THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 60. LAWSONVILLE GETS THE ROAD NTATK IIKaIIWAY I,(M All's Till: si'K\ i:v oi'Till-: itrcK iki.axh. VllttilXlA Tl ItM'IKK lIK.HT I Timoron I'lrnirs chi-:i-:k viLiiAci-: caiaix M\m:s pkhsiafrf.xcf a\vaici>i:i>. | I The location of I lie new li Ird.-ur. faced State hiyhway from Duck Island ford to iln* Virginia line will In* through tut' iijnti'i hi the villa-i' vi Dawsonville. Thi.-i news was received laM week irom Chairman Jeffreys. of the Stat..' HitfhvMa.v Commission. whose enyi i.evM -have notified property..holde"s of Dawsonville t> make way for the oi'inini; of the highway. It it- under, stood that -considerable iead.iii.--t men' of right-of-way will l»e neces-i-v fore the Mew State load can h» located. For instance. I!. T. Spen. eer"'* store buildini; must be moved hack a distance of is feet. whjl- I'owell i:ilii»rtr.«>n'. Mercantile e*tab. lishniont inu~t remove •'!" t'eet to tii • '"ear. Other changes are noted ,n th» dispositions of the property . f the citizen*. It is said that it wa* lar«el.v thru the effort* of Mr. Calvin Ma he, -f Dawsonvjlle. that the State survey was chunget) to the laxivantage of the village. Mr. Mahe persevered in his effort*, until a reconsideration of the whole project w;m decided u|>on by the State. Previously tli? route had leen definitely fixed a mile or two to the east of the town of UiwMonville. which would have enured to the great damage of Iciw-ionville. itr. School and citizens. I ————— | Change in Date Of Bowman Sale The .ti'act landl of 1,. Ttoiv. mail, advertised l l r wale «on Janu;iv.; 12, 1933. hy the Atlantic Joint Ki«>ci» l*iiid liank of K.ilvjtrh, will mit liu *»ld «.n tlie 12th irisi. Tin- (jute «>f Willi! has l.oen channel t> l-'ridiv I'Vii. tii. i.,,,,1 thl . | an j , is i t'-ii'l*. prtj-ed in this pa|ier. Rest On Righteousness. "Mill do not make laws. They d> hut ill-cmi r them. I,a«. mu-'i ;>e Juxtliied hy riom e tiij n! r mme than the nf the majority. Thc\ i- t .-t on tie eternal foundation of rluh:- eoik-Ti*--." - Calvin 'oolii|:;e. Money is Recovered A. i. one of the keener "f the fonvlet camp, his! si!» one niulii recently, one of the prisoners holm: found wlih the money in life* pn«ess.. ion. .Mr. Sisk recovered his ea-h. ! Develop the Good. liittle progress can he made hv merely attempting to repress whit is ev'H. Our Kreut hopp Men in de veloping In srood." Calvin Coolldge- Aren't They Calling: Now | "When the times have culled for n po.od man *ome one his Mood forth."—Calvin foolldco. ■W. W. Snil'h, of was here on business today. Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, January 11, 1933. FOR POSTMASTER AT WALNUT COVE M'.Mlli:il OF ( \M>ll»ATi;s Mi:\. tioxi-:i> roit this position, which is soon to hi-: opkn ; i i'\i)i:it Tin-: hoosi:vi:i,t \i». MIXISTIC ATIOX. ! | The «»H!« e «> i* ;it Walnut *ove. »me «>f the most n .miiifratlve in the ««»iiil>, now lifint*. filled I•> Ah.-. John l,(nv. t vn i!! rf-«H»n a iu>|m*ii prive t°" coniji—tanis under the i h injir ia , ai'iuin> laiio-. to occur .March *. ' 1 The tterort'-r is advised tin: i |iij:e a niimliei' of Walnut Cove citizens. !>ot!i ladies and uentlemcu, have either openly announced them, riclvcs candidates for the Joh, or their name* an put forward by their friends as willing to a_ cept the posi:jnn when President liiMisevelt l>e-'n>- to --'mi postotlice colli m ir.sjoiis. Antoni; the number are the following: -Mrs. I:. Will Sand*. Mrs. Matt Tilt tie. Dave Tut tie. | ■ !■'. Howies, P. 11. Dinville, Mrs. C. I-:. Davjs. Mrs. Willie ILaiivton Saundeiv. ' i Save Farm Manures To Improve Soils ■Some of flip expense Incurred jn iarae Amount* of commercial li'ltlllzeiv in North t'arolina mjsjhl be eliminated liy the keeping „f more livestock and the .-"avian •:' :ill animal manures. •'When it i realised that thi-' U*ES from .*»IUI.IMIII I ; » l.ii'.u IIIMI I ' I 1 tons ll comiii"r.ii I fertilizers mi it n. ally, tile iif t -il for • , i>mliiniii!t mote feed crops ami !ivi.-:...-k with t!i • usual each crops l>i" onicr- ularjn-lv ' I apparent." .-ay., 1,. j. rase. nniiu-il hii-l>andni.iu .it Sta.r 'ollene. "Som.* of our Rood livestock ufiiwiM'" to . i f it- as to advocate :>■■> feed.-1 ufi' - to ti'i'd Ii\i«-1« M- I; »o manure may me made avail aide. When we eon-iiler that the material pu:■ (i.-i-'•••' K I iruoly in the form citt..nsee I niioal and tankaire which .ire rich in protein, I hi.- suune- i-•" is well xvoiili 'onsiijeralloii. A iijuli per centage of tin. fertilizing cutis !i■ i • 11:- of such feed -1 !•■' recovered in Hi • manti")> after they hue pa .-•■. l ill u | I the 111:111 a 1.-i." j To ma Ue more in i tin >•■•. Mr. •' i , •■insets IMillK 111-Hi" a: i ion 111 of (|r* j heiiilim. •ir.-i'n • raw and corn, mover are probably tile ln»t. Til" ni'Herial rots LATHER «M ily and t >C pith of the corn stover :■ lorbs tiiiieh of Hi.. ||i|tiid m inure which is Hi" mo-1 valuable pant. However, the | ordinary pine straw is good—better l if it i.s applied in the dry state. s > linn h of tile plive s-traw used is ;:ath.ercil when wet and applied l« lie stalls or feed lots saturated with moisture. It is therefore -unable to take .up the valuable liquid manure. Undor any 'condition*, Mr. \arie ' urnes more attention to handling tlio | manure so thiv. its valuable .fertlliz. in« elements may not be low:. In the more expensive feed lots, the floors are all paved. l'nd-r other conditions, a concrete manure pit Vs pravidod and still o'her farrow* haul •the manure regularly to the lipids l»efore the plant food If lost by leaching and washlnß. POOR PRINT W. R. BADGETT FOR FARM RELIEF •a- W i 1 A »ii A AwLJAJI A..J JL I I'll,OT MT. I.WWKK WHITKS WINSTON.* A 1.1-IM .KH'ltXAl, >\ INI'I.ATION or ( I KItKXCY. "Inflation Coin.' Stroll- in Con. I rrc*. headline in your issue Jan. ■'• I am glad that at I e 1 1 -1 a few men in Congress have till* nerve to fi.nn' out and take ii M aud fur the ■ ■iilv reui'i'dy. i- I ,-ee i'- ii*deet"> I the tanner. ir. well i- -ome other I !rei ; estate owner. I'mm a plight thai | lie ha«- been caught in. Any man who nays thai; the l'urm. , er lis a elafs. can pay hi" 'iinl'lrted ne-f. laws. .111I support liis family it the price he i-* reviving for his I>:•>>dll«'t-- is either intentionally nii*. I reinesciii ing th«» facts. or is ignorant | of the true conditions that exist- 1 know tin- condition of the fariiwr* in , tlijs sentiou. I (|t i| with them atul' . come in contact with them daily. I know the> can not pay their obli. Rations when the.v have to -ell their products a,; lees than -ost of produc. tion, tin! is when it take- ihreu- t-> I four bushel" of .grain, or three or four pound- of tobacco, 'to pay what out' bushel of grain or one pound ot i tobacco would hive paid when no i ■oiiitracte'l his debt. 1 i It does not take a .statesman to . understand ihis. I lielieve all con. sreswmen know this to be true. I believe any man who is unbiased and will stop ind think know* 'this to tie true- Then why is it that Congress is afraid to take any action to in. j flate our currency. Why is i- that >ur daily and weekly papers are .afraid to take a stem! on h. tries, tion, X.-w Vork publication is ■ 111ote) as paying, "Infl.iti-• >i h.-w made deep iinpre/i.jon abroad. Will Street i»'m'mi«iiv Tii-e iking tile Vropo«a v 1" ■ry lightly, believing thai the i-t"ei t can check any niov m"iil "if t his kind®' We wonder if Wall Street ha- bee'' doing unfiling ■ • -, c! e' i-:" tlii- nioveiiient. lias their "■■he •»" hail a .-. i• i•"11• •i•• • on -o lie •; 'iir coiigr.v iii.ii, an- if ji hi' had ny it:. :■»•»••« upon the prc-i- of the country in ran-lii*. on- nev\-p ip-v --tnd nia'j izliie,- lo i cii i.ii silent "H ; lie -lll'Je V I want lo i iamend Senator I'orali. ! Set- i.tor Maib'V. and Item'"sciilatlve j lli asu-ock ami llie few nthi'i'.s ■ i . Ie: 'ii 1 1.1 \.e>\. for fe i riessly |"feiiu. j ilia a chi -e that means mi niueh t-'j ! the «• uiinioa people. When 1 .-a' j I I | lomiuou people 1 mean •rive working | , loan who e i n - 'lii.s living honestly by the sweat of his brow. I mean the man upon whom our whole; i civilization do "ends. | mav be a I I "fi> >1" or "urank" but ax I see it l ' the only salvation for our coiin^.' and it* is sine form of in. flation. You can call it inflation, deflation, evaluation, revaluation, hi. metalis.n, free silver or any other name you want to give it. but eomo form of reliei' must be brought about whereby a man can pay a dollar that he owes with the sanVe amoun: of his products tha - it took to pay i,: when hie contracted his debt. It appears that tho only logical way is to inflate our currency .so tha' farm product* will go back to a normi'tl price so the farmer can buv • *s * *»!»•• * *nf*t CANDIDATE FOR POSTMISTRESS i MRS. |{. W. SAX lis. Hi:.MO lt \T. AXXOI'XCKS IIKIt \M>ll»\\ POH POST.MI>THi:ss VI- \\ \|„ NIT covi-:. ICdltor lieiMirter: Mrs. |J. W. Sa:.d>. Ua'tur I'n- • woman. for niiiiiy year.- proniimn! in Democratic c.r. !e-' 111 Sto'K.'s county, has funnel*'} announced h candidacy for IV-tmi.v re-« ..i tli office at Walnut I'm.', Formal announcement of her candidacy inakiv. her t;he iij>t t • enter the race l»y public announce, ment for this position. Is i-> under stood that she has the support of many ol the poHtica-1 leaders iu .In- I coun.v. Mrs. Sands lias cont: ilmteil lib'r. ■ally of 'her t'inie in the interest and to the advancement 0 f tli-- Dem >. cratic ca.use in -his county and State- She 1" vice-chairman of the VOllll4 Democratic club in Stokes county. She was [irecinct chairman of tile Vir-tor.v Fund Campaign and the Itocsevelt for I're-'ideiil «"Iu 1» and 'n hotli ot th'i-e drives her coliectioiis for he-H' can.-... exceeded the amount collected 6n all of the other nineteen precincts combined. This position, which will change hands durfns the adnvinJstratioii which begins on March 4th. 1933, iwyw belns" held by Mrs. M»t4ie 1 Maude Dewellyn. HKADKR. New Mill For Danbury. •I. I!. Kt'.'tk is iii.-t'i lljnu a corn mill at Ins stnre here. 'mt ho can nut. Wlr-n )i ( > to liiiyinu ihc fa "'.ory must nun m pro. Il!r«> what h(. wail's t" huy, t li. • n .nt'iniMiytii will mi; work :i 11 • 1 "v"rv. li"d> •••in (if n hi. mwii Mvjnji ni l pay his ilohiti, Imt not until then. W'e have the imemphiymeni t " p'an. the jil" i of tryjiii; to revnl it" farm inviiin'V l.v law, th" |o'" i ystfin. .1! on- ot provisions to ioin iiV'M 'V. :'o'c ol w'lirli wl'l five any perm rel- ' 11• -w • v help .1 Mi : i " ! v lr- •!«••*. 1111 : 11 ■ !rir iMiiiic. v'i ti lie aln-'dy «w..s i i mo-.v than he •in pay? Iluw im■ von lower tax"s when ynu are i»-sit« inis Ii ik|.- :o I more linuiey Why !>■ tli' People who i*oul i priilialiiy have some inline'"e upon our ropre-'it 'live* pi ron:re-- .-i: ••till ami r"e 'he farmers and ho p" owner.- so! 11 out under fnreil'iMii'e pi'oi'i'edinu- and neve" 'laise their Voice or -iito (heir represen. I t.aiiviss «iM;it snnie relief is impera. j live" I 'o i hey feel that they arp a 'part «>f Wall Street and must do i (their bidding, arc they tf>ralil o: I '.some neighbor who thinks he I* ' financial wizard'.' Il is time for the People and the presx to speak out. Sive a word of encouragement to their representatives, ami let them Know what the common people wart: and need, and what they must have if our people are 'to survive. Write your senator or representative ana Kive him your idea. W. R. BADOKTr. Pilot Mountain, N. C., 'nnuary 11, 1933. fn»* the Panbtirv DANBURY P. T. A. MEETS JANUARYIO . \ \ r.nv i\t;:kimi\( ( i»km.ii\m \\ \s i:I:MH I:I I> school' i ! >1 aki\i ;ooi» I'itt».iti>s. : i I!e"'(i t"d 10.- tiie Ueporter. i I ! j The ' 1 inbtir.v I'. 'l' A met at the j usual d re. the I Tuesday j evening .•) ii»* month. • Isi.~ being oil January In. 11*33. I The niucting openei with *h . -ill;. ' Vine'- 1 'h" IV i itil'u'." l-'ol. lowing' this v.. i. prayer and .a rip. till** reading b> Kev. *W. Mar. sahli. Xl iv. Taylor g>v i very ii._ teres;inu' talk. A sca_.-t"ry was told , by Kev. .Mar hall, after which bt>--i_ ne-'s w ii- tended to. The minute were re d and approved. Sevail reports were *»i il• ■: The *'atet *i v a committee '• is not vet been 'tile i • I secure eiin.pi lent n*"e>iry to begin serving lum-he • However. the' a e diligent. 1..' working. The rc'uml. | gro'.iu! cienai•!tee i.ti*■ i-tnoc! the a-. . i l .sociation thi thejr wml. \.as •sun. , ing along nicely. .Mr. Il.u\ is •'•.ated that the ave • i attendance in scho*d for the pa t s three ii'.«itif's was lill.'.i, which lonia i rat iv e'y better then .1 w a for i the same :ei"i«id of time laxt yrai. In addition an entei'tiuin.iient com. mitiee was appointed, namely Mrs. i J. J. Taylor. Xlrs. A. (J. Hlxk. Mrs. i Wm Joyce. a,nd Xlr L. V. Hovis. In conclusion on» verse of tlMe nong. I Star Stinglel Banner, was xung and fie meeting was ditmit-sed witn prayer by Kev. o. W. Xlarsh ill. ' Xlr. 1.. V. INivj.s. principal of the Pmnbury "km I. is putting "A library Hook Heading Contest" for the month of January. He did not • what the prit|" would be. . but ini-i ni ted that It w ould Se ■worth the effort. Also, he s: - ed the value of every io> aial gir t reading- more books. In tin nt -t etts'h pupil is to repot- on • w v 1 ... read. Tile til'tli. >lxi h and seven I, have started the Xev. V-a w li de'l'taoin 11ion to imi rove up n the work done in -. ho. ' i.- • • , ! I ii" 1 lta a • ctl to -• •wo ai of prep.i at jon at home ■I ■ i 'i e se,.m i,i • e'i,.\i h.u . i• . I Oil I'll 111.1! 'el • III!,. I i. 11 gI ■ gates to the i i me. : nil w-c rain.'hecU tha' admit.-' oto ■ i,> ' ground after hie stoan. 1 ! Kev. >. W. Xlaill V . I lil'lli and si\|li grub s \\ "dne-i! i I and mail an euj.iv il lc . ilk .> i 1 I'anama. Jltlja Kliiiihiini was happily -nr. • prised w hen .she received a s:'.*i i - check from l.ce Telephone Co. for ' second prize in their Lw.ter.W riti'i . 1 contest. The bovs and rarls in school are 1 making preparations for earlier and ' better gardens for 1!>33. At almo-t every turn, one is accosted by soni" 1 boy or girl who is trying to enroll _ 1 age gardening- Also. i»eing imerested 1 in winning an overwharpened pencil * as a prize for selling HO packages * of seeds. The school will receive 3 profits of the seeds isold- I In conclusion we are happv to i j etate that our whool attendance i» increasing daily since the .holidays. Praotically all eliildren are in sn-ho.-.J e"copt a few who are physically un_ Abb. We hope they will speedi'y Number 3,758 SAML. HAIRSTON DIES AT HOME jo\I: or TIII: I.\I:«.I>T I,A*D. I n»i.i>i:ns OR ST«»K i COIWTV I» \SSI:S \I I:I.K 1111,1.. VA., i:i> fis. > inniv! II iit. . ■ K!k llir', Vj,., t ~(t - d "'1 at li:* \i: uinia -homy I i. > iralay .ihoiit I•» , ■ after .in i;« t'• 11• K of ,i he in . Ition. in i> v ._ I ; •«•!! 11»«• Mr. 11 :t ir -1 •>n hid i previous I -it*- • . :'il had in failing |lna!:h jaiiH-e. " I lit* Mt.' vivil hv his widow. who iva.- Mi-s .Ml'. Jojniii. of IfctnvHlo, I unci >-v. n ■ hi'.lion. M:-s May Huirn. ton. ii'i-A a missionary ::i M:uiilu> -'t I'. I . Mi-"e s Ann and I'uth. of I l-e-1 kille; J ill!i,f I .f,'ikt.v 1 [.U*. ( I Samuel. (.!e>•rue and Kufus. of RL& , I Mill. W, ] _ "m , ; 1- tini-ra! .prvlc-e-s Wfre conducted , Ttie-day morning at 1" o'clock ; i» "Wi , : Kp:>rop 11 Church at lyfaksviiie, . , Interinent was at Danville. _ ' The ■lo oa-t>il wan lony a well Known of Strike'* county, where lie nvvnt'd lartte property In, t"i*\-t* in Saiiiatiiwn town.-hip. being uH ■me Hi the litsrae-t landholders o t the •county. He h'ad many TO™ friend- anions our people, who re. Ka riled him very highly. Wedding- Bells. i - m I Ml** Durham. 21. of IVi iHfliid. I and Mr. J. C. Frans, 72. also of i WWttleld. were married a few day» xlnre. The bride is a jmpular and attractive lady of the community, while the bridegroom is a w e ll known retired merchant and farmer of the county. To this happy union. of A ? May and November. the ho«ts friends -if both parties extend thp 1 ■ ' tT' felicitations „f the s C a«.n. ;md may :.y --ihoir bark sail alon.n smoothly over the N'mpteHUnows mj of ijf e vrith a unreasonable number of .iti.l be in }.....! at:.tin. Oar teach,,!* iVi-ed :•> JH' 'i'e i new inn! different attitiiide Ml tlit* Ii «i»nis that 1 1 j r "••« !» in 1 €•!•*> ' *K:ll. |o you not , Kn,nv uh 11 trim i* for/* * I ——— Sk&SL' Mr ll,ni-: 'What eats litic never I Max A l'e\: "A meat grinder." ' M:-a llall: "If «a« a hw U! j» on tire, what thrtfe poets would >x>» ; -John Alley: -Dickens. Howitt, ieorpre Petnee: "Joe. what band 11 1 Joe Martin: "A hat band." : '| MiBS M; wtie Hue: "Now Johnny, j ( what did Caesar .exclaim when - Rr "tu9 stabbed him

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