THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. DEATH OF MRS N. O. PETREE K SUDDEN PASSING OF PHOMIXF.XT DAXBFKY wit. MAN —HAD BEEX II I- OM.V \ FEW I>AVS—FFXEKAI. AMI IX TKHMKNT 11 EKE TIUUSDAY \ FIXE CHKISTIAX LADY. I I Mr.". Minerva .lane Hill Pet re". I »•:«•(! 71, beloved wile of X. o. Pe tree i.f Danbury. d: 1 i» Winston. •Saleni Hospital Friday evening about ' oVioi'k. Mr. Petree'* sad(Jen pa .sins o>~ a.->lon-ed a distinct *liO'-'l: to friends -if tb»' family here anil elsewhere, a* the end ha'l n"t been expertcd so Minn. She liixl been in declining health for some time, but only a few Jay* prior to her removal to i V."in-»-ton-Sa!em lumpitil had her • ondjtion caused anxious concern t'> :elatives anil fniends. She was removed to the hospital Thursday, where she continued to >:row worse, and late Friday evening, at 6:43. attended by several mem. 1 ers of the family, she passed quiet'.v away. On account of the absence in the •we .c of a son, Frank Petree. who v ill be unable lo reach Danburv until Wednesdi i.v. funeral and inter. fiet t were deferred until Thursday •he body boing hold at 'the Vogler funerr parlors in Winston-Salem until Wednesday, when it will b ■conveyed here. Funeral sorvjees will be in charge of Rev • .1- B. Xeedham, pastor of IJun'iury M. E. Church, nt £ o'c'ock P. M. Tliu:>i|ty. Interment will follow in the Danbury cenieterv. Pallbearers have been named as follows: Active—l. .lohn Taylor. Paul T. Taylor. S. A. Flinchum, James B. Joyce. M. liill. n. (!. l'etrce. Ralph Tut tie. Or. C. J. llelsnbec::. Honorary—S. I*. Christian, A. J. F.I KB, 11. M. Joyce. Dr. It. H. Morefield. Dr. J. Walter Neal, Dr. D. D. Carroll. ,\l. K. o o in, li. P., Bailey. P. J. seo;t. i. M. Uirdon. D. V. Carroll. 11. 1.. Mitchell, I. M. Fulton. C. M. Jones. n. 11. King, J. M. Taylor, Jan-h Fulton. J. Vfit* Tutlle. The deceased i survived by her lx'-band, X. o. Petree. of I>anbnry, and th" following children: Mrs. ''i'. c. W. Joyce, "f Fletcher, okli.. V"s. Dr. c. M. M.iptin, of K'gm. "M i.; i'.-in!; Pe'ree. of A'tus. Okla-: t'IIV. Petree, W. c,., S. 1". Pet'ee. of D-inhurj", and by th? fallowing sifters .and brother.": Mi.-..- Pattje Hill, of Dnibiiry: J. I. Hill, oi Meadows, S:okes county: Itobt. s•' e nlsn ITi grandchildren living. Mrs. Pefi—o was a daughter >f Hte Vi!o Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Hill. She was born and reared in s:ok« county, becoming umlted in marriage e'rlh li :- Ir.i ban.i x. o. Petree in t'ie year IS">.l. ju-t 50 years ago 111i month. It. was a pathetie coincident 1 hit she should die only a few day.; after tHp celebration of her rri Men rnn:versary. yot this l tpi*n(vs fa softened ill the hearts of the family •'V tbought that loved ones who been absent several years '-li-oiill have rennlined over folk-wing the rei.nion, and were with her in her last moments. Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, May 17 1933. COUNTY NOTES RENEWED TO JULY 1 $:tO.»UI» OBLIGATION'S EXTEND. I:D—AUDITOR'S OFFICE AHOL. ISIIED BY ACT OF LEGISLA. I TFHE. WHICH \LSO F.I.IMIX. ATES HEM* FOK CI.EHK COI HT TITTLE—I'OVITT HOUSE TO BE HEI'AIXTED MMIMI OF ROAHD OF COMMISSI* IXERS MONDAY. obligations of the county of f-U'kes amounting to SSO,OOO were ordered renewed until July 1. with another extension expected from then until November 1, by th" county commissioners in session here M onday. The notes are held by the State Planters Dank of Walnut Cove, and •cdNcounted wiith the Reconstruc tion Finance Corporation. Xo action was taken by the Board with reference to the office of coun. Tv auditor, which was extended -it the May 1 meeting of the board un til June. 1 . The office of auditor was ci'Olished by an act of the legisla ture introduced las-; week by Repre sentative Phillips. The act requires the offices of the Sheriff and Reen ter of Deeds to perform the duties heretofore done by Auditor F. P Stone. and states that no additional tompeixation shall be Paid by the ounty for the auditorial work. The xiine ac-t cuts -the salary of Mrs. Jeswie P. Christian as helper in the effjee of Clerk of Snipe floi* Ofctirt Tut tie from $«00 to $40(1 per yea-", until Tveemlier 1. 1933, and then eliminates this position entirely. Clerl. Tuttle's salary js s'-',OOO pP :ea- He employs A. J. Fagg at $75 l-ir month, and Airs. Christian at S'jO.t'O per month. The business of Monday's session of the board was of a routine nature, with the exception of the above. A new coat of paint was ordered ip* tied to the court house. — A IIIXT TO Till: HIHS'ITTE. Kin«. May 15. Fil.ltor Rep-irter: Please advise why our Stokes ectint.v younir men do no; Brow Hitler nuiy, tc.-ies. I think they (the lc.tistacnes) are swe li. KIXC IIKHI SCHOOL IIUL. Attorney J. I!. McM.ihan and Mrs. Mc.Mahan, of Wa-hiimton, n. ' -. -and Mrs. .Mebane of Greensboro visited Danbury la-t v t*e k. The deleaved was a consistent i-ember Kos bud Clirj-.tini church, near Walnut Cove, which -he connected herself »i:h early in ili'c. Mrs. I'.-tree was ;t woman of ad mirablo i| ia!ities of christian char •'.tier, of fine mo:herl.v inKiiinet-. o! iiiiuave: in ; loyalty to family and friends and to her eonvjetions or ji:l-tice .tiiiil HBIU. she exerted a wholesome influence in the commun ity. Vet she was quiet and uaas-'un:- in her many acti> of charity an I kindne-s. which is the '.rue mark of Christianity. , She will l>e ciadly missed in tip! irele In which she lived, while her ! >ss in tl>e home will be (irreparable- STOKES LAD HELD AT WASHINGTON HIT CIIAHI.IE tOHHETT HEX. ' XI-riT IS I.ATEIt Hl-'.I.EASED BY CAPITA I. POLICE PEXDIXCi FFHTIIEH DEVEI.OPMEXTS WAXTED AT CAPIiI.I. A CO It AS. SAl'l.T OX EI.FTIOX DAY— M SPECTED OF HOHBEHY OF SID HEXXETT IX .IAXI AHY. j Charles Corbe't Bennett, about 21, was arrested by \Va.-bin:;ton, D. 0., detectives on information by Win .•:on.Salem authorities that he Wis •tanted on a warrant cl( with assuiult with intent to kill Oscar t.'ouk .at Capella last November. election day. The youns Stokes county man, who is suspected of beinß implicate" in the robbery of Sid P. Bennett | last January, near Cupella, was re-' I leaded by the Washington officials,' who li/ive Mince notified Sheriff J. J• Taylor that they can possibly re arrest him. They have wired Sheriff j "la.vlor asking instructions. Sheriff Taylor advised them the extradition papers might be procured on a war rant charging a inoiv serious offence against Bennett than "assault with intent to kill." The Reporter is advised that; young Bennett is suspected of boing implicated in the robbery of Sid P. Bennett last January, and that on this charge it would be possible to bring t-'C accused back to Stoker for trial. It is reported that he was' spending money freely In Winston- Salem shortly following the Capella lobberv, buying an automobile, etc., and that a witness can be produced in Winston-Salem who will swear he was attempted to be persuaded by Young Bennett to engage with him in the robbery of Sid P. Ben. licit. I Mrs. Dr. Morefield j Entertains L. U. M. S. i*a>t Wednesday, May l ft . the Dan bury I-adie» Union Missionary Soei. 11 ty met and was entertained by I Mrs. Dr. I!. 11. Morefield at her la-me. The meeting was opened with : i the song "More Love to Thee." fid ; lowed by the Lord's Prayer in con jiert. The secretary and treasurer'.- • report was the"' read, and the ro!l ! culled, to which I I members re , sponded. "ne new member was re ceived. The scripture le-won wis I by the president, Mrs. A. .1 I igg. after which the song "Carrv j Yonr Sorrows to Hint." was sung by Mr.i. X. K. Pepper. Interesting 'li vers. were read as follows: "Jail ." by Mrs. 11. M. Joyce; "Moun taineers." by M->. Nc'ilie M . Taylor: "N'e.roes." by Mrs. Lydia Marti '• j The mec:in-r elused with the son-: 'Onward, Christian Soldiers." During the !'-n ial hour the hos'c-. served -ti'hwliorvy shortcake, ice tc'. •rits and fruits. A**x Southern, ot (iermanton. pas-sid through town Scada.v. r.ini in" to stoa iteve but li: arclorr! I being buhe couldn't reach a standstill, so he kept 011 going northward. _____ It. I*. and Fred Olidewell of M', does were in town lant week. THE LEGISLATURE ADJOURNS MONDAY; ——— IHKEK I'EH CKNT. KALKS TAX I EIGHT MONTHS SCHOOL. UK. • MOVAL OF IT KTKKNA'KN'T AH. VALOREM TAX ON HI.AI. MS. TATK. nAND lIALAXCKII lII'DGET THE OUTSTANDING ACHIEVMKNTs OK T II K HE. MAHKAIILK SKSSIOX. Tho boys stayed away lomi, but wi'en they came home they brought the bacon. The e'(»it l!i"-.3.'t legislature h-. at last addoiirne>). the final sessicn beins: hold Monday. i Senator Sparser and Itepresenta- Live Phillips have returned t> their respective homes a*. Oanbury ani Dalton- The outstanding achievement* of this Generally Assembly are as fol lows: A 3_per cent, sales tax: An s.months school for every child in North Carolina; Remotf il of the 13-oent advalorem tax on real estate; Legalization of the sale of beer and Huht wines in North Carolina. A balanced budget. This was the seco-nd longestjsl'. ttns leKistiture in the hi*'ory of tho State, and «ne of tbe most construc tive. The Truth About Mrs. Ann Fulton Carter, Principal Mrs. Ann Kulton Carter of Wal. rut Cove visited friend s here the v.'eek-end. she is an example of that fine dis crimination which I'rof. .1. c - . Ciir— fon, t>uperintei.dent of •- -ho'-'ls. Miuietimes shows in hi.-' election of teachers. This lady if admirably el>'i!>P*(l l»v education and temperament, built over st> Hins qualities of Christ ian character. to bn head of a nicd ern institution for the training of b iy« and niris, »in h as our nei-h- Io: city of Walnut Cove boasts. Mrs. Carter is >0 enthusiast! ■ a! 1 ut her work, and nothini; wo it ' while was c*v r accomplished with out enthusiasm. Moreover .-he pos. t-ses that i-oiioiiminir energy wli« 'h knows no such word as fail. She is •1 youna: w uiian of id al*. which !i>ean» a keen outlook for the l«e- ; in life, and .-tie is withal a Keniil.' x •aeeful personality. We hope her K"od work as pi'in ' ipal 01' Wainu- Cove hUh s.ho- I ii.i.y so on uninterruptedly. Incarcerated For License Default Sirs. Nannie Smith- of Walnut Cc-v., liout'e 1. wis locked up in th.? JaJ! here S.tturUi\ ni lit for alleged f i.llure to provide State license on !>er automobile, which lie hail bee'i Cirivinsr 0:1 the hiuhw.iys. The pen. Kilty was implied by Justice T. 11. Ib rry, before whom the offender wis tried. Mrs. \V. K. Joy e. Mrs. N. K. l'epprr anil Vance l'eppcr visited Winston-Saiem Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Sheppatd of Sandy llidue were visitors hero Tiiursdfiy. BUCK ISLAND STATE LINE ROAD TIIIS iiit;n\v\v Tiiitoton l'irr. Klt'S K K !•: K TOWNSHIP. Wllini IS A I'KDI'KAIi All* i I'IKMKCT, Wll.l/ NOT l»K IIAHI>. MRFACKKR I NTH, FKUHKA I.' STOP.OKDKU Is MOI»IFIKI» FHANK. HANCOCK. iNVF.STI. (iATKS SITI ATION | The nc«' highway from lluck Is. and bridge. through Peter's Creois township tn tlie Virginia line near Molloni'Vi filling station. will n't ''(•'dsur-u.'cd unci', a Federal i-top. ■order is modif-ted. This information ha" been procur. t»d by the Reporter through (' >n g'-ossman Frank Hancock, froni the government bureau of public roads. The road, who«o grading .1111! drainage has practically boon com. pletvd l>.v federal funds, is of groat importance to Nor-th Carolina in 1 Virginia traffic. It was expected c« to completed with a liardsurface dressing at an early dafe. but evi. mu.-t remain in an uncertain sta.te for sometinre to come, as i- shown by a copy of th> - foHowjn : letter received by the Reporter: r. S. DEI 'A HTM HNT OF AO HI. CL'i/rrmc Rurmu of Public Roads Washington, I>. c. i Hon. Frank Hancock. House of Representatives. My dear Mr. Hancock: Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of April 25 quoting a portion ' of a letter received by you from Mr- N. K. Popper of I'anbury, North Carolina, concerning the allotment of Federal funds toward the improve, ment of the highway in North Car olina between Ruck Island bridge in Stokes county and the North Oaro- Kt.a-Vimjnia state line. Thi« pr.»ie. 1 iri designated in our record'* as emergency Construction Highway Project No. .Section A. An allotment of Federal funds was made last yinr for the grading •"ltd draining of this highway and the construction of one bridge. Th> tctal cost of (his work estimated to b- in oxce-s of sso.(iijn. is to '«• pro. vided from Federal funds. The ' Work is substantially completed and the state has indicated it -5 desire to I-'aco a snivel surfao'im over the en tire project and has requested Fed eral Aid for this surfacing. ' Pending further study of the sit. nation a temporary order suspend, jiiv. work on .1!] cop.ii'.'ii'ts no! .iwi i*tl— n' before March -- was issued. \v are n>t able :•> advise when th s | > rder wiil be modified bir jt' -j j -11 odiried to permit i.pur v a l o:" the g:'ivel surf.K in this w, rk will .1 ■ adv nvod in the u-.i ii way. Very ir.iiy yours. Tlios. li. In l\.\|,|> Ciiief of Ruri a M and .Mr- I. .well i'oo ■ at* ! • hild en v: -it e I I'.nbiir.v li'd-r Sunday. .... "How I l.iv-,] Six Year as a Man.'' Her own Story Writ'en by "Col. Marker of the llt'itish Army." Renins i'l the American V'eokl.v, the Mag azine Retributed with Next Sun day's RAI/IIMolli: AMERICAN, j liny your copy from your favorite newsboys or newsdealer. Number 3,776 NEWS OF INTEREST OF WALNUT COVE ;K.\I»I vrioN I:.\l:K I-r.s A T lilt.ll scilool, YKItV IMI'RKS SIM:—MOTH Kit's I»\Y l> It u. .it\Ms vi sToKi;srtriui sex. 1> \ Y M 11001. AMI AT THE ITVl'Tivr 111 IT« II—M:\Y SKF.D I.OAN mi ll i:i: ion STORKS— HKII.I. IN MASOMC WllltK \l" CO\ 1: I.OOUK. Walnut 'uvc. May 16. The Walnut \>ve 1! i.'h School rlved one of its ni»>st sur-essfiil : I 11-.X- in tli*- history •:' tin- school. -An entire ni-ht was given to the members of the seventh grade. The •l'adm'i'n 1 iv exen-1.--s were very inii'iivive. 1 Jressed in their n.'lwa m'-h one >f th ■ mem. • ers of the class played his or hor I'-'irt in a «lis mified manner. The I *-iv: "'-* G.'t Married," dosed th- hitfh school activities for this term. In the Sunday school at Stoke&« I.urg, Mother's L'ay program was observed during the d"\*otional per. •:od, being carried on by the class of Mr*, i'. .1. Lambe. | At the eleven o'clock hour a.t the 1 aptist church a fine program waj i 1 - evented in observance of this j sreat day for Mothers. Mrs. Slit_ chell and Mrs. \V. F. Marshall and i others showed that a great deal of | ha!"l work was dene in the prepara tion of this program. A large crowd Mas in attoncjiiue• | Mr. 11. s. Anderson, formerly with the l'. S. Farmer's Seed loan Office, representing Stok.x county, was a visitor in Walnut Cove Wed. t.esday of last week. Mr ANDERSON informs the Reporter th;it Mr. W. 11. James, whose Post Office is Mt. • A i l y• ■ "•, will devote Monday. Tuesday tnd Wednesday of each week to the service of the work in Surry county: while Thursday. Fri day and Saturday >f each week will '•e given to Stokes county, if any farmer desires to know anything abiwt h;s farm luin in any manner, :>:i are privileged to direct a •uunir.ition to Mr. w. it. .tames. Mt. A;r.v. North Carolina. Mrs. Nannie 1.. Smith. Walnut Cove. KoiKc 1, was charged l>>- the State I'.itro] of driving her car wi*h oi t .i'-en-«e. she was t icd S.t'urday ai'ternot»n: found guilty, fined. | Mr. Jeff 1.. Nelson. .Wt. Grand ' c tur-T. The Grand Ijo.lge of North Carolina, A. F. A A. M. . arrived Walnut Cove Sun.lay afternoon. Mr. Nelson Ik id just finished a week's work in I'ilot Mountain lie. lore vHt:n.' the W tin'.it Cove Lodge No. . The -Masonic body of this section will hive an opportunity for one week to be «lt ill. J i„ the Mas. in:> work, -mil j! eirn .«t!y hoped Mr. Nelson and the officer* of 1,10 all the Mason* in Uhir. ,-ountv 1 in.l adjoining couniies win take „f th- tutoring r "'ii" week b> Mr. N't 1.-on. Mo n _ •n ' n -h; ilie Master ,>!' the Lodge -1 lle'-a''. k w:is welt ' •'.•a.-e.i w.;h the ~\ large nii liber I:,. mb e r, were in ,atten_ •'•anee. and many other hiiv e pr c . \ ioiisly expressed the desire to at_ tend the s each night. j s. P. Christian and Kelt' Smith visited Koanoke. Va.. Sunday.