hits should he debarred from future contests as subjects. j Ladies Aid Meets At Walnut Cove I i Walnut 'ov.\ Jan. s.—The Ladies' | I Aid Society of the Methodist church i met with Mr*. Itusfvli McPherson Tuesday afternoon at her home her>; The devotionals were conducted by Mrs. Krank I'etree. Mrs. 11. N. ' | ; Scott read a paper on "Sympathy.'* , This was followed by a special se lection of muffle. Mrs. Walter Vaughn read a paper, the subject of which was. "Tha Year of 1!• 3 3—Whit We Hope to Make oi It." The pro. • i ' gram wan closed by sentence pray. ' ers. Otticer* for the year were! I , elected during a business session !' as follows: Mrs. Frank I'etree. I president; Mrs. ilerary iSuott, I vice-president; Mm. K. 1.,. Bai'loy. treasurer; Mrs. t\ J. Lamb, repor. ter: Mrs. Walter Vaughn, pianist. i fe,.. flVjs fflpHU v«K v ;.^j3 - ■ «' «B v 4^^w, fc *.- I^JUV !Glimpse of a race riot instigated by Com= | munists at Washington, D. C. AT PRESBYTERIAN J OH'CH WEDNESDAY ADDRKNS HV UK. ' KKTIKKI* MISSIdWItV T » JAPAN lNT»:itl>Tl\«. PICO. CRAM ITI:\NI.RI:I». i -M the i , I the I lev IM'. M A!- ! pine, ii' retool | Mi**k>i:.4ry *,«» J.pan. v\.i> |*ivsent * y 'the r«\-'jlar monthly iueetin^ I j «»F th«* \YOIII in'.- M ii-sionu: v ' I « a Lh> M r*. A 1 .A! p jn«; M r>. .1. \\ J Wylls, IVesiiJent «•! i}j•• \Vin*n«»n --i J £*ilctii )*res»*yte i;jl. «nl Mr*. 4*«» v i 1 Joyce. President "l the Isi die-' Auxiliary of tin- Kir.-' Piv.-by teria a 'huivh of Win."ton.s.i lem IJr. M Alpine delivered .111 address 1 Of' si'f'i: intrust and inform atioii. in 1 'which tie t"'d "1' life and « \perie»ce i during a 4s.years service a- mi-. ' sionary In .l.iii.m. Mr-. McAlpi'ie was Ixirn in J. pan. I>ui spent I" ' years in school in Aiuei'iii. A feature uf the llliH'liii- was the hymn. 'My Faith l/Mk> t'p to ' Thee." suns l»y Dr. and Mrs. McAl. pine in Japanese. The program of th.c mcdai- « - as follows: Or (fan —"Cod of Our Father*.. Known «>!" >!d " by Ml>« M irv Tav. 1 1 lor. Ilyinn—"Fnom Mountains.'' Prayer—liy Rev. J. B. N'eedham. Report «»f Secretary and Treasur. 1 er. Addre" —By Dr. McAlplne. ' I , Short talk, h.v Mrs. Mo Alpine. ! I ' | Voe.ll solo—"In Christ Tliei* Is No or WVrft." Mi-s Marian* | Ne*'dlia.rn. Prayer—By Rev. O. IV. Mai*h-Cl. | What It Cost To Beat Hoover I : AN usihinjjion. 5.-—'The Deiu«»» 1 cratie national committee spent $ 1,638,177.3S In its campaign to I elect Franklin I). Roosevelt to the presidency, according to report-' Hie I •.vith the «lerk of the Honw. Commissioners. | County Commissioners met Mon. day, present, J. A. Joyce. Chairman; I F. P. Stone, H. 11. Brown. Pra' ( tically all the business before the ' i board was the payment of claims. 'j Miss Mary Martin ha* ieturn-d to Selma where she has a po.-ition j as teacher in the city schools. She j | spent the holiday* here with home , folk.-, Mr. and Mm N. A. Martin and family. JESSE SPEAS 1 DIED SUNDAY i IV V> A IMTOSIINKNT I'AIt.MKK OL T4»B\ (4»V11.1.K TWIN « ITV j I.UMMCY OPKNS OI l K K AT KINC—«N il Kit KINC NKIVS. i;:r.a. .1 in. 4. William W hitman, i of ISi'thani.i. was anion.: '.he \i-lto - !ie"e Sunday. .). \V. I>.••- has returned to hi ll. nie a: Cape t'htrl •-. V i.. -if' ••• .-I't-nd.!'- the Chri-tni - hol.lay v: hr;' itivp-t near h;»r.>. I\. nni- Piiil.atti. • Knoxvi; •, Tenn . is -vending i le.x lav- he:'" tli.. .u. -t hjs- mi. he Mr-. .1. I >. Pu.'.am. ( Tlie -tori. brought i new baby jtir! t«> the home of Mr. ami Mr». M i.--ey Blackburn la-t week. 'l'll ■ Tv.';ti_"ity Haundry. of Win-. "•m-Vdetii. are openiim tip an ••tlby in 'h> S' one Uuiid-nu. The»idor> N>«sum will be in chirse of the local ottii'*. Ilerm in Snider, win wi. re''*'nt'\ Ji- -li ir. Ed iron: t'-ie I'nited State' Army by reason expira'.ion o. term of service, j- -pending a fe».' «:a>> with hi.- lather. Charlie Snider, who re.-ide- jus: we.-- of town. Mr. -Murder, who spent 'three year- 'n the llawaiin Island-". -onteiiipl.ites re-''nljstina in the army. I»r. 11. (1 Hardin- ind 1 »el Taylor have returned from the e i*t irn pa. tot the S:a e where they went vii a liuntinu trip. Tli-v "••port a tine tri]» and l«it* of itam '. U:id Boyle*. Moraaiit«»wn. IV. • Va.. is sneajini; the holidays with relative" here and >' W'inston.Saleni. Rev. F. IV. Crabs, of Bethania. ' t'filed !ile-u'ar •appointtif-nt it ;h- Moravian eliur h ho e Sunday afternt>on. Mr. and Mrs. Carl MieWey. of IVinston_S ileeni. spent Sunday with nere. j Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Tut'le. are the Klad parents of a new bah;- sirl. The lady arrived Si t'i.'_ day. ; O. O. Crabs made a business trip to Winst n«S I'eni Monday. Je-«-e Spease. ased about •!«(. died at hi* home near Tobaccovjlle Snn. day following a short illne-s from heart trouble. Mr. Spease had a very wide acquaintance and was I liked by all who knew- him. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1,. Kirhv. of Wins'' n.S.ileni. are spending a few 1 d'>'!« with relatives here- I 1.. R. Oravitt, prominent planter of the c.ipeHa section. wa« a litis:. res« visitor h"re Monday. M'il»»in Brown made a businrss visit to IVinston-Salpni Monday. The Woman's club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. IV. Pull, jam Thursday, December v. at 7:3> P. M. A--aei.tte ho-' e--e~ with Mrs. Palljani were Mesd'mes- I*. 11. New. stim. .Inn. M.fiee. and Paul White. Th ii llivinst room was artistically | decorated with a profusion of holly j and other evergreen which brouah' , to our minds that the time for S". Nick was drawing near. The President. Mrs. C. K. Stone, presided over the iiiee:jn«, while the minutes and roll were read by the .secretary. Ml*s Agnes Pulliani. Reports of different commit ees ' were pifi-sented and approved of. j The Harden club had charge of th" Program. Interesting readings were given by Mrs. o. L. Rains and Mi-s Certrude Blow. Puzzllna contest- 1 v('re engaged in during the wia! hour. Several of the iladles were winners. After the contests were over d«. lloious sandwiches, cake and hot chocolate were served by the ho-, t £»--'•■*. Mesdames I'iilliani. N'ewsinn. Mc! lee and White- W. F. Priddy Burned Severely TH* Reportei 'nforilied 'that IV. F. Praldy, who lives near North View, was severely burned one dsy recently. No particulars of th'e ae. rident could be learned fie.vond that Mr. Priddy's clothing caught on lire, and before the flame could bo extinguished he was severely burn, ed- Number 3,757 RED CROSS AND R. K. C. RELIEF MOItK MOMCY. I'MH It \M» t'U>. T!IIN«. \\ AII.AIll.i: l"OK THK n::I:I>V \M» TIIK inkmpovkd —l{. I\ ( . HAS AI.ItI.AIIY SPENT IN CIII XTV IN UHHTION to ui:I» ( koks ASSIST wen. Prof. .1. " * "i!'-■«i!i. who is head ot the lU*" "st. Ui-ti-.'ii Finance Corpor.. :i j nllef work in S:«>!»«•«. advUe* the Kfi '" e- :«!•, ha« Ui-mi m.nlf for an add'.'-onil $K.090 to take care of the county'* need* dttrinu the months of Jitnuarjr anj Kebru il:3S. Thj.- money in ■ oxi"' , t-d in duo time. apportioned at $4.""» for gich ni»n:h. I'rwf. Carson say-, that al">ut si.»oo of n. F money has already bee" used for (oiul ami clothing in the county. Another allotment of thine and flour is also ex|>e*tel i*i February from the lied CrOMR. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. llay Sisk ill wjtli flu. K. H. Nelson, of l'ie'lniont Sprins«, \v:i in town today. Kwell Hutcherson. ol Sandy Ridge, was in town Monday. A. «. Sisk attended the K - w - Sisk funeral today. clerk Court J. Watt Tuttle. who i* a Primitive Haptist >lde'". officiated at the Sik funeral at L.iwsonvil*e today. Miss Mat tie Sue Taylor liu.s return. e«l from a recent visit with Mrs. H. R. Shellon at \Vinston_Salefn. The Winston-Saleem tobacco nuu. ket reopens next Monday. Thene isr very little tobacco unsold in tha country. Miss Nel! Joyce entertained Sif, urday evening having as guests Strs. S. I'. Christian ~nd Mi>v Alary Ta,y_ lor. 1 Herbert Carter, of Sind.v RUlge. was here today. J t.uther W.Mids, of H irtnian, «na here today. FARM NOTES. The small mutual exchange «W-» ' ®ted by poultry farnie: - * of the VaL. dese community in Burke did . a thirty thousand dollar buxin«M» during the past year. • i , Henry fliiston. I_ll club boy of Gaston county, made a net profit of on one-fourth of an acre of . . snap beans and tomatoe* which he ! grew as a club project this past «eu. ! I | son. r j '! County farm agents in tohaoo | 1 | growing conntics are now deajiinK [ and treating toba.cco seed 1n pre. ' paration for planting the bed*- i A few Harnett county farmers .' report «n income of S2OO an acr» I ' | from their tobacco crop thiK pa-* j season. ! Kd-ecomlic and Halifax county I • farmers have placed 9.000 pounds of ' pork in the local cold storage plant in Tarbor.i since the plant wa* 1 j opened on December The Kiondyke Guernsey herd i*> Surry county averaged 448 pound* of fat per cov for the past year. ! reports county agent .1 W. Craw . lord. This record includes dry cows as well as those in production.