THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. GRAND JURY MAKES REPORT TO JUDGE COMMITTEE F I X L> S COIXTY HOMI: si IMIOCT TO CRITICISM. AXI» MASKS KE( 'OMMKXIIA. , ,JF i rjioxs roit LMPROVIOMIOXTS— JAM IN OOOD COXIHTIOX. M R MA li F.s I {IK • >M >11: XI>ATIOX S— REtJI EST.S RESIGN'ATIOX 111 F. I'. STONIO, ( ()l XTV ( OM.MIs. • SIONIK—COXVM'T (AMI' IN GOOD CONDITION". In '.lie Superior Court. April Tern:. IMS. Sfca; ..r Xiir'h c«ro»ina. Oount\ Sio!" -'. REI'»I IT OK GRAND Jl'liV To t'H' Ilonoralile, A. M. Si.n l;, Jud.o ;>ro-i't in-: The Grand Jury for the April 'Term. 1!l33, til' the Superior Court of f:okcii County, most respect fii'lv report to the Court. that the.v have acted on all hills of indictment •which have i>een sent before them. And have made presentments of .11! matters of criminal nature that are within their knowledge. Tha; a committee of their body vfajted and inspected the County it«Bie. and found that ~ome work , stftould be done to said home, found on* commode stopped up and run o*fcr on the plastering. the reason V. that plastering had fallen in We and caused it to be stopped, j *he committee recommends that the —•testering 1 b e fi*ed in said home. ' Jfcund one Iron heating rfiould be fj*ed f» that it will heat, found r«ev e n caskets in said home, committee recommends that county buy robes for inmates to fef buried in. Six rubber c2»et» •llould b« bought to protect the j in said homo and the committee recommends that the«e *• bought for that use, and should Stave six robes for Inmates to ifaar to toilets. The committee recommends that those be bought for that use, and that 2S bed shee's be bought for inmates' u«e. and •l»o some domestic cloth be bougnt to be u..ed for inmates of said home. Pound one porch in bad shape, and '♦he committee recommends that it *>e fixed at once. Found drain pipe flopped tip and wash house over flown. The committee recommend a that I'hfn he ri*ed at once. The com. .mittee recommends that th e light. , Ing eiy*tem be fixed, and recommends that the cemetery b e cleared off. j A committee was appointed to in. ,»pect the County Jail. «nd found it J very good condition, hue the com. mittee recommends that it b e kept in a more sanitary condition, an i recommends that screens h e put in at once. The Grand Jury recommends that if Mr. F. P. Stone hnn moved out i , of the county, that he resign from the position that he now holds an County Commissioner. The Grand .fury further recommends and re- I * questo that if there are any man and wife employed by th e county. ' and both on the county pay roll, or any man holding two positions, re sign, and not hold but one position, the man or wife one should reeign. I A committee visited the convict 7 "imp and found it j n £>od condi. ttOfc.,,. ... A committee wao appointed to In. Established 1872. BANDY RIDGE COMMENCEMENT IHEGIXK WEDNESDAY NIGHT. APRIL 12—A PLAY TO ITK PRE SENTED PROGRAM AT DELTA CIUHCII—PERSON". AI.S OF IXTEItIOST. I Sandy Ilidire. April I" —The gram, mar «i -*>l»s of the Sandy Ki H r e lli«'> School will ajve their commence, nunt e*.'cr- !-TS WV'lue ! I ■ ni-.-hr \! >-il I.', and the '»i-:• ~ ■ oal \vi'! P"esent tliei'- pin- "I* .r r'.i:lu"" Thiirs:!n.v tli-ht. \'c-j! 1:;. love".von> i> invited 1,1 attend. Mi--is l.otiie Ward. • trace M il>e. and \ era Cartel' spent Sunday wit'i Mjss Hertha Venahle. Mis tirade Ma'ie was the geek, end guest of Mis- 5 Elsie I.enioii • I lev. .!. A. Joyce filled his regular appointment at Peter'- Creek l!an ti'-t ehnrcli Saturday nr-'ht and Sun. day. Mr. Gladys Joyce spent the week. ! end in Wins'oll-Salem as the guest of .Mrs. Robbie Duncan. An Easter program will be given I at Delta M. K. church. Sunday nii^lit April IH. Everyone is cordially in. vited to attend. : Several people of this community attended the "Negro Minstrel,"' which was given in the Lawsonvjlle school auditorium, Ftfiday night, April 7. | H. E. Carter and I. J. Terrell spent Saturday nlight in Germanton. ' Miiw Ruby Robertson spent Frj. day night with mm Etelle Joyce". Mi** Olive Joyce delightfully en tertained a number of her friendi at a dance given at her home Fri day tiight Everyone good time, j Mfcw Lola B. Rhod«a ha« accepted a position in Mayodan. i Mr. John Nelson, of Madison R. I. vMted frjends near Sandy Rldgo Saturday and Sunday- Several people of this communi'y apent Saturday in Winston shopping. Everyone who attended the dance Which wai given by Mis* D e no Moore at her home Wednesday night seemed to have had a splendid time. Mrs. Turner Dodson spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Grogan of Stonevill*. N. C. Mr. Otis Morefield spent the Week-end with Mr. t)avld D Dodson. Miss Ernestine npent Saturday night with her cousin Mi*s Abbje Hawkins. I Misses lx>]a and Vera Carter and Mr. John Nelson vlnited Misses Ruby and Mue Case of Madison Saturday night. Rev. George F. Hcod filled his j regular appointment j.t Delta M. E. Church Sunday mornipg. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ward, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Duncan and Mi** Louise Ward spent S' nday in Law. sonville with relatives and frienda. ' Messrs. Clarence Dodson atvd Charlie Vauglvn motored to Stuart, Va. Sunday. «Pect the Courthouse and office*, and grounds, found them in good shape. The committee recommends that a chair be bought for the Clerk's office, or one there now he repaired. **' J. NORMAN-STONE, Foreman of the Grand Jnrjr. Danbury, N. C M Wednesday, April 12 1933 LAWSON vs. LAWSON TRIED MONDAY ACTION ix WHICH FATIIKK AXI) S.IX (OXTKXiM.O FOK Tin: POSSESSION OF AFTOMO. 1111-1:, uiosi i/rs IN VKKIMCT FOR Til 10 I»KFI:NI»AXT —PLAIN. Til l' APPEALS TO SI PKUIOIt coritT Justice of til' Peace N. 10. Wall •li tnisscil •' t-lit at ;i.c expense .'f the plaintiff in a" action here .Man day wamin the p l ' in;iff. .1. T. I.attso", caeil !":• tile i'o.-.-e-:'ion oi •an a a toiuo'dle own, I i>\ his son. Wooiiiow Lawmen, the defendant. The verdict of the i rate wa» that the defendant wa- a niiuoc. and that therefore the plaintiff had 110 case. The action wa.- 1!i-aiisse;! at the "f the plaintiff. The facts in the ca-e a s testified t-o l'.v several witne-ves were as fol lows: The plaintiff J. T. the father, was inde'ited to the defen dant. Woodeow I-awson, the fon in the amount of $30).00. Th e plaintiff sc-ld to the defendant a Ford car at the price of $300.00. Defendant gave plaintiff a note and mortgage (se- Hured by the car) in .the amount ot SIOO.OO, and surrendered other ev idences of debt in the amount of $200.00 On failure of defendant to pay the mortgage of SIOO.OO, plaintiff tooH ou-t claim and delivery papers for the posseenioa of the car covered by the ~"-*r>rr At the trial defendant'* counsel moved for a dismissal of .the action on the ground that hie client ww J* minor at the time of the trans, action but offered to surrender the car if plaintiff wosld pay over to defendant SITS.OO. Witnesses had testified that the car at the present time was not worth orer 50.00. Plaintiffs contention win that, while admitting the defendant was under age, the title to the car, therefore, had never passed from the Plaintiff to the defendant; that de fendant had used or damaged the car to the amount of $250. Plaintiff appealed to the Superior Court. A Bargin Offered The County TOrlitor Reporter: I happened to be at Danbury and heard the recommendations and crit. icisms of the grandjury. One of these was that the county purchase n chair for the Clerk's office, or re. pair the old one now In UHe. I wish , to t-ay that I hav e a chair which I am willing t" sell. It is in fairly enod condition and I will take $1.50 for it. The back screeches a little and one leg is decrepit, but these re pnird can be made at a small cost at any good furniture faotory. The screeches can be stopped with a lit. He grease. My price is a bargain and I will l>e glad to open negotiations with the board looking to a trade. Tf necessary, I would arrange terms. JOHN SMITH. Rev. O. W. Marshall ig attending presbytery in session at Wirafee*. Salem. MARCH MEETING FINiE ARTS CLUB 1 IXTIORIONTIXO PROGRAM ItV DAXUI RY WOMEN'S PItOORES. SUE SOCIAL OIMiAXI/.ATIOX— DISTIX(iI ISHEI) GTESTS EX. | TIOItTA IX101). The March meeting cf the Fjn», i Art* Chili u.i held at the home "I I Mrs. X. A. .Mar'iti, with Mrs. Ralph' Scott and Mrs. l-'i'ank .Martin as joint ho it«~.e«. The '''isjne: - s . -ion w i.-i opene ! with the C!II>I c,. .-ifter wbi H ' repni-t. were read '.y the re'i 'itl -; CO' 1 e'ary at'd Ire 1 -iri-r. Tic raiilj- play -"iiti.l committee j reported re-u prr ares' "'ti pVit s- - j l>cte i t'ot tlii •• purpm-'e. and furthei' plans «erc made for planting shru':.- bery and flowers. i The subject for study a' Ih.- meeting was, ''Famous Women m j Vecerday and Today." and the f«d --' lowing interesting papetv were read' "Lucy Stone, the Pi"neer Woman I Suffragist" by Mrs. Frank Martin: | "The Lady of Codey's," b.v Ruth 10. Finle.v. by Mr-'. W. G. Petree- "Mrs. I Sißo.urne>. Sweet Singer cf Hart, ford," by fiordon Haiirht. prepared by Lucille Martin and read in her absence by Mrs. Wm. E. Joyce. After the completion of the pro. gram an interesting contest was en. Joyed, Mrs. Wm. Joyce winning the prize, a lovely sandwich tray. { Delicioue refreshments were ser. j jrel by Mrs. Martin and Mr#. Seott.! | The club ww glad to have as j ' guest*. Mrs. Judge A. M. Stack of i Monroe. N. C. and Mrs. Honn. who has recently become a resident of Danbury. 1 1 1 Death Of Mrs. i Lottie E. Price, 1 i Mt*. Lottie E. Price, aged 6*. died at Reynolds school, Quaker J Gap township. Friday, A.>prtl 7. of a heart affection. Mrs. Price, who wis the mother, in-law of Principal H. G. Gu/thrja i of the Reynolds High School is sur. vived by three children, two son*, and one daughter. Sh e was born in Rockingham county, and wa» the widow of B. H. Price. | The burial, which was conducted by Undertaker J. E. Nelson, took place in Rockingham county on Sat urday. I Pdlnh Mills ! Withdraws From Race In my endeavor .to be appointed Deputy Marshall in the Middle Bis- j trict of North Caroflina my friends and associates have been very lib. i eral in their unqualified nuent. However, after giving the matter serious consideration I have • decided to withdraw from the race I in the interest of 'harmony in the 1 Democratic party. I take this meth. lod of thanking my true and loyal • supporters and to afwire them of my sincere appreciation. RALPR R. MILLS. Walnut Cove, N. C. A Toung Heir's Search for a Mod ern Cinderella —and His Two Djs. appointing Romances. See The American Weekly, the Magazine , Distributed with Ne*t Sunday's! , BALTIMORE AMERICAN. On eale j by newsboys and newsdealers. LATE NEWS FRO M WALNUT COVE I« II\\(;I: IN posionicK I»KII. SOX XlOl A "TItIOASIIUO LLL XT" AT I I I.TON '1,115 IIOI'SIO I cijixic AT TIII: IIK;II HCIIOOI. —;IOTTIX; UI: \I»V ron -M \Y I J IIAV" I:M:IIRATK>\. W'a'nut IVIVF, APRIL I». — LUSTRUM. I j tjoiw havj lipen rc'cK' 1 L>y Mr. •M.-sitii* I.L-'.vellyn. I ml* •: i'«—=. of 1 Walnut X. rcailinv is t• >l_ LOW.'-. "I o!'!' TIV(. MAY Ist- 'he e.'II. i liloyiMj.nt 'f immeili !!'.• in :JI • >t»l" ■= '!' I f.nniliv OF third- L-I- |I >S' ::ia-U>'l' j must cc.irie. In their pla e post. j MASTERS I'ht!l .«■;•!(• t I\ inpi-lcnt- do j sprvin-:. unemployed PRO. 1 fcretu'e I'oin- yivi-n to those wish dependents." pursuant to such instrtte. ti"!i t'T'on 'ho I'ustmaster Meneral .'it Washinmnn, I>. Mrs. Lewellyn is ti-i-nii tuj Tl tv.r the SERVICES of her hu->- ban«l. Mr. .1. v. assist. ant postmaster; an'L in hit' place, Mr. Frank I'etrec has lieen appoint. eL to fill out the unexpired titnp. It is understood that this ruling affects approximately LO.&no THIRD. postmasters in the nation. FIRST and «*econd-clnss POST offl---* employees, however, are under civil service; but post OFFICES are granted "urns ranging from $240 A year and up, according to the of 'the office, being 'PERMITTED in .the past to employ whomsoever ths postma«t«r pleased j ASIDE from the usual nightly BO- I cia,l bridge clubs, weekly ladies aid i , , "ocitiea of aril churches, the ou». 1 standing function of the PART week was. it is understood, SPONSORED by Dr. R. H. Haclcier and J. W««1e/ ' LINVILLE in what is known aa A 'Treasure Hunt." Phomptty at 6 p. ! : m.. Saturday evening. April Bth. at the club house of Mr. Jacob Fulton, a large number of friends nvet and were given the first word picture. ' ' Picking up the trail as best one could, each participant rushed in their autoe ae speedily as possible to the end of the rainbow where the pot of gold might be discovered- It WAS Mr. S. Ci. Sparger who won the Pot of gold. ' Thursday of last week a clinic WAS HELD at the WALNUT Cove School for children who will enter school next year. The clinic j was under the supervision of Dr. j He«e. assisted by Mise Lillian Fow. IW and Miss Leary, the school nur«. A physical examination was made of each child, and .proper rec. j ommendation* given to the par E nt» as to the remedy of any physical de. fects. FOLLOWING fhis exami«\tlin, the students of the fimt and second GRADES gave a fine program to th> youngsters of tomorrw. ; Rev. L. B. Murray, of Yadkin County, filled the appointment at the Baptist Church SunJday nisht, preaching to a crowded house the doctrine of St. Jolhn: Repentance- j The fitudent body and the faculty is working hard on the "May Day" I program to be given at the school I on Friday, May sth. There will be on display in each room the various types of work done by each grade, ' and all parents are invited as well j 'A« THE public to visit these rooms | and see what their children are cap. .able of doing. I I Number 3,771 EASTER SERVICES DANBURY SUNDAY I'HOI.IiAM AT Till-: M. I-'.. 111 KX II —SI:I.I-.I>I:M \i, >rri:ui.\; TO in-: t.\ki:\—i:\stkk mkssauk IIV I'AsTOIt. The following pi-ourum will r>c tivi-n jit the Methodist -hurch in Oiinlmry Kisti>:- Sninluy it II A. M: "I' ■ 11n. t .\:-ise." AntlU'in. • *hri: she in Ri*. en Today" 11> mil. n:i| tn IK I'.v Miss Marian Neclhani. Self-"l-i>i:i! o!':'er:r r-• benevolent :in-l lii*i•'11«•,j11 c:. ensi-'i! :>unioses. • '■' Hi fail t-i Jirjn« >-wr re'l. white. Hid !>lue en -'i anil thitrt i npjiei-.-ite in ;i it'.vat -ause. Srrvj -| s in the Me'll' list church, e- "ii the I'anbury ehai-ire >n Eas, ter Sunday are as follow*: Davis Chapel at f::)" A. M. Rethesda at 11 A. M. Forest Chai'el at 3 P. M. Pint- Hall at 7:30 P M. The i>a-*t>i" preaching at an foui~ points will 1»!• inii an Eii-iter nie&xage- Miss Marian Need ham. of Bre vard Institute, will he in charge ©c the service at Danbury at 11 o'alaek. She will al«o Bin? at this servkoi There will be special music by the choir. Serious Injury To | Former Cttiaufc I the IH-year.jold »•» et Jeff Rmjth. w«g seriously injvi(4 I 'by a car driver at BummerfS(l4 Both less were broken, there a. contusion of the skull, and oth«» in ' Juries. The young man is in hospital. J*tt Smith is brother of our tmrac, men. Bert and Zeb Smith, and for merly lived here i ~~ Ebb Bennett was her* MwUa/ with a load of wood for rale- Bb)» is a, victim of th« wild drunken sar driver, who maimed him for life- The defendant was punished severe. ly. but this did. net bring back Ebb'j lost vivacity and physical «ren*tH and activity. The North Caretia*. laws should require the drive**, odf cars on the 'highways to obtair* a. license, coupled with a bond. The tmfferer should have a si>m«where —now he has none, take your medicine. If you get hit by the irresponsible driver, you are •ut of luck. . - „ The climax of the day's protrras* will be the crowning of the' May Queen, Miss Margaret Fulton," The other members of the queen's court are: Maid of Honor, Mfce Luci)* I Bryant; attendants —Elsie Gatewood. Imoßene Creakman, Estelle Hum phries, Irene -Rialhardson, Daisy Mabe, Marie Fitzgerald, Marjorie Pepper, and Ka,thryn Whitner. j The Baptßn church, the Pal church, and the city cemetcrv crounds have been put in fine shape by the Reconstruction force. This force of workers are now working on the grounds at the Methodist church-in Stokenburg. Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald has been called to his father's home near MockavjlJe to attend the serious iU_ n««j of his father. I

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