PAGE TWO LEGISLATURE NOW IN SESSION »T)KK*> MllMllf lts l»K (iI'NKKAI. VSNI..MIU.Y I.I:\VI: roit KAI KI4.II lilt; PltOlll.KMs \lll \l» IH»K Till: I.AW.MAKKits. S. 5. .me • .ti» * A K. l*h. IiI• . !HI*:P«•: t »>•.•• .*'! t :ii> ttU'k *•« !» ' - \ ;u!i »•«.?! tin-. - w.'.w tli* 4;\i' \«-emb'> wli. !> \ 7ir ; m« njiiu li U t»!l - «•*. e- • W i ouli!:* the ! -*5:» UriH « h.**t .4 - . h .. e tax a* "ti an I »n K.i i i \\ .:!i ! n «•!' halan - in# a ** • nit iiu in arrears **t J.ual!y :• d i»h»v it- memhe"* ,ls We » .K'e t .lohtl «*. i: 'll i pledge*! •" em«'V.» the ir».V»nt .td valorem MX. a «1 itti«*4:!; titiK* awaits the le.uis aA -xt t»f SOUle X«• $ J ."i.HIMMH'O uls*» ma.-! be eared fet. From every pur* «•! the St ho le-;. slatom have expre>***d the f»»e!ini. •that »ut> must be made in tlw «'f government and that Kaiurie* «*f 'public employee* should be further '.owjend With all present source* «»f reve. *nie Ktiiii!y shrink inK. including in«»rne. franchise. license and other taxe*. the lei^.-latoi.» \\i ! 4>e hard pushed to tind 1 H>urre tfrum which U» gather the approxi. I gilately ?HM'0.«»00 whi» h the le»*t . iivi valorem tax v\. - al!ed vn : furnish :««r *rh«»«d supputi Sent Client toward a»\ term • t «a>** t«x fi"t **tr«inu. an«w« r i«» jiti tt**l ' 1 ««f tneni. l»e!*s , ( j l! .iff tl t :n if; w h.» 1 • 1 1 t i * 1 , ,{•■ Xilson .Mitchell li- • • M ~! I .I' ll M • - N U !i 1 ' • \ 1 i. • 'if. • ' •■.•i11.- lloili . \ 1., . V. 1-1 • unitc-l . 1 •• Mi. Mj' in- Is ihi ." 1 ini. r : u Mini .M - i> \. \V:I!I. .1 Vtve. whili" Mr. M. • lie ! 1 |m)|miliii Vi'Ul.-' 11." ••• \l 1(1 -.11 I- ih • • 1. : , .-d M. ■?. 'l'*-- : •,' Mlil i tl 1. wtio wa. « In MtiriL .1 iirti\vii: Us - mil "ii «hc I! .'1 i' • I.: r«i;i(J. J:i -1 ml' -i!' ' i rci't. mi!'m. -.iiTec'l Hn» •• .m ' !>*'•' ii' It:- •]; a !(.'A' .1 iy-» In r«i".. "ht j-t m ulicn i ii.-i.iini.r lithtiT (i lil'i-i i i. I;i r jn ili(i liiiili|:im iii(| i! •I'X'findcd i!•or • lit* i-.nilil t'riw it (nit '.f the '• i:!(lint. It i aiiM(>i| ,i ii re Ih it 'irt'.-l the 'titirc l>iii .::!»«■. Mr. («IH*:*.l H'- Vv'ii -• ll I m III! ?»iri".fo. I Methodist Services licv l M \(»'(|liiiu. the ii.'Ktor. Will ii'iupv t hi- |ni!|iit at Ihv s C'h.i pel M. 10. (•ht.'ri h ii(i\t SiPlid.iy A. AI -iml at l)inlinr\ ,\l H. I'litir 'i ' Sunilav niyht. at the regular hour. The pii*■!:'i- i Mirdiallv invltud. M i:.\ WA.VTKH - Km' I!•nvlidiru rnutiv n!' sun ii.n.-uniers In and ne'ir •c»untie-' "f imithea-t flurry, mirtli. ivc-: l!"'!i!i«h i ii. i,arts i»f Stnk.n ■II ri tl •!' Walnut f.v- IJi-'i !.•!,• hu- N r rni • t irt earninu > .'"i weekly ;nl|' iiu e ev-i v ai Hit'i. Wri jniniciii.ito'v. n.wvr.rcifin rn.M. I'ANV. I' ]'• X' - - 'i.s. |; ■ iim' nd. i Death of Kelly W. Sisk I ' Key \\ s.-»k. ' * «I*ed - 4 * k «„ t?i.> iTlu.:>tla> • tuornin:; 1 it It . h nil' at l*av\M»ii\ !le. M.' s.-k had h»«en desperately i» * :«>•• nn.nth- a:ui !ii deatSi. » !f!-«,n:h ( . fit his re'at.% •• - .tnd :v e' ii*. ha»l l»ee?i exp» t:»d •"■II. i- *i:ue. 11 • .-till'e• ed with t li> »rt . .iTe • 1' • d i-a-ed - • h> tw" i'.ui ir.» t* U>'. '• a.- .M: s I*. . l'i:: i o! I»T||l-;;and M •• ! I \ lie Smith. I«a\v>*»n\i « . at'aj l•» ne s« n, ('.»•••:. v « * l. > S4»i vi!le. li teMi nt u. : \>% tla i.^nn; t r • t\v>a' «J i«t ir l«a \ ;la «■••• . . «... K. '•*" ai »>'. Next Tuesday The Limit Is n't « pi -.lie jour uith ea| t lii-eii-e after Tuesday. Jan. it'. :! yoa w.iii; !.i -lay out »f '. rnulile with tli»* Si.ite. That's the limit ti\ed. Schools Get Another Week The puMic srhoolp »ew .-l.ite'l lo 1 start fu'l.'«'in; the t'hri-'tnia* hn!i. days on !a"; Monday, but ewittK to the inijxis.s.ilile -tute of many if the , ruad-". m-ikiiiK it impracticable 10 operate - hool huees, another week | of holiday w.m given by the x'hool J i mithoritjes. I Danbury In The Spotlight! 1 ral'r *h«» !iutnipu!!p.itio M ' ' 1 •' I' «»!h. atil sfi nulla ted ? »v * 1 •• '.{• - 1 ».inhury's 'ri-* I HT I* - -> >TF?N - !'. t .II _ A:I i. *• *' «• • . • : ,\ v . . ,J'. \s • i ) » ■ Si'vj')! n»arc! l!i Session ; - ti ■ ! • I :.l ! \, nd ■. i . I:• i ■ I ~ i I i i: i' i: it. n.• iia hi u,| 1 l' id«l> u.: h -'up I'ili' : " .■ :••• -i.i•. i ■ i vhii. w(•:••• j>i ; ctl' ill' t he let; a'a ■■ i .tic, ' • '.!• '• > •ri ft ' o!' t ii! . . in, | Colored Rum runners Run In j T.v«i «•! W'.n «: ni!.Sii!(-:r. i • * !»•.:* Hiit » i. ,la>. .I«,»IK> | • ail* INiabin*. with i i-ai'tro uf J i .nis ~{• In•• h*h, \\f.e •-atiultt '»v | I 'eP it i' ~ AI "•! Wall and! lia. ' M«»nd«''. «• ii 111• • highway l»etw'e*'n I' in'»iii y and U aliiiH *«»ve. *Mi failure T" furnish IMIIMIH OF S:{IHI ea" h. ihe aa i«d .vere kieUed ap t» await the r t riii•: term «»f roir.*:. •lu»«*tp a e N A. .Martin h**ai*d tii«* • * 1:' t I No Hydronhohia Shown I A pe' dotf in little .lulii| I't'PPei hit I I). I'll 1 k and Jna!; ' j fniit'll .Monday, am] ihoiiuh no one t h dli'vi'd the don iu mad. through al limlance of precaution the animal j wiw killed and deeapitated. and !:- head «a> ex imined in the laboratory I iof lip. ( arltnn. city health depnr:.! iiKiitt, nf W' N i evideueo of rabies was dl.e:i.ed bv tip. ~N i amliiation. I"-. J. 1.. Nam-. Of FJnc ilall. w«J vi-;torM here Monday, -t , the re u ir meeting ~i ,i,.. ~„untv ' ai■ • in in.- -ji Hers. J I THE DAN BURY REPORTER MRS. B. J. SAVAGE TAKEN BY DEATH WKI.I. KNOWN ItKSIDEVr Ol (iCItMANTON IUIIS MDIHNIV \T IIOMK. Mi s. l.i!Ue Juno Savaue* *. pa>»e«l oway Middcnly Friday .»l 1-:4o oYloek at lie" h« ni«- iK-riii niton while workji;; ' .* t li»t M'-vii!- machine flu* appai. «n;!\ !i .«] h»»en in health uir. i . >!;• Mi>:aaie«l .1 h»ar; attack while "ewitm ::i .-Min c . * lothinn. I si t» w.. f*»i ii i»t Pinnacle. June 1 v 77. i laimlit«*!' «»t the late Jim • •!111 Su.-ati 1«1 »1 Sho re*idvd •it Nome Alaska. tor a nunilur ••! and I'm* tin* pa *»t twenty.fowr \»ar> had mode her home at •i. mton lie* husband. IS. J. >*avane. paced a\\.«y ton veats a«o. She f a member of .•« rmunton itaptist ' i*hud« h. Surviving ore two daughters. Mr*, ii 11. Wilson and Mis* Lillie E. Sav. ! "f • •ermanton; three m>ns. Hyde, j I*. J. and Kemp Savage. of German. I ton: three grandchildren; live broth. «rs (\ M. J one*, of Walnut Cove; M. l\ Jones of Winsrton«Salem. Solicitor John K. Jone#. of Nodih Wilkenhoro; Jim and Sam Jones, of Pinnacle; and two sjsters, Mrs. K \V. Young, «»f Winston •Salem. or.«i Mrs. \ M. Bernard, of l'ilot Mt. The funeral wan h**ld at the home I Sunday morning at 10 o'clock o'clock land at Pinnacle M. IV Church at 11 j o'clock. Kev. A. L. Hunter and Kev. K. I-. Smoak »M»n«lucted the ( >ervi« *>. liurial followed in the | church ( iptured Still M :iT M .••!: W.t'l .•.i I : :: , . ~„red . ~! I I , , , .... ... .. , j j Art Amos Dies At Sandy Ridge ! I \." \ • .i I»:.• Iliuctr. i: IS I:i-i ,• died .Monday. , Hi' bad I'cjin sbk onl> about . |i nr. U. .Mr. .\iims i--oiirvivcd lij a ir.imb-ji ' ill" • 11::. 1•• n. Tlio itill-nif itt was ;■ t tJ• • • f mo. j I cry I'i'U r the home »ui Ttic^d'.v. Touch the Harp Gently I 111«"«• lie" a young named j I'liippf. Who iiia :-:cd (> n one «>f his trip*. A v. alow ii uned I*kick. Then d-"d of the choek. When he .-aw there wen* six li;ti*• ••hip.**. Svt.'.ciim* Orange Pe«*\ Glass Necking Kis.siiin n K jr| is just like «>|»enlna jii l»"iili> «if olives • -tlie lirst may | «i m■ • hunt, luit it'.s a cinch to K«' ; tile l-ivd. —Ohio ii ceil (toiil, Tin* Teinu -see iint'i pl.'utcs for i I!'!t3 will lie t't'C'im ami dark brown. i Tin- Stajc will (jet the cream and dark lirown will be for ihi- ta.ste in tlie taxjiayer's nniutli.—Tiillahuma (Tenn.) (iiiardian. I Tin? t|m*!irs were amazed .it Ford's ri'iu|icrati\e i>" we r.-. Just that iii;• k I'ord iiirk.up.—irecn> ; villi' I'ji'dmnnt. A»ti , ononioi> think Marn 1m ti*>*{Hß ti siun il the enith. Tiny probably i I; »vo a w»r on ami want I'nde Sam t• • ;ln»n' , e i'- K!» i.Xia.t l!e»*« Ladders Mi l Courtesy of Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.. Designers k Builders IT probably never occurred to you that fish CJLU climb ladders, but since salmon has come Into bo great pror.ilLence as a source equal tc cod liver oil for vitamin A and approximately twice as gooi as a s'-urce cf vitamin D, mere trouble than ever is being taken in the cultivation and propagation of these fish. The latest thins is fish ladders which are enabling Columbia River salmon to get over the great Rock Island Dam across the rlvar near Wenatchee when they come home to spawn after years in the ocean. Thee.' ladders consist of a series of pocU twenty feet wide, ten feet leng. ar.t rising one foot above- the next Tbe total rise is fifty feet in a distance of five hundred feet, and cac of tbe sights of Central Wmhlnrlo" h»q »w>ow Persistent Peas Pi "AS c;::: ;»'rsist practically all :lic way through tin- tnoai, and arc cipially ftm'd in al most any course. S'uti can start a dinner, for instance, with this ('mini if Carrot ami I'm SHII/I: | •Make a white sauce of two tabic- j spoons butter, one tablespoon i flour and three cups milk. Press | the contents of an 1 l-ounce can of peas throuKh a sieve, reservinir' a few- for furnishing. Add the I I'.un'ed peas and the pea liquor to { the white sauce. Add one-fourth ; cup carrot pulp, t-oiled and i pressed through a sieve. Season I to taste, and add the whole peas. Serves six. Combine Two P's Or, if you want your pea dish a little later in your dinner, try i combining peas and tifnonnnb' in 1 4\ \-X * K| Better Bre BRRAKP'AST is your first big opportunity of the day. It is your opportunity to send off the family bread-winner with a smile on his face. Or. if you arc the bread-winner, it is your op portunity to leave homo each morning wearing the aforesaid smile. Try This Just an imaginative touch or two makes such a difference! The canneil figs with cream and the ?ggs in an unusual form are what give a special appeal to the fol lowing breakfast. Such imagin ative touches make even the must familiar dishes taste different. Here's the menu. watching big salmon leap from pool to pool at a rate faster than a man can walk up the adjoining incline. Don't Los* Breath The fish don't even lese their breath aa they rollick up the lad ders. but the word "breath" re minds us c-f the French word "souffle." Here is the recipe for a delicious Salmon SouffU: Turn one 10%- ounce can of sLrained cereal Into a double boiler, and heat. Then add the flaked contests of a one pound can of salracn and three tablespoons butter. Add three well-beaten egg yolks and salt to taste. Fold in three stiffly-beaten egg whites, and pour Into a but tered baking dish. Bake In a moderate oven, 35C\ for thirty to thirty-five minutes. Serve at one*, eight. • I'cu Puff villi I'incitpylc: Drain i!ii' peas from a No. 2 can and press them ihrough a sieve. Make a thick white sauce of four table spoons butter, four tablespoons Ibmr and one cup milk, and add the pea pulp. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add three well beaten egg yolks, and fold in three stiffly beat, n egg whites. I'our into a buttered baking dish, and set in a pan of hot water. Hake in a incderatc oven—3so" to STS* —until set and a delicate brown about twenty-live to thirty min utes. While baking, c.,:>k together until rich and thick twe table spoons butter and the contents of an S-ounee can of crushed Hawaiian pineapple. Spread this over the baked puff, and serve at once. This makes eight to ten worvimrs.* Cannot! Finn with Cream l'oady-to-I'.at ( ' real Corned Hoof Hash with liakod Kpgs Toast C,.fjet> j The main dish is served In in dividual ramekins, and hero's Iho ' way to make it. I Ccrnid l!rcf with Itnkril i Kgys: Moisten the contents of j one 10'i-ouneo ran e .rued lieef j with three teaspoons watt r. and (divide anong f"iir will", shall, w, | buttered ramekins. Cover with Imttered erunihs, and place in the j oven until browned on top. Pro;) i a raw ej!R .11; top of each, sprinkle ■ with salt and pepper, return to lov n uiitil thi.' eggs are tluue.* WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 1933 NOTICK OF VAI.K. I Ity virtue of the power of saTe I contained in a i'cil:iin deed of, executed »n the loth day of Jan.. 1931. liy A. 1.. Wright and wife to set-tire tin- payment of a debt therein , recited to .1. 11. Lawson. the same I Iteing recorded in the Stokes Cou-nty ! ;n Itook No. X!!, page : •''!». tlcfau't huuving hen made in tin' payment of raid debt at matur. | It.v. and the owner thereof having j applied to the undersigned for fore,, closure, tlii- under-igtifd will, on the KTII l»\Y or 11.11.. I9SS, at the hour of J o'clock I*. XI., at ] 111*- Hank of I'innac!**, \. C., expose at puhlji' sale to the highest bidder ?or rash the following described I property hy .«:«Its deed of trust con. V' ved. Iteginning at a rtoiie 111 the right •«f way 011 the W« rt *lde of the 0. ■ V. I' It.. 1111111 i 1117 nearly wost \vj:h 1:. !•*. line -.10 teet to a sttike: then near!'- ■"""th l"t' feet 1 1 a .cone; then nearly l'a-"t 230 feet to a stone in the right of way lino; then with that lino 100 feet t" live beginning, being lot No. 41' on the map of the town of I'in narle. .North Carolina. Till* 4th day of January, 1933. It. J. scoTT. Trustee- XOTICI-: OK s.\I,K. ®y virtue of 1 lie power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust, executed >ll the 30th day of Oct.. 192*. by KiiKe"c Maivhall and . wife Berths .Marshall. to J. D. Hum.ph_ ivy*. trustee. recorded in the Stoker County KefcJstry in Hook No. 78, at page 1«2. to secure the payment of a certain debt therein recited, de_ fault having been made in the pay. mlent thereof, and th eholder of same having applied for foreclosure the undersigned will, on the 6TII I».XV OF I HH., 1933, at the hour of 1 o'clock I*. M., at the court house door, in the town of Dan bury, X. C., at public *a.e to the highest 1»i«1 |«• r for oa-sh the following described lands; Hoing the identicail tract of land as 1 11 Hy described ill a deed of trust executed to The J tank of Stokvs ' ounty by lOuut-ue and llertha Mar. "hall on \pill 1 Ttb. 1 ~nd the ~"Hio rec'>"(|ei| ;.i u, e officii of the 1!. •, ,u .f stokeV V «'• :a Xo. 72, on " '• ' to w!i,. )i r.'feren'c? • ' " nil'. > | :"l,*t Con_ ■ in:: 1. 1 . h,..t ( . | esß . !: '! '. .' II:, •• . I :133. •' 11 111 M "11 KI ■: vs. 'in*, of I 111 in •>! Trustee. I. SfoTT. Attorn '.v. \tiriri: or s \i.|.;. v:rt 'n« of ~f sai(} ' ! " "''d 'i ' i" t■ lin dec lof trust. " • *' il"' Til. .lay of Novem. h V 1: W. i:;erson and wi'e to \\ . 1.. Alt'!';i 11 l t .. i. truteteo, which i-- recorded in the otnee of the l*c!; rof l)(.i'||s of Ktoiccs '"ounty. X. C.. in |t ok Nl. l! 3, at pasfe 3ii«. to (..'urc the payment of in 1 in| 'hteJiic* ■ 1 heri .'i recited to J. I>. 1111111 phri .vs. default having b(4,u in.uli- In the payiiient thereof, and the owner of same having ay» plied for I'oiiM-b-'tire of s.iid deei of fii.s:. th' titidor>igncd will, on— «TII I».\V or RI:IT.. nuts, at the hour of I o'clock |», \j, ( thi> court house door in the town of I >a:ibury. X. expoM- at p-u!bi''3 c.'i.'e t" the his;lit-t bidder for cash the following described lands by said deed ot tl'll-t conveyed; Megitini'ig at a pointer 'in Dr. ,T. Walter Xenl's line, runs .south 14% d'Crtrcos West with Xeal's line 16.1 it) chains to pointers, NeulV cornei i and thence North v 7 deMrces West 3.:ti chains to a yourwood, (iilmore'f former corner; thynee South 45 degi'.'es \\'t*it with !o! 111£r tract 1 s.i»4 cl'.iiiiis to pointers; theni'e North Mi degrees We-t N. - chains to a blackgum: thence South 45 de grees West I'.mi chains to a chestnut jUtimp in i'ovii ton's line: thencie North so deurce... West w)th hto line chains to pointer-: thence North H'a ile-ree-' Mast with J. R. Smith's line -T.ll cbiins to a rock and pointers. Sniith's corner: tlience North !» ilcrrec>- liai-t ll.iiO chain# to a roi-k, .1. W. Wall's corner; ScutU 7(1 degrees liist with his line 16.78 chains to pointers; South il'-a degs. III.SII chains to ;i large poplar stiinip: North " N deuretw Mast 11.t® chains to the beginning, containing 1 122' a acres, more or less, it i.elng a part of lot No. 2 a Mote:! J. Jb W. ltie'i'son in the division of tA; land" of William Wall, and beiit# llrs; tract In .said lot. See Hook . r i7. at pace 371. lit"- i erV' Stokes Coun.y. N. c. This 4th day of January, 1!• 33. 1! I. SCOTT. Adinr. d. b. n. ofi .u w. 1.. .MfC.ttili-v. tru-tfrv. am