PAGE SIX STOKES IN THE 1 DAYS GONE BY ITEMS HFJPIII XTKI» FltOM THK DANHI'KV KKPOIITKK O V M.MU'll 12. I»I«, F I F T F. K X i YEAItK \;o. ______ Mrs. L.i y 1' Wes'.on anil child, run, of ilraluiui. are v.-itin-.; Mr. and Mi-. IS. II It Matir. Mrs. Ford. (he author of Kivji the Homo l - * .■.-;*." t-'tle li \vr h her . !-.i«i»:• -«i son, was kill* I In the tit-:'" "I ' l' r-wd on l»o:id"n "1 lilt' T'.h. "I'liv:•''• I' 'it- wis - pVte'v 1• I iii.l t'lf-l" ■>" i.r «(!'• 'o kl : " r i'.l ' If'': --'. .1 . 11. I ":!. !: :■ 11 •i' ■ • nod J •' i - d.r. : -ii "' in, i if'- w h v. i'i ,i X i hail 'l':i- :s.tti •• is • ; : •ti ii; :-up.s. M - s I *c I'Op - ill Mr' Mart ' ■ P." !ir.- a li> - • ■ W'i .- a >!. . I ."I • il X I VIHR'S t • !{«■ • I \\o •' in I'an'iii.y Friliv. Viv. \V. !'. Hay. ~r Smith. hi I till' . ' i.'o lo break lk- arn: i fou . - • V -- A '.hi- M ii (:m. \\ !io 11 1- I'o ' Imi ii S'.O" a • - -hool !i« >ii ■ h:o- M tti. nod I" her li ■:11■ ■ as tlit- M-1,.-' ..-out. \Y:!('Y M »'•' w - !i»*re fr«»tn 11 ••• i t • 1 ThU! - I iy. Tlv wji'e of i* with pneumonia. i F. E. Xelson. ■»!' Hani hank ivn« hero Fridfcy. i Attorneys . I> Humphrey-* and X". O. Pet re" wont to Winston Fri day. M Ora Kate Houth \ i-i Win. *toii_>'a' mi Tim sd iv. I • "'eik the I'inirt M. 'l'. «"lillt n wrt :o A-bur\ ye tordiy. Mw hint \V. I*. Xe! on of llanl- Ijai l \va- hore Kriil iy. The sid death of I: a K!". • Smith, your.f: -on of !. W. Smith, >f Kin::, oceuii'-d M.irih i!. of pneumonia. 11-- wan on ox-"!lesK yumr man. with bright I'll uie In-fore him. II" w"'.s sick in!'.' day-. The funoraJ vice v. is roii(lu -t' , d h.v I'ev. IS. 1.. Hmii" k. ' f I'inna. le. The pallbearers WI'IC li. I! iy!j«-. Fluty Andei>«vi, Fa!'.\in .run Wheeler Xancg, Hoy Veiui'-lp. ami- Itenli I'oyles t'irl I lay. who has been at work in t,h>» navy yard at Portsmouth. Vi.. is -in wr his t ithe'* inrl mother. Mr anil Mrs. W. I'. liay al Smith. Aunt Ami Simmonis. eol„ more •thnn 100 yativi of age. p i-iseil away at F |in'"isPO 'l i' t w li. She wis the mother of 12 children, and his IS7 grand'-hi Id re n and jjroat gran-I. ichililr«n. she belonged lo 1 'resliy •'■eorge. fath-r of I!. W. (leorge. The IteP'irter i» to a'i. nouni that 111 del' •!. A . Fans wi.| preach in the ••'■■urt house here on Sunday n Lull I April 17. Frr.nk I'o'n'o and M'- lluth F '. lin of Rockingham wore married here today liy .liwtlf' 1 X. A. M*.irtin. Sheriff 'lini' 'tian w!ll make his la-t, «V.II of I!H 7 taxes, beginning April 15. Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Flinn, of Pin" JlttLl. have moved h3re. K. It. Vosb. while here on businiesn ] Monday, was taken nerii>ualy ill. He is now recovering. ! J ' 1 Or. J. W. X'eal attended a meet. 1 ] of the stock holders of the Hank | of Kim; \\"edne«day. I . i 1 | The Stokes Lo-i l 1U a. J was? :.i 1 i h-i-ion .•*iturda/. J. A. iawisoii. A and r r. \V i'. Moore j in ate»d inee- Meet 'itf iin week. ! j I, Sidney Flimhuni, of li.mhu.-y Uou'.e 1. w.'ll•' here today enroute i • I Ki:.' -h 1" t>'«e treameiit at I'a.-: u:- lus ituto i. ivin.j heen I .it en th.- iiiornitm '■> i supposed midluK. Mr. i F!!lic■'mm was ; ,t wan 1 !, ill *.h • l:e .1 i wlo n the d* j fame up i«eh.r.d liim i!,d " ' i a ei'eiy "ii the ankle, iif k; ! iie ii -'• 'S'- ml it then jumped at iiis fa •>.' and ram- near :u4 h.a a ■..'lilt. The W'.'U | iter m ■! i'• 1 Mr F .lu hum tarried ■ t.~ head w. ii him. T lie i!"- h -'.oiicoj . .. Ut. NV.rfiin. Aliout I'l days • >in • M: Fliiiohuin's brother wis . bi'teu bj a in ul'l"- and he i- n-iw .u ( llalei-h t,ik;iu' tiiatii I'i, !e i'liarlo- Moody. 1 ''■ ■ l*aii t a •>'• • ol'le-'. ■ i'.izi n. and probab.y •;.e most will !v known fid>red m in I :ii :hi- . ti-ui of tl'Jo State. i«- at death - - d• >r w.:li pn' Uinoii.i. ! j ( M.,11 ji:. charj:' d with the lar. | :■ .■ .it t'llei ■'■ ■ i from X"ah Friddy. I ' w .s srivon i pi'elimin iry hearin.ii be.: f. e lii-ie • X A. Martin Sat nr. day. .mil hound over to superior eourt. Xot giving lwmd. he was pu? ill jai!. Klder I'aul l'l'iddy last S'tturdav puri'haiwd from Mi's. Ma'.tie Martill . her tract of land known the Ste phen Poo re old place. It bcinir a tract ( bei|U«»itheil t» Mrs. Martin by h u »r 3.ther. Stephen Poore. It rontaln>- about I"S acres. The price paid was $4, 250, A to-i! of $12.100 in War Savin'-'- »'ei"tifi'ates hhve been sold in th-» i I county so far. , , I j J. M. Np.i lof M • 4»» of 1 i?id this we»*k to Ma't Smith for $l.00». It lies half a miKv ,-outh of Meadows. ■limes Arthur Flippjn of Kinir yes.' terday enlisted in the Marine t'orps. it Wiiii ton.Salem. I J. S. Whitten has sold his plafo near Seven Island ford lo Robert' Oakley for $!t50.00. Many people witnessed with nnic'i interest the aurora borealis Thurs. day n.i"hl which was remarkah]v vivid- It made its appearance soon affior dark and continued until prac tically midnjuht. extending clear acrors the northern heavens and fil lip overhead. , A c ill for nine white men and 1 • colored men was made >n the Stokes Local board t"d»V. all of the men M ho entrained on A.pilil 1. The white. men were ordered t*' t'anip .lackiini! 'and tie' c ilored men to Cani.p ftrun'.j I Illinois. I .1. \V. T.'.ley was here this we--':, j I> t . antic! ialinw a t-'iid season at| Vade Mi'cum tliia summer. 'Walnut f'ove lienv: j Walter O. f!eorge. popular sales. . I man if the Fniversal Auto Co.. Win- I slon. was here Sunday. I f-ipt. It- L. Murphy is receivlnp a fine lot of free seeds from the IT. S. I n y°nators for -distribution. Mix. Ituth Hajr-ton, of Advance. THE DANBURY REPORTER is visit ins at her farm near her?. It is learned that Messrs. K. D. Matthews and I'aul T. Taylor le r t last week for New York where they have both Accepted position*. Dr. 10. Fulp returned this week from Hot Springs. Ark., where he ij .rried a patient. I'. J*. Youiw wh > | is suffering with rheumatism. Z. IJ. Moran, accompanied by his wife and other members of bin I ily, was here yo'lerday in his new . Chevrolet car. Mr. Moran is nut • :ily one of •lie thriftiest fanners ii| th« eoui! y. but li • is a cattle trader who his mad" i --'o I 'lot 1 of nionev dut Ins the p i.-t few ye i t-, and ba in ide it -tr lii iit. lie ha-' the rep utation of .loins business the ,si|'y re. Mr. Moran ivncntl} suffered a lons si ' i of typhoid fever, which came very ne'i:* setting the be- «>f' him. I A uiim 1 i\ il >t' tr«»ttin.i: of k ihc» bridtros lyiv is notir -il. ; Then* is » which makes :• an ot'tfii'- su'ij t to fine to d:*iv. or .1 h »:i» rtrt'i* th in a walk . .1: . s Hiv of th> bridge* »f I j •the roiintv. Sin*h prafh'c i** **ai«l ' i to injure the structure by or> atins | a vibration will, h throws it out ■' plumb. | The following men. balance of class one. are notified to apipe-.r. • here >ii .March 19 for physical ex.' [initiation: Jim Keid l.unsford. Joe Hairgton (Col.). N. Hay Martin, Willie Martin. (Col ). Sim I.awson, James Hailey (Col.), Robert B. Smith, Roy A. Martin, 4, JamciJ C. Hiiirston (Col.), Klisha F. Richardson, I'leas R. Tille.v. Floyd Kester I.ons, s. Alvjs Owen .Joyce, cli ilnier Asa Neal, Robert P. Ilojson, Kllis I'rlee (Col.), Drewry Martin Bennett. Marshall Wesley Gordon, 1.111 ."i:m Venable, Willard I*. Jackriin, Henry (Irady Mitchell. Jesse It. Ma he I"lysees Vance Sizeinore. The following are notified to ap pear fer physical elimination on March 20; ('harle.v Meadows Ray, Harry 11. I^eakc, William Morrii-i (Col.). (ieo. Allium StrickJ»nd (Col.), Walter Braily Tuttle, Frank Hiiirston (Col.), William Krnest Hill, John 1,. I.ynch, Fred Smith. Hob Thomas Newman. | Creed Cicero Meadows, Frank I-a c key Tilley. (T.abe Mali. Win ieler Smith, I Robert Iee Spainhour, Discovered! Art Treasures of Wicked Biblican Queen Jezebel. An. I thentie Photograph* jn The American 1 Weekly, the Magazine Distributed j with next Sunday's ISalt imore Ame". ienr.. f>n sale by nil newsdealers and ! newsboys. RHEUMATISM Pain—Agony Starts To Leave ip 24 Hours Happy Days Ahead for You Think of It—how this old world does make progress—now comes a prescription which ia known to phar macists an Allenru and within 48 hours after you start to take this ewlft acting formula pain, agony and Inflammation caused by excess urio acid has started to depart, i Allenru does just what this notice cays It will do—lt Is guaranteed. You can get one generous* bottle at lead ing drugstores everywhere for 85 cents and If It doesn't bring the Joy ous results you expect—your money vliolo hearUiily returned. Baxter Ix>v\ Robert Lee Stewart. C, W. Kallam, Samuel Arley Love. Charley Bdgar Francis. John Miller I»a\vr'OJi, Thum.iii Settle Heirce. lleici Watson Joyce, Notified to appear for physical exainination on March 21: I'aul Fulton. Willie K. Kinuton, Pen Anderson. Henna IJnville. A Ivan Titum, '! 1i • • Hair-ton I.ambort. I o.- 'ir Franklin Bryant. i wj?!*." : I l.inzy Klwood I'oyles. I!M Si I i : .I*ll ( iol'lloll, J-ime-- Kd-ar Dussin-s. Will:mi M ittliew Nelson. .I.iiiu*~ Arhur FWppin. i»'Tt l*iiie!"-"n i'.oyies, (■eol'se Mini ry Horn. Samuel Jackson Webster. Arthur CardVell. AUiy *:• In. Mnr'ie Burnley Neal. U«iliv Oliver Jackson. I ———_ To Accept $2,000 For Hart's Assets ~~ — i 1,, c. MelCauslin, referee in bank. ruptcy. signed an onler ar. "»l>tinwr. subject t• • the appro** il of creditors. th > l»itl of J!2.000 for the assets of W. S. liar:, bankrupt. The hid. submitted by Matije 1". Ilart. i>' for the assets'. includins I e'lUj-ty in homestead 'exemption. part of the merchandise, the accounts and refl estate of the bankrupt. Acceptance of the offer was rec_ i by the trustee A. O. Webb. The bid represents practical, i iy 100 pgr cent, of the appraised value of the iva liable asuets. Three caiv of sweet potatoes wer« i sold by Martin County C.irmers last | week through the Carolina Sweet P>- j tat'> Ausocjation at Florence. SALE OF SURPLUS STOCK Fruit Trees, Small Fruit Plants, Grape Vines Trees fulll3 to 4 feet, assorted (Tell us what you want.) Each Doz. Apple and Peach 20c $2.00 Pears and Plums 25c 2.50 Cherries 30c 3.00 Grape bunch variety 20c 2.00 Grapes scuppernongs—James 30c 3.00 •Strawberry plants, Spring fruting, per 100, 60c. per 1000, $5.00. Everbearing per 100, $1.25 Rasberry, Blackberry and Dewberry, 60c. per dozen $3.50 per 100. Orders for $2.00 or more de livered. All good stock. NORTH STATE NURSERY CO. . Julian, N. C. • • • COX • Funeral Home • m il W. R. Cox of Pilot Mountain, has re* f§p cently purchased the interest of W. Cp • F. Swanson, in the firm of Cox and Swanson, "undertakers." Has open ed a modern Funeral Home in his residence on East Main St. Will be operated under the firm name of Cox • Funeral Home. W. R. COX W J PILOT MT., N. C. J ••••••••••••• Danbury L. U. M. S. The Danbury Undon Mis. jonary Society held itrf tcgulur monthly meeting last Wednesday, March 8. at the M. K. Church. The feature of this meeting was an ad duces by Mis* Howie, of Mount Airy. j:utely returned from mission work at Root'how. Chi nil. where she lias re- , sided 5 years. Miss lloirie is home J j visiting relatives, iler addrei-w on : ' 'conditions, habits and customs of tae j Chinese ww highly i ntei^Hntng I and mil h enjoyed by the Society. I I The meeting was owned by t'.e I ; | singing of i hymn—"The MornSnsf I I ! Hiulw is lire iking. | I j This was followed by a Senpt'.ne ! readinvr from M it". liv . I | I'rayer by Mi-. Itev. J. 1!. Ne d- ! ; ham. j Heport of Se ljetary and Tre-t-'. 1 urer. Hymn—• Tile Kingdom Is Coming." Address by Mi.-s Howie. | Closing prayer by Key. J. H. N'eeilliiin I A salad course w\:t served bv the : I ladies. Next meeting will be held on Wei.' iwsday after the first .Monday j.i April. I I Brief News Items J Though he It is a herd of 20 cows and produces grade-A milk for the I town of Hickory, J. I*. Wallace of i Catawba County has never had a silo ' because of the cost. lie recently dug a trench i*ilo iand will fill it i next summer. I ! MEN WAXTKD for Hawleigh Route* of soil Consumers in Counties of, j Stokes. Surry. Cities of I.awt-on. j ville and Mliyodan. Reliable hits 1 , ler can start earning $25 weekly and increase every month. Write immediately, ltawlelgh Co., Rich mond. Va... Hept. NC.C.Sfi.S. SmarJw WED. MARCH 15, 1933 Interesting: Play At Sandy Ridge-Personals Sandy Ridge. * March A play "The Red Headed Step-Child" was presented l>y the Sandy Hidge High School in the school auditorium Sat urday March 4. at 7:30 I*. M. There was a large attendance. M i+ Kl s ie in in tins of Ayersvill© spent the week-end with Misse* lionise Ward and CJraeie Ma lie- Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ward iani family of High l'oint s;> nt Sunday with Mrs. W.'irdV paten's. Mr. and M rs. J . W. H nil *>n. Misses Kstelle Joyce and Abbie Hawkins spent Sunday with Miss Jvii'-liiie HawUiiii'. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. \Mill of Mad. ison Route •) are happy parents cf a ha by daughter MliF.v Jacqueline. V Messrs. Toin llawkins. I!;!i Nelson and Ralph Wall visit d friend ) in Mayodan Sunday. Mis Ruby Koht li- in speivt Sun day with Mi--'s Annie Hath and l-'dith l']Niwn Thornton. .In'jie and Krancis Martin »iie the week-end guests of Mi-s Vivj in Ma tin. Mjessrs. I!i!l Hliodes and Realu«« Steele attended a picture a' the I'at ov!i in Madison Saturday. I> . W. K. Hi:..-well spent Monday in .Madi.-on. WaMer l„ee. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Terrell, who has been confined to his lipd with chicken pox is impr iving rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Ixiyd Wall and i-iilall yon Hobby l»iyd of Madison visited Mr. and Mm. flint l>od*on (Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Joyce and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Jim Hylton jn Winston-Salem Sun. Sunday. The famer.s of this section are busy making prepatM tions for another crop. Wood chopping seenni to bo the popular thing now. Miss Catherine Martin of Iveaks vjlle was the week-end guest of her cou.-in. Miss Ruby tarter. Acie Ruth, the small daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. A. Dodson, has been, ill with influenza, 'in able 10 be out out again we are glad to know. /fine f TEXTURE in your cakes^M THE DOUBLE DOUBLE ACTING H \£f> BAKINCI IW POWDER I samepriq *FOROVER / 42 YEA# 25 ounce? for 25$ | Write fi.r copy Wmml'a "Crop Mirclul" quoting lati'ht prices nntl ' is.ic* ly iiluiitiiiK liuormnttnn. Mu.'hU irt»o, T. w. WOOD & SON;; KIC'IIMDMS VA, jjnpftlNE^ YSSTSYES Night and Morning to keep them Clean, Clear and Healthy Write for Free "Eye Cure" or "Eye Beauty" Book Mariai C.., D.*. U. 5..9 C. Ohi.Sl..Clu«g» I

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