PAGE FOUR THE DAN BURY RJE POR TER I'lihli-lit'd Wockly in Daitbury, X. C., by Popper Bros. Wednesday, March 15,1933. Even the winter is thought to be broke. Josephus Daniels at the court of Mexico sounds good. The jig-saw nuisance is entitled to one redeem ing feature. It is a rest for bridge minds. The average fellow in the country tells us that he can stand the sales tax, if nothing else will do, but he thinks S months basketball is too much. Movo fhm» on 0 million in o'oVl ir»mp out of v>irlirt' v f o the bank 0 since f holidav. It took fear to do it. The President savs wo must havo no more bank failures. Ten thousand, nine hundred and sixty four in a few years is n plenty gadzooks. A leading economist says that overybodv should now buv a new automobile to help der rick 1' 1 e depression. He strongly supports his admonition with t he observation that the new shan are bev it ch *r. V.rah? The p >p]e of Xe.rth Car 'Una will wish that our S.-n.ifor-' sin)p she President's economy progv-on I'M p.- r cent. Pailey Spoke for it strong* yesterday. Bob Reynolds is hesitating: as the cou.ii ! -.oks at !;ini, hut w * believe lie will swing* right. Ed.u-uo-t s:\vs the man who has many fricnc I* as been a ;'rivnd to many. But all rules do r.t i v.*arl* both \\ ays. Stated conversely, Mr. Guess proposition would be slightly out of plumb. For instance, v. ho would say that the man v. . • has a fi lend to many, has (except uncle: coiiOiLions) manv irieiicis Of rose must have its thorn. Fm erson "p'd 0, about this nrmciplo in hi essnv on "Comn or saHon." Nobody denies that Rout 5 ' • ,, n California. is the gwden snot of Amer ica. T " ha* ohvpToo'e* clamorous seonerv. It ha/' a goV mellow cltiatr. "'here oft winds from the *'.ir-"'^"nted. never eeas rt blowing. boas* - ' its v.'o*">:l a* - 1 ! fruits and flowers and spav 7 " "*a* ".'at- >v tho come down from the monr ! .aa»*hine* V}in>* ppll-pK-ll jat"o purp n. Heiv millionaires have built their pal* aces. inrl a . '"a i. ie w alt a and he beau P.' and tli° into 1 : of our great country come to rest an-- rendc.- - • ous. Du + I say unto you t'air even then these 1 ;ings are not t r be 1 compared to the earth quakes and the tarantulas which have a habitat in the same neighborhood, and therefore, piease excuse me. Loans for the 19;>3 crops are now available to farmers. Two federal agencies are here to ex tend accommodation, both have branches in the court house at Danbury. One is the Regional Agricultural Credit Corporation, managed in Stokes by S. Gilmer Sparger and Rober Smith. The other is the seed and fertilizer loan agency, the same as operated last year. This is superin tended in the county by Mr. H. S. Anderson, with his committee of Mitchell, Fry and Hutcherson assisting* him. Applications for loans through this medium may be filed with N. E. Wall and Thurman Martin at the court house. The farm ers may well appreciate the favors they are re ceiving from the government, as no other class of our citizenry is so fortunate BURIAL OF CERMAK. "The spectacular funeral pageant moved for hours from the city hall, where he had lain in state. Fifty thousand people had looked on the placid cold face. Twelve truckloads of floral pieces went by. In the stadium 25.000 persons packed the tier of seats. The great diamond of green artificial turf almost filled the floor space of the stadium, inset in the green a huge cross of white, its margins set with a ruffle of calla lil ies and creeping hyacinths." Greater love hath no man than he who giveth his life for his friend. THE DANBURY REPORTER. MUST BE NO MORE BANK FAILURES I'UKSIDI'NT UOOSKVKI.T'K SI X. I>\V NUiIIT STAT I'.MKNT TO am i:iiic\\ ri-iori.i:—ai,i, is \VKI.I NOW roll Till". PKO. l'Mrs MONKY. Washington. March 1". —A sum. nar.v of the text of President Roose velt's statement to the public to. night follows: "I want to tc'.l yon what hac boon done in ''io lew days, why it was (1 'Ho- and what the next steps t.rp golm: to he . . . . "Iteeatii e of und"rmined confidence ..n the pa t 'f the public. there was a genera! ru-h by ■> lnrge iiortion of • >iir I'. i.iilatii.ii in turn bank de iK's'ts i;it .a- i'i'tic j or so l -.! \ ru-'i s«i -u'lt that :!•.• ban's* i oti'l no: -et en .uuli euyivncy t-> in. (>i Hi.' d. 'ii ilia "It-. tli- afternoon "f .March " • if. e'v a bank ill the .-ountry w is t»Pi n !•' ' i:i• •■-• •. l'roel iniaMon 'i . i ".'a' "y ' sin-.:' Ml Ml ill \vll"!o or i ; ;• t "• i'l ' i•:i N-a.'d by the pi-«> 4 t 'i pr 1 1-1 !'>r the n■- • • ai.wi.le i:.king olalay. :hi v.a- Mi ' .nop :•! th- ituvrnm. ir - . e •"!! •• • • of ■■ !• fi.i.iu -i *1 ~•> ! i lion,;.- vie. •Ti. •,! ■- MI •( ■ ! .c-a !•:. • . .I p itr. ti i" '. '! 1:* I '■ i■ -- 1 c>■ it'i 11IIi.1 ; 1 • I--■. !i . n i•: I b:.> :dea.-li • , n.y j. tw • ■ t'i it i' line pu->-ib'" V -A • M • ' O V lit of ' 'ill'.' .1 •••t •" 1 ' !!"'i.t V "(I lift the '• •! .' that 1 ! ' :'!• il':V'y. This ] i*\ a . I. ..V ! i ,' Vf'op • •■ i » :■ ii ■•" I il l I.'"!* i'ion "if «> •I 1 i»; ii our citizens every part of the na. t'on th: ' • iti -.nil Congress—Uggitto. ' llcans an! !> ma i■.'•.» alike —hnvcl by thi- . :i a devotion : ■ public we!:': :!.| are i!':: itinn t> p .an j*. -•.■ii'-y ar.,l tie n •'■•i'i v !' :• -pe .1 tlii? !' i.- difficult !«• mat 'a i'l our I::- torv. I "The " ' sl.'p in - b en the i -.l' ■-' i ns p ••_ t'i. 1 in 'ii" i|:-r ' it!.. • f.-. .1 ' ! ii ■: • ai 1 > .i•! h • • ' : i ';t •'' !' i.v rn'! 'X" -• : -i ' ink is i (!«•' ar wo i-v • than \\;.,s wll n it cjo ed its d 'or> last .Mlinlay Xeltht-r Is ary bank whio.h may turn out not to ho in a p.i-:tion for immediate opening. Tlio new V :W allows the twelve Fed er.'il Ile-prvo Hanks to Issue a«ldi ti inn I currency «m go->d a-spts ami tliu,i the banks which reopen will be able to meet every letflmato call. The new currency is hejn!? sent out by the lUii'eau of Kn>;rav. inir and I'rlntinar In la.we volume to every part of th«> country. It Is sound currency because it is bucked by actual, ;:.iod as^-i-tn. "A question you will ask is this— why are a'.l the banks not reopened at '.he same time? The ani-'wer !s sjmple: y«>ur government il>es not intend that th,c history of the pa .t few years shall lie repeated. We do not want and will not have an. Other epidemic of bank failures. "An a result wo start lomorrow. Monday, with the openinft of bank 9 in the twelve Federal Reserve Bank cities—those banks which on first exemination-by the Treasury hjive al. ready been found to be all right • This will be followed on Tuesday by the resumption of all their func tions by banks already found to be sound in cities where (here are cl«»r. inpr houses. That means about 250 cities of the United States. "On and succeeding days banks in entailer places all through the country will resume bus. incss, subject of course, to the gov. eminent'"- 1 physical abili.y to com. plete "-s survey "lwet me make It clear to you that if your bank does not open the first day you are by no means justified i in believing it. will not open. A bank that opens one of the subsequent days is in exactly the same v-tatus as the bank that opens : I tomorrow. I "It is possible that when the bank* resume, a very few people who h»;ve not recovered from their fear maj auaai begin withdrawals. I. i me 1 make it clear that the ' anks will taKe «ire of all need- —and it !• • my belief that hoarding d'Uriii-: the past . we k has Secnniv an exceedingly tm la-hion ib!.' pas imp .. ..1 tail as. sure you ilrtt it i- 1 > if. r to keep! v.nir isione.v in i ii'.ipeli bank than under the in :t' -s "The .•n. eiss nf our who].- great i "1: 11 I . -.1111 .l|P'l..!s, of count*. ii|miii she i- alien -f the public ••n Its inti-lli-'i'ir. »u] port .nd u i' | of a ri'li-y.-n'm. "11. Hie:-. • r i'aa: the o- • .-ti ti 11 a--! I li.mpi:: aii'.eiii t'H* new 1. •' l:iii..n j i- Miit it .iiakt-s ii p,.sf-.i- t.t• >• !■ "i" readily eoiivei't the-r a -e'- j *-i- "i tli.n u-.s . i.-.. b for", j .'!• re i'. t' ;■ ■uvisl'.ii 1, been ic.i-l ■ | i' r ' i.i borrow -:i the-e a . i.ts | ■iil he I*. ■i ' : 1.!. i■' I leu . •. ! - r j • : tig currency on the security j ••f tht'*-e «.'•.•-d :•-- ' - T' . t v j ! ii"t t'i i ■ ii' "eii'-y. !• i- ■ I * i>: !■■• nr. ailci'ia'p s • u:v.\ .. !•v -v j T!:e"i' \>, i" b'-, • I' cfi'i ' : ■ ! :t:ii;- I un-il-Ie to open wit'i at b -i:i- rcor-j g:.nixed The new law allow., th j t-ovcrniiient t>> as-i s 't in : 1 .k'r j Mire ri-o ■: • ui"aMuns • 11: i. i»ly ; fe tiv. iy and even al v. s i'..- go*". I t ■ iini-'n- t" s ii.-.-ribp t , at lc i : '•> •' new ' i"it,:l whi-'li m i.v l> ( i r uired. "I h'-pt* V. II an fi-.-ni this .>. | nu i ". -.:al v. i: ; c-a" •..- •• •••••.. - (",t s d"!n ■ t tat lb • e is no ci-ai:>!.-\". . r 1 -i.ii- i! in the p: \ • "U'i- li ;,i a '• .i ba al. in.: i itiot'. , s '!"(> i ' -.' ;• ! i:■ '»t "s h iwn ; !h--mseiv->s e.:her in >mp • e'.t or d's-j lr.ncii. in their handling ef th:> pen- | : j pl-'s funds. Th.-y had ns-d the money; i ntrusted to them in spe.-ul.i.tUm ■ and loans .... It was the g iv. | ; erninent's job to .straighten out thi- j i-ituation .ml do it as qui.'kl.v as | po.- sjni.—and the job is being per. j formed i j j "It has been wonderful to me to I catch the note of confidence from all over thje country .... I "Confidence and courage are the | essentials of suceco in carrying out ' . our plan. You people must hive I faith: you must not be stampeded i by rumors or suit'set-'. Let's us uni'e in banishing fear. Wo ha\fe pro -1 i vided the machinery to restore our system; it Is up to you to support and make it work. "It is your problem no less thian ■ it is mine. Together we ainnot fall." Fifteen Yearn Among .the- Beasts of , the South American Jungle. The Strange Story of a Former Me. . chanlc Surrounded by Stuinge Wild Creatures, in The American Week, ly. the Magazine Distributed With Next Sunday's Baltimore American. Buy it from your local dealer or niewaboy. A mutual exchange for Vanee County farmers v*|as recently organ, ized at Henderson by county agent j J. W. Sander i an.d extension specia. i list. J. W. Johansen. ZANGARA IS SENTENCED TO DIE wori.n.iu: assassin* ok roose. ' v r.i.r, Kiuicn of ckkmak, is KKNT TO THK CHAIR. Guiseppi Zanjtara, whose attempt to Franklin D. Roosevelt at Miami., Fla., February 15 re-! wilted in the death of Mayor Anton • .T. Certnak of Chicago, was sentenced, I Friday by Circuit .Indue Cly O j Thompson to die in the electric j chair. The 33.yeJir.old naturalized It-il. j lan bricklayer already was under j sentence to SO yeaivi in prison e'i conviction of attempt to a.-isassina; e (lie then President .elect ami three others who were wound'(l- lie ii id pleaded guilty to the charge.' in both instances. I Defiantly. Zangnra accepted th" si-rtene«. fairly shouting vitupera. li e at the court, declaring: "Vnii give me eleetrje ch iir?" .ltii'ire Thumps >n replied: "I did." ' I no •- a red of i 'ei t i• t -hair. I d> \\ hr's r■!:;'•!. ' . j.; .i:J. is croaked. . 1- ( .,1 hi.!!, f'o. Y.u ta'i- Uali.-t! '•|i"t ' in ~> t „,, I no ca' - .i." a ?iur|.\J vj'iifiettion l.aeif o\. • his lioii'd r at the court as h? was . ! away 'y deputic-' After a ••'•'ef tin;.' in court. Marine Corps i'cr th • fir t time sjiiee last !*i!l a «_•!'• .11. -c ..f appi'i nts for • i.iaa! ei ' -'ni' nt i'i the Marine Corp' has !• (at resutiH ! "rding in ;i!;-Mtin>-ement mad'' l>y MJjjo;- r. M. n.••!.). Officer in Charge. Marin- Corp.- Recruiting Station, Post (>f_ fi-e I'iiilding, Sivannah. (la. I"*tiii-jr the lull in recruit:!';; a numl*r of vacancies in tlte Corin '■' ci u -red and tbe Savannah I'i--. ;r;ct which comprii (>s th ■■ Mate* >f \il'g:''ii. North ir.d South Carolina, i'l-ii'ida. and the c;i«!fii part f Cc i hi- lif it a-si'.ntil a liuti! | e *h. -e va ■ in-:. . V 'i *.- ii. ( a ia t!;i.-* V- ;.■•••.• i,„. tweer, t«, ~u.-s of ! > and Ho w » „ ~s v at I mi 1 '• •>' inches in height and have co!npl"td hi'jh school who desi'-c service in the Marine Corns should apply or write to the above address. Thirty.five Chatham County farm, era are planting new pasture.> this spring. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Copyright, Inter-nat'i Cartoon Co., N. Y. ll 1 BHP® 1 J \"JS.SSS£ |1 1 lilj! j f artQELAct.'. ' lli WED. MARCH 15, 1933 V. T. HAIITGKOVK. Virgin Thornton Hnrtgrovo was j born in For>«yth County July IStiO and departed this life March 3 1933, which made bis stay on eartn 72 years, 7 months and 5 days*. Ho \\"i.s married to Jennie Oakley of I Spencer, Virginia November 8 190■». , This union was lilei-wed by two child, ren. Ttuphus Oakley and Willie Oak ley. Surviving are the widow am? j two children, two grandchildren !l "'* i one niece Mrs. I-essie Holes. He made a profession of faith in {Christ October l!M. r > under the | prdtching of V. M. Swaim and was baptized by \\". 11. Wilson and united with M:. View Baptist church, lie united by letter with ivpla'* Springs church of Christ .Inly 1113- and was faithful in attend nice n long as able 1• go. Me was a com. I in unity lender and always stood firm for what he thought best. Was .ii .vavs read.v to h- lp those who came t". ! him for material aid or advice and will be missed liy tile community as ; well as in the home. The many cn pn of kindness and offers >f i"'.incii during his llinee,. is g !y ••• '.prcc'at.i.d by :he family. I'linera 1 se"vice was eond •:"t d sund iy b\ i: .v. 11,, 1 s.i k .mi! K. it Mt- p. i!-' ciriri'ii and burial fc'ln'V. d in t! > ur lj ••• niotery. ".It'SIIS. while I'll.' h. I"lv l'( ''c III!'-" 'i' r the sj.i'-i ;i: .-i i ( j,. ih ! 4.. 111 »"ii, We w* u'd at thj. s.!-mil meeting. Calmly say. thy will lie d me " Jossi? f 7l , Claimed Death l '-ie |.'ranl!':n ('• ive. years of ill (] ;1 1 Ji" ■■ )|. ;,n» i t i \Vi!lstil!. Sa!' 111 I-'rid.:.,- tr. rning, following an illness ft" stvera! mouths. The de'ca-,-d v.a. a ttic.mber of the , Mi. 1 'armel Cliur.-h. Junior Council H. and (I'e Woodmen of the World. Pe snrviv. d l.y I;wife. Ml'.ian !!. Ce. i ce: his m ( .M,. j.. Mnrthy Jane Ceorue: oil* dia'-ht-r. M|«s Agnes (!(n• rge. 11 f V\"j' i 111 _S j '.(> 111 ■_ four sons. Hnliert. T'ulni'ir and Moii" 1 c«»rg.-. ,f wif.-:.oi.S'i!e'M. and Ro*«- |'"e l'or :e, , f Mnruanton: mie • adcliilfj. Win ia Mason (■•urge: e* ; *• tcr~. .«ii>. ,r. 11. Clifton and .Mi's. .1. M. Smith, of Pilot •Mointain: Mrs. San.'.v (hvcim, of Mt. Airy: Mrs. Ar.'h ningiaau, »f Sandy , lliilge: Mrs. Alonzo t'ook. Mrs. Sam Lawrence and Mrs. George. , of Francisco; and two brothers, M'/ir. 1. tin George, of Winston-Salem, and 1 I William Oeoi'ne. >f Francimco.

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