WED. MARCH 22, 1933 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. C. 13. Davis, of Wuiinut Cove, was la town Monday. County Superintendent of Schools J. C. Carson and head of the Federal Relief In Stokes dispensed from the Governor'* office at Raleigh. was here Monday. Mrs. Noel Oakley and children went to Raleigh Tuesday to vlriit her husband. L. L. N'unn. of Wci-'tfield, was -i visitor in Banbury Monday. Snider Pridd.v. of North View, was l>ere Monday. | lioly Tuttiie. of Walnut Cove, •pent a short while in Danliury Mult, day. Rev. o. \V. Maivt'.iall. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Joyce sind Mrs. ,1 ess : e P. Christian vit-ited Mr. 1!. T. Joyce . at We-tfield last week, whom thev | found considerably improved from ' his recent Hitler's. Kx-Count.v Commissioner and Mrs Jamb Fulton epe»t a short while here Sunday. Mr. Fulton, who re. cently sustained an injury in having ; one of bis feet severely wrenched j Is i4iH it trouble with the mem- i ber. DEATH OF WILLIAM G. MARTIN HE WAS AN EX-CONFEBKRATE SOLDIER OF IWTItICK COFNTY ANI> WAS 02 YEARS OF AGE— •i DEATII OF Mils, SFSAN It. • HOHItI.K—STI'AItT It A X K S OI'FN FOII lII'SINESS. Mr. Will. !. Martin, In Ills 92nd' irW?, departed tbis life at the home j ;"of his son. Cliorlev Martin. near j '.'/Dodr'on, Patrick county, Va., Situr. j day, .March lltli at II o'clock I'. M„ I and '.■!!• buried Sunday afternoon .it! (the Cox ('■•iin.'ter.v. in tllie eomiinini'y | In which be U:d -1111 most of hi* ' jyllfe. II ' wa»" i i'"i of Win. Mum" M:i!•(':•. '• I ::v...l "l !lie saillV .om •m nni t y M". M •"in u uian'- 1 . three 1 '!"r ■•. : ••• ' v 1 f; >1 w! jjA ho i*;i!**>d five n.«, all ■!' whom ! vive 'i th ■ '■ II .'.•rveil as a •'■ •■ i' ''■ >• >'('ier c ie'l I'. all 11»: i'"' v. i" between !'e stale-', a I dr.-w a peiv'on for -ev. era! years. II.• united wall the Primitive liaptist Church several yearn and wic a consistent mem. l>er of f.luit church of Stuart at ti-e time of his death. Some years ago lie had a nice casket made at Wool, wine, and had it shipped to Roanoke •where be was living at that time, and he bought his burial clothes and put them In it. When he mov ed back to Patrick lie had them shipped back, where they waite.l for ihlnt at his son's bonne when the end canie. He was the last member 1 of the Win. Moses Martin family, but he leaves Ills five sons, Weefe. Peter. Dick, Alex and Charley Mar. tin, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his departure.— Written by his pastor, S. A. Thomp. I Hon, In Stuart Enterprise- Mrs. Susan R. Rorrer, wife, of Geo. Rorrer. p:irsed away at their home near Mendows of Pan on March s). I after a few dnys illnesw of pneumo nia. Mrs. Rorrer wan 73 years of acre and w.;s well known. She is survived by her husband, two soiw, and three 1 daughters. Hotih the Patrick County Bank nnd The Fir-'t Natioir>l Rank wore among the number receiving license to open,' ®o opened for business Wednesday, March 15. "SILVER TEA" IS I QUITE A SUCCESS | ENTEItTAIXMENT AT M. E. CHl'llClf FRIDAY NIGHT FOlt i THE BENEFIT OF THE PAR. SOX AGE—NICE KIM REALIZED. The social 1 uncflon at the M. E. church Friday night rendered by the Danbury ladies of all denomination*, proved a very enjoyable and success, ful affair. Quite a la rue crowd was present | and the 'Vllver offerings" were lib. oitil r.nd of substantial benefit to | i the practical needs of the parson- I i a>rc. which was the prime object of, I | the entertainment. | i Refrci-ihments consisting of scimt. i wlehes. cookies, tea and coffee were served. The ipr.>c:ram rendered was as fo 1 . ; I own: I Piano duet -Mrs. .1. W. Hall and Mrs. W. (1. Pctree. Recital ion— .ln liti Flinchuin. Vocal solo, "When I lives Are I 1 Smiling"—Miv. X. K. Pepper. , Recitation, "Seeing Things At j Night"—Brantley Wall. Irish airs, by Miss Kdith Fagg. Recitation, by Angela Taylor. Recitation. "Little Orphan Annie" | j —Margie I'etree. i Duet by Miw. .1. W. Hall and Miss { Kdith Fagg. Recitation. "The Duall" —Lois j ; Wall. 13i-citation. "In Flanders Field" —' I I Hktnehe .Marshall. T)uet hy Mrs. \V. •. l*etree ami M i>v I'M i t»h Fa jw. King: News. King. March —Fred llause" i i who is attending medical college -':t' j Richmond. Va.. r'Pent the week_end | with relatives. j Mallard Alley lias accepted a po*. j ition an stenographer in the office of attorney 11. 11. Leake. Dim lei. known here as "Happy j Dan" White of Roanoke. Va.. i v'-it!pir rela'lve here. | Tb. Kinv All st r iilefe'ite 1 !li" wi"i"| ti.s.ilini v. w. i". \ i,i . !' " '(.-I "I I .1 ,10 vJaypd •: Win - |m: -> - il; 111 I'rid V -Ili l!l ' I' I:' Ml,| :"7. I'rof. i: I VIII i;i ( | 'l'll ~. sto,.._ , Vl'V . Si ■-vv. =1 i !.: s ~.... - , *lr. a 1 '• I •". Th t'nas who re. side ja t west of tuwi. Airs. Sii'ili l.i-e N'ewinii. nf Drove, Ky. spending some time here the guest of her parents, M»\ and Mrs. (1. c. Darner I la.Vi-i Smith has moved into his now home ju-t west of town which hsis recently been completed. Mr. and Mrs. George King of stoneviiie, formerly of King were among the visitors here Sunday. The following birthrt w e re regis, tered here last week, to Mr. and Mrs. John Rssick. a son: to Mr. a n d Mr> a . Alford Smith, a daughter; and *o Mr, and Mrs. Roy Stone si son. Homer and Spencer Slate of Wij]- fiton-Sailem -spent the week-end with •rjlatives here. Landmark Burns. The historic old Mountain Inn, of Dobson. was destroyed by fire last week. The offices of Lawyer A. D. Folger and Dr. Paul FoJg e r were al. so burned. Mr. and Mr*. James f7 Smith, of Meadow#, were visitors here Satur. day. AVE PAY .10 CENTS IV TRADE FOR {• (> y SIIFLLFD OR IX EAR. W. C. WHITE GERMAXTON. X. C. THE DANBUBY REPORTER. MRS. W. A. COLLINS IS SERIOUSLY ILL KRE IS AT MARTIN MEMORIAL, iroSPITAL, MT. AIRY—FARM. ERS OF QUAKER GAP TOWN. SHIP WILL PLANT AliOl'T THE j SAME ACREAGE IN TOBACCO AS LAST YEAR. Pilot Mountain, R. F. r. i. March 20.—Farmers in this section are | preparing for another crop. The acres In tobacco will be about the name :us last year. Mrs. W. A. Collins is seriously ill in Martin Memorial Hospital at Mt. \iry, X. C. I W. C. Sams lias been very si 'k with pneumonia, but is able to be l up again. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cordon a'. I tended tihe church at Cedar Hill | Sunday. C:d Owen,! called on Miss I£ >i t-■ Venable Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Denny vis. j ited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I j David Venable, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dunm.if] at. j tended the t'hovv at Mount Air>" Sat. ! urday night. | Mr. and Mrs. Curtis SheVton vis- I ited Mr. and Mm, Kdd Lane Satur j day night. •Mi-i-vs Ruth Venable, Ruth and j Xaomie -lo.vce. Rffie and Remlile l - >. sick visited Misses Velzara and Paul. ! ine She]ton Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Miv. It. 13. fiorden visited j ! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence May hue t| Tliomasville Sundav. | I). L. Edwards and family. Mr. and j Mrs. Terry Shelton, W. C. Sams* and I family, Herbert Cordon, Jim Dun. | man. Ralph MitchM, .Mrs. Carl ' ] Covington and two daughter* visited i Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Shelton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Oord-an. Misses j \ einar.i and Pauline Shelton wlcnt I to Mount Airy shopping Saturday 1 afternoon. j Miss Vallie Simmon,j has b, e n ill . i -il is out airain. j ' I , Methodist Services | ], .! i # i; ,•« "rvt X: !: ! •. n ! I \ \! ,' | ! 9 V: ' Alim . AI [• , . ! A *i J v"! i - ii . "r' !■■:• i:i I 1 D'libiirv M. |C'iui"'' • "I ' hT - The nubile ij c ip'i 1 i vitcd I" ! fit»entl the ibuve sci'v!*"»**. I | "Kid Smith" At Lawsonviile School i !' I | On Saturday night. March 2ii, i ! i "Kid Smith" and his en'crtainern i will put on a show In the Ltwsou. ■ ville school auditorium. Miss Nell Joyce siient the week. ■ end here from Wlni>'.on_Saleni. She jis employed in tine city (schools of | Winston_Salem. .1 .. j The Daughter of a British . Lord Who ran Away to lie'ia Chorus Cirl Tells Her Remarkable Exin™ricnces in The American Weekly, the Mag. azine Distributed with Nest Sun. ■ day's Baltimore American. Buy it ! from your newsda.ilcr or newsboy. RHEUMATISM Pain —Agony Starts To Leave in 24 Hours Happy Days Ahead for You Think of It—how this old world does make progress—now comes a prescription which is known to phar macists as Allcnru and within 48 hours after you start to take this ' swift ftctlnc formula pain, r.gony and I I inflammation caused by excess urio I • | acid has started to depart. I Allcnru does Just what this notice | says It will do—lt Is guaranteed. You I can get one generous bottle at lead ing drugstores everywhere for 85 cents nnd If It doesn't brine the joy ous results you expect—your uitney l wholo hcartodly returned. Well or Sick ? When people are sick and suffering- the one thing- they want most of all is to get well. They are not so much concerned about the Doctor or Method employed, what they are interested in is the easiest way, the quickest way and the least costly way to reg-ain Health. The next important thing for them to consider is to g-et Permanent Results, not just Temporary Relief. For every Effect there must be a Cause and for every Cause there must be an Effect. If you are sick or failing" in health there must be a cause for your trouble. I do not g-ive Drugrs or Dope. I do not scare any patient in to having his or her Organs cut out to ease the pain (this is the effect). What 1 do is to find the Cause of your trouble and correct it, then the patient g-ets well. My office is equipped with a NEUROCALO METER an instrument that will pick out the cause of your trouble, regardless of what or where it is. MY GUARANTEE I am plain with every patient that comes to me and if I cannot find the Cause of your trouble or can not do your case any good, I will tell you so. If I accept your case and you should not g-et re sults, I will refund every cent of your money and it costs you nothing-. EXAMINATIONS FREE DR. J. J. WIP-LIAMS Phone 6520 Hours 10—5 Nissen Bldg-., Winston-Salem, N. C. A Personal Testimony \How the Security Life & Trust Co. has benefitted one Ires'eil County I Si man and his jjf , ,vC^%s. family! Don't Gamble^. with the futureof your Loved Ones! The poorhouses are crowded with people who could do better with their money. A policy with your Home Company will protect your loved ones against want. Security Life & Trust Company HOME OFFICE—WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA WM. M. FULP, General Agent - Walnut Cove, North Carolina. PAGE FIVE