THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. THE PRIMITIVES AT WALNUT COVE ASSOCIATION I \ i\; Till ii\r lTST s or XIXNX mi'vill > OR NOET'I ( XROI.IVX \ N I) XIROIMX, HO! C!I\VI.\. TION. V. till I! IS I.XROI ! A XT. T|:\|>||>—Hl \!VM. H'KX II i RI'IN(. I IINIIKTI II \T sTlHii:.-. RI'KD XI. 1.. CHCIICII—T\\. PAYERS sI.OW TO I. IST IN SXI ITATL>\VN T«>VVNSLLII*. W'-t In it I Cov .M iv Tlio Prim, iiive I! ipti-t A.--.i' i.iti"ii. comprised of 'h" districts of .Ma.V" Itixer. I'at. rirk rutin.'y. Henry entity, Spiki'- fount}'. It ' kiligham «siii|)ly, For. \vtii county. lltijli'oiil I'iuii'y •nil i'ai t '-'Hi'"j i iiunO, hi-':! i:> .11111:11! tiiee'.in- iii Walnut Cove beginning !1, • s" :I M day ii inillig at I lastii through Muiday. .May it ua "i'iu 'I !!>• estimated that a IM'l avil in' •some 3,in " anil lin" pic a 1 nil . I'll Ml! lIMIII a manual survey (if t'' air ••iiiolii.'i'. luii-Hc"! fi'"in 01 einl of nito:st Avenue t-> the oMi-r end. J! ul'pe d'el "hat there ua- 110 short age ill the ctimut'rd 1111111 !>or in at- U'llciait e. Oilier .1. A. F.arg, M ode a" -r. • Win : ni.s (leiii. h •:.! the :: -*t I.a- . inc.-■ six-ian of tile A -'latum •.1 'lie an Jit '•) Ann >( 'lie hjgli s ho d building. The Mail raior ua- as-ist. I'M I 1 .Mr. lI.MIIII-, Clerl;. of'. V'.i. Till* nice - in.: l> I|I ( . |m _ Pose of ""nti'i" ihp (tetf-nto" Ti"»m thc v.iriiiiis di : ,-ts. an I the niton, tiaii T' "f r.ther business iiiaUeia. Marina the three Mays of the a-. ■-•• iaiien i rions vi ■ tit 111- Elder pi'g.chcl at vai'ii ais hours dm dig the «l««y. Mr. Ilroauwu.v, s iijslnirv. .1. W.i.' t TIM He. Watt I Tidily. W. .1. Itrn«• n. Fank P. Stone, Mr. I!ra_ well, of s'tok(•-• county. I." lis I'yrtln of .Mayodan. and .1. A. Fagg, hi XX'in*t.>n.Mlilem, were some of the oivisfanillnn Elders takiing part on the program of the Association. Revival services, conducted by Rev. W. H. Willis, of I>rnper, are now in progress at the Stokesburg Methodist Church. Mr. Willis is a forceful, impressive speaker. TMk. ins for his text Sunday evening: "Whom do ye «iy that I am," Rev. Willis made a passionate plea for the congregation to form the right kind of an opinion of the Master. The sermon Monday evening was taken a certain passage in Matthew •relative to .the first revival service on record, wherein the 12 disciples of Christ met in the Upper Chamber land prayed until .the power from Heaven fell upon them. These ser vices are expected to last through out the remain, Ve- of this week, an,] a part of next week. I he list taker for Sauratown town, •ship, H. it. McPherson, informs the J Reporter that there lire only fdve or six more days in which to list taxes and that less than one-third of the people of this township hav e listed j W. E. J'yrtle of Francisco was in town Monday on business. Mr. Myrtle is ia big farmer of Big Creek' township, lie says an average crop id tobacco is being put oat. llev. J. R. Needham is suffering 1 with a severe cold. Established 1872. FORTY-FOUR BOYS ! CO FROM STOKES i ViRAINMI NT AT WINSTON. SAI.I :.M SI HIAV MORNINI.. I FOR CAMI' IHtXt.U—Tilt: I'IRS t' CONTINTi'N'I I'ROXI T II I s ( ill NTY TO JOIN Till; PRI s!. I» I N I ' .N Rl l'Oltl s'l' VI ION I AMIS—OTHER t X1.1.S in p.i: MXlH: —rue COMPENSATION. 1 j l: reminded otic of war ('ays ha k in la 17.1 tils, when II li"v s friuii . SUILCI'S cut I' lille.l .It Wie t ill.s'l Iftil Sunday niurning bound fur «'umi» . rir.igg. These yuiiim men, eompri-'lng the . frs. eiiiMingment fnun tH i s ciitnlv t 1 j"i 11 President Ih'o-cveli's gri'.c ' refori'stutii n jiriny. were boon! bi ' ''amp |!c (•.■•■, Ciiml'i'i laud crniiuy, N"i"h 1 ni"l •1 i 11.1. After spending tu 1 week, at Camp Rragg. the boys will he transferred t • "tie of the national park reserves, possibly .xiimnt l'i-_ c ih, near Aehcvjllc, in Western Not", h VI i'ollna. There 1h• y will ex. pi'i'li'tlee their first real work in the -reit reforestation enterprise, which ■ ads for i'.-.ii.iiimi n>i,'ii,pi*.'Ve(l 10 1 • Veil leiiiaile alive O. cilpa.1(111. I'th er ('llll-1 u."' .0 he made sum. The eompen-atiuii which the re. fi't'Civt itlun workers will rceive w'.i I'O SI .101 per day. b,..,; ( | a n.l b"!-.. in-*, elotliing. no dii-iue. lo'spital ser. v:ee, and railroad fare both ways. I-: 11:1-: tin-nt is for 11111111 Ii -. A Ijst of the stokes euntingent off lor Camp llraug :.s as fullou.": 1. Ernie I.'W-iii. Uaw-onvillo. x. 2. Rennet! Walker, I'atn ole, X. c. •'!. Mil,iley l.ewi . Walnut Cove, X. C. t. Wood row WiNon Mays. Sandy Ridge. X. C. ». XX'heeh'r Smith. Walnut C»v", X. c.. Route 3. . Ilassel Woods. Ranhary, X. ltoiMe t. "• (lilbei't Copeland. King, X. c.. It. K. M. S. I!uford Wllklng. Sandy Riidge X. c.. Route 1. 9. Dennis Mal>e. Danbury, X. C.. Route 1. ! to. Hardy .Mabe, X'ade Mecum, N. C. II Thomas Ocorge, Walnut Cove. X. C., Route 3. 12. XX'illiam Thurman Moran, XX'estfield. N'. C., Route 1. 1 13. Maxie Elynt, (iernianton, N*. (*., Route 1. | 14. Frank Throckmorton,. Walnut I Cove, X. C., Rente 1. j 15. XX'ltllum R. Xeal. XX' I Cove. X. C., Route 2. i 10. Wood row Mitchell. XX'alnut j Cove, X. Route 3. j 17. Odt'll Roles, XX'alnut Cove. N. | ('.. Route 1. | ix. 1j ml Rvnnett. X\'alnut( Cove, N". X. C., Route 2. 1 19. I'4inhi>e Dunlap, XX'alnut Cove. X. C., Route 3. i .0. swanson Smith. Walnut Cove. X. C. .Rente 2. 21, Raymond Harris, XX'alnut Cove, X. C. i 22. Abe Farmer, XX'alnut Cove, X. C. 23. Orady Stewart. XX'alnut Cove, X. C., Route 1. 24. Robert Ziglar, Sandy Ridge, j.V. C. I Danbury, N. Wednesday, May .24 1933 HANGING ROCK 1 ROAD SUSPENDED IT IS llOi'l l> STol'|».\«;r: or Till'. I'ItO.IIIT Is o\l.v TICMI'OIt. \llV—r\i;so\ t.OKx to l!\l» I:i ii—::N 11 I!i'i»is>; W1101.1.Y i\ tiii: ivi fri st or tiii: I'l l:! it \\i) to tiii: i{i:Mi:r Ol I MMHI.'D MI NI. Work hi' i 11: i 'in ,n aii:i'iiin!>i'! I I I'l'lCM I >:> 1• I 111 l-.V li-inuinu liO' wi»» -u- iciitl' I S iiui' i iy. it is hum. i • • 11!y 11-1■ 111 "inrily. I t'll'S 'll. Willi is .f IV Icral i"flic'o:• I In -uokoi , • ••Illy. .i;*t:!lK under tile Ii• vi -.'nor's office of Holier of linlelgli. ai\ ;-o ihit! np'tnt ions ai'o lioM up ponding i :i check up i f thi' i'M'('Use- Inv il Veil, iiiul until 11io linn il ni' i■ ■'111• y oiim. mi"ii'iior j of Stokes inn ile-'tde th'- I •■'eject 11 pill.lie Void. 'l'llis work has been a dug fi.rwar I I'litlor i lie he id ni' uuouiplii.viiietit relief, a la "to nuniher of la lini'i'rs wini have hern util.le 'o act federal loans on which to «ro v '"ops have I.eeii enraged in the wini;. This lone of !|le r ( . a must otherwise he a liability of the He;! t'l'OSS. ilis wurk of building a road ti Hanging Hnek i nm in any sense a private > ntefprl-e. lu' is wh'My a |ii'l>lle tienifieeiiee- The to the i"'. of tin- nioiimain t'jiverses some three op four trues of ! a n I. the . ' wners i . which cheerfully vuitri. lute Ihe right of way. Mr. t 'arson left Toe-May for Ual ' i—l', w lie re he will eon for with the :• Jural aKtoiis with regard t ll the lorther relea-e of funds for this prefect. , \\ i liatu Kiev Haker. ss. iv.ttfeii. erate voter m, licl Sun lay near * Rural liyil. Horn in Stokes in Ivls. i | 25. Joseph Sprinkle. W.ilnut Cove. . .V. c. I 2t>. Kreil Mel tone, Laxvsonvllle, V. t C. | 27. James Ayers, Pine Hall, N*. , C. j 2#. James Dat'dwell. Pine Hall. N. C„ Koute 1 . | 29. lliram Haz.elxvood, Madison, , N. C., Route 3. I 39. Xaz. Abbott, Walnut Cove. N'. , C., Route 1. | 31. Cero Smith. Dunliury, X. "., Route 1. 32. Jess Wilt ird Scott, Rural X. c. star Route. 33. Jonnie Urnnch. Walnut Cove. , X. C.. Route 1. j 3i. Albert Dewey Dminon, Sandy Ridge. X. O. j 35. Harry Mabe. Walnut Cove. X. c., 11. K. D. 3d. Jonnie Xew-ome. Walnut Cove, X. C. Route 1. j 37. Claireiieo Foster, Pinnacle. X. C. j 3s. Wilson Drown, Kins. X. c. 39. Joe stone. Pinnacle, X. c. 4". Martin Luther Mitchell, Wal nut Cove. x. c. j 41. Alvin Zimmerman. Walnut Cove, X. c. 42. Adam Scott. Pinnacle, X. c. 43. Roy Russell, Walnut Cove. X. c. 44. Paul Prlddy. Danbury, X. C . Route 1. SALES OF LANI) ' FOR TAXES SAME 1 | ' I \V\ HI '.H IRING I\\ FORI'.'. I '.«»-•« Hi's \i»\ i:iii ist:i> i\ MAV-PM'IgRS. WD s li i: it. ! j Id's s\ I .lis ItlM \i\ | ;> | •- \mi; vtfh til HI \|. OI Hot -i: HI! I. \». lis t\ TI|C I \ST HXX OF Till 1.l .l ~r. \. ti sti 's si:ssio\. I T. • : I'V I'oT Iri. tile orti-irg ' : ' f : ' "in r:es ii lu-wjip.-ipei ■ ll ' «.-• i i:. :11 ' -ale■ •>.' :•ud f. r tax • !• l»e da y published, f.r :.,i days in Pi-. Pai'e;-. is .-till on the ' I" ok f I • t - c; ''or;.; to red i ■ oxpen t; ' i ; 'litre t'i aboii bed Hi V , l-w. ll.m e :.:tl X' . i ".x , u f"f ' '-Mhe I 'ew ii .;■ adverti - , •' 1 d* 'iu'iiK-nt t; . This i::: XV* r un led to n. e n|i j j,; " ''T w !ii lhe r oitity nithoritic. *ot :xte i Xo. t' a. inother lax re. 'ii •' HI- is ire, .all. vial iielinunet • luu I'U.veis of 1 p eT tli" ush 1931 ; .! ttix i ;!i-s vet" ifjeates still ii ' n,| of .the covornniem a• I ''' over ;i — —vt ar period x 'PI "' 1 ' Per rent., on sa T • ''' ' •' ' * • , .'Io v c I . , 1 X». I | n.l 1 \.i Jn(l | '' :|l ent boards, ami several dnxon I eoi:r; s. were e. •tllpletl'll eX'i'Plp t : from their pro vie ions. •tl the very !;, • ,| , tl „. sessi .a " " : was repealed an,! , i U .". •' ■ in• r.»«!i; e.l and ! a--e,l. The new hi!!, which i> now law. , fefs |he lima of su . • roeloeii e-»; -2.r,e ,t,j s amoii'", !o-a: -ei'viees. an.} sn.nn : l.cwspaper-. Hi-eater anieimis mav ent for l.oih pun . - previ 1,, i . ,to acre than S.i , liar. 0 d acains: ! r.o'erty involved. I •-heiati.; i; les o." dellniptent tax. vers reiiiaii- the same. ! Found A Notebook ' A Winston.Sa.lem citizen found a pocket note book with the follow'int? | entries: j April 3—Advertisement for steno- I grapher. . r,ft cents, j April s—X'iolets5 —X'iolets for new ctenogrti pher, S5 cents. April B—Week's salary for steno. grapher. sls. I April 11—Roses for stenographer. $3. April. 15—Candy for wife. f ,n cent-. April 19—Lunch with stenogra pher. $lO. j I ' i April 25—Stenographers salary. $25. ! I April 25 Dinner and theatre with i i stenographer. $lO. i ! I I April 2ti—Fur erat for wife, $385. April 2t!—Advertisement for steno. grnplier, 50 rents. | The finder made public the cm. tents of the n "chunk rin the hope he ■ mirht a«sißt the owner in identifying 1 hi-? property—ill in win. t At The Cascade i " | Many ears visit the H'-midc week, ends, especially on Fundny*. J. J. J Rooth of Danbury Ivts provided a stand where cold drinks, sandwiches. , i , 1 ice cream and ether refreshment* i are sipiwed. Picnic parties find this an -ideal spot, while camping is free, l bathing free, pan-king free. ' 1 STOKES COUNTY S. S. CONVENTION TO 111: 111 I.M s| Nil XT. .MM I A I (,II \H II; (,\p (LIT HI II I'li I. ONX t N l!t)N Is INI |i;. IIIAU.'IIX X'l'lON XI.. X N 11 XI.!. ll' NOXH XTIONs iM'i.l I I I) I PXRTK ll'A'li: Pi NX \\ | r, in: (.ix i.\ COR nil i \ itt.i : i AT. i NM XNt C. 1 1 ' i '!:• So." : t . S s h . : Assoc' 11 i - '. 111':. •(■ I ' |. iln •)-11 i'•.:in y .-' |i - Sri biv • " i' ti' n wlr -h \ . ' he! ! cu S"u : , .11: lit' I n illy Quaker ' • • Rap:: t ' 'liu: -li. TI in cut ua v. ill 1.,..: jo .it •«: n'ld through the d«v \xi 'lb a. -,. i\c ! e| ' -c • Ji :: ■ I. lb !pi II ill tbe mil, .-it ti■ :i v. .11 be Rex ■ Sl.ut. ,(| IVelc: nil.-! .\R-s li-i A'.;;-•('('. Ill" tic:. I' d 5,.. ."taiv an I I be X a ; I'eop'e* I 'i- •••■t"i- of li X' It Ii 'ill ii i Sin' ,j s 'd itbui. I. -ai pen •!" •'• e ■.. •"■ » '! also .i-i-t 'ln •he |.r.. ;n i. The cunventioii i- iip-T'leni.miiuu IOUN . ;i in) u or!. e s : r •u. the Su _ '•ay •- ' ■ ' - of :he . , , ,re in ,t _ ■ d t" ua" i' ibate u h wm ~f • tiviuition. iihiklm i .hiy of C| ■ i ii fe!bn\...lii|i and S•.:i'lj|\ S. hoot hi Ipl'ihhe-". In '"it'll* — — e. f :he a" ir eiuei t - c •X- S. I an a , d F |, y. ~, Ih I'sii" n t .'"(I S re' \ ~i ■ ... " "be.- i up . S n I•; s In;. : ,\ • i,i'ion. Tie so " ■ I'c'iUo t Ih,. •(•operation of all the p: ,-:otn ap, 1 S..nday 'IKM.I SUI I RIUTEUDENTS Ihe county ju •he effort p. make h . e'-IH en: 101 lii sue,•(.-•, I lie ciiii'er. luce anno annul (hit .ig.aiii :hi- year a peun ant xvi'l ',. V'Ven to the Sunday School li.avin • 'be largest attendance I- , s ,"| , ;i mi'i'M traveled It is expected th-.p Mtere will by much friendly oonipo. ti:;on for (lie pentiant anion : ihe •'""day School.-* of the i-uinty. Serious Illness Miv. Dr. C. W. Joy.-e v ~s sfiek. ] en xvith a serious illness her ■ a- th r> home of her Hither X. n I'o "oe XX'edneday night of la.-t week. .''is. .lo.vee. wh«e home is at Fletcher J Dkla.. was here diiijng th,» sickness and death of her mother, Mrs. X. (~>. Petree. Her husband. Dr. C. xv. •loyee. was notified, and arrived fnun Oklahoniß Saturday. A go.t. Dr. Reid Joyce, who js a medical student at a northern college, also arrived to lie with hU mother. At present Mps. Joyce is i*onsj.|_ erahly Improved. She Is under con stant attendance of physicians a nd nurses. Violating- The Fishing Laws R. H. Plowman. „f Winston. Sj'lem. ARRESTED by c.antv Came Warden T. r,. Rootb an I tried before J list i'-e T. 11. Merry for v'o'.ating the fl-hlng 'laws. The ve . dp t payiiii nt ot the cost and 1 ureha-'e 0 f license, which the of. lender complied with. Iso veil \x all was tried a; Rocking. ham ecuurt this xx'eek for the murder of Sandy Sisk. and convicted of murder in the second degree. Sen tenced to 15 to 20 years in peni. tentjary. N umbei 3,777 CHARLES COKBETT IJENNET f HELD "-Hi.itirr •: \% i.oit (. » i; s to vtiiiK, f*\ i» i:r.i\. r.\ k \i.« I.It.II) s'l'4 )K!. •> IIIWIVM, yM \ti im VM.I I u WTI.II l!l 1(1. I )l! Ol I f.\M: (OMIIT. •»•«:!» i.\-r vini Miu ii, \\i» is si si'i i 11 i> i.i k >'. i i :i:v or si l> f. ill \\| IT I. \S| ,lAM'. MIA . i "i •> mpanied I'.V I'aui T. lor >M l I puty Sber. ii': lic'i". .-'mith !, :i ,\i for York, I'' :l i' ' ' 'i,;i ,■ i • ■ lielinet. -i. i t 1 !-' I .>!!«!• a > t nod by *! it'iia ili IVtu.t •! :..o! • ai"H"l '■' w isii ■ i 1 '*. iv(.,s on, in i it.1,1: ( i Winston >;i • ■>' X ' ■ ' '! uan led »'• •!' " " if. • i ■ pc!in. •*"' 1 . • t N 'VIMIU '•«" ' 1 t is Ihat :• i ■ " I " ' «• „ ai. I other* -a •:«• ion 'l.-i; tin- wax " :t "' "i ■ >.l ■ i lit !•. kill." T l : A'. :i. t'H . laic? i ■• ' !: ■ ' I,| . I the N% h *'« i 1 11 iie.v could i "" ! ''v ' - ••' ■ ' liin . a - thiij v' ' ! " t "!) }\ .ft "»1)Ut2s, 1 ' i »• i t'f W i "hiHgtOTl 1 "■ ' "" •: -I ' • -'ii-ns ami par., • us Tin, io-si • -t ved. '' I' ' ••• intv .'.'"'ins man, v *'•* •' r-'t-.t'i • .it : . I'epu. '' ' ■ ei' tli-* I' II • it'll! ill lilt. ]•"!,!, my (i: Si«l l>. Jiftinct:, a prominent farmer of Ctu, '."T i .'.innai'v. w|.. in-: $1.30,1 from liis p ;, t ,),, , n ~ ,|. t ,, s „ ne nlnli as'ccp .It I,is !,. nif. The f'lift. Sf iii-fl , ati'anee the Hen. "ft! home llm :i-h a window to the h t . I i- j-- til., ;..', u -i n g '•"fimi" ..!• s-uie form „r dope Ktll . poly he sleeper. In ii ali ns were found 011 the u.'ml.m ipijn an.f (the «iailo" -ill p'intiim :,, th'.-' fact j j "ther l irt'iiinsian. es 1,0p,. C!i i this t'lonry. I .-ii.tily Mr. Itennett was a j li'-'ht sleeper, and hnl a habit oi | awakimr in the nitrht. o n this might he slept heavily and sonnilly. Tnicks shoni'il the presence of an "intomo j bile in the yard (luring th>' night. It is reported that young liennett, ! «'ho is of tlie robbery, j went to Winston shortly afterwards j where he spent money freely. It n stated that a vyitnt*.s lives in Win_ I st"n_Silem who will tr-tify that h« was apptsjiehed hy young liennett with a proposition for an escapade up in Stokes which corresponds with ■ the Sid Bennett incident. In case the young man is arraign, ed 011 the burglary cha.rge it will become a serious affair for him. than l>eing a capital offense, pnnl-habie with death. Enrollment And Attendance Stokes County Schools Knrollnf.nt. and nttendtut'e or • •lies cmiutv t-chooU for the year lf'S-'.SS, «*is as follows: i:\itoi. i:\t: ili g!l y.'liool MB 9 J Mlementary 5.251 I j Total 6,1 ll> .WKRAtSK ATTI'N I)\\CK: , High school 73T ; Klementary 4 600 f~ 1 Total i.m

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