PAGE TWO lURHAMI-IUPLEX) \^\\^|]; The Blades Men Swear By ~not Jt mh ■ - ' For SHAVING SATISFACTION I 13 and ECONOMY! -r~- ■ 4. -• Now use the new Durham-Duplex "Gold Star Blade"! Keen, strong, long-lasting. Look for the jS/ i' i'\\ \N Gold Star on each package. Here is what it guarantees /-/ / A-V in every blade: * FINEST STEEL bUdts Pure ..t.u CLiiAN—a triumph of metallurgy. (INSPECTION ior * OIL TEMPERED \ lIARDENED ... then tempered in oil bath Thiapvectprlnty. resiiiem V ——' quality necessary lor long-lttstin& edge. (INSPECTION to insuro \ correct temper). * HOLLOW GROUND y A s.t!ety razor blade thick enough to be hollow-around tin- tutae as t barker's rarer. Give* more backbone to (having rdfe. (INSf'KCTION ai bevel edges for;. * SOAP HONED Individual honing in soap... the barker's way! Pure olive-oil toap used /I jp' on special hon»s. (INSPECTION lor fineness of actual shavix»g edgesX * LEATHER STROPPED Each blade (both edge*) stropped by 1.000 feet of (hell horaehide strops same action ss used by barbers. (INSPECTION of shaving edges micro scopica'ly before final tests;. 50c package of 5 Blades * HAIR TESTED ._ q, . p . Si* places on each edge of each blade must cut a human hsir. Test performed lu Ohaving lluges by hand not machine. Then stenlind, rust proofed. Also sight teat and final microscopic tew. * PROTECTED EDGES Each blade suspended on übs to give absolute edge protection. Edges canMl touch wrapping material. Wax-sealed in air-tight paraffin wrapping. DURHAM-DUPLEX * NEW PROCESSING All methods keyed to latest standards. Automatic manufacture with hi A Jersey City, New Jersey vidual inspection of each hlada i*»— —■« - • St Pays to Advertise! . r 7^:i^c^iWSue^am^sasm3S!^im^3fe^^ **■?:pr?x~ ~T~~::""-:• ,3 From Danbury north to Stuart, Va., is 22 miles; north-east to Sandy j Ridge is 15 to 20 miles; west to West field is 20 to 25 miles, south to Walnut I Cove is 10 miles; south-west to King* is 25 miles. Here is a vast territory in which there are very few general supply stores, if any. This territory is thickly settled with farmers who have money to spend, and who need clothing-, shoes, dry goods, hardware, farming tools, canned goods, feed , stuffs, and fertilizers —these things are necessaries and must be purch ased from SOMEWHERE. These citizens will buy where there is the greatest inducement. It Put On Special Sales and capture this business. The Danbury Reporter goes into practically all Stokes county homes. Send your message through the DANBURY REPORTER || AND RESULTS ARE SURE TO FOLLOW. 111 I ' • A CROP CANNOT BE MADE WITHOUT FERTILIZER. | NEITHER CAN BUSINESS THRIVE WITHOUT ADVERTISING. » • • • * j 9 THE DANBURY REPORTER NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of an order of the Su|>. erior Court of Stokes County, X. C, rendered on the 13th day of Febru ary. 1933. in the Special Proceeding entitled C. A. Mickey and A. H. Wall, Ad turn. of J. A. Wall, deed- Vjj. .Mil-. Susan Wall, widow of A. Wall. il*d.. tst al, appointing th'-> under.dnned a commissioner of the court ami ordering a sale of the land-' here.nai'ter tltfcril'ed. 1 will, on the 2.Hli l»\V or MAIU'II. I»»», at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m. on the premises of the late .1. A. Wail. ia|ki v at pulilic auction t" the high est l.iiM r for cash. tJl'u •l'ollowjiri cd land": l''ii>t ft: licKinninv :it pointe'' about lie middle of the Pepper ur. vey, a division corner, miming We-1 "i» 1..' chain* t«i a pine in Iturwoll's Jilic: ili'iuc South II chain- mid - links to a 'stake; thence East chair.mid 50 links t«' pointer-, (hence Sou ill -i> cliain- t> pointers In Calvin Cook's lin : thence Eat 2 1 chains lo a pine: thence North 'o the hefiinniliK. containing T7 acre-, move or le-s. I'elnif the same land conveyed l».v deed from c. A. Mickey to J. A. Wall, deed dated Austin* 13th., 1901. and which is recorded in the Stoke* County, X. C. l!e?MStry in liook No. ">1 .it 209, to which reference is hereunto made for more complete description. Second Tract: Beginning at point, ers. ii divi'-ion corner 'between M T. Chilton and J. It Morefield in the old Pepper 'i"e. running West on a division line 42 chains to pointers, a division corner: thence South on new line 3S chains to a pine in the old lino; thence Ea*t on the old line 42 chains to pointers, old corner; thence North on the old line 25 chains to the beuinnlns?, containing 147 acre*. 1 • the saine niore or Jess. It tiejna tin- same land conveyed ">' deed from J. U. Morefield and wife Bettie Morpfjeld to John A. Will, dated February IRth., 1911, which deed i.? recorded in the Stokes Coun. ty. N. C., Registry in Book No. R1 at patfe 210. to which reference fcs hereunto made- SAVE AN I* EXCEPT from the above boundary that por_ tion of same sold off by J. A. Wall to C. P. Tucker, containing about acres For full description of part sold off see deed from J. A. Wa.l and wife to C. P. Tucker. I This 17th day of February, 1931. R. J. SCOTT, Com. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of A. C. Amos, deeeaw. ed. late of the county of StoMe*. State >f North Carolina, this is to notify all persona having claims against the e-*tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned 011 or before the 31st d«y ofl January, 11134. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to the estate will please make Immediate settlement. Thin 31st day of January, 1!I33. JIM AMOS and JESS AM (IS. Adminstra/.ors. H. J. Scott. Atty. NOTICE. Having duly •luulilied •"'« executor of tlie last will aid testament >! William M. Over! y. deceased, notice .» hereby given to •'•'•I persons hold, ir.g claims a;'aini't the said deceased. t o present them to me for payment, duly authenticated, on or bv the 1 t day •!' Jan.. It'tM. or Ibis r.oticj Will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All l ersons 'ndeb'ed to said estate are hereby respectfully requested make immediate povment to me. V. HAKISKIt OVEIIISY. Executor. Hostolllce —Lawsonvilie. N. C.. It. I. Potroe I'etree. Allvs. tor Ex. jV"l\ °, A** „ JS>* A 0 Kraft American and Kraft Pimento in new package* and (oil-wrapped loavea. WED. MARCH 15, 1933 Hints for Homemakers By Jane Rogers r U . WMm\ 5 t=tf ' r ' i* y i >"-4/ ' .ihlL X: A GOOD general rule to follr.-v in seasoning green vegetables U to u«-e a dash of sugar to a pint "i of salt. Without artificially nr-eden inij the dish, the s*.it;ar r JVG the Harden sweetness which m vegetal/lea to ios; on their way to the kitchen. Use needles to pin dov". the pleats when pressing f. j;hated skirt. The needles will left■ ■.> no marks when you remove thiol. A few Juniper berries. olita!ii"h'n at the drug store, placed in a fry ing pan that has been heated until \-ery hot. will release aromatic fumes which will quickly drive the odor of cooking out of the house. BLADDER /TROUBLE). £lf your bladder ia irritated, either ■ because your urine is too acid or ■ | because of inflammation, just try | ■ «OLO MEDAL | " HAARLEM OIL CAPEULEE ■ This fine, old preparation haa been I ■ used for this purpose for 237 years. | That ita popularity continues ia I the best proof that it works. But I , | be sure you (ft oold mml Ae> | _ cept no substitute. I | ■■■■■■■■■■■■l 6 6 6 I.Hjl'ID TABIjETS SALVE Chocks Colds first day. Headaches i" Neuralgia in 30 minutes, Malaria lt> 3 days. 666 SALVE for HEAD COLDS. Most Speedy Remedies Known.