WED. MARCH 15, 1933 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. (W. W. Smith, of in town Saturday. Mr. Smith is a .large farmer, and la horsetrade-r Of note. Visiting Rev. and Mrs. O. \V. Mar. shall js Mr*?. 1! lav lock, the grand mother of Mrs. Marshall, of Win.. abon-Salem. Itev. J. B. Xe'dhrun filled his reg ular Appointment at (the M. E. Church Sunday night. Senator Reynold* has -secured for Dallas Kjrliy, of \Yinston_Sulem. a i position with ttlu> Ser.geant-afcJ.trms of the Senate. ! X. lvirl Wall and Tliunnan Mar.' tin are filling "in applications for farmer's in the grand jury room at the court house. I'rofps or lloed, principal of the Lawsonville lligh School, was lieu* Monday. K. \V. Carroll, of Ocrmanto'i. who finite painfully accidentally , cut his li in.l with an axe Monday, was ill town Tin sd.iy. . Rev. A. .I.yce and M«lr ll.nv. kins of !■' I'i'ly Rjdge wi-re in town Monday. Frank Til ley. of Lawsunviile. was . • here Monday. Mns. sheriff .1. J. Taylor visit-..] Wlnstoii-Salem Friday. I*. M. Stephens and family visit. • ed Winston.Salem .Monday. Miss X !1 .leycc, who tenches 'n i hc Winston-Sail in Hty school-., j geent the wceU-cd here visiting iv'. | atives, the family of .Mr. and Mrs. J H. M. Joyce. 'j* ' '"j Alex Rodgreiv, of Lawson\-il]e, was i In town Saturday. : W. \V. l-ovy died last week it Pilot .Mountain, aged 4 I i Rev. It. \V. lieorgo, of KnilN i>v". ; was in Jiinliury .Monday. Mrs. Aiin iluHi' christian Mendm. hall of Tliomasvillc. visited relatives here Sunday, and JTTF'companie'i liy Mrs. .1. P. Christ Inn and Beverly Christian, several hours were spent with friend-* at Westfield. Geo. Q Venahle. of Hortman Wis In town Monday on business. Silver Tea A Silver Tea will lie given at the the M. E. Church Were Friday even. In® at 7:30. (The time has been changed from Friday afternoon to Friday evening, beginning at 7:30). The-i-.- will be a musical program, and refreshments. The public is cordially invited. ■4 Seriously 111 Miss Stillie, the 15.year-old daugh . ler of Mrw. Jack Duggins hiere, is eeniousiy ill with pneumonia. This young lady recently underwent an operation for goitre in .a Mount Airy hospital. D. E. Nelson's Home Burns The handsome home of D. E. Nel son of Mount Airy wins burnied la.->t week. The building and contents were lncured for 150,000. MEETING CLOSES ' I AT GLADE VALLEY j REV. O. W. MARSHALL CONDI'CTS Sl'Ct 'ESSFI'Ii REVIVAL/, WITH NINETEEN CONVERS IONS SEVENTEEN RECEIVED INTO CHI'RCH —REMARKABLE Wilt. ITCAL RECORD OF STVDENT BODY AT GLADE VALI.EV. Rev. O. W. Marshall, pastor of the Dan bury Presbyterian church, dosed j j a nuccewful series of revival services j at Glade Valley school, Allegheny county. Sunday morning. The meeting had been continuing j for about 10 days. At its close, nine- j j teen per sons, all of them except one' i i members of the body ! of the whool. professed conversion, j seventeen were received into t-> r church. i : A remarkable spiritual record i I ■l'.mvn by t!i ■ Glade Valley s- in that out of HI I'tudoiits. ail but. two are profe. J *ed I 'hri.-'i Lans, belong ing to tin* different denominations. The s 'hml is influeni'cd by a high j moral ar.l relluioii* /itmofphere- Th- 1 ! _ | I faculty i* i-fimpo-' d of the follow ! , I ing: ! 11-v, It. Kidntl*'£• Hcv. t*. W j Krv!n. Mrs. srant. .Mr.*. \V. i Tlv tmpsMi;. MNs Annie P.o l V in** . Mi, Mai : ir.M lio-.-cle. Mrs. R.a.-h- I ; I I lenil.Tson. Rev. c. W. lirvjn i- wo". k:. '',v:i • t I>anw!n" - e lip w i.s !' ■ ; -:jr of ihe I' l jltiw r-.-' ' !•• i ) ' cli'ir.-h. :.s Wfl! as «iher Ht: ' ,• r'"j Ith it deiieiuinatii n in {'. ■ countv. i j Mr. Krvln is r-nn mlfpvpd he v.i;V. j ; plea.-ure and iiffcetji 11 by j. >;iy, I friends. I I i : Kins* News. I 1 Kjng. Jl.ircli 15--.Dr. Ernest M. ; j Griffin nifide a professional trip t ■ | . Bixby, Davie county. Saturday. I I Worth (tentry has accepted a po.-_ , | ition as sab'sni|:n with the Slio>-e j jMeiv.ntile 'o., and has already en-' tered oil lii-- lew dii'le*. ! D-iiiw ag'-d c- nfedeiti-'e J Veteran i- erltlcully ill .it his horn "lie mi e south o' t"wn. hi- 10 ny | friend will regri t to leant. Iwis Woman (if ! -'eellsbia'C w.i among the vj-ii- -s he-v Saturji.v. Ilvi rett Stone, who is attendin 1 college at ITgh Pi nt, spi nt "he we '_ eiid here tli > guest of hi.s ittrents. Mr. and J. E. Stone. Mr- and Mrs. S. O. Schaub and Miss Clodie Stone of High Point visited relatives here Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Moore field of Dan bury were among the visitors here Friday. Come Doc we are always glad to see you for we always get a good laugh when yo.i come to town which helps to get our minds off the depression?. Miss Kale P. Stone, trained nurse »>f Charlotte, spent the week-end with relatives here. D. O. Taylor, merchant and plant, er of Gap, was a business visitor here Satiirduy. Mr. and Mm. Sylvester MeHorve are the glad parents of d new baby gtirl. The young lady arrived Fri. day. Rev. Ira Ferguson delivered n very interesting *rmon at the King Moravian Church Sunday night. WE PAY 50 CENTS IN TRADE FOR CORN SHELLED OR IN EAR. W. C. WHITE GERMANTON, N. O. Shipments of Broccoli are going forward from Scotland County by expre?i-i until the crop matures to the extent that carlot shipments can be made- THE DANBURY REPORTER. JANUARY AID j $3,528 FOR STOKES THIS AMOI'NT WAS PAID FROM R. F. C. FI NDS TO I'lltl LABOR. ERS—IN THE STATE MORE THAN 05.000 MEN WERE EN GAGED AND RECEIVED #750,. 000 MECKLEXBI'IM; T II li BIGGEST PENSIONER. In the month of January, 23,1 Stoke* citizen.* received $.1,528 wages , for work done on i-'cliool grounds. higbwiiy repairing and bt autifieation. ! and other fornii-i of iconstrucUon. These figures are furnished the ; Reporter from the Governor'.* Of ! flee of Relief at Rulclgh, which is di-ipensing |j. K, _". funds in North j Carolina for the aid of uneni|>loy • nieiit. and which durinu the mon h jof January paid out more than t» 95,(18(1 men. The above figures indicate th it. i I about t wo-:bird.* H' til"' l« of I families in the Sta.te were I j 'working for the aid which they re.! 1 reived. I' i.* Interesting to aofe from the! I I Which we have r. . • iv. d from the ! 1 !'ivciai«ir's office, th it many oilier i I ■ counlifs in til.. State .. e iv IvJn J ' 1 . I lar ii.ore hel;> than S'ol'---, sliowjn;-. I ''Wit d • dilution is w.M 11.. ad. { For instance in Aiim:i ■■•uiity 2,- i 1 ; SI,M were worked >1 v.-ere paid ! I Fnrsj*th paid out >-1,•'•77 to 173f» i J worker*. 1 > ! '• lili'ord paid M' 1 ,! S'l to 2!)' i." j ' wo'-ker.s. : i Mecklenburg. S3 >i ,e>7 t' l 2000 la. : ( borers. Iloeklngh ini worked !> 17 men. and 1 j the payroll was $ 1 2,!!'4. J Surry. $!L.700 to 11152 laborers. Yadkin, 402 workers, puyio'l ?3.« ' 282. ; Midkiff Gets _ Thirty Months! I 1 J:!ii Midkiff \va t:•*;it Sttcir I ♦ 1 l-'t-t \ve**k and montiis '.n pen f;»r conipliel:y m i! t» innrcK'r • !« I* S!u»pj/af.| ; n D. - | • :ii »{»:• 1". Ilis I'oM 'fj'.-ons ll irvcy V(!I'IMII, lii!l \\ iller. . « , 111 WALLER AMI, »IM1 Muck pr« v. .'I.- y CUIL j vi« te«l md irivon lo: 1 Buy handkerchiefs with what it saves It Un't DfttMiry to p«y SO€ or roorr to grt quality ia a (iaoufrice. Litrrine Tooth Paste, made by the mikon of Lieterine, com re to you in a large tube at 25ft. Not* how it cleana, beautifies and protect# your teeth. MoTO OT er it lavei you approximately $3 a year over SO# dentifrice*. Buy thinga you need with that aaving handkerchief! are merely a Lambert Phar* macal Ca LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE 5 c Hints for Homem&kers By Jane Rogers CONVENIE3NT corner shelves may be easily installed by any housewife who can use a hammer and saw. By using pressed wood you can make each shelf out of a j single board. After doing home-work children usually have ink. on their Angers. To remove these stains rub with a cloth moistened wltli household ammonia and rinse In clear water. Well or Sick? When people are sick and suffering the one thing they want most of all is to get well. They are not so much concerned about the Doctor or Method employed, what they are interested in is the easiest way, the quickest way and the least costly way to regain Health. The next important thing for them to consider is to get Permanent Results, not just Temporary Relief. For every Effect there must be a Cause and for every Cause there must be an Effect. If you are sick or failing in health there must bo a cause for your trouble. I do not give Drugs or Dope. 1 do not scare any patient in to having his or her Organs cut out to ease the pain (this is the effect). What I do is to find the Cause of your trouble and correct it. then the patient gets well. My office is equipped with a NEUROCALO METER an instrument that will pick out the cause of your trouble, regardless of what or where it is. MY GUARANTEE I am plain with every patient that comes to me and if I cannot find the Cause of your trouble or can not do your ca-e any good, ! will tell you so. If I accept your case and you should not got re sults, I will refund every cent of your money and it costs you nothing. EXAMINATIONS FREE OR® J® J® WILLIAMS Phone 6520 Hours 10—5 Nissen Bldg"., Winston-Salem, N. C. A Personal Testimony How the Security Life & I Trust Co. has benefitted one Ire;13l! County man and his i L vc^ ofamily! -Op'" p. & c c&i " v * AV V \CPP -Jr. Don't Gamble with the futureof your Loved Ones! The poorhouses are crowded with people who could do better with their money. A policy with your Home Company will protect your loved ones against want. Security Life & Trust Company HOME OFFICE—WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA WM. M. FULP, General Agent - Walnut Cove, North Carolina. PAGE FIVE