THE DANBURY REPORI EK. Volume 61. BERT SMITH MAKES ARREST AT KING PCLLtS ALFOItD IIAI'KER FOR PROHIBITION VIOLATION KEKP .MIXES TO BIILD XEW HOMi: SEVERAI. WEDDINGS AXI> OTHER XEWS OF KING. Kins. April It*.—Alford lliuser. youn- married man. was ar-ested here Saturday by Deputy Sheriff.' Berkley Smith on a charge of vio lating the prohibition law. 11 a use approa hi*d the depiuy and offered to se'l hint a pint o' witiske-, where upon the deputy told him lie would take the whi key nnd him a' it was then that Hunger M arte.l ■.« run bit the deputy proved . hotter runner than llau-or and soon nvcr itook him and a pint of Ea-ter joy Juice was found on hi* person. Me was given a hearing before Justice of the peace, .1. Steadman Garner and bound over to the term of ■Stoker Superior court. Jones News'.un, of Newport Xew, Va. has returned to his home after ■Pending a few days here the guest of Clay Jones and family. Oray S. Moore and Miss Flossie Viola A'.ridge were married Satur. day in the Rural Hall Methodist Parsonage, Rev. Mr. McKinney of. flciating. They lelt immediately for « trip through western Xorth Care. KM and South Carolina- The brhle |« the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Alridge while the bridegroom is. the son of Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Moor. After the honeymoon they will be at home on R. F. I>. 2. Rural lla!!. The wheat crop in this action is looking very promising at pres. «nt. Reed Jones is preparing to et'e-'t a new home on his farm five miles Worth of town. Attorney H. 11. Leake went to Greensboro Friday to attend to some legal matters. An Easter eervjice was .held at. the first Baptist church Friday avenjng which was largely attended \ •Sheriff J. John Taylor, of Dan. kury, was a business visitor here Saturday. Prof. C. C. Carroll, of Mount Airy formerly of King, was a visitor here On business Saturday. Th« following births were regis tered here last week, to Mr. and Mr. Paul Moser a son. to Mr. and Mrs. C, O. Boyles. Jr. a son. to Mr. and Mrs. Gorrell Sizemore a daugh ter, to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Oordy • son, to Mr- and Mrs. Buford Wall a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibson a son. and to Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Long a daughter. Attorney Charles R. Helsabeck, of Rural Hall, was among the legal visitors here Saturday. V Frank Logging and Miss Nannie . White motored to Stuart, Va. Sat. urday where they were married. t . The bride is the daughter of Mr. . and (Mrs R. c. White of King •nd the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Loggins of Perch. J. E. Stone celebrated his fifty, •first birthday Sunday. Several near ' relatives were present for the occas. lon. j Mirig Kate P. Stone, trained nurse |of Charlotte, visited relatives here *: -Sunday. Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, April 19 1933 MANY FARMERS CAN'T GET HELP • APPLICATIONS FOR FEDERAL 1 I FARM LOAXS TCRXED DOWN. I i PREVENTS G ROWERS FROM I ! RSECVRINT; FEHTIIJKEH—GOV- . ERXMEXT TAKES SECURITY ' FOR OLD BALANCES. HIT RE., FL'SES XEW LOAXS—MATTER j I imoroirr TO ATTENTION OF J WASH INGTON GOV ELTXM EXT. I I Many farmers, win-'e application-'j for federal loans have been turned ' j j down by the government, will Iv • unable to make 1!>33 crop. In litis i case only continued assistance ! i I through lied Cross or other dire"t 1 relief nueii' may prevent serious Mil'i'ei'ing The above facts and complain', have been Wrought to the attention of the Danbury U'-porter t.y quite 1 number of citizens. It is stated that the reasons a.--, signed by the government, through its agents, for refusal of further re lief in most cases is that the grow ers ha\*e not settled unpaid balance-! for 1931 or 1!'32. or both. j | Farmers who make the above complaint also allege that they were induced to execute mortgages on their 1933 crops on the expectation i of getting loans, but that after -tying up the only security they could ! a*'ail themse'ves of. they are left in the precarious position now of be ing unable to get help from any other source. Xo supply merchant or fertilizer dealer is willing *o make advances on a crop already mortgaged. The Reporter's Informant* ad. vise that the federal farm loan com. mittee in the county is composed of Luther Mitchell, of Walnut Cove: P. O. Fry of Pinnacle, and R. 15. Hutcheivon of Sandy Ridge- The non-resident inspector or supervisor of federal loans for i Stokes is H. S. Anderson, who is understood to have the last word in loans, and whose O. K. is necessary to secure the granting of -the loans in Washington. It is understood that complaint is being made through Congressman Frank Hancock and Senator Roht. Reynolds as to the situation in the i county with reference to crop loans. Outing At Cascade Meadows. —One of the most de lightful outings of th e season was a w'einer roast enjoyed recently by a party of young 'People from here- The party motored over to Cascade Falls where a huge bonfire was built, around which the weiners and marshmullows were roasted- The weather conditions were excellent for the occasion and it proved very enjoyable for all. Those who at. tended this delightful affair were: Misses Mary Neal, Edna Xeail ( Ola Moorefield, Annie Ruth Neal: Mes srs. Reed George. Reed Forest, Charles Christian. Elmer Moorefield, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mitchell. Mr. and ' Mrs. Travis Tuttle. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Easter. Mrs. W. O. Petree and children visited relatives at High Point Mon. day. WALNUT COVE'S TOWN ELECTION INTERESTING CONTEST BOOKED FOR MAY 1 THK ISSt'ES OVER 1300 FARM LOANS 1N COCNTY roil 1933—IIEAITIFt'I. KASTEK PROGRAM MAR. HIA(iKS or I'OPI'LAH ( ori'hES —OTHER COVI-: NEWS. Walnut Cove. April 17. Till' town •!' Walnut Cove wjl! hiilii j's regular annual election on the first Tuesday in -May. tin* res. isfation books havina closed on '.he 22 dIV of April. lit 33. There ;i|>. Pears t" hp a great ileal of inlet" t licitl- manifested in thi:ele>'M n. Ileretof're. mi oppo-jtion in the election of a I'nard of Town Com. inis-i-iners has been eivountei'ed. The "hi Board. composed "f .Messrs. .1. 1.. Mitchell. -Mayor, with 11. 11. Davis. It. 1.. Vaughn. c. 11. Hut h erson. and E. !•'. Mich iel. is for re election. The pro rain f r the o'd old Board. if re-elected, i* a more tit riot economy in the government of the town, anl the purchase of all outstanding bonds as fast an the ■funds are available. It is understood that the new can. didates for election, composed of Messrs. J. C. Hut'Cbison, Mayor, with W. P. Marshall, W. M. Fulp, 12. F. Michael, and O. M. Southern, stand for the elimination of a;ll ex penses of the town in the way of clerk hire, room rent and other ex pense*. except the actualwpteaep and maintenance of .the town's equipment and systems of water and sewer. That, it is understood, would make a savins of from #SOO. to SISOO annually: anil also the borrowing of funds sufficient to take up all thy outstanding bonds of the town at greatly reduced values. Mr. 11. S. Anderson, the Govern, ment Agent in Stokes County, in form* us that he hopes to complete the making out of loan* during the Week ending April 22nd. Ix>an» date in Stokes County total 1.3R0; and approximately 20» more are expected during this week, accord, ing to Mr. estimate. The loan« during 1933 will average ap proximately In Forsyth Coun ty. it is said, there ha* been filed with the County Agent only 461 ap plications. with an average of $»:. Comparing the figures of .the num ber of applications from farmers in the two counties, i-t appears that Stokes County farmers are in great er need of finances than the farmers In the adjoining conuty. A beautiful Easier program was presented by the various societies of the Baptist church las' Friday even ing. consisting of speeches, son?.', recitations. The pastor, R e v. O. 12. Ward. being absent on account of liia recent illness, the invocation was said by Mr. H. C. Harnett, while short talks were made by Mrs. W F. Marshal!, and Mr. H. R. McPher. • s '>n in the Proof of the Resurrection, and what the Resurrection means to us. The Easter egg hunt ,which was given by ithe Stokesburg Methodist Sunday School Monday afternoon, was largely attended by the child, ren of the school. For the hundred children, the ladies of the school prepared several hundred eggs, which were hidden on the lawn and SHERIFF TAYLOR MAKES SETTLEMENT I COIXTY com mission' Kits IX SESSION* Tt'ESDAY, OHHI.It I. \\ l> SOI-I) roil TAXES OX riltST MONDAY IN .ll'NI". At a nicotine of the Hoard •>' County Commissioners hero Tue*diy. Sheriff .1. John Taylor made hi-» settlement f>>r the D' 32 taxes. A full board w.i~ present at tiio meet ins. cimpo?ed of F. I'. Stone, chairman: J. A. Joyce and 11. II Brow M. The commissioners ordered that real e-i'iic to •»e sold for del*niue'u on the fir t .Monday in .Mine. i nan. There was no farther biisino-. before the Hoard at this meeting. AN'TH'II* Vl'lXli HEER? Representative Phillips, of Stokes ■county, has introduced, by request, a hill to regulate public drunkenness Sn the Kins Hiwh School district. Th c hill was pawed by the House and sent to the Senate. It provides that public drunkenness ■'hall punished: "By a fine of Si 5 or imprisonment for 10 days for th e first offense: by a fine of $25 or imprisonment for 20 days for the second offense; by a fine of S3O or imprisonment for 30 days for the third and subsequent offenses, in the King High School district. Stokes county." Mary McCanless, who is in school at Salem Academy, spent, the holiday with friend-" here. yard of Miss Nannie Jones' •home. N'ews of interest to the citizens of this community and the Walnut Cove Hish School was the sudden marriage of Miss Irene Richardson, of the tenth grade and star forward of the Basket ha II team, to Mr. Jack Smith, a player, also, on the boy's team. This njarriase place Tuesday afternoon at MartjinsvJUe, Va. Mr. Roy Southern, son of O. M. Southern, of Walnut Cove, marriel Miss Huhje Marshall, daughter of Charles M. Marshall, of R. F. D. 2, Walnut Cove. This marriage, too. took place in Virginia last Saturday. I The great game of Croquet is now on, and the weather was fine Eas_ 1 ter Monday. From early morning until the going down of the sun, all ' of the players in the community and | adjoining and distant towns (fathered ion the lot adjoining the property of Mr. Joe Welch in Stol-.esburg. The young men pitted their energy against the skill of the old men: the fat men played with equal zeal as the more lean- When the uay was over everybody on the court had won and lost- Those enthnnjasts par ticipating during the day were: Mr. George Hutchison. Mt. Airy; Rev. 1 J. W. Campbell. Stoneville: Hill Campbell of Duke University; Mes srs. Emory Rothroek, Ilarvey Both. i rock, Dewey Rothroek, John Hutch, ison of Winston-Salem; .Toe Welch, James Tuttle. Charlie Tuttle, Dr. C. J. Helsa-beck, D r . R- H. Hackler, J. W. Hutchison, H. R. McPherson, Sam Martin f L. C. Whitner. M. N. Wheeler. H. a. Tutt'le, John Tuttle, i v . P. Johnson, P. a. Smith, and o there. I WEDDING BELLS RING AT DANBURY ELDER .1, WATT TITTLE, CLERK OF THE COI'RT, TIES Till: KNOTS FOR KOI It COI'PLES— j EASTER A GLAD SEASON 11)1! MATRIMONY. • Elder .1. Watt Tuttle. Clerk of '.ho ! , Court. i a j,| down his official dutie-. , j Monday and assumed the e desias ; tieal role lons enough to perform i the marital ceremony for fou. - ccujiles. At the samp time .Maui--. | 'rite X. E. Wall tied the knot for ; one or more pairs blushins brides i * ii«l i i h wa a -iha! day for niarria-en in Danbury. and the soft tinkle •' • the bells was beard early as John I'ruitt and Lau:a Kins, arrivm- 11 r>'.. "waited the formaline" incident t• the>n, and we e soon --pli ed- Those who got married Monda:'- ay shown by the license records at Register of Deeds Haile.v's cft'j-e. were as follows: Joe M. Hrown and Carrie Shei ton, of Walnut Cove. Joel 11. Hart, of Lawsonvjlie, and Delia E. Pridd.v, of Sandy Ridse. John Pruitt and Laura Rins, of Pilot Mt. W. R. Hill, of Forsyth county. | and Lucy Harris, of Winston-Salem. , Edsar Mays and B e lva Joyce, of Sandy Ridge. . of Danbury. j i ! Methodist Church Re|>orted Rev. W. B. Poovey. presiding el- 1 der, will be in charge of the ser vices next Sunday morniiiK at 11 o'clock. He will hold the Second ' Quarterly Conference for this rear. At the close of the morning service ' he will call for reports front the dif ferent departments of the work. ' Some of the ladies of Danbury are planning a basket lunch at the close of the services. All who care to do so are invited to bring their basket and enjoy the fellowship. The pastor will hold services at Yade Meoum at 3 P. M. also in Danbury at 7:45 P. M. 1 BANK OF MT. AIRY i A meetins of the stockholders and depositors of th e Bank of M». Airy is dated for Wednesday to take measures -to reopen the bank under a Plan prescribed by Sta'te Battle Commissioner Hood- The require ment is the surrender of all the oM stock, enlist SIOO,OOO of new capital (from deposits, if necessary), and pay in $50,000 cash surplus. ! HAM MANIEIi DERANGED j Ham Manuel, a well known citi. Zen of the Prestonville neishborhoo 1. near Sandy Ridse, has become de ranged and is being cared for at the County Home, i ________ ' DEATH OF H. O. HEATH I I . | Hugh O. Heath, of Beaver Island I township, died Thursday. Mr. Heath f 1 wa« ased about 60 years, and was a . j good citizen. '» ———- James R. Caudle Is on the sick list at his home in Walnut Hills. i Number 3,772 A LAKE AT THE COUNTY HOME AMMITIONAI. PIMMKITS LAUNCH. KI» IIV LAWIIKNCK MACRAE— Ito.Mt TO II \\;l\; ItoCK WII.Ii HE SIKVKYEM MY STATE— SIOVE TO IXCU'DK STOKES IN MAX I Eli MOONE NATIONAL FOREST PAItK. It i- proposed to build a lake in the I'm - I a 11(1- U'lj 'fn! to the Coun ty 11 'Hi*', providing a -h ct of water I'LIVCRIRV." sonic "u a T.-S, ;iffordini s*i-".liiiir. inciting, .uid I'utlsln- for thu citizens of Stoke.- county. "l"■'i-- is -m additional and very interest-UK item in the ••• K'.s of pru. j'i'ts b;>:ng latiinhed I Uuvrcnuo Ma l '!! Ie in tht- interest of the up. luiiMiim of the county, and to aid in the development of our resources I ; | l'Kely at the expense of Federal a^eivies. Mr. Mai' was in Danbury Fri day placing on pxhlinition a map of the proposed road to Rock, which it is estimated will carry a grade of only about 10 per cent., and may lie constructed at a very reasonable cost. The elevation ot Hanging Rock is about 3,100 feet, much higher than Afheville. j The project of the Hanging Roc's development is very feasible. Stat* chairman Jeffrey of the Highway Department, is expected to have the road surveyed at an early dat«. In enlarging his projects for tha development of the resources of the county. Mr. Macßae includes a chain, of lakes to furnish fishing and boar, ing and other practical or pleasur able pursuits for citizens of the county, and for visitors and tourists who wjll be willing to pay a reason, able fee for the privileges incident thereto. Mr. Macßa e is working earnestly also to have Stokes county included in the proposed Daniel Boone Na tional Forest Park, and to furnish, the extreme eastern gateway of this vast reservation. WANTED—PKTTKES. I have received a number of In. teresting repli&* to my advertise ment. There are three especial which 1 can't decide. I must have pictures before I can ever make up my mind. It is a very serious thing" to choose a wife. No mistaken must be made* Send me your lateat photo, to help me decide this very momentous question. You may the lucky one- X. Y. Z. Care Reporter, Danbury X. C. P. S. I am not particular about the col. or of hair. Mills Resume At Mayodan Joe Lynch of Mayodan, who was here Tuesday, reports .business 'pick ing up at Mayodan. The Mayodan mills are putting several hundred men at work this week. There js a better feeling among business men- Killed Her Sweetheart as the Movfe Audlenge looked On. A Thrilling True Story in the American the Magazine Distributed with Next Sunday's Baltimore American, Bay it from yx>ur local newsdealer or newaboy. i

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