WED. MARCH 15, 1933 A Progressive Dinner ' ,: •••• ?'"!'; •' /till J' 'P 'i ^M- l, ui,i , .Vi'-.:.'"' Tl l i':r I !:.>rs Una. c. il».r A W-J&tftSSS iJk-tefcllii sherry. Then ad.i ..lKhui: •„! -ro dub tlioy K -t IrfifHl M .-■>■ .a EXgglMiwmr of ||h ar, I and Crab Cod:,ail J*' 11 '.'"l" ,W" l.i i'!i, uii !.•.>«.. i'ui ii u Kmin Add two-thirds cu;> chopped Hack i.ot :M many of these clubs w • n„Uod Virginia Ham walnuts, and pile into a buttered v-n-.' Ti j:ot together for a v.eo . , UvJ,mallow casserole. liukc five minutes in a wncr. _ n .. V/irtic moderate oven—373 decrees. Then ( V-T:l ni%o your own then. »a tr p car Heart Satnd cover top with niarshniallown. io~ tber some sfx coupes, sa , cUnerleai Relit placing them about one inch apart, "orlid- r'"Vlr'°wlnt W l i°t's all Aprirot Sherbet on Angel Food Cake Return to oven until the marsh 'andean to have dinner ft* C*. -aHows «J tunjjJ tirethor once a week. Its really * casserole r,o extra trouble if you make fobiter and Crab Cocktail: llle fasscrolL ' thes- dinners progressive, Clllll the following: ingredients: p car Heart Salad: Chill eight Ifii a course at each home, and one-balf of a 6-ounce can of lob- canne(l r j, a | veP Mix four you'll o:id at the close of the din f te r, one-half of a 6 j ounce can lab , ong of clloppel HaUed ner that you've consumed a whole „f crabment, one thlrd cup or (ot|r tablespoons chopped t-veiling and a large dinner, and (.bin sauce, *kree "P® ' dates with enough mayonnaise to had a large pood time. mayonnaise and cup of n)o)gU , n an( , raako fnto „ tUe ba| , s T*'"e Turn* at Course* finely-sliced celery. JVfmUe one ,n ,h * center of each in the chill sauce and mayonnaise, JI-JJ,,..! i e »tuce nest Place a It Is better to let caeh one take add ce , ery . Remove the ,et ™s e ba ", round *,«£ a turn at serving a different ~,n j o lJß f rom lobster and crab, J* Garnish the ' noa-e with course of the meal each week, be- Hnl t oss with the dressing the »* arß mi si? you'll And. otherwise-, that Sp , V)? rlip4) » ne d with cherrlee. TZSfSS.'SSSi-rtJ!*- «" st w,u " „">*•£ n "T' r course Is the most difficult to pre- Asparagut Bonp: Out off the Drainl »b(' pare each time, while some lucky tips of asparagus from the con- one-half cans of apricoU ono always draws the cocktail tent* of one tall can of asparagus to the .yrup add one and one eourae and set aside for garnish. Cut half tablespoons corn syn.p and If you prefer a group of four ,|,e rest of the asparagu. fine, and eighteen marshmallows # Steam in co:nies -and they flt your dining put Into a aauce pan with 1U a double b" 11 " untl ' n ? ,r ",, room more eonveniently perhaps ||„ U or. Add one quart of soup ""llowil are disw ved add - then combine the cocktiil and stock, and boll for ten minutes, the apricots * hlfh nave been Foup course at one house, serve Pross through a sieve. Saut/: two a _ B'eve. and one the main course at another, the tablespoons of chopped sweet red and on halt tablespoons of F- 'irt r>t another, and the dessert, pepper In four tablespoons butter juice. Pour into the r friger. t cnff»e and nuts, or cheese, or for .bout three minutes Add tray srd ,t r »"«" J n-hite-er It may be. at the last four tablespoons flour, and stir begins to J™*™- Then .01id In . Ilnt ll thickened and smooth Then three egg whites beater stiff with r't 'nto vonr cars then-anrt add the asparagus and stock hree tablespoons suerr. and con be off for the menu Is all liquor, stirring constantly until inue freezing u lrrlr g now and rtrfyforvou hero, and .he re- smooth and creamy. Add one- ihen to prevent the have been to-trd hal' eim cream. sen«on to taste Serve on angel cske. NOTICE OF TRISTICM'S SALE Default having been made in pay. ■lent of the indebtedness secured: Jthat certain deed of trust to me j Ti ustee. by J. I). Smith (widower* , en the Ist day of April 1931, and re- j corded in ;Jie office of the Register , of Deeds lor Stokes County, N. C., I jn l'.wik No. Si; ol Mortgages, oil | Page 7. I will, under and by vi-iao. Ol) the I'r.wt'i* Of s.ile V. ste.l in inc '•/ j BUid (Icl.i f trust aii I it the request: Of the •'• -lill tiai.-t. and for ine purpose of dii-cha.l gjng {lie d: '»t se cured by said le.'\i of tru-t, proee.d to •sell lo Hie highest l-iddcr, lor ea.«n : titt the Courthouse door in lianbuiy. I Blokes County, North Carolina, at' 12:00 o'clock M., on MONl>\Y, MAIU'II 20, IttSS, the following described land, to.wit: Final Tract: A certain trmtt or parcel of land in Stokes County, j Btajte of North Carolina, adjoining ! tie lands of Larsley McCanlegu and otfhers and bounded as follows, to. .Wit: . Beginning at a pine Larsley'* cor. per runs -north on his 15 chlilns to a (led oak, thence west of a new line S8 1.2 chain* to a stake and point. /m in McCanle»» line, thence south ' wn his line 12 1-2 chalna to a stake' Hutcherson's corner, thence ienM on fits line 24 1-2 chains to pointers, itlhen south three chuina to a pott oak Neat's corner, therwie east on his line IB chains to the beginning, dvntain'ing fifty acres be the same (none or less. Second Tract: A certain tract or -parcel of land «itiiled, lying anj being In the County of Stokes and State of North Carolina, and more' particularly described and 'bounded as follows, to.wit: Beginning at >a persimmon tree on the bank of Dan River L, H. Pitzer's corner, thence down the said river as 4t nieanid«i« 5.62 chains to point ers on the bank of the river C. R. Hutdhernon's corner, thence north I • degrees west on the said C. R. Hutcherson's line "-20 chains to a ~ pine his corner tlicnce south 83 dc ji grees we«t on his line 5.60 chains Ito his corner pointers in L. K. Pit. *er'» line, thence south 10 degrees ieast on Pitzer's line 2 chains to a walnut, thence south 11-1.2 degrees east on his lino 4.40 chains to a wal nut, thence south 1 degree east 2.6S chains to the he\innlnur, containing 5.022 aereu more or less and adjoin. * 1 ins t>>e lands of U K. I'itzer, C. R. | Hutel»er-son a "d it being sub.divis. ion 1 of lot X«>. I. This the lltli dfty of February, 1933. C. M. VANSTORY. .in., Trustee- Brooke, Parker. Smith & \Vhar'.on, A'tys., Greensboro, North Carolina. i:x i:-i TOK'S mci'K n Having this day tluiy liflctl bo fore tiic Clerk it' tr-'n!'.■•ior Coin »r .-l ikes County, North Ca:ollni, :■ >• exe ii:«»r under the «iil of Sun. ue! Ilalrston, my father. this i* to notify all persons having taims a.vai,i.-:t the e.'tate '■ '■aid ili'rea-eii to exhibit litem to tlie undersigned executor, luly proven, on or before the 13tli. day of February 1 !»34, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate payment. Said deceased died testate at his home ire Pittsylvania County. State of Virginia, on Jan uary Bth. 1933, where he had his residence. Said deceailed owned lands and other property located within Stoke» County, N. C. and other points within said State, "nd owed debts created within the State of North Carolina, and thin |admdnls. tration ts ancillary to the principal administration had before S. S. Hurt, Clerk of tho Circuit Court of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, on February 10th. I>l3. Thirt February lJth. 1933 SAMUEL. HAIRBTON, JR. Ex. ecutor iof Samuel Hadrston, Sen. ior, Wenonda, Va. Wm. R. Dajton, Attorney Reidsville, N. C. TRUSTEE'S HALE Pursuant to the terms of a certain de*d of trust dated the 4th day of December, 1925, and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C. in Deed Book 74, pages 265.2611, executed by La timer B, Neal and A'llene Neal, his wife, to W. J. and W L _ Andrews, Trustees, in trust 'o secure the Shendoah Life Insurance Com pany, Ine, of Roanoke, Virginia, the payment of the sum of Three Thou, wand Dollars With interest thereon at tno rate of six per cent per an. num. payable semi-annually, as ev idenced by one principal bond in the sum of $3,000.00 bearing dale on THE DANBURY REPORTER the 4th day of December. 1925, and payable in one year after date, more Particularly described in said deed of trust, to which dl-ed reference 's hereby made; Default having be; n made in tin payment of said bond, together wil'i interest, and being required by the lii'Mer of said bond to lake action under the said tri; ! deed, the tin. •It r.-ic!!(>,! Trth'tei . Ml' : • of iheui t:>• ■ deed of trust permit l in--' ei'lte" t'l ''.l'll, will S'-ll .: t p.bill' auction OH the p"vmi-e' : . at \V 111 II! I'oie. X. I'., 41n .lie :>IIIi D\V Ol' M \lt 11. I at 12 o'clock noiiii, to Die highest bidder, ti'e following dc ribed, ;iiuatc(l in the Stale of North Car olina, in the County of Stokes, and more particularly described tas fol lows, to.wit: In Sauratown Township, Stoke* Count'', State of North Carolina, lying on Main and Sixth .streets, in the Town of Walnut Cove, being Lot No. 15" in the plat of o.iul Town as surveyed and laid out by Frank Petree, C. L., which plat ap. pears of record in tht office of tho Register of Deed* of Htokes County In Book No. 50 page 262, to which reference Is hereunto made, bor«dcd and described as follows: Beginning at the corner of Main and Sixth Streets on the West sidi of Main Streert, and ©n the north side of *"lxth Street; thence north ward with Main Street 105.35 feet to corner of IjQt No. 156, conveyed to 8. C. Reirson by C. M. Jones and others; thence westward 200 feet *o Rlerson's corner or line; thenco southward 105.35 feet t« Sixth Street: thence eastward with Street 200 feet to the beginning. Terms of Sale Cash. Purchase' - will be required to make a deposit of $200.00 at time of sale. Dated at Roanoke. Virginia. Feb. riiftry IS, 1933 W. J. HEHBON, Truste." W. L. ANDREWS, Trustee- The undersigned Shenadoah Life Insurance Company will miake a re sponsible purchaser of the above de scribed property a subwitntial loan, and will be glad to confer with any purchaser to that end. This shall not be tike-n to bp a modification or alteration In anv manner of the tt'ini* of sale alxive setforth. SHENADOAH LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. INC. ' Stand Up. Ordinarily, when a man suddenly discovers •that tlic e is no demand 2! for h:n product, or that his employ .T 't! has reduced his may. he f(*U a senile \V of failure. Something must be the w matter with him. n He looks over the past and dis -4 covers that he ha.s done many thing* j lie ought not to have done and left j undone many thjngri t>i he ought to 0 have done. 1 J To day. the situation is d'fferent. ' Through no fault of th"ir own. hut , * only because of unforeseen condition-: | I many thousands of people arc oul if , ' j I work. They have no cause to l>ljm* ' themi'lve.-. 0 There js no need to lwik hack to 1 yesterday, and think if ym liad done i I 1 this or that you might not now he in such straits. I'ractically all your friends are ' situated an you are. Don't l-.t reiiKint- get you. don't harltor bitterness. What ha* happened is no fault of yours. It would he difficult to discover whose fltult it is. The only thins* to do is to trim your sail* to the wind, learn to pro for a time, without things that you thought were the necessities of life, and he cheerful about it. One of the mom dreadful things about a depression is that it leaves so many people bitter and soured. That might not harm. if there was anything to do about it. But you were not responsible for a World War, you were not one of the wjld optimists who thought that boom times were going on forever. Neither were the people that yo'J know and associate with. One of the valuable things about 1 the prize ring, perhaps tlie only vnl. s J uahle thing, I,* that jt teaches those s who enter it to take punishment. ' ®° " ot ,ose their tempers when they la re hurt by an opponent. t They are not afraid of l»>n. Thev " are not d!-turlc>d by r.. jeers I.l'l -1 ~ 'lie crowd if t ; ; i.;i . - •iw - 1 " to be retting the lie: • i>. 1 1 Tint :■pirlt i n i"l( i .iir 1..i,\. "I no M d 't and y i.- t'r: nds m I ( ;«t. ; t I XeVer 111.11111 how vmi g.>t int.i voiir" I I • j present fix, grit y u teeth an.l| stand up under it. I Remember that no calcmlty which ev'er In-fell this earth destroyed i!,l s or came anywhere near destroying t. it. n Keep your courage find your grit and the clear mindness that you d y gain while you are fighting your wav out will he a help to you for the re. e nvalnder of your career. * y It la hard to ithink that tough h times are blessings in disguise. d But usually they are. " And 'the present one is going to be ' no exception. i_ ———— — ■ J MEN WANTED—For Hawleigi) routee of 800 consumers in and near counties of northeast Surry, north, west Rockingham, parts of Stokes and city of Walnut Cove. Reliable hustler can start earning $25 weekly artd Incoease every month. Write immediately. RAWI-EIGH COM. !l PANY, Dept. NC.B6.S. Richmond. ' Va. P. D. FULK. 1 Whereas, on Saturday. February 25th. 1933, the Great Councillor of ■the Universe, has in llit> infinite wisdom, removed from our midst our '■ worthy and esteemed bi>other, Pink. | ney D. Fulk, who was born April 4th, 1*73; and i 1 whereas, at all times he shewed 1 gentle, loyal siprit of friendship t'-> : I the fraternity; love and re v p r ct for , all with whom he ca-me in contact; and j Whereas, he became tan aeijvj ! Junior, serving in various places f I trust in ihe Order with honor 'o ! himself and credit to the fraternity and Whereat'. the intim.v.e •relation* I | held by him during his long ye 1 I of membership with his fellow work. I ers and members mikes it fitting that we record our appreciation «>f! him: Therefore, be it Resolved, that in the death of Brother Pinkney D. Fulk, the Walnut Cove Council No. 21, Jr. O. U. A. M., mourni thle loss of a brother, a trus tee. an active member of this Coun. cil, a friend and companion dear to us all, and an upright citizen and be 1 it further Resolved that the heartfelt «ym_ 1 pathy of this Council he extended to his family in their great bereave, ment; >that a copy of these re«olu i tionci be spread upon the record of j this Council, a copy be published in the Reporter, and a copy be sent [ to his family. Members of the Committee: r M. O. JONES, Chairman J. D. JOHNSON, t H. R. MCPHERSON 1 Hints for Homemakert By Jane Rogers ■I il ( I '' j V' i f' 1 l b 'L; ii • r i 'i }.•" I ' 1 ? ■ | !• • ■•••;• I' l ; >• J I •: , « •' I .• ??•&' »;>•...*.» 1 .• j I 'til*: '. M& • I.•1 -i '' '' ' li Y "sing a screen like (his you I ii can have a little breakfast nook . , in your kitchen. You can make the ' I screen yourself of pressed wood u , boards and decorate It to suit your own taste. v 1 1 The custard pie will be an even, -• | nice brown when baked If a little i sugar Is sprinkled orer the top Juat 1 before putting Into the oven. What to do About Left-Overs * By Jane Rogeri LEFT-OVER vegetables—the cup jwvfl 3PWB of peas or half cup of carrots, present a problem In kitchen econ- \ omy that often taxes the patience MOjA ,Vl'4ks ol the most thrifty housewife/ ixM Everyone hate* to throw away, pafcjf* /V_— t~— good food, especially when there is \ ! \AK A 5 a chance that It might be converted „V —: —-j /W 1A nU^c Into some tasty dish and be made " pv y# \ to serve for another meal. -p" —j \ \ \ / \ The problem is really not an com- J~ i i |\C3 /i OSi^Tl™ plex, thongh, as it seems. Almost \ v /^ba j|M any good cook book will offer a _ A I t' I wealth of suggestions In the form >Ld. of recipes calling for a cup of peas, $ ;* ®Tj a few string beans, or some cooked v jcjllgf '' carrots that can bo made into a de- UalU \Jr lielou* casserole of vegetables, l—————— —————— —l tempting enough to form the main the three accepted seasoning;!, salt, dixit for luncheon or an appetizing pepper and a dash of sugar. Every vcretaMe combination for the eve- ono knows the functions of salt and nlng meal. Moulded vegetable pepper, anil the sugar fues a IOUK poinds or uoupn are other posalbil- w ,y toward - Mending the different for these left-overs. flc/orti and restoring t! eir natural There ia one rule, however, that sweetness, should always bo observed. The Continental ehef.i have long rec original flavor must be restored ngnir.od tho value r.f tugar as a jiTi I accentuated. When small por- third seasoning in the preparation lions of cooked vegetables are of fresh or c:i!iiv»l vegetables—a Is iced «n the ice box nn:l kept secret which 'hoy V.ept f>-.r nmny :ivi;rnlfth(, it is natural that much years and which perhaps explain* r. *" iha or:pl:tal Civor will be lo::l why tho disir :of i.iany of our fa* i t' '•! 't carrots a "flat" mn\N hotel ',;>vo iw'crfe tia» !. -ta, | tlonall/ «•«. .••rsir.-'." ia U.Jlr di'- ' v overcon-.c l>y using 1 tiuelive «u..iay. PAGE SEVEN Merger Of County Gov. Again Revived In North Carolina Raleigh. 10—Thre« biila looking toward con-ailidalloiw ?f counties tir functions of countieH, ui order t> briny about economic in local govern men*. w i'e jiilvoduead ill tin* Senate y -te day l>y Scna-tor J«>hn \V. Alk« n, •!' 'atan ha c-junty- OiH- of tilt' nuasii-f r' would permit t!i" ()!if«'l. ];i'.ioii.« 11f •«•; in"it*-* by it vole of tin- people in 1 lic> i-unities "_!il t' I'C :! Anolhei" provides for tin* annexation of oihj '•'•limy I'y mn'tlicT by 'i i11;»t" vote. The third vvKi'(| i rinit -.>uii'!jr> 'o contract t" carry on county » tivi tie* at Joint cxpeisiM'. Two yu. r.x ago lii!!- wcri- ei t licrniit two or icon- «mti^uous I | ••• .iuti«■ to « .»■ »ii;t j.«:l» und i joint ••••iin'y lioiihi but n-j eoMiftie# j have taken a|vaii'av of the |)iv_ | vision* ut" tin- law. K!fort.- «e''S made I two years ago ulso for convoiid ition of two counties. Foivyth- anil i»lnke», l«iit •f l>ill to bring this about w i,s 1 feated, largely on |>»!iti«-:i 1 grounds* ■ The fear was that Stoke", up to that > time a Itepublician county, migrlit he ; able to overcome 'he rJemixr.itie majority In Fourth county, thtiM «•»., -1 suiting In a Itepubliciun jjovernmMt * for the enlarged Forsyth. Only a most stringent finnu'cl&l * crisis could foi-c? one coun>ty t# 10-ta ' it« identity by t onvo'idation wl-tfi jui. 1 other, but thi« period may briaj txjch t consolidation about in the nesu fu« ture, if it ever could be ac com puttied. Blood Tested Baby Chicks Now for Kale ut 87.95 I'er Hundred Custom Hatching Xoiv St.OO I'er 2lfl.r«e Tray Our Orange Brand Fertilizers Guaranteed ITo (ilvi 1 lletter Results llian Other Tobacco Fertilizers. We Sell all | T!ra:i(!s ol" Sn* : :^-Do!itr!as \ , 'I t > I In • INV'iin !■!•«i:t llivl Fertilizer i for Mi mi . el 1 T.-h 'i I'l;ilit-i. We Ire \ii.i'iii- to 'm-iio You. Treva*hi ? n Hatchery w vi,m r covi; \. v. ; VARICOSE VEINS Healed By New Method I ______ [ » No operations nor Injections. No j enforced rest. Thin simple home treat ment permits you to ko about your r business us usual—unless, ol' course, you are already so disabled as to bo confined to your bed. Ii» that case. Emerald Oil acts so quickly to heal your lei? sores, reduce any swelling: * and end all pain, that you arc up and t about again In no time. Just followr the dimple directions and you are Bur® to be helped. Your drugglut won't keep your money unless you ara.