THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. THE MUDDLE AT TteE COURT HOUSE THE MEETING OF THK COCNTY COMMISSIONERS MONDAY I>IS. CLOSED S O M E CKOSS.d lt. RENTS IXTERESTJXG TO CIT. IZEXB AND TAX-PAY ERS— KKMBI i: F. l>. STONK HELI'CT- HEsH.X AI Diroit'S OPHCi: CON'TIN FED FOR \N. KXTHEK MONTH FXTIL Till: AT. MOSPHEKE CLARIFIES TIII: COST OF Till: AI DITOIfS OF. FICE DIKING TWO YEARS— BEER I,I(I:NS|:S (dt\NTi:D— OTHEIt INCIDENTS. At the regular May meeting • f the Boar. l of Cowry t'oinmis--'ioll"rs Monday, some eross currents o. wind that fans the cheeks of the average tax-payer and citizen of the county with .a coyness that may be refresh ng or not, were relea-v i and stirrei interestingly. First. a sood many people ha i •thought a vacancy existed «m fie; board owing to the non-ex:,-ten e any longer of the Rev. F. P. Stone as « qualified citizen of the county. Thfci impression appears to have been rather hasty or ill-considered, belnir as ho w Mr. Stone showed no intention whatever of relinquishing bis Position and prestige and power as A member of the Stokes county board of commissioners. Notwithstanding his removal to Msth«r county, notwithstanding the very personal reference to his in cumbency memorialized by the late • grand jury, and in spite of the fact that Judge Stack intimated that his ' service war! automatically closed. Mr. S'one said nothing alwiut anv abdication whatever, and his official acta as spread on the minute* of the board, whether legal or otherwise, are there v. „ Soon after the board had opened business Frank P. st >ne ap peared and observed that if the of fice of auditor was to bp continued, "he would be pleaded to have the Job." llemher J. A. Joyce therefore stated that he thought th'* "mat. *er had been settled at the April of the Board." Member Stone rejoined that though Mr. Sparger had drawn or such a settlement that "we Md not sjurn it." It is thus presumed that as far as Mr. Stone is concerned the resolu. t*on which the minutes of the April •meeting prescribe, i s null and void- The resolution reads as follows: ' That all of the duties and pow ers heretofore vested in the county •Accountant or Auditor of the county, ♦ogether with his records and pa. ipers are transferred to th e office of the Register of Deeds, who is here toy officially designated an county •icountant, auditor and chief finan cial officer. "That the collection of all taxes / •ha'll be placed 'in the hands of the Sheriff, and that the IRec-ster of Deeds and Sheriff shall perform all Of the duties without further com. ,'Pensation." During a rather heated discussion V*®' the |Ucat ' on whether or not the quo is still preserved or Jprhether the resolution of tha April tneeUng shall b e honored Member Established 1872. HOME COMING DAY AT BETHEL CHURCH WILI, III; HELD ON THE SECOXL> SIMIAY IX M.W—LOYAL WES. LEV CLASS HOLDS Krari..\K MCINTIILY MEETIxu. Th' Home Coming Day at Bethel Baptist church, near Meadows, will L)e LI L*I>I >" the second SUNDAY IN May instead of the third as has he n previously announced. Th" date was changed on account of the annual Primitive Baptist. Associa tion scheduled for that ila'e in Wahmt I'l'Vl'. Rev. M. 10. Manuel. past-ir of Is'thel church, extend* a invitation to everyone to come and bring well-iill.'il basket.-. There will he several vfi'cit.lng i-!'i>irs present and part of the "lay will he -pent in an old fashioned eoiiimunit.\ s-n.-- ing. The day promises to lr. ine of real w.o-hipful entertainment) for all who a'tend. The Wesley class of Pal myra M. H. church held its regular monthly meeting recently with Mrs Travi* Tutvle at the home of he.- mother. Mr*. J. B. Oreen. The president, Mrs. Pearl Lewis presided and Mrs. Charlie Blaylock conduct ed the Impressive devotional e"er. ciaes. The 'program was in charge of Mrs. W. C. White and Mix, Travis Tuttle, and was com loosed en tirely of instrumental nnd vocal music. This was the first program of this type that 'the class had haii, ami it was thoroughly enjoyed !./ all. Tile I'ihlp test was eondtieted by Mrs. (Maxtoii Lewis. and Mr. Paul Lewis. Mrs. o.scar (Si'eene. and Mrs. Charlie Blaylock tied for the high est grade. During the business session sev eral matters of interest to tin- class were discussed and a class song was selected- After the class benediction. Mrs. Tuttle assisted hy her mother serv ed delicious refreshments. The next meeting of the class will he held on Friday. May 2fi, at the home of Mr*. Marvin Young. Ftone arose and declared that neith er the Register of Heeds or Sheriff was competent to do the auditorial work. « It was finally decided that the auditor's office, with Frank P. Stone, as incumbent, he continued another month until th e atmosphere cleared. Frank P. Stone is county auditor with a salary of $1500.00 p e r year. At the court house it was stated the office of the auditor has cost the tax-payers between SB,OOO and $lO,. 000 during th® two years of Mr. Stone's incumbency. This of course include* the work of special audits, modern book records, etc.. wh'ch have been deemed to be neegsary dutiing the years 1931 and 1032. Beer license was granted to the following: Powell Hobertfion, of Lawsonvjlle. John Leweliyn. of Walnut Cove. Tho«. Smith, of King. The prices of the various license Per year as follow*: County, $25; State, $5; federal, S2O. Further transactions before the Board were of a routine'nature such as payment* of claims, etc. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, May 3 1933 H. S. ANDERSON IS SUSPENDED ! . _.. t FIELD INSPECTOR FOR FEDER AL LOANS I NDER THE FERTI. | LIZER AND SEED LOAX Alt. RAXGEMEXT. TO BE SI'PERSE. I ' DEI)—AXDERSOX WAS AP. ' POIXTEE OF THE HOOVER | ADMINISTRATION. AND ES TABLISHED A RECORD FOR j COLLECTIONS. Xews has reached here that 11. An Irx'ti. who has iieeti acting fo* ■ev. ral years a- fie',,l inspector and chief admini-fator of the federal crop IN MI agency in Stokes, has been suspended- Mr. Anderson. w t » was an appoin tee ol the Hoover administration. will probably |, C succeeded by a Democrat named by Congressman Frank Hancock, of the Fifth North f arel:na district, who his charge of Federal patronage in this territory. H is not known that charges were brought against Mr. Anderson in his official capacity. lie was un derstood to be a gentleman well qualified in the duties of his posi tion. but there was a general feeling that he was rather too conservative in passing upon the qualifications of applicants for federal loans among tl.e tarniers, that he sought a record with the department at Washington for efficiency in collections, and that he aspired to a 100 per cent- "clean up" of farm loans under his admin, istration. it is quite well known that the farmers of Stokes, though pro. bably harder hit than any other Planters of this section of thj State, had more nearly liquidated their ob •i'-ati'ins to the government than th'' farmers of an; average county. , I; is not known who "ill be ap pointed in Mr. Ander.•op's place though there are several candidates already for the position. Farmers Who , Can't Get Federal Crop Loans There is quite a cry throughout this section from farmers who sa.v they are unable to set loan* from the federal agency, and are there fore unable to make crops for the year 19 3S. i I The complainants allege that the.v | are turned down without Just cause. | : having complied with the govern ment's requirements to the best of I heir ability, and being without money and without credit, are left in I helpless condition. Specific instances are mentioned belnwt Bob Simmons, who applied for SIOO.OO loan, and was refused. o{m~ mons owe« the government $15!>,00 on 1931. He claims he paid it all his crop brought. He received no loan for 1932 as his landlord refused to assign waiver. | George Lankford, who applied for SSO an-d was turned down. He was also refused last year. He owes tho , government nothing., Jerry Mabe who waj turned down because lie owed a 'balanc© of sl3 on 1932. He declares he Paid tho government all his crop brought I with the exception of a fow dollar i ( which he used for clothing for his family and some taxes. i ELECTION DAY LIVELY AT COVE I TOOK ON THE ASPECTS OF A I POLITICAL COXIEST WO. MAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY I I M. E. CIII'RCIt MEETS—XEAI ' BOONE POST WANTS THE BOX. IS PAID. Walnut Cove. May Ist.—May lus was ii-liered in with a rush. Before old Sol made his appearance, the town election ollicials were at the r post „r duty. Mrs. Dolly Fair !«>„. Ilc-istrnr. (assisted by Mr.-. Christine S:UUK and 11. H. Fow'er, J till-..5, J. (•. .li.yie, Bailiff, .1. 14 and H. |j. M.lis. -Marker-, I •il! t".,.i their plf.ces as election of ficials before the dawn had broken in fu.l. Before long the election hud taken • it the I ropi rtion- of !l iloo ver.K'iosevtl- affray. 'l'r-Je to pre cedent. t-'e catuiidates. som.. with their wives assisting, made their ap. Pea ranee early working throughout the day, tr-inspor'ag in their cars the duly qualified s frutu , their home- and offices t i the vot- ! I lng place. C'ne of the e.tndid ite's wives, in particular, remarked that She got a real thrill in working for the cause of her husband's ticket- The old board, candidates for re election. composed of Messrs. J. L Mitchell Mayor; I*. L. Vaughn. E. F. Michael, C. U. Hutcherson, and H. 11. Davis, Commissioners: J. It- Voss, "it.v Clerk, submitted to defeat! without any outward display of emotions. Tiie newly elected Hoard of Coin, nif-'-ioners. were juhljant over the victory, and a"e determineii to sh«>.v the People of Walnut fovp that sometlnlng can and will be done to relieve the I urdened, t iN.riddeii people of this town. Mr. Fnlp. who issued a circular in reply to Major Mitchell's statements in a similar cjrcirlar, says that he lias no hard feelings toward any member of the old hoard, and desires the whole hearted support from them. Tile official ballot follows." XFAV BOARD J. c. Hutchison. Mayor. IV W. M. Fnlp, Commi.sjoner, 17' i K. F. Michael, Commissioner. Hil W. F. Marshall, Commissioner, l««s jO. M. Southern. Commissioner 22') OLD BOARD |J- 1,. Mitchell, Mayor, 11L' H. H. Davis. Commissioner, 103 B. F. Michael, Cmmisyf oner, -17 C. R. Hutchison, Commissioner. R. L. Vaughn, Commissioner, ft? "Neighbors to All" was the sub-| jeet studied by the Woman's Mis-1 Rionary Society of the Methodist church, when it met Tuesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. 11. It. MePherson. Mrs. Mcpherson and Mists Ljllie Wheeler we' - e associate hostesses on this occasion. The rooms were bright with tulips, lilacs and other spring flowers. The opening sting was "There's a Widened in Clod's March." Devo. tionals were led by Mrs. A. O. Jones, who al*o read a story from John BoJer's " The oreat Hunger." The "Deaconess a Good Neighbor" was presented by Mrs. 11. H. Da\-is, ( who tdld of the Wesley House, and ' Mrs. J. B. Fitigerald, who spoke on changed Toan- Welch [ «tsad an articl Vi . on the Children> MRS. A. I). FOLGER ( VISITS F. A. C. I> AN IH It V WOMAN'S OIU.ANIZA TIOX KN.IOYS KXTKHT\IN. MKST AT 'riir. IIOME or \i H>. NKIJ.Ii: MOON TAVIOIt—TiII: IHSTKKT I'KI.SIIIK.NT'S IN. NTICI TI\ K TAI.K. The Fine Arts 'lub entertained. Thiirsd i.\ .il lcrii l •OM, A^7 "»i :>t the home of .Mrs. J. S Taj lor, >-ami pliinentary to the di-'ri t pre-idon-. Air.-. A. li. I-'o! -ci 1 ..f Doli->»n ,\. I*. 'r!u' lower floor "!' (hi' home was thrown on-vuite ■>ti. 1 lovely !l(jwc:-.s «i'iv ii-ivl " th effe- : as ile'"iai>n. The meet in-: •**t>«*iie«l with the el r. wuiiiun'x hymn and i-otli"-t, followed !, .v iVI'K 'ts >:' !-v rotary and tiv.isu i-i, After ;i v. i-a! -010. •■ii Heart •Mine, by .Mrs. .\. K, i'l-ppcr. the afternoon w a* g.ven t> .Mrs- Fulger, wlio in her rh-irmlng way made air intereftins talk- Tom-hing briefly .n the >r in in of the Woman V 'lui>. she told of it s work, iilmg and aceom. plishmentf. A; the conclusion of the program the guests were invited into the din. ning room where they were served a salad course, followed .l»y an ice course. Mm. Folder was accompanied l by her mother, Mrs. Heee, also of l>ob«on. Mrs. Dr. llackler of Walnut Cove : was a truest present. Home, from the Christian Advocate, and the society planned to help the Orphanage in some way in the near future. Members who attended the meet.iik at Madison resellt ly jfave an interesting report of 'he meeting there. Alter a brief bu.-i. ness session, the hostesses agisted by Miw. Frank IV tree, served a de licious salad, with wafers and col. i«e- Visitors were Mrs. Frank l'e tree, and .M ic.s Claudia Kierson • On his return from a recent vj.-».t to Hulejgh, Mr. MacHac informs us in his opinion tlii Director of the State Holier Fundi, i Dr. l-'red Morrison 'is going to give serious eonsideraiion to the propos. td project?; of Air. .MacHae's in Stoke." county, one of tluve pro jects is the grading of a road to Wanging Hock lJcvelopment; another is the proposed builuing of a lake near the County Home, and the third objective oi Mr. MacHaes ;» the connecting of the mountanoits portion of the county to the National 1- orest Hark, making Stokes County the extreme gateway to the Nation al Park. I Cammandw Ifaalph 11. .Mills, American Lesion, informs u« that I a meat deal of interest in now be. I ing shown by the members of the' Xeal Uoone Host. New lite i* being taken on by thy members of the 1 l'ocst. New hopes are being revived' in connection with Congress paying the balance of the soldier bonus, -is proposed by the Texan He|ire*entu. 1 tive l'atman. Mr. Mill* says th it i a call is being made to the members to meet in speoial meeting at the' Host Hall next Saturday evening to I BO on record as favoring th e pay-' ment of this rndjebtedness. P. 11. Young, of Sandy Ridge.' i was a visitor here Monday.. I Number 3,774 CATASTROPHE IS AVERTED ;.vs i,im: on mikh>l bus Itltl: \KS, \I I.OWIM. IM'IO TO i;sr\i*i: o\ i:\ii.\i st I'iri: car. with child. ri:\. i*. roi \i» i,»( i%i:i> in ri:ar \\irii I'ossim.i: i;c;rkss OM,V Tillt I'(> II I'ltONT DOOR —roi{Tl \ATi:i.V MACIIINK DID NOT Vl' II I IKI: One !::> las' we . ih" ?•> h>ol bus», v!iji-|i i-> li' i'Ai'cli J»■ i bury anil ''\C. till .1 'l''"' - lie !i- t.nnc'teJ. Sl'ow '1- lie : td i-M '■ "li the hut oxhn is* pipe Tin* •ir\\ is packed wit'i !ii il!• -u t-Titi.'fl" in onscjous of rh.'ir lan«' T. Thi' -a- fortunately di'l pot jjnitc. Hut t'H' 1 ' cuts of the children, in whom the matter was reported in the ••M i'in- by the children. bcumg almost hysti: jrul when il wis learn ed that the roar d"or of the being sli'ihtly in ne*d of repairs. had been nii 1 «• • I ii:> or si" ■ lire' V fastened, ami that the only way of escape for thi* children in case the car h-id cau:ht on fire, would have been through the front door which would doubtless have been wrapped in flames, there being the motor un derneath. The Reporter has been requested 'by a number of parents to call this matter to the attention of the auth. •rjtjtv, who are urged to lnw». tiir-ite the p.r>:>allingly sj:"iou>- situa tion ot a school bus operating with its rear door nailed up or securely fastened so that it could not bo opened froi.i the iufido. Last week in Ilowan county a ter. rible accident occurred in which five children on a school bus met their death through somebodys criminal rn re!ersnesi. Naturally in view of such distress lng incjiicnts, parents may h e •used in their solicitude for the? welfare >f their children Young Huns. Parjs 1 'orpel' like to have lost an eye yesterday when he was run ovet* by a house, the corner of the building striking the area of his right orb with so much impact that he was knocked down and rendered n!most sensible. Pails a pal of Rob King, and here is as fin 0 a brace of juvenile vandals. Pirates anil murderers as ever escaped the halter_rein iin the hands of their irate daddies. They rob more bjrd-nest*. break more window glasses, kill more young shade trees, t°rtue more cats. | murder mure toad frogs, wear out more overall*, raid more cantaloupe Patches, shatter more pop bottles, "trip more tomato vines, shake more plum tree*, chase more stray doirs catch more tad-pole*. eat more green apples, desecrate more tien's nests, get more whippings, and get .by with more rascality than any i 4 wo amateur youthful buccaneers I that ever started out to sail the Spanish main. j If they are not hung before they reach maturity, they will both b« i 'pre«Sdent». | LOIST PIO- A Black pig," with whit* face—Jam«« Martin. WaJnut Co*n N. C,_, Route 1.

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