THE DANBURY REPORTER Volume 61. April Court Calendar Shows Big Docket CRIMINAL TERM BEGINNING MONDAY* 3RD === SEVERAL CAPITAL CASES=== JUDGE STACK AND SOLICITOR KOONTZ WILL BE HERE. APPEARANCE DOCKET Monday April 3rd , 1933 1 .Mrs. I-Vrgu*- n 1! )bu: ts. Abandonment of c-hl'.d- (Coat) 1 lilt. t\ U. 1 ai'.!u, Seduction. (Cu-'t-) I.M. .-'MiM yT. 1 icy and John Tille.v. Disposing of mortgage property (c'o-t- 1 til l. Tom lOast and Kit'in i Tucki r, K. V A. Oivts) 13:.'. John Jack 1 lair.-ton. 1 'o.-'s- -ion of liquor, (Cost) t 35. Al» is Carter. Oper.: tii:u uiv vvillii' intoxjcitcd. (Costs) 1.16. Key lioyal, La;cen»y und !'«»«eivillg. tUood Behavior) i"7. John Wen Wall and Sputswood Martin, I lousebreaking L. L l;Jic'i'.ivjor) 131). Jc-"e I J lousi breaking. (Good Behavior) 3 in. 11 ■ y Tu:t!i\ J 'o.-session of liquor (Costs) 141. Bryant ami (iaston Siaemore, Violating canu' law, (Costs) 1-tS. Will Nance, Possession of Humor. (Costs) 1 ill. Will .N'anee, Alt's:, liquor, (Cost) 144. Roland Ruiliu, A■;au!with deadly weapon. (Costs) 1 145. Iteiil Tuttle, Affray, (Cunt) J 45. Simon Rull'in, Affray, (Cost) 14(i. John Fry, Possession of liquor. (Cost) 147. John Fry, As.-fiult wltl'i dendly weapon, (Cost) 3 4K. Dick Cook, Operating ear while intoxicated, (Cost) 151. Frank Cain, Possession of liquor, (Cost) |j 152. Joe Owen, Possession of liquor, (Cost) ™ 153. Alley Kay Moser. Operating car while intoxicated, (Cost) j 154. J. 13. Martin, Possession of liquor, (Cost) 155. Kdgar Fnlp, Operating ear while Intoxicated. (C.ood Behavior) 15ii. Levi Ziglar, A>iault wiiih deadly weapon, (Cost) B 157. Malic, Assault with deadly weapon, COost) 15R. lta/Tllttle, Possession of liquor, (Oood Behavior) > 159. Bus Ooff, Possesion or liquor, (Oood Behavior) , ( ' Wjlt'M' Cray, Possession of liquor, (Cost) "* 7 ltil. Cloud Cromer, Assault with deadly weapon, (Costt TRIAL DOCKET Monday April 3rd , 1933 111. left Shepl-ard, l'e»: tiiu el'l'lcer. 11. '/. u Smiih. A.-j lull 'i d .! y weapon. 41. All by Slu iloll, IV-.e 'nil oi' I'qllot'. 45. Fi'ed Siie'i 'ii. !'(»■ .' •■l'll "1' ilquor. 75. 'I I N i! in.! K; \. I■. r. i 'iii,!. i ... ite ii!c-s driving. "ii. Ci II .I'';, e. M'V. ! i i"". 77. i. .1- . • ■ w.■ j:; .i ,- v.- ipoll. i- mil-, i\! ) I :H" • ii ■I • y ■'■. Iliquor. 7 V . Je M ■ ~ M I lis!:: in;lil 7!'. I; , pit Iv!»-s, Mali •' night 175. II «..!•(! .1 iy. s\ i.rieny ami r.»« eiving.i Jail) 1D!-k ll.' uk'ii, II- ! IT: Si-:,!--. Icaking and entering. (Jail) 17v J,»i> Johnson, .Murder. (Jail) IM'. N• iU Wci'-li. Liiveliey nn,t rnv iving, (Jail) l m>. K'l»ert Card Well and II >\v-;rJ Joyce, (Jail as (o Joyce) I!'s. John .Malic, Assault with deadly weapon. (Jail) 19H. Jc-se lo\an.s Bill Bench, Bill Troiitn»..iJi, Marvin Flemming, House breaking 1.. »v l:. Tuesday April 4tb , 1933. Mi. i>. W. Brown, Assault with intent to kllj N(i. llii.rvey Wiilcy, Removing cn p. . M. Nat Boles, carrying concealed weapon. BJ. Nut Bolos. Pi/.sse-flon of liquor. 53. Nat Boles, A.'iault with deadly weapon. 54. Nat Boles, Uesi.-tiiif officer, ■,w S7. Klnior King, Operating car while intoxicated. S!'. (leorpo Oriffin, Disposing of mortgage property. HO. Oorina Nelson and Mrs. Ma!r Nelson, Salic of liquor. !'l. Lr.'.her J. Adams, Abandonment of wife. liJ. Sum Simmons, Operating car while intoxicated. 9-i. Chester i.ave. Assault witah deadly weapon. I' 4. A. H. Moser, Assault with intent to kill. D 5. Jack Ounter and James Voglar, Burning truck. 101. Jack Ounticr and James Voglar, Ijarceny and receiving, lie. Jack Ounter. Larceny and receiving. Wednesday April sth , 1933. 98. 97. Hay Ocorge. Assault with deadly weapon. I >. 102. Rurk Dodson. Assault on fond.lle -103. Tom Oakley, Assault on female -104. Nathan Payne, Assault with deadly weapon. .. , Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, March 22, 1933 ISALESTAXIS I PROBABLY COMING APPKABS TBI: (iKN'KK.XI, ASSKJI. I BI.Y (AX BIT ON NO OTIIKU \ I'lvXMßßi: PIiAX THAT W11.1.i 11AI,A.\CI: Til 10 BI'IXiKT AX') TAKK CAlti: OF Till-: DKI'K IT. 1 I Ni«w.- from K.ilcl tit tod iv indicate that a sales tax i-- on tho way, for . . i certain. lit appeai'g the !i:v*;.:!iitors can j agree on no plan whei'ehy the r-ichools and other vital necessities can he taki n care of. at the >'ani; time .meeting t-'e State's alarmiing deficit. The Clovernor favors tlie sales j tax. out only a,-' a last report to raise tile necessary taxes. No cuts in the State's interna! machinery expeni-e» can be sufficient to raNe the re quired amount of money. Today's news from the State cap ital says the Bnv.iiO-Cherry anti sales tax bloc has l>een defeated. New Guano Merchant At Pilot Mt. J. (). l'yrtle. of West field, was ;n Danbury Tuesday on business. Mr. Pyrtie has accepted the agen cy for ltobertson'p) fertilizers and will open for business in Pilot Mountain in a few day. ' ' t 105 Alvig Jcr'-sup, Seduction. lot!. Dennis Beasley, Operating car while intoxicated. 10S. Bill Phillips, Transporting liquor.^ 10!>. 11. Li. Beauchani. Operating car while intoxicated. 111. Noble 112. Lillian Clfcrk, Assault with deadly weapon. 113. Oscar Holland, Mfg. liquor. 115. Ilenry Smith. Operating car while intoxicated. 111!. \V. 1». Mabe, Sale of liquor. j lliiU \\*. B. Mabe, Itesistlng officer. " _ Thursday April 6th , 1933. ] 117. Krnosi Snyde". Murder. ' 1 I II iS. A. \\ \xj\\ (.ilviir.; .. >i*th!c»s> rhocU. ! 119. H ill SOUIIHTII. Ai' .uilt with deadly wcipong. I I- I. Paul li.ine'l. J >i.-tiifbiii-.v religious congregation. ! '■ .1 is - '. A. I T»• t>i ii, O'isu-Uf'in . mad. i i II r. It. liquo •. I- I. .-'.ininiV Bi\vl», aMI Viol.i IMiillips. I'. \ A. .1 M. I! . r. j!in 1 t • !:i ':«• report, j 1 f ll.i.lies. Open ill;; -ar whjl.« lutoxicat d -127. .Minnie Shclton, A-I'iilt. • I I. in .Mabe, Assault on l'cmale. !'!• Buy Oncra::i:vr •••.ir while intoxicated. I ■'». li«i> Kjger, Be'ltloss driving. Friday April 7th , 1933. WABBA.NTS 17.lack llill, Bvmoving crop. j 171. .lames .lomv ami Baymond Bobertson, Ti'.insporting liquor. 172. .lames France, Arnault with deadly weapon. 173. W. W. Noah. Trespass. 174. Leroy Walts (W.i!s*on), Larceny and receiving. 191. Leroy Watts (Watson), Larceny unci receiving. 177. George Sheppnrd and Claud Hlieppard, Having liquor in possession. 17!». Bob Uodson, Burning feed barn. IKI. John Henry Brown, Having liquor in possesion. IS2. Moir Amos, operating car while intoxicated. 1 S3, Claud Tatum, Carrying concealed weapon. 184. Moir Tatuin and Claud Tatum. Assault with daidly weapon. 185. C. 11. Sr.iiih and A. 1,. Smitiii, Assault with deadly weapon. IS7. Tom Buliin, Trespass. ISS. Knox Womack, BecUless driving. ISO. Fount Je«s;jp'and Jessie Corilie. Abduction of married woman, etc. 190. Tom lluliin. Assault with deadly weapon. 192. Bula Corns, Jesse Corns and Aubry Corns, Larceny and receiving. 193. Orvll Snyder. Barccny and rieceiving. 194. Zeb Peoples, Transporting liquor. 107. Buford Bullin, Assault with de-.ully weapon. 114.- Gienn Joyce. Larceny and receiving. Cases not reached on tlte day set for trial will be heard on the next sue. ceeding days in their order. J. WATT TUTTLE, •• Clerk Superior Court. I STOKES SALARIES i BILL CONSIDERED; SKNATOIt SPAItOICK AND BICP. j ' i INFNTATIVI-: PIIIM.IBs l l{;|.l»' I TO I '.wcr 1.1-'.OISI. II ION (»x. t'i:nxix(i Tin: p.n of ioi x. TV OFFICIOUS—M ATTIOU IX Alll-A W'CIO VIOT—BILL .MAX j i. i:\vi: Discuioriox w j t ii 'OI'XTY ('(I.XIXI ISSIOXIOUS. | It !-■ learned 'bat a number of ci' j ' izens i,t t!:i i-uiinty ba\*e been *o ■ B leigh in conl'ei'eiice with Senator ■ Spar,!'!-!- and Bepresentaitlve I'hillips I regard to the enacimeiii of le.:. | is'. nion reducing the salaries of tin ! ci.unt.v ofl'icei'iM of Stokes. The officers who would be affect, jcd in the event or a salary cut j would probably be Sheriff J. John • T.-f. lor, Begi-ler of Deeds B. I'. | Bailey, Clerk of the Court J. Watt • | Tuttle. Auditor Frank Stone, and • indirectly County Superintendent >f Schools J. C. Carbon, though lie is paid by the State, The compensa tions of imembers of the Board of ' j County Commissioners and of the, i Board of iOdui ation would also be involved in the retrench-ment pro [ posed. 1 The Reporter'ls informed that the ; xttle-r Is being held yet under ad-j vk^emerit by the representatives if | ; STATE PLANTERS BANK IS OPEN I WAI.MT t'OVIi INSTITI'I'ION Do. j\; r\UKSTiticTKi> itrsi\i-:ss| I j —IH:I»OSITS I'M it J:XI:I:I)I:D i \\ITI!I»K\\V \I,S l* I-: O|>■, | | IK;I:I> TO KI:I:P Tiiniit MON.i i:V IN fllM II.ATION. \\ Mil \s. si Kwt I: or S\KI:TY. The Stu:l'!.inters P.attk «»!" \V i|. ! j nnt *«>ve. wlilrh has been ;■ visi-■ J ! .'i two.wceks holiday ill :i • urdtin • Willi the u! «>.-ilof the 1• r- .. dent of the I'nited State* ciusiim i the banks »f the nation. i, now v.iil • OI)'ll. T. .1. 1 'yerly. President of tli, St lie Planter*. l ist woe't rocived from the Suite Hanking Department, nt liuleigli aurhori/.ilion to open iluotv .'i'-rain fur unrestri •(.•«I Iki-:. I ne.-\ The State banking authorise- , are ttctin« in co.operation with tli ■ I'Viltral government. On t!(|f> first Jay of its resumption of liu.sinews. de!>m-)its far exceeded withdrawal,, at the State Plant, ers, which shows the confidence nf i •Ho public in this splendid Institu tion and Indicating that the public accepts the virtual guarantee of the ■-wfety of their money when the gov. i ernnwnt is providing heavy penalties for hoarding, at the same time that it allows only tfiose hanks to open and receive deposits which it s>a>v>. by its action are safie and entitled to the patronage of the public. It ia known that there are thou. s*nd# .of .dollars. of opjd ara«ng people and that an soon as the public | | thoroughly understands the spiecie 1 I must come out of hiding and b e de- 1 | posited in the banks, 1t will show i iti-'e.t, and uo into clrctihition again. ' Births. I I l\ *. r iniii'»c»!l. vital | Pii c.»r fur lia nhir-y :«. % \ 11 *lii)». reports , i I ;!I » |M"«» V'MU 1 •:;*;11 .-im*l» January I: \ ' T» .Mr. iin! A! fs. ('!floin*. Jar. ! j s, a ir!rl. I j T x • ail-; r . 'A Smith. J in. ] ! 17. a lioy. j "•:> Mr. ;] Mrs. I'r-d 'i' Mew/', j JV •» , ' j j 'l'll M'. and Mr-. Sain 1.. I: t ld. I I j Fob, S, a hoy. I To Mr. ami Mr#. J. K. O iklc»y. j !*Yh. 1. a boy. I ■M "'ss Featbio Linger j j Dips In Auto Accidenl j \V.-'i'hin«rt"ii. March is—Miss Ilea. : hie hinder, a stenographer in lie!', resentatlve Hancock's office. wis killed in an automobile accident this afternoon. Miss Under was en j route t" her home at Oxford whe | the accident occurred near Kmporl.i' Marshall Turner, also nf Oxford. I was In the uir with Mi>s Under. hut : wn-i not hurt. Miss I-inder had lie e r. i employed by Mr. Hancock for five I yearn. the county in the legl.-ilature. and i that no definite action h is yet lie'n taken in the matter. It is learned that Senator Sparger' favors leaving the matter to the dls. cretion of the county commission, ers. and that he is eonside-ing the Introduction of a hill to that effect. Whether or not any proposed cuts in the salaries of any of the officials would apply against thleir present terms, appears to b e problematical. Number 3,768 AT WALNUT COVE ! SATURDAY NIGHT \!:nro mixsikiil to iu: ;ivkx AT III*.II SCIIOOI. AI OITOKII'M -Till: ( IKKOI.AIi: \\ K O - I I What? "Tin* 'hovhitc W'diling." Wlin'ri'".' At Walnut Cove High School A iiillto 'liiin. When? Saturday nisht. March 25, j 1 !«33. l'.y whom'.' Si ipcted from Itose flu.! i > ainiiinlty. f'a.-t of characters: I'etina \":i!-i. ar Spearmint. the brid.— Mrs. I!. 1,. Tuttle. Zciicli'c ■ ic*i>>i:>!i II unbone. the •■■room Xorman Smith. .Miss (Vinent t"oncreta. maid of j honor—Annie Tuttle. j Miv. Daisy Ramplla Mayon.aisp, matron of honor lSdmnnt LpweMyn. I ronilione Trisononiitry, t»est man. —Raymond Tuttle. I-i t' !«• Xa ncl-y I'iiimjvol", flower sirl—Fannie Green. -Master Hoof us McGoofu?, Ting bearer—Oiiell Smith. Kev. Cock ir. Roach—Curtis Smith. Mi--'. llannih Mariah Trotter, mother of l.iid. —Hope East. I'eter Xichodemus Trotter, fathet of lirlde —Cleve Smith. Mr. and Sirs. Acpn Spades Ham. bone, mother and father of wrootn May belle Smith, Elwood Young. °oldie Dust and Dusty Gold, twin* Sarah Tuttle. Beulah Redmon. _ Timrod SquTik. a business man— Etreat Miller. Miss CeOie Angelcake. Jilted j heart -Harvey Smith, j Adam r r ane. jilted lover of brido ■—-t'Kirenee Yon tin. ; Xapoleon X.-ttlcnash. Grandson— j l!o.-—,,. Tuttle. j IM iry Tattle. Auha Tuttle ; Aunt' Villi... Co Ain aa, Xe!lie Smith. i | ' :: 111 ': : Xci:i' .M ip Miller, j \v::.:i iai Tattle. , ' !l ''' u '■ •' 1 f • ""in Ixillisc I '■ ' '' ■ Smi'h I | " i - -'.v • I |.e«i Claud \ • .-.I . i;. i y. r. i; i)|,.. r T,,J_ j •>. l i.-ri-i in Tut;:,. Man >e Lew •' .I n-!; Smith. '■•-■ - !!. 1.. Tin!,.. S. M. Smith. | l'"! ' out m x., in 1,, Tuttle. Singing and string music, j Admission. 11l cents for everybody. New Fishinjr Law Has Passed House The bill to make It unlawful to ! seine, trap or in any nay catch fis.h j in the Man, Mayo and Smith rivers i .11 hockingham and Stokes counties, j except with hook and line ami rod I and .reel, .hn- finally been passed in. i the House and ordered gent to the | Senate- The measure was introdue_ Jby Represent itlvej-' Hinford and Meb ane. of Rockingham. and I'lvilllpM Stokes, and Smith's river was added in an amendment. | The bill permits residents of Rock ingham and Stokes counties to fish with hook and line without securing a license to fish.. Senator Gilmer Spareer spent tha week-end home from Raleigh. Molr Hawkins, of Sandy Ridge was? in town Monday.