THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. FARMERS MAY NOW GET CROP LOANS 'APPLICATIONS UKINO RECEIV. JCD AT DANBURY—HHiII.A. TIONS ■GOVKitXINO TIIK LOANS —ADHSOItY COMMITTEE AP POINTED FOR THE COUNTY— FIELD INSPECTOR H. K. AN. DERSOX OX THE SCENE. Farmers may n.ow ireoelve loans for their 1933 crops. Already applk) iti«n.s are being filled out for numbers of farmers. The money is quickly available. H. S. An-darson, representative in' tine federal government. who is field inspector, is located in the county to help facilitate the loans. The advisory committee appodnted for the •ooun.ty to pas.* on the applj. cations is eom.posed of J. L. Mit fhell. of Walnut Cove: P. O. Fry. >f Pinnacle ami 11. B. Hutclilerson. of Sandy Ridge. When an application for a loan received, .accompanied by a lien on the crop. the above committee ,'n collaboration with the field' inspec tor, passes on it and sends it to Washington, D. C. The check com»i quickly to the farmer. There is no dearth of money at headquarters, as $90,000,000 is wal'_ ing. But before a farmer can set help from Uncle Sam, he must make a 30 per cent reduction Irv hU tobacco acreage, and must " agree to plant a garden and sufficient feej crops for home use. No one can share in this crop as. slut a nee who ha« "other means of livelihood 'beiides farm In jr. This help is only for dirt farmers. The maximum amount available to any one farmer is S3OO or 1n the case of toi\ i»ty, total loans to ten. ants of any one landlord cannot ex ceed SI2OO. The interest rate will be 5 1.1 per cent, an last year. Xote« li nv. ever will be due October 31 Instead of November 30 a-s in previous years. A first lien on the crop will be re quired. Mr. Anderson, Field Inspector, Mtates that considerable delay can be avoided if both the applicant and thodo requfred to execute waivers ■wtill arr 'to be .present at the time application!* are made. Fiirmers should remember that while it is Illegal to charge fees for the preparation of applications, yet the nor -jry's fee must be paid by the fanmer a> well as a fee for record ins: the lien, or for searching the retrords for prior liene. Special attention is also called to Section 3 of the Act authorizing there loans, in which Congress de dared the-e loan funds "To .impress, led with trust to accomplish the pur. i pose> provided for this resolution. which trust shall continue until thu •moneys loaned pursuant to this rc Q - J •olution have been lu-ed for the pur poses contemplated, and it shall 1,3 ■Unlawful for any .person .to mpike any ' material false representation for the purpose of obtaining any loan or t> dispose or assist in disposing of any crops given iuj security for any loan under this Act except for the ac_ | count of the Secretary of Affricul. ture. Th? application blanks this year i Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, March 15, 1933 KID SMITH'S SHOW I AT SANDY RIDGE . LARGE ATTENDANCE AT TIIK . 1 AI'IHTORICM FRIDAY AXD I j SATCRDAY XIGHTS—CLARENCE . j HAWKINS ACCIDENTALLY CITS HIMSELF—OTHER NEWS AXD t PERSON'AIjS OF INTEREST FROM SANDY RIDGE. 1 Sandy nidge, March 13.—A t--ho\v was given at 9indy Ridge school ' auditorium, Friday and Saturday . night March 10 and 11 by Kid Smith with a large attend ince. . Misses Nell Wall, Orene Carte', Bessie and Nannie Wall ispent the week-end with friends at Lawson. ville. Several people of this community . i j attended the pliy wheh was gven at 1 _ Lawsonvlle ischool Saturday night, j Miss lren,e Carter, who holds a r position in M ullyon, spent the week. r ■ j e"d with her parents Mr. and Mrs I | Doc Carter of Walnut Cove and h id ! ' us her guet Mioses Lola and Vera j 1 Carter and Mozelle Nelson. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Dodson vis.. , i'.ed rdla.tives near Dull Hill Sunday. 1 ) Rev. Oeoi'ige filled his regu. 4 ' , lar appointment at Delta M. 13. Cburch Sunday morning. t 1 XBr. Clanence Hawkins had the misfortune to cut his toe while 1 I splitting wood Thursday, but it was not serious. , Mr. Homer Handy, of Nettle Ridge, : Va., visited friends near here Sun. 1 day. 1 j Misses Estclle and Ola Joycjj, j i Met-sers. RQIIUS Steele and Troy I Martin and Louis Joyce vMt«d Miss r ✓ Ruby Robertson Sunday. | Mr. David Dod ; on was the week. end gueet of Mr. John Nelson Df Madison. I Rev. J. A. Joyce had the misfor. tune to lege a pin which win t accidentally killed by a rock that wax thrown by Mrs. Sudie Martin. : i Mr. Pete Nelson called on Mi-.-s 1 Nannie Hell D'd on Sunday night. I i I Tax Listers. Tax .listers in the various town. . 1 | ships of the county have been ap. pointed as follows: 'j Quaker Gap—T. M. Smith. 1 I Beaver Island—Whit McCollum. | Sauihtown —H. R. McPhereon. Snow Creek —Gladys Joyce. i Meadows —W. C. Jones. | Yadkin—Wilbur I-ane. '! Peter's Creek —F. T. Tilley. 1 Big Creek —W. E. Collins. j Danbury—.Robt. Sisk. I ' require ia (statement o-f the amounts , i desired for each of the various crops I to be grown. The maximum rate for .tobacco 1s $lO per acre- The amounts for other general crops and other purposes vary and SI.OO for i each acre being cultivated will be loaned for repairs and 'miscellaneous , j I I expenses. A legal description of the land on which the crops &i'a 1 1 to be .planted is required, together | with a statement of the crops grown ' I I by the applicant in 1932. A statement 1 of seed and feed on hand at tho time of applying for a loan is also required. Any special information dq|?ired may be obtained by addressing Mr. | Anderson at box 108, Walnut Cov"e. N, C. I TEACHERS MEET 95 P. C. STRONG; INTERESTING COUNTY.W I D t E GATHERING HERE SATURDAY j BY COUNTY SCHOOL FOLK—! THE THEME WAS "CHARACTIhi j EDUCATION," AND THE OCCAS. | ION WAS BOTH ENTERTAINING ' AND PROFITABLE. Ninety-Hive Per cent, of the Stokes county teachers wene hero Saturday in a county-wide meeting of the ed ucationists. I Professor J. C. Carson, county Superintendent o.f schools, presided at the gathering which was attended by a large crowd of mon and women I teachers whose theme for the oc. ' . . , I casion was "Character Education." j j There was some very illuminating , discussion, which was both lenter-! ' taining and pwritable to the teach, j ers present as well as t'he unsophis. i t tlcated audience. ! The program rendered was as fol- ! lows: | 1. Devotional—Rev. J. I?. Need.' 1 i. ; ham. j 2. Announcements—Superintendent J. C. Carbon. I j 3. Some Suggestions on Teaching j Character Education in the Prinfary ' Grades —Mrs. Lillian Southern. (10 'Tnirouteo) I 4. Some Suggestions on | Character dn the Grammar Grades— I Mr. 1,. V. (10 minutes) | 5. Some Aids Uoeful in Character | Education—Mr. J. c. Killinger. (10 |'minutes) j 6. Effects of Poor and Excellent Teaching in Charaoter Education— Mrs. Anne Carter-. *t-r-|Hhnitesr 7. Address on Character Education —l>r. J. H. Cook, j S. Summary—Mrs. Margaret Mo. Cullough. (10 minuter) ' j John (Eads) Mabe Jailed On Charge Of Blockading j John (FJtds) Mabe. of Walnut Cove, is in Jail on the felf.confessed charge of operating a still, and man ufa during "sugar-head." He was arrested a few d!iys ago i by Deputy Sheriffs Carl Ray and Bert Smith, aivl Constable W. R. 'Young. The officer® saw Mabe running away from the still, •which in operation. They followed him to his home nearby and arretted ■him. when he confessed to his guilt- Being unable to give bond he was taken to the Bast He to await hear ing. and 'trial >at the April term of Superior Court. j ' 1 i Fatal Disorder ? Among Cattle i A .peculiar and fatal disorder has. recently attacked cattle in the Dan. j bury community, re «u 1 t 1 n g in tha loss of a number of valuable' milkcows. The nature of the disease 1 . has not been determined. The ani ! | mala develop a great weak new quick, ly, and after lying d«wn, soon die. Those who have lost cuttle from the dlsea«e are as follows: Mivi. Jack Dugglns, milkcow and calf. Ben Smith, col., milkcow. Reed Shelton. milkcow. j Jerry Mabe, 2 head of cattle- I THOMAS C. HILL 'ANSWERS SUMMONS 1 I i FIDDLERS CONVENTION ATj FRANCISCO SCHOOL FRIDAY | NIGHT : QUITE A SUCCESS— .1. j I A. CHILTON HOME FROM CAN ; ADA. AND TELLS ABOUT TO. BACCO THERE—FRANK CHRIS. | TI AX'S NARROW KSC'APE. I Francisco, March 13. Thom us Collins Hill'd away Saturday | evening, March 11, 1!«33. at «:30. Age S4 years, 5 months, 1 day. Was formerly a resident of Stokes coun. ty, until about 14 years ago when he moved to Surry county innd spent the remainder of his life. Wan mar. I ried 'twice. married Mary Ann ' Francis in 1872. To this union was | born "-even children. « girls and one I I boy: Mrs. Susie Good, of Bedford • coumty. Va., Cora Stephvns. near! 1 I (lemianton: S o |>h;i Ward. Malik ! _ i j Francis, of Francisco. Varnil Beas. 1 j ley. of Dolxon. One daughter dead. : j Mini Beasley. Only one son living, I .Sanders Hill of Mt. Airy. Both' 'wives preceded him to the grave! I Five brothers and three sisters are j 1 now living. John W„ Robert. Nat, • Jim, Je-e Hill: MM. Bob Simmons, Dixie Sheppard; all of Virginia. Mrs. j Uxura Martin, of Flat Rock section. and one sifter. Ma r y Ann Ward, pro. ceded htm to the grave. Hie- left 35 grandchildren and 24 great grand. children to unourn their loss. Fun. eral services held at Francisco school | Ihouife Sunday evening. 2:30, R e vs. Harris and Beasley officariting. In. tending. | We heard today that Mrs. Lizzie' . Simmons of W e stfield section, died ' j today. She is the mother of Ed^ar I j «nd Taney Simmon.?. Iho fiddler's convention was nt. tended largely at Francisco Friday night. Prizes were awarded as foi.' lows: Violin. Harvey Creasy; banjo,' Edgar Rodgers: guitar. Ernest Beas. ley: best nanl wa.s the Midnh'ht Ramblers composed of Rodgers, 1 Creany, Owens. PViyers attending were as follows: % in jo—Nathan Shelton. F. A. Sim mons, Edgar Rodgers. Guitar—C. M. Simmons. E. D. Hall. Marvin Owens. Guy Collin j, Ernest Beasley. Violin—Tom Tilley, Dewey Camp, bell. Dee Bullin. Duet by Marie and Roy Hooker, j Dancers—Grover Carter. Powell . Cox. Abe Nunn, Josephine Nelson, ' Mattie Sands, Letter Sands. H. S. j Tilley, Ma mile Sands, Earley Sands, ' C. L. Smith, Trudie Nunn, P e arl j Hill. j I think the people enjoyed Powell j Cox dancing in a basket l*ull su.t more than anything else | Earla Sands won the prize on dan. clng. i 1 J. A. Chilton, of Delhi, Ontario, Canatfi, is visiting relatives In West, field and Asbury this week. He >s i making quite a success as a tobacco raiser in Canada. The sailson has been just right he sa.ys and the to- ' | bacoo fine. His crop averaged I i twenty dents. * j Raising tobacco in Canada Is \ j lot different than raising it in | Stokes. There the plants are raised in gi-eienhouses. Planted about the sec. !NO CIVIL COURT TERM IN APRIL j BUT CRIMINAL COURT WILL CONVENE REGULARLY APRIL 8. WITH JUDGE STACK PHIuSII). I\;—DOCKET LARGE, WITH MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED CASES AWAITING TRIAL. For reasons of expediency, the regular term of Stokes civil court, due for April 10. has been called off. There will be no term for the trial of civil ca.-»es in April. But the regular term of criminal court, beginning Monday, April 3. will be held. Judge A. M. Stack will preside, with Solicitor Koo-ntz pros ecuting for the State. The docket is heavy, more than , 200 cases awaiting trial. | The decision was reached this | week with the home bin* in consul. ' | tatiou with outside lawyers. The' • commissioners al.-o had the matter' I ! under advisement, being in special j session at the court house Monday.' | ond week in June. The land is fir?t j poisoned for cut worms, then after ' I ! planting the plants are dusted to j kill horn worms. The hired hands work just ten hours a day, only' when planting and priming do they' work later. j | Onje of Mr. Chilton'** hired men' one night said, "Me talk five lan-' guages " Chilton said, "If you don't talk any of them better than you d 0 English, you can't talk nothing. ' j lie employs five or six nationalities dunig the priming season. The recent r>»in has estopped plow. are helping each other chop wood ! i j Sometime they give the young folks , a d!tnce at night and then everyone has a gi,od time. Mrs. Fred Christian is eon fined to her bed, we are sorry to learn, but hope she will noon be around again. Her son. Frank Christian met with , a painful accident Monday evening. I , He was driving down a hill in hi« , car when the 'accelarator stuck. Be- I fore he could do anything it turned over on him. When he came t o j himself some one had him in an.! I ot her car. There wasn't anything j I Perilously wrong with him, just shaken up quite a bit -and v©ry sore. Miss Hannah Frans, daughter of Tom and Annie Frans, and Locke Riddle, son of- Riddle, were married last week. | Francisco High School girls, boys ( and teachers motored to Piedmont . Springs last Wednesday night and ( enjoyed a delightful chicken stew. 1 Westfield Wildcats played Sedge Garden girls Saturday ,wight and lost. rjoforc the game l|he Wild- ' cats were treated to i free supper' in the coffee shop of the Robert E. 1 I Lee Hotel. ! I , Mr. and Mrs. Luther R.vrd and ; Corvi-S Shhppard and Gladys Stone ■enjoyed a trip to Cascade Falls Sun,| iy evening. Had a picnic «up.i Per en route. t Over 300 Pitt County farmers re. 1 cpived checks for produce handled by ! the local Mutual Exchango last week. ■ Included were those for a car of poultry, four cars of sweet potatoes ■and produce sold at ,th e market houee. Number 3,767 ROBBERS RAID COVE STORE UAl'SElt JiROS. !.>)T IX)I'ND IN SIKM.ICV CAB—QCARTHT OF AI,M:GI:I) THIEVES AURRSTEO IV SAMSBI'RV AM) liROUGEI MY STOKEH OI TICKIIS TO DAN. Bt'RV J*l- Josso Evans, Bill Heach, Bill Troutman and Marvin Fleming ara recumbent in the Stokes Bastit« charged with raiding ila user Bro-s. store at Walnut Cove of merchan* disc valued at SIBB.OO. The arrest of the men was effect ed by Salisbury officers Monday, and they were brought to Banbury jail by Sheriff J. J, Taylor and Beputy Bert Smith the same day. The robbery of Hauler Bros, dry goods store at Walnut Cove occurred j I'riday niyht last. Merchandise valued at SIBB.OO W.IK taken. En. ; trance was secured into the building | through a back window. The thieves lel't no trace b.'hind. But later Salisbury authorities discovered a lot of ia ( a car which answered to the det-. j cription of a machine which had | been stolen at High Point.«tiga. I tion was quickly followed by iden* tification of the loot in the aw by | Walnut Cove officers and t)he ar. I rests ensued. | A preliminary hearing will be given the defendants here Thursday. Sl.irch lti, at 2:30 P. M. j Mr. And Mrs. Z. R. Sheppard Entertain l '■»-"» Uwonvilla, March T.—Bawa»a -♦llle ball teani played Fram-iseo rw_ urday night at Francisco in an in— terming game of basketball. Final I score 13 to 17 in favor of Franoieco. Mr. land Mrs. Z. R. Sheppard en tei tained at their home Thursday night, March 2, honoring their sons Wren and Ralph Sheppard. Thi* oc. c.usinn being their birthday. Only members of th,e immediate family and the members of the Hiwsonviße High School faculty were present. Mr. C. M. Mal>; and Mr. Brown | made a business trip to Elkin anf j Booneville the pa*t week. Miss I na Mae TiMey. a student at Walnut Cove High School, was aft home for the week end- Court House Catches Fire Stokes County's temple of juau tice narrowly escaped destruction by fire Friday night. A fine left in the hearth in the giUJidJtiry room rolled down, igniting the floor and completely burning iaway the man. . tlepiece. It was sometime after dark that the conflagration was dis covered- The whole town wne soon at the scene with water in buckets I which was used to quickly extinguish , the blaze- I Surry Court Cut Out. The civil term of Surry county j superior court, first scheduled for jM irch 20 for a one.week term hous j i-een canceled, due to economic con dlt ons ind the present banking ejt uatjon. This decdsion was reached at a. call meeting of the county com missi- aeru late last week.