PAGE TWO ■URHAMI-IUPLEXI \\\V^|l///v-X^ 'The B .wmtk 1 'i/if/'jj*,* *"jf ■——— ——— v v OO\ ■ •.*> ■ - For SHAVING SATISFACTION ' and ECONOMY! Now use the new Durham-Duplex "Gold Star x - \ Blade"! Keen, strong, long-lasting. Look for the // i \ * s \ Gold Star or. package. Hero is what it guarantees / ' / \\ A X itavery blade: * FINEST STIES, (; _•' Se!ivtt*»l by - .•* in % t* ol : U: : .lety la/oi ivi "* ■* v *ar" — \ b'i.nUs. Pure «r..l CI.L AN lijviui !. i lN:?ri I."YION for *L **. «- i-- muiorinttv*. \s> &»•,' , tia'sv * !H- x }IA;x: m .\K • . . the.; temp* Mm:. , >. r^.licm y ——qu • • lor ! o:i\ Lis: iwe. to insurs * KOLLOV7 GRGUKD y\ A saicty i«/or thick to bv hollo I w-;nunil tin* *» me as 4 barber's r.uor. Gjvis more IwUlvnc lo *h..\.: c rJc IXSI'I.CTION oi * SOAP KONED Individual honing in so.ip . . (he barber's way! Tare olive oil >oap used on special hon.K. INSPECTION for fineness oi actual shavirs edges). * LEATHER STROPPED Each blade (both edges) stropped by 1.000 feel of shell horsehide strops same action as used by barbers. (.INSPECTION of shaving edges micro scopically before final testsi. 50c package of 5 Blades * HAIR TESTED . . T-> 1 Sut places on each edge of each blade must cut a human hair. Test performed 10 bhaving iixlges by hand—not machine. Then sterilized, rust proofed. Also sight test and final microscopic test. * PROTECTED EDGES Each blade suspended on tabs to give absolute edge protection. Edges cannot touch wrapping material. Wax-sealed in air-tight paraffin wrapping. DURHAM-DUPLEX ★ NEW PROCESSING RAZOR COMPANY All methods keyed to latest standards. Automatic manufacture with bk&> Jersey City, New Jersey vidual inspection of each hlaal* —" - • • • ® C • © It Pnys to Advertise! ' |j From Danbury north to Stuart, Va., is 22 miles; north-east to Sandy Ridge is 15 to 20 miles; west to West field is 20 to 25 miles, south to Walnut Cove is 10 miles; south-west to King is 25 miles. Here is a vast territory in which there are very few general supply stores, if any. This territory is thickly settled with farmers who have money to spend, and who need clothing, shoes, dry goods, hardware, farming tools, canned goods, feed stuffs, and fertilizers—these things are necessaries and must be purch ased from SOMEWHERE. These citizens will buy where there is the greatest inducement. Put On Special Sales and capture this business. The Danbury Reporter goes into practically all Stokes county homes. Send your message through the DANBURY REPORTER AND RESULTS ARE SURE TO FOLLOW. A • • 9 A CROP CANNOT BE MADE WITHOUT FERTILIZER. NEITHER CAN BUSINESS THRIVE WITHOUT ADVERTISING. . . • .« •• V «r * • * * .... * ' ' • ... . s |" ■ *' • >• ' *" • - 'tJiN •, . . * " "*'• " ; . .• , • THE DANBURY REPORTER Aunt Sally Ann Tuttle, 96 Years Young. To Have Birthday April 16 Ocrmunton. ltouto 1. March 20. — Mm. Saltio Ann Tut Mo is expecttn# all her friends and neighbors to '»e lat her homo, five mifcv north of (iermanton. near FrieiuM'lp>-' tist church. the 3rd Sunday in Apr:'., to havo I.inlula.v dinner with her. Ann: S.ilHo will l>e !ni year.-, oil. Let's t.'. n't for-tet the date to com' (April l i> in.l don't >'ora;-t !•> lu\n« th«- «'al at hen. hi:I: im:II:\!»S. Mi:\ WANTKH for IMWo Uh ltollU*. . Nil I 'o' * Ml'l' ' j'! I'il It 111 o? SioUe*. Surry, i'.:io • •.' I. t \ il!' .i i U ynil Mi lit i i''ie 'hi.- . I " I' 11"' .11 : > \\ f| ;• and Increase every month. Wrlto inttti'di >:•• >. I! uv|. Uli liich. mond. V i . I'o!''.. t "- Is >i-S. | Mn:i"t!w i i i I | JJh. nuthjifLo AjdlCUiq A 4 + + + 0 (TKIPIE PIUS) Get Kraft Vdveeta from your grocer today. Spread it, slice it, , cook with it. KRAFT X/elveeta ▼ The Delicious New Cheese Food ~ •NOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL ES. ENTA I'XDKII DEED OF Tltl'ST. By virtue of the ipower of wale contained in a deed of trust, execut ed to live on the -9 day of April, 1!I3(H by John J. Slieppard (Widow er) which is recorded in the office of Kejii--ter of Iheds of Stokes t'ouii ty. X. in ISook "v pane 51 il, to which reference is hereunto made to tioctire the payment of ,i certain Mini of nit ney. #l-TI.(MI. difiult having t ceii made in the paymee: of :;id n::iturlty, and t-: !' ' d 1.1 f i..| ill e-i '>f tru-t. r. '> h•. I* « 'p:V.i t> iiio - "c : •• fa : died lor the r'f. i ••" !' , >" 1 • ;!i il i wsell it ""''l ill! linn t.i :ho In.I. d " !.l* ' I'll. ill tliji Jij" ;11 j Mt_ SATI VlMtli. 2i». I :> *■ P.. • ii' ■ p. . ' • 'livey.-.l ::i t:.c d t ! ot • • .i ..M •:,] ... • " K. 1 ' ' hei l ! . ■. ii | : 1 1' 1 - ■ iait', •• it ' ■ - • >V : ■ • i,|. . ; ' ' •' i : : I . ||.. . ' 1 : - ' '' -I :• !! 'Vtl M 1... : ••' • ' T ! It tins .. "' : .' " ii 1 . Vif .'ii i :i:. •, :!l ' i' ; «it : I ■. lino I;■ |. ' !" the 'v i ■ . .-n I•' 'I I ' 111.1/O .!' 1,.- S. i:■'i:i.;;r i i:::.\si:v. i .- ,->• I U . ; l.i 1. A try. 42333k Colds in chest or throat may become serious. Ease them in 5 minutes with Musterole, the "counter-irritant"! Applied once every hour for five hours, it should bring relief. Used by millions for 20 years. Recommended WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 1933 NOTICE OF RE.SALE OK REAL ESTATE. My virtue of a judgment of Superior Court of Stoker County North Carolina, renttored on th«» 24th. day of August, t!• 31. and in . order of the Court signed on llurcii 20, 1033. in the eju-v of .1. L. Moore et al., v». F. C. Moore et al, li e inir No. 1055 in the special ' proceeding docket to jjel| real {*".at>> for division, tivc undersigned having i been appointed coinnii.-s'ioner to sell the land" dcM-rioed in the petition. I will expose t' public .-ale. :it tie* Court Mouse dour of Stoker County on. i itiKW. M'ltil. i!l. • t _ i ni i!ie li .ur of I i i«". : >. ;> a. m.. the . I land de-cr;!iiMl in the ' _ | wit: I Ac: »:I: M t : t of 1 mil .v : : in i!' •• «' •un y nl St'ki - .111.1 I :-r'■ ; I'.'i'i l, Towiit 'iiip adjuir.lni: lli>- . ; \v. s. ii; . s:ii. YII. i. - :: I .it ,| .1. i.. m,, . i iuir lio ;i. ,vi more or le->. : n-S j known and a- the Hoi . | •'! 1 W i !!'a-'ii .M. Al-... ••. I' r i i imire i'onipit ie i! • rip. ;..n of -i .! iau.i nj I U\»d I' '"'i No. .it j» i v in th.. ofi ■ c .if I: i ti"' of ill"-.!,.' o! S;.11; .s «'i(Ulit> N. 'ii..l Wli.i. \\ .iliani M. .'il.nire. i\. .!- el 'I l».u>k N->. ii. pise -II .: i:ie oil'i.-e of til" t'l-rk 'i' :li" Super.") four! ni Siuke> • 'oiinty. X. i\ Sale l i start at l>:| if M.'i i'.i.l'.'i. This AL i r-- li Hit. 1033. .1 U'.IIAi,!,. C,mi. BLADDER .TROUBLE* m If your bladder is irritated, either ' i ■ tierause your urine is too arid or ■ ■ because of inflammation, just try | ■GOLD MEDAL ■ HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES ■ This line, old preparation has l>een I ■ used for this purpose for 237 years. | That its popularity continues is ® the best proof that it works. Hut ■ ■ t>e sure you (jet QOLD MEDAL. AO- | _ cept no aubstitute. 351. . 6 6 6 I.ltjriD TABLETS SALVE Cheeks Colds first day. Headnelies or Neuralgia in 30 minutes Malaria it» 3 days. 066 SALVE for HEAD COLDS. Most Speedy Remedies Known.