THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 60. RE-DISTRICTING THE COUNTIES mi.i. is IXTITNITI cr.i> TO «TTj MOMS i.oosi: ritoM sricHTj \\l» AITACII to roitsvTii— OTIII:I; Mi:\siKi.-> OK VITAL I IXTllllllsT TO STOI\I;s \o\\ ! PINDIM: AT HVI.IIM.II —HI:P. j itnsi XTATIV r. mm.i. IPS ;ivi*:sj \ MINIMI-: or I,AST wi'.rii's | PIMCIIIPINHS or (,i\i:iai, \s.SI Mltl.Y. • ,\|i"i r ill' t'l.' Ilnu-o of llt-prc spnliliiivf-s loin Sc.l: .A. P.. Phillips, .stop's"! over .in I •anbury Saturday ont'oiltC' I'i" home 'il Dulton '*i spctnd tlii 1 w> '•» end. While licjc Mr.. Phillips discussed | with thi>' ISeiiort*'!* on ions legislation now pending in the Ucncrul Assemb ly of in' to Stakes county. Several hjlls t->f interest. Mr- Phil, lips .-ays. WERE introduced hi--*t WCCK in ihe lower branch of the I.c;:is_ hitut'e including: one deducing the marriage fee from s».oil to Thic- hill received the support of the repis*.-etitative from Stokes. as did Stiko>. is did the hill relieving con. traoting parties in marriage to po-t fi-day notice, or for necessity ol a 11hysician's cent ifieat e. In the matter of "deficiency judg ments" the House carried by a small majority the question of relief to buyers of land where a part of the purchase price is paid, and later pi case of foreclosure the tneptgagee - s not enitjtled to judgment for balance due on note othpn than the particular proporty mortgaged. This, it is deemed would encourage home, ownership. An item of interest to certain individuals i.s a bill to r«du •'* the cost of a trailer, carrying fa in pro. dace .'it' iclu'd i" a pa.s-eiigcr car. to a. fee of sl.iin. At. pre-cnt 1 ni cest i" one-half the ;iric of the license plate. Mi*. Phillip.-* advi e- the Itcp 'tci thi' ill liters ol .-lip il : •it is hold, iug tlie 'a npi" «.>' i'lt- lf.-t i' |. 0-en* w !i j'l'el'fS. v.'"is high', iicceiiia tied tin past week by a ! i «• mi. ■ 111 rt ng he' ! at the .Mciiiori 1 Auditorium in ll.iPj.h in behalf .1 education. Since the la cent ad Vl. bc'eiii t \ is to he removed from pro. Perly. and l int] is In lie revalued, then th" all important question .s just how the neccs.-wry funds for education may be procured for the State, lie .-ays the trend at present is far a reduction of salaries on a graduate scale, a possible change in the set up of school administration, and JI combination of certain instjtu. tions Willi.'h at present may he doing parallel work. When the aprroxjmate amount of •money needed by the State in tills is determined then the p;*- lem of raising such funds will ho the' next step. This will lead naturally to the rather unwelcome idea of a' •salas tax. Just what the out-come in this line will be is rather proh.' lennatieal but seems to quite a fe*.v a# inesaapahk*. lulls have been introduced reliev ing tax payers of penalties on un.' paid taxes and giving a longer term: .in which to* redeem property sold for 1 ■lax. Action on such questions will j be decided upon at an early date. A j memorial to Congress requesting a moratorium by Land Banks as to! Established 1872. ! MOUNTAIN FALLS INTO DAN RIVER ! ; j "IMNNACUOS or Till: l> A X.", IHIAtTA SPOT NllAlt NTI AllT. I'ATlilt'li COt XTV. TOI'IM.KS TWIILVM ni xmci:i> I I:I.T AXI» DAMS SIIH A.M. j | AI" umi'l. tide ' "livul-ion "f Until'',. I'h tppemd near Stinrt. V.i.. 1 fi".*. ' | .lit - wlqi! the ' "f th.' 111s in j •1 hi ki ••.'. u a " 1 *i: 1 a.|.. sift! I in." suddenly !jd off 1.00 fc ! lnt«i Hun river. The Stuart I'hit. 1 rise tells of th • j [ I'litusticphc to this celebrated bei'i'v j spot, as I'.dlows: Nature lovers aiul mmiiilaiii climb. Je's of this and oilier c-iin.:ie.- will j lie sorry 10 learn- of the tragedv . which recently befell the beautiful 1 nil ipirtuii'cdque niuunitiiin peak known as "The Pinnacles of the Han" which rise from the gorge of j Halt Itivef in 'lie w stern .pari of' this county. Hepor'x from that lo cality arc that the whole top of the ' main, or middle, point of the Pinna-j cles has fallen Ol'l' and plunged down ' the perpendicular northeast side of •t'he mountain J,2no feet into I»111 I liver. Mr. tell Ilcynolds, who lives near by and l'elHints this phenomenon 1 says that while he 'bus not visited the actual scene, that from a dis tance the three |saints known as The Pinnacles now appear ito in- about the same heWht and estimates that approximately 30" fed "f the stake *like V "mountain have toppled oft' IntST Ua.ll lljve I*. He attributies the cause of this geologic shifting to the utt -1 usually heavy rains of -the list mouths of tlie past year which n loosened and softened tin- great mas ses of rock lying at such a sharp an gle thi.t friction was overcome and the enormous weight ->iid off. lie indi ■ t-cl thai farther investi a. : ion nil! probably l'evia! that I! 1 rjver Im- he"ii d.,1111:1. I in 'll • deep or - e |H i 11:y !'« .'.nil", a c. lis id- . .0 If l ike ft' I high u i.tet'l ills. fore- I"-in -', wa- passed .Mr. I'll.Hips, witli evpry syiumkv for the lioiiic oivcu's of Stokes .-HUP. ly. will support SII ii aid and give any acdsi.inco that may he possible to all Iqlls favoring our citizen- ami ."'tokos county in general. The legislative committee on m i !.» recommends a gradu i.t.od cut it: .- t'. .tries of highway bogj'i. IIiIIg with a 1" p. r cell! cut on sal aries of over sl3Oll. to a 33 1.3 p 1 cent cut in the higher brackets. Cessation of new road oonstrii 'tio'i ! will ho another moans of aid in ha I. aiming the budget. Due matter brought to the atten tion of Mr. Phillips on Friday wis the red is trie king of the Senatorial 1 districts in the State. I'nder the sug- ' i , gent ion as made by the conitiqtKo Stokes and Forsyth would he group. i ed together rut'hor than Stokes and j Surry. In the opinion of .Mr. Piitl lips this would not be so acceptable ! I as our present arrangement How-1 I ever, In this, as in all questions, he, 1 is anxious to carry out the wishes j of the Peoplie of the county fend | I I would appreciate any and all sugges. , tions of his constituency. I I i Filipinos, evidently, don't what 1 they want when they wanit it. ! —Chicago Daily News. Danbury, N. C., Wedneeday, February 8, 1933. —————————————— : A. R. PHILLIPS Stokes County's Representative in the Lower House, General Assembly. i ■ Three Homes Burned I In Patrick County j I The Stuart. Va.. Kntcrpr ise of Feb. l! has the following: Three homes in the sout'h side of •the county hunted down the first of ( this week. The fjrm was that of j i tassel Sheppard who lives at the! llill At*- Martin place near the j North Carolina line, which burned .Sunday afternoon. Mr. S'hcplpard was at home alone, it is learned. i" his family heinu away visitinff in the neighborhood. He was aroused fcxjin --•an nCternoon na|i by the smoke"tiH> upon investigation found the second story of his house in flames. N'eiah. lu»rs nearby vail ho red quickly and helped to remove till furninhinas front, the first floor before the build ins ctdlitsocd. Tito house was a sub. stan.' five room structure and it , ir. said >tlie loss i partly covered iiiurance. Tip- home of Abe I;. M irtat. near Five Fori;.- - . burned e i Motili ty tiioriiiua. I' is Icariwd tit it .Mr. Ma-, lilt had ill t •'acted a I'it'e i" hi*' hitch- it and while alMitii preparation. for break fas." hi dropped a:t o.i !;I:II:> which pri dtlced Midi a fire that he was barely able to escape from the room wifhout biina bunt, id. He rushed upstairs and aroused bis family. Tile flames spread so j til idly very little ftp nishintf I were removed, moist of Which later; burned mar the house. The family I was aid. to save only part of their I wearing apparel. His was a sev it ; I room frame house partly covered b> | insurance. Mr. Martin hml recent..'! removed from Stuart to liis place in J the country. tin Monday the home of c. O.J llanliy, who lives near I'e e'"s Creek ivw burned. I totalis have not been ! learned except that only a part of' the furnishings was saved and that I he had some insurance which he had recently reduced. The youint? people are to I keep up with the times, bat it is more difficult for the times to keep up with them. ' MUX WANTKD—for Huwlelftli Cllj Routes of 800 (\iiisiiniers in Citic- I.aivsonville. Mayoduii, Madison and Wulnut Cove. Reliable hustler can start earning? $25 weekly and | increase rapidly. Wri'e immedi ately. ltawlelgli Co., I>ept NC—BO —V, lUt'limond, Vu. febß 2$ 2iv I KING NEWS ! King.—On Thmvriay evening it Meven.thir.ty »Vltn*k the Woman' | «'luli met »t the h»nve of Mr. and Airy. T. (!. New. Alesdanns H. 11. t IjeaUe. '! ad.v Xewsum. r. >. Boyle*. | Jr.. a.y?xiei ito hoMe s *es with Mrs*. ] New. i j iv* >i' evergreens lent :i welcome to each inenihef as they entered 'lit' 1 living room. The president. Mrs. U. ' I l K. Stone presided over the meet in {. j white tlie roll was eaiied, and tnin_l | ittes read by the secretary Mis* i Agnes i'ulliam. The reports from i different committees were presented. I each todni; favored hy the elttli. I A motion was made and carried that a. committee he appointed to in. vestimate ami sec hy what means and how we might build a eiuli house sometime in the fntiire. Then an in. jn'iorosting program was given ;, V the Home Makers cluh wliieli eon. -i-'ted in lea dim; f e-mi M t.-ees tier, fade lllow. !•!!!/. ihet.'.i Itiby, anil Mrs. i'has. t'arrol!. A eontesl was :• j \ •ti la 1 the h" - te * in which ea h memlier received a new yi-i:'- \i - Is. Later in t't evening 1 * ! f i- ilrnit salad wi It cake ami coffee was s .ved hy tic ho--use. as-j>tiil l>. Mi-.i I loris an I Utile Virginia New. I .Mrs. Joe (ijhs'on iaed "3 di'd at i her home three mil's north of Kim; | last week. The det'ca-'cd is survived | hy four damrtit■ rs, they ore M s. !.I.tines liovles, Mrs. William Dkunv' '••f Kin.' It. I'". H. -J, Mrs. 1.. K. fill. I ] . | | Ham of Kiny ami Mrs. Itoy Snider] Jof TobaccovjHe It. I*'. I>. ~ Several | grandchildren also survive. .Mrs. I tiih.son was a good woman and was j llketl hy all who knew her. Weddings. | License* have Keen issued at I Stuart. Va., for the marriage of the I i following Stokes county couples: ] Lacy Dollarhite iind Hester Hike I 1 both of Brim, N. C. j Thornton Tuttle. Walnut Cove. N. C., and Lois L. Smith, Lawsonvjlle, I N. C. I Crossing Her Fingers.—"l shall mlria you while you are on your huntinK trip, dear." said ithe young wife affectionately, "and I shaJl pray that the hunters you are going with will do the same-"-—Laughs. SPARGER OFFERS RILL IN SENATE tviTX 1 :ss 11:t:s \M» cmii'iixst. 'I I ix 1011 JI I;OIS> TO P.I: 1.11 I TO ( OL X IV COMMI"SIt»M lIS. lliil- ig li U'itm--- u-,.. .. I'l II- it ion t.. ii'..; i -• -k ■ • I • •'•• • d> !. , ■ lie.' .1 Pill ...1 .(I : •(••! the ."cl. "t --'I I'lli w • 'ld ,1 „ i"d Ib'ei- ••• .Ij.-i . .... laws ... I '2l. T ... •(. ...» .. c 1 led ji iJe v- : ' I',! r. • liiig. Ig. P..1 h ,y" '•: j -..f-j ,„| ; : . 1 i| ly and Ilie - . i:,. 11 ~ 1 . wit. .t'e e-'. Seh itm spa '..•>■ s w.,aM •m■ SI li k c." uiid'-r 'he - ite w IJe .law., whit'li penujts lie cut'tuv s ." ci-s t.i tj\ tiie .ompciisitl,.!! . i,( jurors at fruin I.a $ I a. day and un ! " v e cent- a mile for (ravel, and ' | places the 1 (.njjn ii.s.i;j.ii, „( w'itnew-.-s 1 at 11*41)1). csp jo $3 a il.iy and up 1 five cents a mi!,* for travel, alio in the hands of t!n» -omtni-*. .^ionord. The hiii dors 114.t rrp.-ii .section ! "I h.'iptei* 33, puhljr.liiral .laws «if I9JI. whiih fixes the voinpenssaiion |«»f the members of th- ho-nd of coun. ity commi«.sii»noiv :u $5 a 4lay and inilay o at 5 rents. ! Death Of James Kiger •hi men Ivimr. \4. died at Ids home on \Vim«ton_salem Home 3 I January 31, after suffering t> stroke i about ""liristnias. 1 Interment was a: Ji 0 x .Mountain tlie day folliiwiiig. Air. K'.g.-r was member of the Church of Christ, at VVinstuii.S.tlcin. Survivors include hi- wife. who was Mi-.. Mi Ijnda (hi.,-on ink.- i. man j i ic: r.inr daughters. All'.-'. S.uj k' it", of Siokt s .'.nil,;;. ; Mr-. Mlnrle 11,'U liy :n:,| Mi-, i , ( J..\ ~... , \Vill(-.'iin.S I!. .Ml ; M I i., I . , :. of Ki rip r.-'t 1|(.: j, |, ,;, ai d Cii., K Hu" tl lla": Fi an , ai .1 U1 'j i.n Kjg.r. ..f near (;,.i niinton. . Mrs. (P i,,. Kittcr. .■•' „■ \\ ,:; M . tow n. and ti r mil h h|r ( .n. UI'lV. It. It. lll'ltXF.TT. I' \ss| s Ht-v. It. I:. ISo I'lnt:. pis:...' I*aiHck Circuit Al. t1i.n1..-i chm.-ii died at his home at I'.i.nj k Spiia j .Monday in..ruing ..: itiflnenza an.l I ]> 11 (> 111 ■i >ll j. i after a |. w davs illlu--s I Kansas i.iruifi slept s.. soiindh tliicvcs li n vected his forty acre w heat crop, and lie did not t'in.l ii mil tinti 1 two days later. lie would like i. secure their names and addresses in order to thank them.- Florida Timc -1 'ivP.n. How lie Hot That Way.—Howell | —"A good deal depends on the in. ' formation of early habits." Powell — "I know it: when I was a baby my mother hired ti wi I •to wheel nte about, and I have been pushed for money ever since."— Washington Labor. Speaking of the ten most beauti ful words in the Bnglish language, how about this list: "Business is int. proving steadily so we are raining •• ir salary."—Duluth N'ews.Tribumj. Number 3,762 BUCK AND THE WALLERS GUILTY sir\nr. \ \.. tki\i, inx i/rs iv « o\\ii iioN nn i.oMi sk\. II.M I > I oI: MII.HItS Ol "i>i \\" >III IM-\I:I» IJI I K I.I.'TS l ll l *l"f ItVI. U AHM-iKS TIIIIMA \i \l:«. |\ ll—Mill, Mir wit \ii;\>\ to lit: IKM I' I 111 iiMl \l . tfl« le- il> "at ion, i J try ul I'it'T !. com ! t v : i net's Wed iv uli'. ••! week its' : nil a v»r. di • 1., vlv ' i klii- t'try, i|i ::HH> a: iill.-! '»1 • i"1 * I*. TcniU'WH yi»ui 1::: i?! ■•?»-*!-:] uv t i» flaying 111' * 'iiiinly Convtn'.lc i: I) 'Burin" "Sheppnd MM '"last I'.' 11. near i a isi, . T!if .i n': "fixed hi" • i .i.ty at life nil ri uniiiiii;.-• although Mi,. death penalty iv:i i* (i l• y t'umimort wealth's Attorney Frank 1". Hurton. . Thv i-a-H 1 was siren in the jury at i, i o'clock. ' "• The prisoner to*, the. rerdNi . calmly. Ili> with four other men I were indicted tor the nturder of Sheppard «lid the wounding of Town Sergeant Joe Francis, of Stuart, I while tin* of flier." were in tMj.rsu it . of a stolen liquor ear which, hail | keen confj vuted- The ntliyrs. to be I 'tried at this same term of court, are , Mill am) Sam Waller, also from Tenn„ 1 1 nessoe. and Harvey Vernon and James Midkiff. of Mount Airy. N. C. Trial of Hill Waller, alias wjl_ Hams. was begun today for aiding ami abe t tine in the saniti murder and the felonious shooting of Officer J. \\ . Francis. Trial of Harvey Vernon and James Midk.if) was scheduled to begin Friday. Alter present ition of instruction* to ,'i'tt oriteys by Judge .1. T, t'lcniie.nt, S. A. Thomp.'oti opetieil for the .stat" • it'll \\. M. Mitchell op* iicd for the de'ctise. W. 1.. ,b.y, t 'iidai for •lie -•M e and Sctiat.i i Samuel H. ''"ice. o. Johnson i• : . loscd for ti c dei -tii-e. II") nfa t(i.| the evj. '•> rhounl degree Wllill* A' |.:i! Ron ; i.. *•} (» ;i iVf. t ;i I »!•••• :«•!• th t . •!••..: i rent ♦•Tree- I tl .• (• t ■- \ •.1 ;i com* w\i i.i its i on\ m it:i> Lit(»r it N, ih.H Waller j l»ro:?! C .»-; w ( »!v and we:s> .-entente I ;• 3«» y«atv cub. lb* :i j i ,\ I it! i; jt" t" and Vernon j.-* • i*! «ltd to be- i' Tliurvt! i \ - - . Tobacco Market C loses Feb. 17 I'.ie W i'leton-Salem Tnliic i'o Hoard ' of Trade ill a limiting held I'Vh I, ' decided chanjp* rhe closing date from I'c' ruary in t" February I 7, M. H 11 ass secretary and supervisor j of sales annioiinced I "Thm i h inae in extending th» . j dosing time. Mr. (lass stated. "w;u» ' don«' in order to givt> .those who havo j tobacco on their hands ample tirr.o i j in, which t'» aei it In market. No i more change will h e made in the - closing date, and I advise thotfcx who* , have tobacco nti.ll on hand to make jan effort to sell the remainder ot ] the crop as soon as possible-" Thie people holler about their ; rights, but they whisper about their . duties.

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