THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. MAY DAY PROGRAM COVE HIGH SCHOOL BEAUTIFUL CKREMONIAI. AT. TKN I)F,D BY THIi()\(iB—MAU. G.VKCT FII.TON UROWXED QUEEN OF THE MAY—H. «'. ni'BNF.TT FAU.S ON CEMENT ANI) IS NOW SEKIOrsI.Y 'II.I. WITH PN El .MONIA—AMERICAN I.ECS ION WILL DEMAND THE SOLDIER BOMS—NEXT MEET. INO TIIIIID SATITIBAY IN MAY. Walnut t'ovo. May x. The M.iy Day Program. which w.n deferred from last Frjilay nil a l ', count of thy inclement went her. un til this afternoon at 2:30 p. 111., was feted with a throne of people- Run. T»i"— ixu 'tly «oi s. he'in'e time, the -Indent hedy "f the entire •-*> ho'n .L-seitii'i'. I i 'lemselves in perL t iorder. after which the so nit by the primary ctiiidr.'ii w-i« followed by a sont front the sixth and seven h grade etiicS -tvts'. J tarry 11 nt• l»i^.•,» gave a fine impressive history of the May Day, statin" that the hi-'tory if thy day tinted far back in the early cent in Europe. The May Pole l>:.nre. and the dance of the flowers, followed by the s*>ng of the Pixies, showed that the children in the pri. Mary grades had l>een given excel lent tulining by their teachers. Even though the sun was hot, not even respecting tlhe pianist. Miss itiue and her assistant. Littfle Miss Nancy I.timbe. the Queen, and her entire .•.•itft appeirt-d dressed in all the •splendor of the various Spring coi. "•s. and received the wreath, crown, ing Miss Margaret Fiiltion Queen ')* the May. Mr. 11. C. Burnett, "ho was "ti Nas- Thursday morning making ar rangements for the connection with the Southern Puhlje" Utility Company t'er .lights to thy -N'e'il filling station office room, suffered a severe fail on the concrete in front of the luiild, ing. On Friday nftprnott pncuinonit developed: an.l at this writing Mr. Burnett's condition is serious. Mr. PJ'.iph li. Mills and family spent Sunday in Statesvillc. Th» mother of Mr. Mills returned with her son to spend the summer in Walnut Dove- Mr. M. Oliver Marshall, P.. F. D. N'o. 2. died at his home last Thumday morning, and "Us buried Saturday at Stoke-dale. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Le-sie Pesram Mar. sllilll; two da tig It tors, Doris and Mary: and three sons., Percjval, Martin Oliver, Jr., and Garland: his father, \V. 1). Marshal.!, Petersburg, Va.: two sisters. Mr*. AV. P. Oerre.v and Mrs. O. L. CSerrey of Walnut D »ve: two brothers, W. M. Marshall, Suffolk, Va., and N. J. Marshall of Detroit. Mich. East Tuesday evening after dark. Dr. c. J. Heisabeok had an 'accident 'of serious appearance When h-s ltuick automobile crashed into a ten fort embinkment at the intersection on Main and Sixth Streets. Other than having his fenders slightly damaged, there was no other damage •to his person or property. "Doc" it was caused by the drizzling rain and a car light reflecting through his windshield, making for obscure vision; but who knows that was the actual oiuse? Mrs. L. R. Brltt and small Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, May 10 1933. CORRECT DATE IS THIRD SUNDAY MAY HOME COMING DAY AT BETHKI. IS FINALLY DEFINITELY 'AH. i RANGED, AND YOC ARE IN. I i VITEI) TO l»E THERE—SPECIAL Ml NIC. DINNER IN PICNIC FASHION, ETC. Mti.dows, May s. | We wi~ti to correct the statement which app.-ored in the article in l.i.'t week's Reporter regarding th" changing "f tlie 1 ate of ihc lloni- Coming Day at Ivtliol Rapt id churcii :roin the third to the second Sunday in May. Th; if'ca >f making tip. change was br. iivht about after leaning of lie Annua! Primitive Rupt'et A - -o_ .'ia-tfun in Walnut Cove en the thii-l Sunday. However, sin • 1.-arniiig thit there is an ail .lay service at Pal myra M. 1,. church on the second Sunday .and :il-o that this j s the r"gu!ar church day at Clear Springs. mr nearest neighbor church. we deemed it advisable io have our llontc Coming Day on the tiiir.l Sunday as was the ""iuinal plans We h>:>e everyone will try to find it convenient to come out and wan ship with us on this Hiy. There will he special music all diy with the entire afternoon set-vice being de voted to a community singing. Din. ner will fe served picnic style, and everyone is invited to attend. REV. M. E. MANUEL. P. C. Demented Woman Confined In Jail Miv. M!|ggie Kullin. a demented woman, was brought here and eon fined in jail Monday. Mrs. l.uwson -In is spent some time in the state hepita! .'it Mor. uattton hut had been allowed " come home when her mind was im proved. C. A. Mickey of Gap was a visi tor here Saturday. daughter of I.a Grange have joine 1 on an extended visit with her hus band. who is employed by the Bank of Stokes County. Mrs. Hritt, we thought it time for you to come and check up on your husband, because —•he was losing entirely too much time playing croquet- Mr. Geo. H. Fuilton, of Roanoke. Va., has a conference with the members of the Walnut Cove Itealtv &• Ins. Co- insurance agents, relative to the adjustment of the recent loss by fire cf his club house located about 5 miles Northeast from here- The American Legion met in reg. ular session last Saturday evening a; the Post Hall. The members seem to have taken on new lite. A lively discussion was entered into relative to the immediate payment of the Soldier Bonus: and under motion, the Commander was ordered to ap point a committee, consisting of Legionaries M. O. lones. C. J Helsabeck, and Roy 1.. Vaughn, to draw up suitable resolutions to be presented to tile -SenutorK and Con gressmen of North Carolina. The next meeting will he held on the third Saturday evening in. May. Every World War veteran in Stokes County is expected to be present to pass upon these questions. |L. F. FULK HOME BURNS AT KING LIGHTNING PKOHABLY THE | CAUSE OF Till' FIRE—HOUSE, j ! HOLD EFFECTS ALSO DES. \ TUOYED—KING HIGH SCHOOL CI/OSING EXERCISES FRIDAY I AND SATURDAY—MEETING OF | THE WOMAN'S CU B THI'RS. i DAY. King. May in.—Work has been com iilete'i on a new cement dam en tlie farm of Berl "• Snider ju-t wst of town. Th>- ne" dam will form a fine lake which will be .-.forked with Ms It by Mr. snider who i- a resident of 'Win-' oii-Saleni. Mr. and All's. Bryan Pull] ,tn of Winston spent Sunday with relative here. Mr. ami .Mrs. Lulu F. I'ulk. who Ivul the misfortune to 10-e their home ami- practically ,all their house. h"UI (>' le"ts by fire last Tuesday niglit, wish to ex'.end their sincer' appreciation to the neighbors and frtends who i-o ,fi-ie!y contriUuteJ •to their wants in this time of need- The home, which \\ps located two miles east of town, burned during an electrical storm and it is believed that lightning set the dwelling oa fire. The Moravian Ladies Aid met Tuesday afternoon with Miss Agnes and Mrs. John PuUiam.. Fifteen members answered to the -roll call One visitor. Mm. T. O. New, was present at the nieeting. Next liiee'- ing will be held with Mrs. Ernest [ M. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. D o !p have I returned to their home at Spurt, alter spending a few days with their ""it, R. p.. Del;, on Piny Street. Theodore New-sum attended th stiite convention of Modern Wood men of America at Raleigh last week. Lite tmlowing births were reuis tciV-d here last Week, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Canady a son, to Mr. ■and Mrs. Sjl'is Fnlk a daughter, to I Mr. and Mrs Chester Burrow a son. to Mr. and Ali-s. Loin Holder a son ; and to Mr. and Mrs. John Spain , a «on. I The closing exercises of the King , High School will i,c held next Fri. i day -nnd Saturday evenings. A large attendance is expected. Mrs. Dewey Love, who underwent , a tonsil operation tit Winston.Salem , last week, has been removed to her home here and is getting on nicely. , Dr. Dallas C. Speasc. formerly of I King, performed the operation. l'resent indications are that there . W « !I a bumper wheat crop in this . section. , APe.-cJjmes Rupert S. Helsabeck, . Grady E. Stone. Chester T. Mi-Gee , and Charles U. Carrol! attended the , meeting of fh-c Woman's Clul) at Raleigh last week. The Senior C7i«s of '33 of the r King High School gave a play to a crowded housy- Friday night. > Numbers of farmers in this sec. tion complain that the blue mold Is playing havoc with .their tobacco plants- Charles ISpalnhoiver, of Toledo, Ohio, is spending some time with i relatives near here. Mr. Spalnhow-. > er .stated to your correspondent that 'business conditions are bad in the MODERN GARAGE FOR LAWSONVILLE C. M. MA HI-* TO START I'ROSPKIL. | ITV KOIjMNO IX J'KTKirs IKKKK—L.OAL) OK «; I A X O STOLKX FROM It. A. UOHKRT. I NOX—OTIIKK XKWS OF LAW. 1 I SOX VI U.K. Lawsnnvillo. May *• The f armlet's In thi* community are vei'V busy with their farniinu. Seine have alreaily pl'inted out --'"lne tobacco, A let of complaint s l«ein~ made about :he hjn'c He 'd dost' '.vine the plains hefiu'e they .are planted- Ml>s De'lovie 1 Jol'el't •m. \\lm wa-» operated on lis week, at home prna'es-iiv-' nicely. The Latvmnville hall nine wmi i d'llilile he ,'er Saturday, played mi ih" I.awsnnvjlle diamond. T.itm Ma-ter Plncles Robert-- n M'ent last weeU with >'s vran.l nirther. Mrs. K. A. Oakley, ill' W.i!. kertnun. Mrs. I!. A. had an old time quiltine party last Tuesday and Krplay with a number of friends present cnjoyinji a stood ciiit. Mr. and Mrs. X. A. Step liens and family visited their dftutrh*er ' Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Smith of Stuart, 1 Va.. .last Sund'ay. Mrs. R. A. Oakley is visit'ins her ■ daughters Mrs. O. M. Mabe and i Mrs. It. A. Robertson this week. I Professor R. Karl Hood, of Hick. ,*«■>', principal o Lawsonvjlle High ' School, has been a visitor in Law. ■ t-onville the past week. Mr. P. M. Ma he is eutMnw ltim. be' - , preparing for the erect:na of a new modern euuipped carace in ' A load of fertilize! was stolen front It. A. Robertson over week-end- X» clues lin'e Vet been • found. Sum Porn is in a critical condition as a result of shot fired by oiji ■ Pamphpll. an "scaped prisoner from ' ibe state Pen- The shoot'.na ceeur. red las; Saturday nlyht. Gardens Good. II i Since the rains pardons Iiv«» look led imotf- Chance- are favorable for : Plenty of beans and P'litces, and . other truck. I , i ' j i Ohio city, t j Clyde Mickey, of Winston-Salem i | spent the week-end with relative' ■ and friends here. The Woman's Club met at the f I school lauditorlum Thursday even in-' at S o'clock with twenty.two mem. i bprs present. i TH'c meetint; was presided over by the president. Mrs. ■- B- Stone , Roll o.ill and minutes read by th" j secretary. Miss Acnes Pulliam. The 3 business session was very brief, t as no new business was presented to 'the meeting, s The chairman of the Ljteuiture i IKcpartment had charse of the pro. I kram for the evening. . I The club was dplijrhted to have * Mr. P. K. Kelts present, who saw i a very inspiring talk on "t'.ood Lit. ' erature " l i A delicious course of cake and cof. t fee vrtus served by the hostesses. I . | Mesdames Smith and Rains, and t Misses Raby, Hutching, Blow and i Holland. I OTIS CAMPBELL SHOOTS SAM CORN THE AFFAIR OUUI ItltCI) AT THE HOME OF HUGHES STOVALL, IN PETER'S CHEEK TOWNSIIII'—! , I CORN IN It \TIIER SERIOUS CONDITION—CAMPBELL IS AN ESCAPED CON VHT F It O M STATE PENITENTIARY. I I Him Corn wan seriously shot by Otis Camphell Saturday niglit at the home of Hugcs stov;ull, jn Peter's Creek township. Darned lately of thy shooting. Campbell l'b-.i over the s'tMe line int.. Virginia, near !••.. Campbell i- a" e-.-ap.-il convb-i from the Si.ite pri- .u, and has been at large for more than a yrur. lie was S' at up i*ll Stokes t-a- 20 yea* for murder sy.y: ii years a_ 'I be St,,km .uirhor.'t-e- liave l«e.-ii op the lookout for him f. r in >nths. Tiie parii.-ulars of the affair uf as told to the Repori.t-r are that a ti-ht in progre.-s between a brother of Corn and a brother nt' Campbell, i n the yard n»ar the house- Corn was trying to separate 1 the combatants, when he wan shot by Campbell froni a window in the , houso. Huges stovall was shot several! years> by Zaek Campbell, a I brother of Otis. ! 1 Prosperity. ( Jim Flinchuni has got him a new ear tlutit runs rings around all the ■ rigs on the r»ad. It in one of these I nhi.'iy Y..S a stream line I baby that sails like a swallow on the wind, and make- th>- pedestrian when Jim Whizzes by feel like a ni.-ilti'eated hound a- a dog frolic. i ! Back From Hospital. l Mrs. 11. 11. Kin' 4 has retnrno'l 1 1*0121 the hospital much improve!. \ whi h h« -r friends will learn with pleasure. Slip will return u» the hos. pital Tht»r-dav to loie'-ve farther treatn.ont • Beer High And Weak. I It in learned that those who bought license to sell beer are rath, er diuiPlxs-nted. as the drinking public reacts against the high price , and the miild kjek. | Blue Mold. Blue Mold Is reported by farmers from every section of the county. • n some sections plants will be ex. treniiely ncarce- People are rupposed to go to church t> watch and pray. It : s a m«Sm ninn who eat-d that women go to church to watch. i ' Quite -a nunvber of Danbury peo. 1 pie attended the May Day festivities - at Walnut Cove High School Mon day. i No Peace for the Lindberghs. How _ Cranks. Blackmailers and Amateur Detectives Constantly Torment the . Flier and Family. Told in The American Weekly. the Magazine 1 Distributed with next Sunday's i Baltimore American- Buy It from your favorite newsdealer or newsboy. Number 3,775 CH'CH RAPS BEER AT WALNUT COVE THI-I ITI'.V LIMIKKALD ixvri'Ks M KTHODISTS WHO l)»:\l, IN Till: I'OA.MIN(i Klilll). I TO GKT OI T THK H\ K DOOR —.NI ATHINT; DKM NATATION Html Till: STOKKSIUTtG Pt'L. I*N ( ITI:M:S SK.NN.VITON, AND nitlVl.s KII'I.V I'ltOM COR, M:si'o.\in:xT. WHO YNNTS SAINT MATTIIKW IIAIK AT nil: ITCI: \ III:K. Walnut ' "Vc, May S. The Hevi iend . 15. Fitzgerald 1 1-■ Sunday iicu'iting I.i.d aside hj.s Hi de. no-hy .tin»i iiis tw • .-aiiirfd sword. an! ■ i - lit down upon the I'c ul ' his (•■■in- hop h members !'-e i. 'i.| i> .n!i:;n.itioii «>f 'J*eity lie read from the t'hu.'ii I »is"*i toy a text ' I -ft all ua r ppcacherii ami members abstain ft.uu • lw» man. mai l tire ami .-ale "f intoaticatln-; liquors t> he u.-ed as a heve age.... under the laws of any state. If any member shall violate any of the !>r"vj*icns of this paragraph, he .-'hall hp deemed guilty of innmihral., ity:' (Sees. 513.515); and he subject to indictment by the church and ex. pulsion." In fact, it was only the nepebttioa. of the same sermon on the entire j category of sins with the subject of Hi'hl- thrown in for good meats, ure. j Never has any minister-efcojod in the stokewhursr pulpit and directed such sea thins' deunciations at one or two particular inhabitants of the doomed* city of Walnut *o"e for dispensing l>eer. inviting those of tlie sinful nature to walk out the "t'hiirch's hack doof." ; ''ile t hi— scribe is in in position • o julive, we are reminded of what ft M itthew relates: ' And he said unto '.hem: an enemy hath dorm this. The servant said unto him, i t thou, then, hat we go and gather them up? IJut he said. Nay, lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up a.:so the wheat with ihem." I Ami in :hi.-* same connection. we are wondering ii this good man of f'aith would accept a donutjon on Hie Pastor's salary from these people who dtfpcn.-e l>eer; who drink iieer; who play croquet, or cards; who would swim in public; waltz; who . talk with bad .language? We are also wondering if this Holy man 0 f j Hod ha* been to see these erring members; or if he has prayed with them, and pleaded with them to , "top their erring ways before invit. ins them out the bao.k door?? Mrs. Kiser Passes At Rome Near King Mrs. I-a lira Ann Riser. 74, widow of s. W Riser, died suddenly last week at her home. Ring K. K. D. I. She had been in declining; health for (several months, but her death wa> unexpected. Mrs- Ivjser is survived hy five children, Mrs. I.eniniie Cronter, of Mjzpuh. Stokes county; Mrs, Mar. tha Tuttlc, of Oermanton Route 1; Mre. Jennie Hall, of Guilford COUR , ty; Walter Riser, of Germenten , Route 1, and Luther Riser, of For. , syth county. t