THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. MULLICAN SAYS TIME HERE TO ACT 'IUII.XKS COtNTV SAI.AItIKS SHMHJ) ISi: (I T AM) A MOW vai-i vnox or kkai, kstati: «»•: i:irixri:i» si«,.i>ts THAT (OIM'V COMMISSION Kits ni,li MASS MKjniN*. IN TOWN, sun's. Editor Danbury Reporter: The one- question uppermost ill 1)19 in.rid-- 'if tile tilxpayers of S.ol«v Co. a; thV l time is "Will Stoke" County yet any relief 011 taxes this year?" The great mass of propnly owning taxpayers of the county iiast hoped againi«t Mope that some relief would lie forth coming ami there would he Mime chance tto carry lll and pre serve their property until times were liefer so they could at least make a fair xail. As yet nothing hag come in sight- The Legislature ha* been in nession for about three months anil very little has lw>en accomplish, ed. Many of us had hoped for a re duction in the cost of county gov. ernment for Stokes Coumt.v and thereby tvelping In rome meimure ') relieve the tax burden. Many coun ties liave taken thin action. In fact I to not know of any county under Democratic control but what has maA some reduction In courvty so-. emniMit cost except Stoker. Are we of Stoke* going to permit our county to remain on high salarfes and mounting expen. >»ei» while our brother counties make irantic out#? The Democratic pre»- Ident putting hi* at.imp on economy on ail I national affaliw. The State M having to go on drastic economy bu*!*. It there a. difference in our Democracy from that of these oth ers? If Democracy moans the name thlh* every where then It is time for so-me one to ace In Stoke* county. The Democratic parly of Stoke* county Bhould not permit this leg. Mature to pa»s without lowering all «ala/rie« to 1920 banc i e v e l. The Democrat* *hould see that the peo. pie of Stoke.' county should have a new deal In the revaluation of real estate. \v> have laboring tor several year., under a value far 111 excess of the limit specified In the constitution. other counties all around ti.■ are now having the real estate re.vatued and rtill w e are waiting. What I,* the reason for this? Surely no one will advocate Permiuin-,' the property to rem an on the book.-, ut Its present figures. If this should he done I believe th* 'people will rise up and refuse to pay taxes ba.",>d on false valuation. One county official recently advis ed me that the revaluation wouM 'o j t so much that the county could not afford t> pay for same. He then Miigg'e*ted that the commissioner* make a horizontal put of fifteen or twenty per cent. I must *ay this did not sound very good coming from one on the county*,, monthly payroll. If the county can pay his salary "urely It can do the honer't and Just thfn« by ithe man who Is carrying the load. I would "uggent that the county commlsslonem request the of every township to meet 1n mans meeting and «ele* of their number* three men to eerve with, out pay to revalue all the real estate in their township. I believe ' thn Established 1872. NOT QUITE SO MANY FARM LOANS CO IMA t(»MMini:K. WITH IICI). UHAI. iiixd ixsi»i:c roit. 1:." KKSSION SATIRDAV I*\SSIM. ON AI'I'I.K' \TIOXS M MItKK OF AI'I'MC AVIS s.MAIJ.KIt TO IIATK AS COMI'AHKD WITH i.ast vi;ah The county loan committee and tile Inderal field innpector were »i' session here Saturday passing 011 ap plications by farmers for federal aid in making their crops. The county committee is composed of Jlensrs. I'. o. Fry. of Quaker Cap township: l>uther Mitchell, of Sauri town township, and It. I«. Hutehe". son. of Snow ("reek townsiiiip. The Fedteral field inspector in 11. S. An. derson. who is making his head'iuar. tern in the county now for the ex pediting of quick loan* to the larm. era. It is learned that applications for federal crop aivistance in the coun ty are not quite so numerous as last year, and considerably fewer than ( for the year 1931. The difference Is attributed large ly to the fact that many farmer*, who received more for their 1932 crop than they 'have bgen paid for the last two crops, consider that they will be able to get along with out outride help in cultivating' the 1933 crop. The Reporterr learns that the Stokes county farmer*, despite the extremely adverxe conditions .under •which they have Iftb&elk for several' yeans, have yet been able to repay the government about 95 per cent, of former loans, a record whldh is much more favorable than the ,how. Ing made by the average county which has been ex:tended federal aid. However, though the application* .here are below the notch -made at the same date last year, they are coming In quite 'lively, and X. K. Wall, Robert Slsk and Thumian Martin, who are filling out the blanks for the applying farmern. are kept quite busy nt their quartern in the grandjury room at the court hou«*e. From Hospital Improved Mrs. Clyde Coin was taken eeri ously ill lai't week, and carried to a Winston-Salem hospital for treat, ment. She has now returned hom.', and le> much Improved. Mrs. Coin is a daughter of Clerk of the Super ior Court and Mrs. J. Watt Tuttle- School Closes The Danbury school will close for the r'.'Hsion Thursday, April 6. An entertainment will be rendered the public. the people would be glad ito do thin to help Bet a revaluation and still not put the county to any expense for same. I am «übmittlng this plan to ithe county commlsffloner* and to the people of t)he county u» I belteve the county commiwiloners will gladly welcome any plan by which they can serve the county and •ave the expense. Respectfully, N. 8. MULLICAN Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, March 29, 1933 PROPOSED ROAD TO HANGING ROCK CIIIKr STATi: MMATING KM. I BROWNING or HAI.. I:I«.II «O\SIIH:I:S MOST IT: A. MUI.I-: Itoi'li;— IMUMFXT A-. I SI MKS ASPI-XT or ItKAIJ/A. TION. I chiiof Stat'* lo-atitig Kngjne*r I drowning of Raleigh w.i> iu*ic llun. (inV traversing tcniitiv ro-;u*s i' {he l"'o|'o-ed road t> b'lj't li> till" top o' Hanging l!iik. M Browning w-.->s accompanied b Kngii.e.r It. D. Gentry. •! the liigh>v.iy departmen!. and bv Lr.v --| rence .\lacßae of (irccniilwrn and Walnut f'ove. and N. S. Muilicai jt i | Wilson's Store. There are two respective roioes proposed, to.wit., oil-' by Banbury; cemetery. and around the mountai'i, | reaching the cr.-st of ,the ridge ■' ' mile south.we*t of Banbury. then:-e| I practically following rhe ridge to the' j destination. The other route pro.! Itosed is starting from a ,point near i Fla'nhoal church on the south aide of the mountain. It wa* not definitely 'learned wttiich route Browning favored as the most j practicable, but it U iirite certain ! h e viewed either location as entirely ; feasible. ' Among: the advance* inflated; i I | upon by those who favor the Dan.' bury route i« that a ihardsuface' road will be available to tourists and patron* of the road quite to thei leave a distance variously estimated at J to 5 mile* to be built to Hang. 1 I ing Rock. Lawrence Macßae. to whose un. ceasing activities the progress of the Project .alius far may l>e attributed, and in whose head wax born the in : ception of the enterprise, believes that the Hanging Flock proposition In entirely practicable, and that the road will cancel its own exip.-nses within a very few years. Mr. Mac. Ra e 's idea is to establish a toll ga'e at the intersection of the proponed mountain road with the State high. wi».v. It is generally believed tint patronage 0 f the road would be most liberal from limurjreds of visitors and tourMx. An incident of Mr. Macßac's Mea is ithat a park shouM be developed at the terminus of the road in the f!:it lands right near the Rock, in which modern Attractions and conveniences would lie arranged and which would doubtl?** W ,| f ar toward defraying the c o .it of the project. As quickly an the mow; practical)'© route Li chosen, the next step In the enterprise will b e to induce the State to make the survey. Follow. Ing thin will be the procurement of the Reconstruction Finance Cor poration's aid In financing it. hveryliody in Stokert county, and ' especially those citizen.* living con. ' tipuously to either of the pro. i>osod routes, earnestly devire that Mr. Macßae may be successful In ihis efforts to put over the project. I which will mean a great deal not only to Stokes county, but to the State. It will mean the employment of hundreds of hands at fair renum. erat lon. and the turning loose of thousand* of needed dollars through, out this section. SCHOOLS TO RUN EIGHT MONTHS Tin-: SITIATION ll\\l>M:l> SAT. ISFAITOKII.Y AM. Altor.Nl> IN I'ATItKK (Ol MTV i: I ; || | ITUIXS l\ NT!'ART .1 A I 1. \WAITING ItCMOVU. TO RK'H. MOM) I'KNITKNTIAKV—IIKATII KX.( OMKKDKItATK HANK OF ( IUTZ, IS Ol'i:N. Through the united effort.' ami co operation of the* local S.-hool Boa!. the loyal teachers of .the county, the State Board of Kdtieation and ta- Patrons of the county, what seemed to lie an almost impossible situation h;is been solved, and the school* of Patrick county. Va.. will continue lor eight months, thereby remaining on th>- accredited li'-*t- As was rtated in a previous ;..'-u,e or i'-ie Stuart Enterprise, the funjo were exhausted, so 'the teachers were asked if they would continue to teach, giving their services for the remaining six weeks. This they have consented to do. Not a single teacher approached has hecltaited to do this work. When it is realized that ,the teachers have agreed to give approximately 113,000 that this year'* work may not .be lost for the boys and girls, one cannot fail to appreciate the splendid public spirit Ah us majiifeored. The patrons were to board the teachers who are Aviag their time in this .manner, i|ind in no instance have we heard of *4tre respond. Another diffi culty arose which (threatened the continuance of the schools even af ter the above provisions had been made. I't Is unofficially learned that local tax collections fell considerably below budget estimates making _t Impossible to pay the teachers the county's part of their last month'* salary, but this latter wan taken up with the State Board of Kducaition and satisfactorily arranged, so we are unofficially informed t"*>t t'chools will continue. Commitment papers for eight fel ons now in Stuart Jail have been made out by the County Clerk to the Superintendent of the State lVnitcnfiiry and are awaiting re moval to Richmond- Seven convic'.s were also prepared for commitment on the road. The felons are: Oral Ruck, for life- Rill Waller.s alia Rill Williams, total of 4:1 years; Ilarvie Vernon. 40 yea r."; Sam AVal. ler, alias Sam Williams. total of 3"> years: Foster Going. seven years: Columbus Going, seven years; Wal ter Trent, one year: Roy la-e, two years. The seven -men sentenced to the road are: Todd Martin. 1-M. gar I.ight, Anderson Martin. Har ry Going. W. 1.. Turner, Reggie and Tom Thomas. Mr. Jehu Barnard. one of the few remaining Confederate veterans, passed away at his home near Stuart Tuesday, March 14th. Mr. Barnard was 92 years of age. He w*a« taken ill mo»t one year ago and was con. fined to his bed since that time. He was one of Patrick county's best citizens. • Batik of Crltz Is open for it* usual business. They report depow. tta extra heavy and far exceeding their expectations, and withdrawals less than fifty dollars. .FEDERAL AID FOR STOKES DESTITUTE IK.IRCS snow M.IISFI.OOO. SPKNT IN IT-;|SRI Altv. OK S2lti.HU MORI-; THAN JANt \HY —IN. FORMATION l-IRNISIIKII «y (•OVI-:itNO]{*S OI'ITCK _\T HAI.. KH.II SHOWING .MARK Rv OTIIKR fOI NTIKs OF NOR J|| C'AROI.INA. Rxpe.HHtur.-y rr 0111 |-. delal re iof fI,!VN tl'vtitutjo.i Stokes C 0,,.. ty amounted to i„ r Ff'iru. «r.v. ami S.l.i-ii.(in for Jatluarj . These figures are sent to th.- R O . Pol t I ti'oiai tin- Governor's Otfj, c «,| ! "elief at Raleigh. The t 'tal . xpemiiiures i„ t h e «tate during February showed a d,.. crease for the first time since Fed. eral relief funds became available, according t «. the information gi v .., ; out ."in,i.lay by the Governor's 'ice of Relief. The total amount spent for Feb. ruary was 11.186.432 a . re(l »ith f1,3«7.«ii in January, or a de crease of approximately lo Per cunt Or. Fred W. Morrison, director of •teller, stated that th e decrease was almost entirely accounted for ay the fact that February contained three fewer days than January. Tl:e figures *how that th e dally expendi. tures for the two month* J* appro.*. Imately the same- The fact that the requirements fc/ the last month wer e no greater than in January, however, i« ln it , elf aj , encouraging sign. Dr. Morrison point. *l out Under ces It was expected that the 'fihan clal nef-ds would b e greater in F e b. ruary than any month «*, far ,, e _ (Oause of the fact the* of jless fortunate people hav e a ten. | dency to become exhausted a s ,i„. e continues. The fact that the ,o t .1 financial requirements w e r e no greater was reg rded as an indlca. tlon that some of the destitute have found ways of becoming selfsuppor:. ing. The reason for the slight increase over Jan.. in St. ke S ~ indicated by the reiH.rt Uv: the month of p e ,,. may i„. explained on the hypothesis that a g.H. (I many tenant farmer,, had exhausted by February the ftna.ll surplus whltih the.v had l received for their tobacco crop* in the fall and were f„r,-ed to , a ll f«, assistance when their re.-«urces had "eon spent. However, the increa,.- of February over January in Stokes is small, being only $24«.0«. In cumparison wltih the aid being furnished to Stokes, it will b e in. . teresting lo contemplate the amount I "f help which a few other counties have received for th e month of Feb. ruary, uc* folio WH: S,,nT $7.0,17 Rockingham 12 41 ft F ° r9V,h r.C.047 OUllford 60,402 Va,lkln 3.871 M ° or ° 8. 54i1 Montgomery n gfto Randolph 7U(! Wllke " 6.245 Mecklenburg 91,07s Wake 54.254 Seventy Stanly County farmero plan to dig trench slloa thi» summer as a result of the success had with his by P. E. Miller of RiOhOeld. Number 3,769 LOOKS LIKE EIGHT MONTHS SCHOOL A\l> .\ s \l,i:s TAX TO IMY THE lill.l/* CAHSOX ItKTI'RXS ritoM I:\MK.II— sioi'E OF IVOHK IX STOKKS— MAW Cill'KCII VAKI>S. C'KM- I.Ttltll> AND S C II () O Ii I;UUI MIS iMi*itovi:i> OVEIS L>I:ILSO\S AT WOltK. Prof. I. c. Carson, Superintendent "•f Stolic* County School-, w;.» h«'re Tiic.--J.iv. I'rof. Carson bar* lately ri'lumcd Iron: lialcisb where hi** at tended the s-tate.wide gathering of superintendent*", teachers, and edu. eati inisM held in t>»»- interest of the K-months M-IK.II, .111.1 for other ed ucation il interests. I'rof. Paivon advit-vs the that the atmosphere ciiculating in and around the legislature looks inor; and more favorahie for the S.months term lor tlae school*. and equal opportunities fur all the child ren of the State, and that in all pro bability the veneral sales tax sys tem will be adopted to balance the budget. Sentiment among the law.niakers has undergone quite a change re cently in regard to the tales tax. Prof. Carson, who Is head of th« federal aid allotted to the destituto> of Stokes county, as dispensed by the (Jovernor's Office of **>'» that more than 200 persono are now being given employment in th« county by this agency, and that mpny church yards, school ground* ftp.,. tp«v« h»en IfUd and ' Besides the benefit* which the «*w lief funds have afforded in the way of relieving unemployment and providing subsistence for many fam iliea who must have suf fered. the results of the work art* "tonppily shown in the many &pot& that have boen wonderfully improv. Ed in looks and convenience In all sections of t.he county. Prof. Carson, in assuming the in>_ portant duties involved in th» re lief work, ha* done so without any compensation aside from hia salary as county superintendent. E. C. Mabe And Len Tilley In Law's Toils F3. c. .Malie was arrested Twnyjuy by Prohibition Officer* Kenniedy and Ila t ledge at a still in Meadows town, ship. Ma>'e was given a hearing by N. .V. Martin. I'. S. commii-isioner, and in default ot' bond for Federal court, wient t> jail. '»en Tilley was caught at a «till in Sauratown township, Uond fixed at ssoii.o> by Commissioner N. A. Martin Hound over to court T. L. Booth Game Warden Gilbert Alley, who has been act ing as County Game Warden for several months, has resigned hi* position for the time being, and T. L. Booth, who has been Asdstar-t Game Warden for several years, has been appointed Warden. This arrangement was effected Monday by District Warden lA»!k, who was here. Gardening by those who faitod to Ptaat during the winter la in or^Mb.

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