WEDNESDAY. JAN. 4, 1933 NOTICK or SAI.I: or KKAI, KS. I TATK I NDKIt A DK.KD IN THfST. J By virtue u f tlii' power of sa'o ' contained in :i deed in trus; executed to mi- .in ill- tirst day .if January. ' 1030, I.y \V. M Xelson and wife Alittk* -Nelson, which is duly recoiii. oil in the utlii'c nf the Uegister «t" j Deeds of Stokis. ('.unity. N. C., in! Hook Xo. S2. .1; paae 20. t> which j reference is hereunto m ule. t > secure tlie payment «»f a debt there-j in recited in the sum of $2,000.00,' to The Hank of Stoke* County, default having made in the' payment of said lel't at ina'ttrity.' and the owner and holder of same, j having applied t" me t" foreolos.j | the trust U"-d for the s.iti-factio.i >f the d'-iit secured thereby. I will .sell :it public auction, to the highest I'iddep for ca-li. .it the court hou-e door in I>:inl'ti•■>. x. t\. .m MOM»\Y. .IWI AIIV ». I at tli ■ hour o! one o'clock I'. ,\l . the land conveyed in the deed n trust, tth.cli li.'s in St.ik - County ind hound*."! .i?i• | di'-'- l'c! in k.iid det'd ill lr.i-t. .ii- follows: •'lit -iiiui:.- i th' inn nli of sti ho is." Ii-■ I .1, *| H 1' \ . I'.iV | ; tlU'iicc S..ii;h Hi dc ce- West 2>o !'■ • ? to '" into - S..:t:li v 7 decree- Kast. '•!» f. ct to wh.te oik: I hence North 2130 let to stotvt thence Norh 27 dear..".- Kast |\: fiM't to bram-h: t hen* rossing liran -h and running X• • li. 3o .!•»_ wees lii.-t !••'» feet: thence Sour'. ~- decrees Kast 27" feet them:" S* •11 i i ■'• d'-v.'c. Ki»t 2 :s fee: *' i |Hent ill >' l ISiver Chatine 1 ; j thence up the old River channel Ihe foilo.viaa oiur-is; X.irtli Jn I' -ree- Wei-t 1i» fee': No-:!i r.: d*'-rees Wf»t 2"il fe.-t: North 2>: il-.-rec- We-t 111 tn . North. 1 de-i'i" s Wi st 211 f. . t t.i center of I 'an riv-r: tM■ ! ■ t > down Man river •i" it n:e 'tide the following courses: Xi'i-th dc 're''i- Ka-t :."7 feet. S. nt"i •: d'-tees Kast tut feet: South 4•; ili'sr-e- lit.-' I Mil feet. South .'!t decree* Ka-t omi fee', lo heainnina. containing 147 acres, more or less. I Vina t-.iinc tra t conveyed by deed from X. » i'etree. Trustee, t" C. M. «V- .M. >. Jones is recorded in otlicc Register of Meeds, St.ikes County. I took 71. paae Almve houndary complied from »■- tual survey mule liy I', o. Jones, Surveyor, in July. 1 :»21." This the 7th day ot Mi'c.. 1!»32. i X. >. KKTHKK. Trustee. NOTICK OK SAI.K or I,A\I». My virtue oi authority contained i't :• rcrttin deed of tru r executed !■> th- mid >n-igned Trustee by .). T. Walker, (single). on the loth dav s'i I Vci'mher, .1 o.'in, and ijec.inled in Hook of mortgages S2, at pave i; 2. Ite-'i.ster of Meeds otlicc. stoke*. County. X. «'.. the condition* in said leel of 'trust not having l"'en com plied with. I will .-id! at public auction for • ash at the court home |oor. I > inluirv. X. «'.. .in— NAT I ItI»AV. JAM AIIV SKTII. I»:'.:i, i; 12 o'eiock noon, the following .lied property: Situated in Snow Ci"eU Township in S'.olies County. X. c.. and hcin« more particularly di""criiied a.s f-d. low-, to.witt I'.cainnina at a walnut liush in Mood's line, corner of l.ot No. 1. uieaiulerina on that liit* 2X% «'hs. t" pointers at a ridae road: thence southwest alona tli road as it meanders II 'i chains :i stake in corner of l.ot Xo. 3; 'thence Xorth on that line 34 chains to pointciw in Mood's line; thence Xorth 7." dearecs Kast on that line S ehaiiks to the In aiiinina. coutain ina I'S acres, more or less; heina .1 *ot «■ Xos. 2 and 3. IVtflnnina .ti poinlers in Mood s line, corn"!' of l.i.t X.i. 2, running South on t'lit line 3 1 Ii litis to a stake at tit l i idat road: tiiettce southwest alona the ridae road to a stake I chains turner of l*»t Xo. 7: thence 7«» dp. urees West on that line i! chains io IMiltiter, corner of lsi[ Xo. 4: thence Xorth .in that line 32' a chains to lwiinters tit Mood's line; thence X. 71 deareeis Ka«t on thai, line s clis. to hcainnina. containina -7 1 j acres, more or le-s-: lipina Ixit Xo. 1. lie uinnina at a d"awoid. Sam Amos' ••orner. running Xorth deas. Kast ni 'this line 1 ,iI., chains to rock pi!.- in old 11.-Id; theme Kast on t'rs line 2 chains to pointers. Ziglar' • corner: thence Xorth I"> dearee' West on this lino crossing creek 1 chains to a post oak, old corner; thence South 7a degrees We-t >n Hood's line 'J chaiiiM to a tvalnut hu.-h, I'orner of l.*ot Xo. 2; thence South on that line chains to pointers, ridae road: thence Xorth 7(i degrees Kast 3'j; chain.** t«> hend in mad; thence Xorth . r >3 degrees Kast 4chains to beginning; con taining; 2x acrprt. more or less. deed of Walter I-. Ilrowti and wife to It. M. t'aidwell. court house record Hook 70, page 327. Stokes County, N. V. This 14th day of Dee.. 1i»32. JOE W. JOHNSON, Trustee. NOTICE. State North Carolina, Stokes County. In the Superior Court. roHKCLosriti: si IT roit TAXI:s Action liistituteil Muring the Moni!i of Hpceiiihcr, 1 #32. Second Advertisement. I P. D. Kulk, I'lainOff. I Against Walter 1.. Kulk. Defendant. To All Whom It May Concern: Take notice that an action has j been indicated in the Superior j Court of Stokes County, North Ca»'_ i olina. entitled an alsive, for the foreclosure of a certificate of pur chase .if land, described below, s »ld ' for tin- non.i'ayincut .if ta.\>*. duly i asse-scd and levied f.ii' the year' 103". and cost .if Mile, amounting ti 'lie sum of $14.70. with inierii-'t on *11.70 from N..vmber 2nd, In 3! t ten p'-r i-cntitm per annum,, twehe nioiitiis and after said • lite, and at the rate of eight per entiim per annum from -he expir ation ot said twelve months tin':! paid, which land " is listed for the year 1030 in Sauratown township Stokes Comity. North Carolina. i'i tae name ot Walter Kulk, and is desvrihed as follown: I'our acres of land: lieina that ■ ••rtain tract .if land des ribed ii. de d tl'oin \ J. |.'ii|- and wife to Walt'.j- j,. Kulk. saii d'c'l recorded in the ofllce of tli«' lleaister f : Meeds of stokes County, IVook 7.1.' I'i-'' 37-1. to which reference u hereunto ma.|p for more particular, dc-. ripti.ui. Also that two hoiil'-j darie.s il'tsi'i'ibed in deed from J. ; Kair and wife to Walter 1.. Ku\«J riled in tin otliiof I!*.gister ot M'eds Stokes County, in Hook 7-!. paai» 3i7. to whii'li reference is! lip cunt" made for inure paction l , ir description. That tic taxes for -he yenr 1031 "ii 'in- almve de-'Vibod la.nd ;• m..urt ;:ia t. $10.15. toacthei wit'i interpc-i. penalty and cost remain due and and unpaid. That the taxes for the year 1032, on the above described land amounting t" $7.1 , remains due and unpaid. And yon, and each of you, are j hereby notified („ appear at the ; otliee ot the clerk of the Superio.* Court of Stokes County, North Car. oiina. in Manbury, and present an t | defend your claim, who claim any! interest in the subject matter of j thi K action, and set up your claim | in six months from the date of the [ final appearance of this notice, otherwse you shall i>p forever bar red and foreclosed of any and all interest or elainil in or to the proper, ty or tiie proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 3rd day of December, 1032. ! J. WATT TCTTKK. clerk Superior Court. J. W. Hal!. Att.v. for I 'lff. VOTICK OK ItK.sAI.K OK ItKAI. KSTATI; I \Di:it \ IU:I:I> IN TIM ST: Hy virtue ol' t h.* [Miwer of sale | com ii led in a deed in trust, pxe- : cuted to me on the Ist day of !)••. ! ••ember, 11*21, by J. H. Voss an j wift! K. n. Voss, wliich is duly i" 1 . ' cordial in tlie otlicc of the Register; of Deeds of Stokes County. X. | in lUiok Xo. till, at page Mlo, t > which reference is hereunto mad'.' j to secure the payment of a deb- ( therein recited in the sum of |ii._ 770.u0. to farmer's Cnton Hank : Trus; Company, default havina been I made in the payment of said d"bt at maturity, mid a former stile of. til" plop it i or.vcyed in the deed; in tr'isi, i .vina bei-n n.nde under the powe'* o.' sale therein, on lie' 12th. li»y of .1i..|.„ 1032. and on! incii..ise.i bi.| havina In en put in) and an orde.- of re-sale made by the ' Colin. I win proceed to re.Soll the land convoyed in t'U' deed in trust. iit public auction, to the hialtest ! bidder for ca. h. at the Court Hou?'- d.ior in the town of Manburv X. ('., I on— SATI'ItDAY. .IAN. Mill.. l»Xt 1 at llii' hour of one o'eiock, |i. ill., j and which i» dc-crlhed in the ileed in tru « a. foi'ov.s: i "Heainiitng at a stalco in Xorth-j east corner of Hotel Ijot on -Mai.t street, and Second Street, running South along .Main Street lio feet a stake; thence West parallel wi'h Second Street -0o feet t*i a stake: thence Xorth to the branch and I'. 11. .lovee's former line, and with M. I i R. Joyce's former line to Second ; Street; thence Kast along South) side of Second street 170 feet ;o ■ Main Streit and beginning. It beiti-:; the same lot of land conveyed by .1. j \V. Hall, Commissioner, to j. u Vos«. The above property is know a 1 I as the Walnut Cove Mercantile Co. lot a nd building, and is located n . the town of Walnut Cove. X. C." This the 26th. day of Mecenihpr. X. O. PEI'REE, Trustee. THE DANBURY REPORTER XOTICK or SAM". O F HEAL KSTATK. Cnder '»>* virtue of an order Superior court of Stoket- County, made in tlie special pro cecdinv entitled l'. I-. Liuwson and miis I»awson. Adminis'.ra'.ors of the estate of Mrs. Keniia 1.,a.w»0n, tie ceased, vs. .Mif. Dusk Tucker and husband Willie Tucker et al. th 3 same bciiur No. 1094 upon the spe cial proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commissioners will on— SATI'IIDAY, .lAM'AIiV 21. 19; IS. at 11 o'clock A. M., on the premise*, offer for sal" 1 to the highest bidder for c;ush that certain traei of land lyiitK and being in I'etor'i* Creek Township, Stoke* County. Nort'i Carolina, adjolnlm: the lands 0f.... and more particularly de scribed as follows, to.wit: l-':rsi Tract: Hc'-tinnini! .it a black jack. is. i; I.a a -in".- run;' West mi his line - s 1 j ch alns to H m i pie: th nee South 12 chains in a red oak in 11 »•!. ~ I.: i • -1i it I• ■ s I > n-• lhence Ka-t on t »Jiv -ion I;no , the Ala-'-'n Mj\' e : >rme' lino 3-' i chains in i pine •••■ :e of l.ot No. T: thence No:'h 'ill ri;.' HHi- •bains to a red oak. i !:. 1!_ I.UArtin'- 1 in• ■: tlu'iic- We ' '»n t!i i* IHe ■> chains to poinic .hence South 1' chains to the bo;-inning, containing •l'! acres, mot-- ■ 'ess. being I«o f No. •!. in the 'vi .on of lands if Tucker l.iw !• i deceased. For more particular description see re port of Couiliiisc loners who divided •bo said tamis of Tucker»0... deceased. Also see deed from I*. K/ra l,iw-on and »!e to Powell 1 .aw-inn and Will of I'owell l-awi-iou. Second Tract: I'eginuini: at a IMiplar. a new co ner in Powe-'I\- lino a:h -I'a !egr»e Hast down i lo inch ti.«3 to a syca. more tree. South I * 1 j de-i'i*es Ki.-t -II clia is South 1 t degrees Kf t chain.', South 7'u decrees Hast 1 J chains to a nui". South 1 degi'i •; \V«'»t -Mil chains. South degrees Kasi 1..13 chains. South 37';. ,b> .aic"- I io, chains South 2 ,- i •!.'! decrees West .'>!_) 00 elfins South 'iit dc-i\'i- Wfv r.l.l«•» ehs. South IT. 'car. i's We-! ss.llMl ehs. South It degree* Fast 1. 53. Sou'h 13i» decrees Kam chains to the fo.'k of i bra.ncii. South S'l decrees West up a 1-ig branch 1.3') chains, N u'ih 75 i.. de-rces West 1.83 chains. North -"in d»ui'oc« West I.MI chains. South RO'-j degree* W. 1 S3 chaiiiH S«'iit'i '• 7 de-rc.-s West 1.1- chains. North iii decrees West 1.45 chains. North ss degrees \\'e-t 1.03 chains. South 70 decrees We»; 1.3S chain.-, North 4Sij degrees W. 1.3- clia nn, North 4111.4 degri-e** W. 1.53 eljains to a rock in .1. 11. Fli'i fhuni's line. North 3' t degrees K. 2 0.3 5 to .1 maple. North s5 de-r>c-i Mast 7.2' i chains to the beginning, containing -3.37 acres, more or le--. This 1 nth day of Dccaiber. 1!• 3J IV K. LAWSON & HI.IjIS UAWSON. Commiseio 11 era. J. W. Ma". Attorney. XOTICK. Having duly |iialitied as executor of the last will and testament ot William .M. overly, deceased. notice is hereby given to all persons hold. Ipk claims against the said deceased, to present them to me for payment, duly authenticated, on or by the I t day of Jan., 1934, or 'this tiotic» will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All | 0: -oils indebted to said estate are hcrobv respectfully requested t' make inimcdiate poyment to me. V. HAKISKI: oVKIMtV, Hxecntor. Hostolllce —I.a w.-onville. N. C„ 11. 1. IVtrec & Petree. Att.vs for K.\, Hi n\j^| YOUNG ■ at 60 A man is as old as his organs; most men can I be vigorous and healthy at (it) as well as at I 35, if thoy will but take care of themselves | properly. Invigorate your vital organs with Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules. It is one of the most reliable preparations known to medicine. It has been widely prescribed for 1237 years, the best proof that it works. Insist on GOLD MEDAL. 35c & 75c. - GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OiL CAPSULES NOTH'K OF SAM', ol' KS. | J TATK: NOHTII CAUfIUNA, ( County of Stokes t'lider ind by vircit •! the powi r and authority contiiim d in th.i* cei. ' tain dec! of trust executed by C. Davis anil wi 1'« . Alai'-' iret lini- The Kalei-h Savings Hank and ! Tru-t 1' mpany. trustee i'l'e under- | j simii d tru.-tee having suc.ede'l to! j the rights and ti'le of t-u 11 ini'd j trustee, under Chapter Public . Law- of l!'3!i which said deed of i trust i- dated September Ist. KtJ'ij i I and recorded in ISoek "I j :of :he Stokes Coiintv lie ns' \ de fault having been iinnie in the pay. ai t ■•!' the ind*'' • ilni t-.-re I ':.' .s,.c;; • I and in t ie . ondi::oi:.s here, i;: - " '.'d. 1 hi* »' I'lc . . • e ; o w !. riditw. .> VM .• " 1 . ■;\e 1..1.1:1 it 1.1 aici-c d t I>■ 11 i• 1 - . N , , 11; . o > 1 w .'. 1;." r.bed \.. f>t c"t-i.ti pi. e. p.:•••.•• trac' ill cont - : : Ntneiy. !\ 1:• t 1 .. • • 11.• o " - - I tta ei| ' i'l • 111.1 be j s :u Sa ara- I town Tov. .. 'nip .-',i„i~ 1' ;:ti'... j 1 Stai• .No-th C irolai i. "ii the wa. 1 c • .. I• 1. . .•!>. li ivinu such | shapes, mete-. and d -t llices. : as will nior.. fii'lv appeir lo refer ence !•• 1 plat laerem' made ''' 11 I I ,l«mes. Survey or. 011 the I-', day •! , Si p i'tnbi'l' lli .'i!. and •;ttai lied to the ; ab.-Mr.o ' now file with th" Ati.lll. tie Joint Stock Land l!ank " j Ka!ei-I' the same beiuj In• tiimlci! "H 1 tie North by the li' d- of 'be l'"i*«' •- . ( mar.: 11 •■i r-. Ol the Ivi-i by the lan Is 'nf lie I'Veoinun lleir- mi he South by Me lew- Creek; and Ol the We..; by t land "! S.l'. AMmi!. and belli-; tiie identical .i't ot land convey 'I bv del fri .11 A S. Kicaiit I t., C. 1: || v.-. of date. M.I. h ' , 17th :-a ! deed beina duly re. j isirded in I 'eed llook No. 74. at 1 paue Ms in the office of the I ten- | later ot Heeds «>l Stokes Cuun'v Stat' of North Cartilin.i. to w hjeh ' lefer.'tiee is hereunto made for more' ! complete description 01' the same. | Terms of sale cash and tru-leo 1 I will require deliosit ol 1» per cent iof the amount of the bid as lijs I evidence of nood faith, j This tii'" 27th. day of December. I ; ~3, N'oKTll CAKOI.INA HANI. AND TUI'ST COMPANY. Tiustec. Sin les or t • Th" Kale a'a Sivln ' Ilank and Trust Company.' Trustee. | J. 1.. Cockerham and Robert Wojn. I -lien. Attorneys. Ilaieiu-h. N. I'. j NOTICK Ol' KII.SAI.K Ol Itll.Hi l-:sT \TK. ISy virtue of a judgment «•:' the 1 Superior Court of Stokes County. I North Carolina. rendered on 111 •» j 24th day of Aumii-t. I!' 31. and a 1 j order of the Court siuned on Hecem ) bei- 7th. 1W32. in the case •!' J. I. Mom'e et a!, aualnst K. c. Moore et j al. beiiiK No. 1055 in the special ! priM i»'dina docket t«> sell real estate for division, the undersigned bavin,' j been appointed commissioner to sell | the lands described in the petition, I will eNlio-e to public sale, to ti:o i highest bidder t• r cash, at the court : house door of Stokes Count;., on MONDAY. JAM \HY ». I ' at the hour of 1 I o'clock A. M , | the lands described in the p' titi m. j to.wlt: 1 A certain tract of land l.viim i 1 i the county of Stokes, and llete Cnek Town-hip, adjoiuiiitf the lanoe of W. S llart. Silas Tucker. M'"- 11. K. Moore and J. 1.. Miore, con. tainiiiK 'i" .ic"i>. more n" l-'-. a:i I known and de-i'-'nated >s the Home Plane of William M Mool e. I-V> • i more icomple'f descriiitUm of said 1 lamlsi sec Deed Isc«ik Ni. .11 22s and 22!'. in the ollice of lleK's. ter of Deeds of County, and Will of William M. Moore, recorde't in l'«iok No. '•. pa;;e 4»ll. in the' otlic'e of clerk of Superior c«iun o: Stokes cunty. N. c. Sale to start a; bid of ? ! .oimi.OO. This the 7th day of Dec. HKt2. J. W. 11A1.1.. Coniniissioner. F.X KCI Tt »ICS NOTU'i:. Havin« qualified as executor of the ©state of J. W. deeca%ed la'e of Stokiw County. N C. this is to notify all person- having clainin a-ainst the es'ate o'' the said deceased. 10 eNhibit them to tlie I undersigned al * 111 11 Hall. N C„ on lor before the 1 "Ih day of Novenibo*. 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imnvediate payment. This 9th day of Nov.. 1932. CHAS. K. HKIjSAISKCIV. Executor of J. W. Tillotson. dee'd. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN by GENE BYRNES [-7^7 /THIS I 5 W \ \ L -r TT oo ß \oi \-TrtiHK ABOUT tT>// M£, YOO | JL- 1 SAIO no'iim: 01 s\i.i: 01 iti:\i. i:>-| tati: 1 \di:i; \ in:i:i> IN TKI>I. | Jtj virtue the po.iei of s.i.ej | cont lined .n a d-«'ed in tfi.-t exe it. 1 i to me "ti tiie Dith d.n •: .May, 5 :•:! by N A. M irtin and w .!'• M. \. ! .Martin, which Is dtil. re "fib ,| ,! th "Hi. the Iteair-er of I le.-l.- j 0:' Stoke- t>. N 1' . .11 N-. ! ; 7s. a' p. im 533, which ri-t'eren I l is hereunto made, t" secure payment ot a therein recited. l in the sum of s2isvii\ :• The 15.m« 1 1 of Stokes Count.. default bavin ; i been made in the paymein of said | . di-bi at maturity, ami the owne i I and holder of the debt having ap. pliedto me t-i firei'!osi' the deed in I trust lor the satisfaction of said, debt. I will sell at public auction t,.| ' the bidder tor cash, a; the' court house door in the town Danbjry. N. i'.. «• 11 MONDAY. JAM AltY 11. l«:t:5. iai the hour of one o'clock P. M the land conveyed in the deed 'a, trust, which lies in Stoke- County. I N. and bounded and described said deed ;n trust. 1- follow.-: "Firs. Tract He-ills at a Spanish 1 oak on Din river, corner of l.ot No 1. in the divi-ioii u the lands ■ Charlew MeAnaily. a-ed. run- South, on that line. -3s poles to .. poplar, cuiiiei of l.o: No. 1 Wel ti# poles 111 a ,-taki in the line 01 l.ot No -"i: Nor; a, followinv 011 James Davis' late. I s " poles to . branch; thence down said branch 'o a lat hickory near tile river: an I then down -aid river 7 0 pole,- to the beginning, cont itniny nimf. lour and oiie-half acres. »tt 4 1 a acres.) more or le-s. and it l.ot N". 2 in the division of .amis of Charle- McAiiilky. aicoi.ur his hi-iri-.a »\. which bo was allot eil 1•. |-;. -Martin i:i .-aid division, the record , of which appears in 15ook No. I s . pam 214. in ihi ollice of Ihe lle-is ter of Deed- of St"!;i_..- County. N. C. Second Tract: lle-.-inniny at poin|ei-s. at .sou. Invest corn-r of l.o» No. 1. of 1 lie divided lands t Charles Al- Anally, rutinini; West. 3 chains and link.- 10 a pop'ar it a sprint!; North ll' : chains to a re I oak K.apllnu at a uullv in l;'\ in's line; South. I"i ilc-t'ces Ha-!. with his line lo the corm-r of l.o : No I. ! thence South, with the line of sai l I.m No. 1. ii J chains i«i the be.-in. I nlnu. and Iteir.g the *aiiie tract ot land that was conveyed by deed -o II M irtin. from P H Martin , deed bears date if July 14. IV>. and appears of record in the ollice ol I lie lleiiister of Decils if Stokes County. N. i'.. it. record of De ds llook No. lit. pa.ues l[i and 20. reference to which is hereby made for further description of same. | The above lands beini! willed to N. A. Martin ->y c H. Martin, widov if P. 11. Martin see will Hook N»i 7. |ci tie 377. Clerk Superior Court ollice stokes County. N c„ to whi"-'* reference is hereby made for further desi ription." This the Tih day of Deo., 1932. N. O. PKTUKi:. Trustee 6 6 6 i.k;(-id tabm:ts saiak C'lioekN Malaria in S days. Colds first ilny. Wadachcs or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. fififi SALVE for HEAD COLDS. Most Speedy Remedies Known PAGE THREE \OTI« i'. «>r s \ i.i-:. I!- \ 'l' o' tin- 10 \\ •*" of tiillQ ! i.i I'll ;i . • .1.11 ilecd Of i : !-• i c-il 01 the -:"! i V Jf 11. . : i t. Si I.i' ill Kulton j :,t. i ....!* i.i-'m •«.!, in.i l'. W. I' iI Aim:- Davis, to J. !I I 111:111'•'i -> • tr i-t-e. to s«H*ur» I tlii- piiv tuftit i-:' .Hi imlehtednesM i' l ' M Mini of > nun nil «lii• ■ ( ■ 'l' ,■ Hank of .i j ti: % -h iU'i-i of tru«t i« i-i.i-.ii ii-.I .1, t!>o "'l' e of 'he I I:,, i.-tt-r Hi llr- •!' s:111I-.-; County, i N. t\. in I took No. •: pat;e 52", default havi'ii; ln-i-n made in the i payment of siiil • 11* I• t a: maturity, and ttif l.oh'.er •!' the • lof trust ! 11.\:iimade appliea'.ion to have the j .-allii* f"lo.-ed t-'* t i.-l'aetion of tin- d-lit. ai i i'saM. th L . uriilersitfn*U I xv ill. on tli» ! lITII l>\Y or ,I\M WKY. 1933. at tin- horn- of 1 oVloek I'. M., ;-t tlo •mi it j Danlniry. X. *.. expose a- i>ut>lic nale ' to i lie liiuhtft bidder for ea-sh th* following ilt'-* rilieil land- conveyed ! n -aiil le>-d of triiHt: Hejjinnini; at. a heeeh on South bank of Dan river; then'- South 1 desii'i-es K.i-; 3."i Si' feet a 'or. line of Mrs Sara Dlenn to a stake; thence South \ 1 .lev:ree.- 25 minutes IHS f. et along line of 1.. 1!. Middle, ton ami Taylor lands to a *tone; thi-n-e North ."i d>'UiV • Ka-t IMS'! fee: alons line "! w. s llairnton tX. a stone; theioe North 4 decrees 2TiSfeet alonu line «>f I'M Hairstua to Han river; t.heneo up the niea.nd eriiu-s of -aid river -■"> 1 - feet to point of iM'tiinninK, iontaJnin«; 12H.51 acre-, more or lew. and known a* the Dan Tiver Tank l-'ariu. Tiiis Oth day of Deeemlier, 1332. M lis. .1 D lU .M IMIKKVS, Admx. of .1. D Humphrey.-. Trie-tee. II J. Soott. Attorney BAKING POWDER / SAME PRICE \ I I today \ ' / AS 42 YEARS AGO \ I 25 ounc,ifor \

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