THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. Stokes Expenses Cut Thirty Per Cent AUDITOR'S OFFICE ABOLISHED, SHER= IFF AN!) REGISTER OF DEEDS TO FILL THE GAD-NEW VALUATION OF REAL ESTATE ORDERED. A r v;i: tj\' i"»> t,! * •'*'t ' lv ' 1 v.-t lti\ wi'li ;• «*Hi nt' 1 IK 1 ' *"i* : 1 • • j . .• • ; .c* «■» U • • ■ •!' V « • I'd* 't * » • • flu j:. , hi' Slokt• 'onlily I'omiiis .h- .. .M .11• I.l\. Al :!!• p-iis ' ii;• lilu> ni: i - v ot ' :'ity Auditl - I'. Sii lie \va« uU'lish' .1. an ' Hi" ! iti •>:' t!il" i»n "eve .■ !!( • • ••'•io •>•'" ti*>ns >!' ili' ot'. !j.,»i Sheriff ■'ill* I It'-ui-lfi* of IJM'IIS- 'l' lU'I'I'TUM (I wit ll"UI H'l ■ L.tiotial ■ • II»V"-11 ■ ■TI HI. Tlio ■-i aiy "f 'tip '" 1 • i*U >f tlii' Superior •' "H't A a- ii!-"' rt'dii'-'il. Tin- i in-'iiifil i*' a.lju tini'iKi-' wi ! result ii an «'s*tim:ttcil .-iving t" the tax-pay r.- :l " I'd' cent. of il«- pre-' lit i-.nii't limine expenses- These economies were effected ' I V tli? l'.oard after a" all-day acting in conjunction with and un der the i 1 vice of Senator S. Gilmer Sparser, county attorney. The -salary of the court stenogra pher, heretofore $lO a lay ami ex penses, war) curtailed to $8 a day net. The legislature h.ul previously .planned a hill providing that any ( tax-payer who owed tixen for the years 1927 to 1931, or who was de-1 iliiOUt-Tit for any one or more of thes-.' J year", might give notes in pqi'iil !n --titaJ:m*nld for the payment of ti'i!* ( * taxes, provided the tax-pay« r had se'tl'd for his 1932 taxes. The com. misntoner* dccid d not to require the payment of the 1932 taxes, .hut left it optional with the tax-pavers as to hi« payment of the 193:! tax. in taking advantage of the provis.. ion of the lesHature as above out. lined. It was ordered that ther- be 'io , n'i>re foreclosures by enils. which | liar. heretofore cost the- t ix.payer | ifi. The fore losure in the future will b« .in automatic judgment, sim ilar to a stock asi-v.-wment, and the cost to the tax_payer will be onl> S'-nat"r Sparger assured the Hoar! that there is n> doubt but that the leg ii lata "e will ropeal the 1"> per cent, ad valorem tax on property. The Hoard was composed of a full personnel, as follows: F. !'. Stono, chairman; J. A. Joyce and 11. 11. Brown. Does Your Reporter Come? If your paper fails to arrive, may lie it hiin been dropped. We are revising our subscription lists, and all who are behind with their subscription, will be discontin. ed. Paper bill« are heavy—we cannot send on without settlement. One dollar pays for a year, 50 cents for 6 montha, 25 cents for 3 montha. Please attend to your subscription before your name la cancelled from •our llata. DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. Honor Roll Walnut Cove* Kifch Efhoo 1 The follow! .« .-t i.U'in IIKIUI- li; hi' T I of t'u- Walnut C.iv'j Hull s. iio'i i'"r 11it* sjxMi iiinn'ii. i order to II.IVI' onpV> nam on : honor ro'.l a student nil-! not inaki U ttlJl" l>ll 'I IV 11 i -11 M'llOO 10111-.-C T hat lie or sli- i:- stud l i. l:\ IMII .I:\DI: KM.- Garwood. Kvi'lyil sr HHP, Gladys lluilor. TKXTII ;I:\I)I: Virginia Fulton, Mary S m:l, 1 Irene Uipliai'dHon. Utlip: Petree. i Fled Pol>Per. j XINTII GRADK Harvey Smith, Harry Hutchison, \ Marie Fitzgerald, I Florence Gerrey, Theron Wood. Paul Craig, | Virginia Burton, I Sara riinchum, I Daisy Mabe- EIGHTH GBADU .. | MoAdoo Gerrey. M>e Jpnkiri«, I KMoth Tuttle, I C. G. Ray. Phil Petree, Holt Newsome, George Moorefield. Charles Mounce, Jim Rullln, Irene Dillon, Hazel Petree, Marjnrio Pepper, j Rina N'eal, I I Refinancing of Farm Mortgages Discussed Washington, March 30—HeprcV". tative Prank Hancock today cull, fprreil with llenry M urgent ha ti, Jr. i and his assistant* regarding the re- J financing of farm mortgagees. Mor. | genthan will l>e head of the new I Farm Credit Corporation, which will have charge of all federal lending agencies dealing with agriculture- Hancock mated that he urged cor. poiation officials in drafting and 1 administering new farm mortgage hill.-', to provide the lowest interest rate In thie history of farm mort gage*. The Fifth North Carolina district represent tat i\v> naid the in. terest rate and payment on principal i chould n«t oxceed 3 1.2 per cent. He i said Senator RobinnonV) proposal of 5 1.2 par cent, wari clearly out of line and higher than the farmer . could pay. ) Brick brooder a de.slgne dfor the r Catawba County Home farm by the i farm axent han reduced the coat of j brooding chicka at' this farm and !■» assuring the Inmatea of a bountiful supply of poultry. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, April 5, 1933 NORTH CAROLINA TO HAVE BEER \ • T 1.1\1.1/.l\. ITR.\ KKAOI: II \s I»I:I:\ I'issM) nv I ON. oiti i ;rri;» i n !•: i x :• :•> ! ST\TI:S I:\II M.II «.I:M:IC\I \xs,\||il,V I:KT\I\ TO roi.. M)\\ M il — i \\ sin IN ix oj;. i>oitvn:i> TOW v., w:» ir \oi I I \«( tlil'T ut vrs i> S\I,I:S T\ .\ , V. II I. I'M 1,% 1.1 \l)Oi'li:U ii> I i i:f«isi. vi i lit:. I.i «. In.- i . : •'>(• •(• i '.• i'i X> h • ' . II i w ; itii •" 1 • i;; ■ >cii I.r S : mi' -i* i•' ";or l'( - :tI fl'Olli II : i I !■(* \\ . !;_e:il, m' i! ' II i* n» .i 11— ' "ii T:i>- J.IV Hi t LIT It IS SENATOR Spacer'.- i.|>i'ii->ii thai the North '' i: ■ • I.n i ii'ii(> Ai • -t»i11i•:> w :.; |' ill i Xl l ln>;.l' WitlHillt .1 l■>u 1• t ■ Sell . nifiit i■ hi'th branch" «>i tin- l.e.'.v;. liiill'i i- fsivl1■ !*• In tin- i(|. i. a'.;l tile Sena'e ha-' alrixl.v voted il. Thii.-i" who r'i• 11 lnn-r in Xortli Car. ulln.i inust pay a privilege tix t-» tin government of Sin in i n roil m ira t c'i lowiii'. or 825 outside. Hi-sides this ombari'.o. there will he heavy taxf levied hv the Federal govern, nient anl by the Stale on each ha", rl Bold, hut these tuxes will be paid by the manufacturer*. It is estimated that many thou sands of dollar* in taxation w'll re. eult to the -school fundn, if legal beer corner to North Carolina. It is Senator 'Sparger's •opinio l ' that a sale" tax will be /enacted be. fort* the law.makers come 'home and that in no other practicable way can the ivecewiary funds h« rained to balance the budget. and maintain the expenses of gov. prnment. It is estimated that three more week?* wll be required to com pie'. l the work of this nekton of the !e", eral Assembly. Death Of William Oakley William Oakley. a\ r ed 7ti, dier Sunday at his home near Xortli View, after a lingering illnei-.s wit 1; diabetes. The interment wm at Xortli View cemetery Monday afternoon. attend, cd by a la'tfe concourse. Tlio deceased i* survived by hi wife, and this following children: Xocl Oakley. Charley Oakley. T. Set. tie Oakley, W. Terry Oakley, Jetl Oakley, all of WIHM I homes are is the r'.nne neighborhood of their de. ceased father's home; Curtis Oakley of Burlington; Mm. Charles llowh:-- Mrs. liei't Sheppard. Mrs. Uni.'i Spen 'er, and Mrs. Russell Klinchiini all of Stokes county. Mr. Oakley was a splendid citizen and will be mi.-vJe.d in his section o the county. "As ui»ual. when winter gives wa; to spring. the t° -> rnier becomes or timistic and plans for another year trusting tha* thlngn will change ii his favor' -County Agent It. W Po>i of F"orvyth. The Moore County Mutual Ex change i« receiving; new tn»mb»n daily and la rendering an cxoellen riervice to Its farmers members, aayi the county afrent. FLETCHER WILKINS r DIES BY OWN HAN!) *\\l>V ItllXit: yoi \(i M\N, 2i » Vi: \l{S «>i.]>. COMMITS SI l 11 >I \H\l> IMtOliAltl .Y CMS XI. \\ i:i» j'Kom rn i;ris n IHiINkIXO si !;\ IV | |» |;\ win: v i> two :i;i:i v. l-'lil her Win hi:t.P' ' !?'• ! I:i 'i: ::. ci-h i- tin 1 'l'l 1 • Thn (i y i!. lit •: 1- Tiii' • ■" - ii ■;],, «. ...-I ■■■ :nl is ■ll - iv• | • > .1 v, i •,««! \ 1 . Ii 1 I. ~.| .1 in • • !v . '■ h'-tivlly th« day of the tragedy, ii fummny with two brothors, one of : W "!II liilll ''.'"ll lit :i | 11 unity w li : .;cy •«. : ■ m -»»i| |.y t lit* t 1 i". Til,via . •• , porter 1 !i ll'.'!: Ii 1 >•!' tlic >■> . foi l lll],lto youn. m ill About full, U'i lUin»> •• asked liiin to go out iii• I •in . . mi' ni-lit win.l. J|. mail' iu«. «>r three trills t" • > 111 i-«.• his wi'o. I' it ~.i. . ■time returned. wit limn Mi. w ~| F*ln.illy. Hp -out oni of bis brotbe** to £ot till? Wood, )l!lllsell l 1 1 1''.Ij 1'• 'I £ to ;i sot-111• I .1 -oot in tin- \:it'ij neir the home. l'liiing tlii* inir/.zlii of the gun under Ills overalls. near the heart, lie fired the weapon. I>ea'ii wan instantaneous. Sheriff John Taylor was notified immediately. The Sheriff, upon reaching the scene, summoned th* ooixiner itnd a jury, whoi-e verdi.-t was that young Wllaon came to his* death at hlt» own hands. The deceased wan a won of Jack i Wilkins. His wife wag a daughter of Anderson B. Carter. King News Items King, April 5. —Mis. Sid ltuniley aged fit! years «a s found dead i'i bed at th.'lr home throe miles uout'i of town Sunday morning. Her death wan caused by a heart attack. The deceai'.'d is survived by the husl>and, several children and a number of grandchildren. Iv. W. Allen of Winston.Salem, formerly of Kin if. wius a lnisine- 1 visitor here Saturday. .1. Sti' Oarner is preparing i to erect a new dwelling on hip farm 1 J lift east of town. i A number of people from here arc attending th>o criminal term •:' Stokes court at Danbury tliir week Toby l„ Booth, county name war. den of Danbury, was here on bus. incite Friday. Austin fiarner, who is teaching in the Sandy ltidge school spent the weekend here the «ue«t of hi* mother. Mnn. Susan Love. who is «-uitering from an attack of influenza. is right siek at the home of her broth er. M. T. Shalnhower on Dopot St. James Hauler, of Wiiwtnn-Salem, visited relatives and friendri here Sunday. 1,. S. drabs, who underwent an operation in thn Martin Memorial Hotplta] la*u week, ils setting alonq; nicely. Mr. and Mrs. John Tillotnun, of Wjntfton-Salem, visited relatives heta Saturday. Mr. and Mr*, Irving Knight, jf Newport Ngwn, V», ( are upending * f»w dayrt with relatives her*. >-tw bww Number 3,770 TWO CAPITAL CASKS THIS WEEK si I*I:I:ioi: C»M M \o\\ IN >I: SUA M Mill i; ll MINOI; \s|:s IIM'IMII >« TIC I I i; 11.1. mi \II ii> (.1: \M> .11 n* V;\l\>T .M»I: .IOIINSOS nn: MI 1:1»1 1:. 11:1 \i. si 1 1 OK \\ I l>\ I S(> \ IIMI lill.O nut 1 II!.-1 I>l 4.1:1 1 IN 1:1 . 1. M:% \. \I \si I»I K IN U»I % VM> itoiti -;i M \i 1 s.. •- •• 11 1 r in • . s ■ inn. .1 ! i A M *'a .Moil 1 i!i' • s. . li'*il"l - K ion IK pl'-OKt'CUt 11*.: tol' t ll" S: 'l'll ;• • 1 •*I• 1 il" • ! 1 i* a' I 0 • is ii 't a. 1 - ■ • . I 'l've \j' .. Ast ». r.c 1 .-,.n ill - i '■i' C(! •!' " • " Till xiu.v n..1! : •li- ' !■!> 1. I. iv i iin- Ii ' 'ii"ii pending. \ i- y i t 11. p. „• no- \it gui'ty. I'l'-'l Slieltou. posse-M"!! of lji|;i.>r ! .1 ;i 1 !•_: 11 if n r .ii. 'per.'U'd il|i"ll ;> ■ IIHMII i of i-osls. Koii'-r; ', l I'll wp!i n 1 Win. 1 inn aril Jovcf*. II nll -1 K. State pn>»n for no* ' lesn out' nor more than t" 1 years :Jr> to each (iff- iid-ini. Howard Joyce robber*. Prayer for judgment continued for mie year. Noah Welch. 1.. & K. »ll days l/1 roads. Jesse Kvanw and Hill I teach. It. & K. and larceny. N«r le»* than 3 nor more than 5 years in State prison f«>.- each defendant. Itjll Troutman and Marvin Flem. ing, receiving stolen good*. 90 days jon road 4 for each defendant. | Jesse Mabe. manslaughter. TKBS 1 - pending. I Zeh Smith. A. D. W., prayer fur Judgment. Continued upon payment of cost. True bill of indictment for murde' - as to Joe Johnxnn, colored. Trial ii>t , for Wednesday. I True hill of indictment for fiivt de gree burglary a.« to Dick Ileadi n an i Robert Scale*"- Trial set for Thurs. day. The grundJiiry it- eon'ipo-ied a? follows: i I J. Norman Slate. Foreman. j 1.. J. Fowler. I'aul Hen net t, , s. j*. Covington, 11 T. : riff in. '. li. Sin ppard, .1 I!. Martin, I I'aul Westmoreland. I W. A. Christian, I , I'. M. tstephenis, , Krneft 1 >ll lon, W. O. Tuttlo, , W. M. Tuttle. , O, 11. Mangrove. W. K. Martin, li. P. Holes, W. 10. Kjser, ,| N. I. Ilnylpt. 1 Farmers of l.jncoln County aw I 1 using (lovernmenial need loans ns ? I about the only .-tource of credit in ' the county a* this lime. f s ■ Two additional pure bred O-usern f «ey bulls hiive been purchased by t McDoweLl county farmers in bulldin* up the d«lry blood of the «>unty. REVENUE TREXLER KILLED IN RACE 1111.i «iiw\«. r,o«>/.i .iti \- \i it. \i: >\ i i;ii ullii i vi \i. ici-:»i i i •«»!. I'W'OS I I ' !> -I illlll ~).Y j\. .11 1:1 it r " I ;« I : • |' 13 !•!■ • : . I'd !i ! • ~«)• .ril IV ii %--(■!' ' ' I «.• >. bi* : i 'ii • a.- .nJ«iix" 1. !, u- " 1 i- • i«1 i i a (lin-.j t" :i'l '■ i -• ! lll J' ■ 111! • ,; 11,3 11 'Sl'i■ CI I .' Ill' \\ .ut *• ."1.4-1 .ii .( i . ,I, : £ v .p :!;i i j !(■.,. ■' '• 11, ui in, : •>! tho pixihjbltion i"i"' 11 .ii :! c middle tii iif N' •i• 111 iir.•.iu.i .- id thai h-j cio.l Die a :•!».• a .short ll.t- .1 :•(.;• i; i.l > 11. ||. J . ■ ill \!l'I- iv:ii d.iviliK th« loadster v\ Kelty -vy** riding nth liim. The office*t> spotted a . which i h"> suspected. of carry ins liuuor and gave chu«*e. rile chaw was continued about jtn hour over narrow, dantrerous ix>aU when the accident occurred. times the oftieers .itu'mpt64 to part# the rum car. but each time th» driv. er of the fleeing vehicle would -ut in front of their automobile. The rum car suddenly cut off on a side a t right angN's about two : "'d it h*j:t miles from Stoncvllle. 1 rexler attempted to turn ohurpty to the Vft on th.. „Ide road- His car turne'l completely over, er-u>hinK in the w.ihle top part of the auitomo. bile, and again righted itself on its wheel*, coming to a stop. T:—x!er (lied instantly with a crushed head. Th'> car which the officers had ''ecu rha-ing wojs found about a milt* lunii the seen* 1 of the accident, with a flat tjre. Sixty gallons of Iji|u«)r wer« di>'-"Ver I in the lc.v'"t. +l il roadster The dtlv'w eeaped. Adnilni.-tr.iNir Oteen indicated that clues nn t-> the identity 'if the man were in the possession of fe«ler. a! agents and a thorough effort will be mad'- to apprehend him. Mr. Osteen expressed a regret at the loss nf one of the niunt valuable prohibition a.-'* nts in the t ntire service. Ollicor Trexlcr wag knnvn and feared by rumrunners, not only in .North Carolina but l>v those tri other at at ins who attempted 'o op. prate through this ntate• since he entered the service in l!'-.>. he has established an ing record for the number of arre9t# made and amount of illegal bevernm se.jzed. Mr. ('sti't'n declared Trei. fcr had Just completed one of the nio>t successful months of hla eg. reer. Trexler han bean. soitiuned at «Ireennltoro rijnce 1927. lie was a. native of Howan county. He is survived by hl« widow, on* daughter. Margaret Iv e y Trexter, Crroensboro; hi« parents, Mr. Mr 8 . Oeorge Trexler, of Row»» county; and num«roua other rr'", tlv®» of no wan county.