u —x. "Vv Thc statc Library THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. KING TIGERS WIN BALL GAME TIN: stout-: AV.AS «> ANI» WITH AAAI.Iv FHTOAAN S.ATFKDAA KMC i'!i « ovritoi. I NLKAMIEB , \R K I \ «. INTERESTING AIEEIING or AAO.ALAVS « 1.1 it. | King. -May "1 Kt*v. I loniio -Mi liums. I: '-f Bond, i>- preparing Pldvc lij famiiv iv'-'C• Ml'. A.1.111K i* I "»ast«r "f he First Rapti*t cinire.i here ■ A T«». t-o of carpenter* is at wo ii Puaiing an addition to tlie? home of o. 1.. I tains. .Mrs. '.a-viona- R.-evos and ten of Sparta are spending a few day? with Alt--. It«eve. parent*. M.-. anl Mi's. S. At.\\«nd on Alain s .M':>s II U-'sa-i* -k. »ht. I>a been at tending Meredith • '•dleve It i:-iuh his re'tii'lietl to lie'" ltoni hepe for t!i" s-uniniei- months. The King Ti A- S defeated W ILKOR. town in i value played "" the Hat. kcrtuwn (liam-inl Saturday• l-'in.a! sooi'e '» ami . The small -hi!l of Mr. ami Airs. A. I-'. '"!!iiis |> i-|-Jit -ilk at their home here. Aliss Vi-ila Tattle, of Itip-al Hail t It. I-'. I>. wis anion's the visitors here Saturday. Ml*. .-»ni Airs. It. ,|. Iliimii on. ;> f I-"ort Iti'tigg. speni the week-end he-'e tiie guest* of l'e'ativo" • Tiie folic .vinu hirths «€■!•« rogi'- tpi'e'l he-e last week: To Air a til Airs. W'ii'i- Nance, a daughter: *|> Air. ami Airs, lleinian l-'ry. a S'":: to Air. ami .Mi--, fljlhett Mules. •• daughter: to Air. all.l Al -. Dalit'-; Hr.iy. a "on: to Mr. and Mrs. How. ard Itinkiu--. ti daughter: in Mr. anl Al:>-. -Ma wn Alyer-'. a to Al and Airs. Chestei f.ane, a daughter, •and to Mr. ami Airs Sidney It.ivis. ; a son. Airs. Ileury 11. Itrotvn is sp'-nd'ii- I few days in II ooklvii. X. X., Avh'-re she is the giie-M of her sister ' The friend* of .Mrs. Dewey l.ore will he Kind to learn of the stead ' improvement In her condition sin-e n reoent opop ttion. On Thursday evening. M,iy the eleventh, the Woman's Club met at the school house. The meeting was Presided over !>y the president. Mrs. | G. E. Stone. In the absence of the secretary. Miss Agnes Pulliam, tho roll wart called and minuteti were read by Mrs. Cha*. Carroll. I Pots of beautiful red and white roses were placed about in the room in keeping of Mother's Day. A rose waM etven to each member a« they, entered the building by Little Fran, cis Hetaabeck and Billy Petree. - s| A very interesting Mother's Dry program was carried out. Readings were given by Meedames Paul White and CJadie Newsum and Little Vlr. glnia New. Prior to tlhis Mre. G. E. Stono gave an interesting talk of the state meeting at Raleigh which was held the flrwt of May. Also Mrs. , Ohas Carroll gave -some interesting fact* about the meeting. hollowing the progriim delicious sandwiches, fruit salad. ice tea, and nl«o a favor were served by the hos. te«se« Mesdames Gilbert Petree. R «• He.lsaleck. C. D. Si,t e . and Misses Leona Graham and Sue Mae flats assisted by Little Miss FranclH Helaabeck, Billy Petree and Virginia New. I. Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday. May 31 1933 WALNUT COVE NEWS OF INTEREST ItIA IT \l, SKIIAM'ES ( OMIM i: AT >i. i:. HiiiiCH—\( i i HI: v r AT D.ANGEKOI S INTI:HSI: TION OF HIGH AA AA* SI X l> \ V SCHOOL I'ROCI: AAI I'ICOCItE*. I SING. Walnut ".ie. .M y 3». The rev!. Til services a' th>- Method!-t -htr '1 are still i!i pl-evre.-s. Much later---l has I ice" shown by the at.emlanc. Sundav was a bin day. Three .ser mons were pre idled 1 y Rev. W. II Willis, iedmiing the af.einc"" ser vice for men otiy. .Monday repr.>ented Sunday S.-ho-1 i night, ei.-h teacher helny rcqiii'stc I j (.; have the members of the dass ' tawethef in tit. diur.-h. The ri>P . EACH -l;is was L.kc. and !• WR fi-unt! that Mr-. Al. o. .1,,n0' -la-s lirol the lilglie- pereeiiCive of a-. I'tulmi-e. I.'ev. Willis vr nihil a social pr.vihse p. th . i.iemhers of •Mrs. .lone- d «-•: That tho e mem. "el's be allow - ! to pi y . ro.piet w.-a Hie hails and mallets of the Kvan. gelid , A great many things, strangely in nature, happen tit tinns. |-\, r if,.-.,, who do not know all the details. w- have wondered why the town-m -n centiniio jo t.-a.s P ami question Air. Pil! Fulton about hi-- trip to lio,. n«ke. V t.. Itisf week_eml. l-'oi- those who are still ntcre-ted. the name of All . J, \\ . .foiies, Jr.. has been pre sented as a reference. '".'ist Saturday evening, at, the it:.' tcr-ertion , r Sta-.e lljghw avs N ; s. 77 and SN , Air. |-;| llcnnctt ami e.m, timl Alt', l-.va White and son Wet*e .'•emo.isly injured in an .■iiitoinnii;' • wreck. The truck in which Air. Hen net t and White we-e riding eoilid-d wj-.h am (her car tit ijiie intet-sc-ij-ut lof f,he m'l I. it | S >•: ited that the driver of ea«-h ear was on his side of tile rrjpi When the accident occur- 1 red. according to reports of eye wit. nes-sps. The question arises: "Who has the right of way at the Intersec tion of that road?" For some unknown cause bo the public. Mr. Joe W. Alien last .Mon day afternoon acted the Birt of "Everett True" on Main Street by I bursting forth with oath« in the presence of ladies and genttemen. alike. It is said that his remark were directed nirticularly to Mr. I Harry Davis, it | 3 sufficient to say, however, that Mr. Davis, post.ha*?.* left the vicinity, having buisness elsewhere. | The committee, composed of Miss es Ggll Voea, chairman, Fra-nce* Pe- | ,r **- land Rebecca Mitchell, hav e an nounced that the Sunday School Day program Is Progressing nicely; that the children have been meeting each afternoon for the purpose of prac ticing the program. These young ladies huv e the ability to do It. anl ' i it Is expected that a fine program ' will be presented next Sunday morn- Ing, June 4th, at the eleven o'clock | hour, Stokesburg. Angels Seen In These Days? Re markable Statements of an EngU-h Cleric and His Aides. Who Deacrlbe ' Seraphs and Cherubs as Glimpsed ' in the Chureh. S ee The Amerlcmi | Weekly, the Magazine Distributed j With Next Sundliy's Baltimore. Buy ! Your Copy From Your Fa write i Newsdealer or Newsboy. MOUNTAIN WORK BEGINS AGAIN LARGE FORCE OF ll\\l»s ISFILD. ING ItOAH TO HANGING ROCK — IIESTNFT COVI.. Al O It E TII\N HALF \\ \Y TO DESTI. NATION. IS \Hot T REACHED— SFKVEA ISA STATE HIGHAA'AA* E\GlNEi:it -II ANS I'll ACTK AL IA ( OAIKI.ETI D—THE HIGH. AA AA s SCENIC ItEAFTV. ! .After a su-pe't'-b-n of .-evpr il il tys, :i Itirge fiq-i-e of hamls set to work again Monday -n the new road 10-ing gra-U-1 to Hanging li»-k. A point near «'he-tntit c«ve. wlijeh is moro than half tap di-tam-e f:a»m D.iiibury t tin- .le 'inafiot, h- " J-eeit rea--he-L ' *tate lli-.-Jiw iy En-ineef .loans «if Raleigh, who -aitH >ercra! a--i~-an st !i:i byoii in iking tJie >-u;-voy, has ab.qtt oomple'e I his work. The grade nowhere ex !s in p t .r eeiit. only a moderate amount of yoi'k is om-ouii:e| o I. These who have traversed th" route of tihe l-'qi-l now being buj': report that the >'rpiih- effo-ts . mo-: .-triking. and that from the ••rest of the ridge eiiihi-.-e-jng the three peaks the view is of almost ineeni'parahle lieni'.v. on a oip.tr day points of interest may l>e -ee't tit a great dis tarn v. im-liiiling -i-ene.s ill the Blue lEdgp country to the north ,-md west, the Reynold- build ing and other structure* in Wlnston- Salem. as well as other reeognixahlp spots far to the east and south. The Hanging Rook proje-t. if fn said l»y those in position to jttd -e, must !q> one of the inns- impiq-bint development* in the history of Ftoke* eoiint.v. as It will be foUuwe-1 by other developments incident the mountain section. Madison Post American Legion i Preparing Event The Al.-idis 'n I'ost of the Amerioi-i Legion are planning an event on ; larger scale than anything of a situ. Bar nature ever a:tempted in Mail, '•"on and vienity. On tl'e nights of June •>. 7. ». M. lit, in the mammoth Price warehouse they will sponsor and present their first annual an;'. Indoor Circus. The building will be beautifully decorated and brilliantly lighted and a portion will be set aside for din. plays In boo.hg of lociil merchants. Another section will be allotted for automobile exhibits. Ejght or ten high class profession al circus and vaudeville acts wi 1 be contracted and the services of a -reputable ten piece broadcasting band secured. The orchestra wIU furnish musical numbers before and between the acts and also for the nightly dances thatf Will 'climax ea-:h night's fun. The ball room -will be 1 I ( wlll undergo an electrically waxing process that will put It In excellent shape for the d'nees. Legion commander Dr. C. B I Pratt Is very enthusiastic and opti mistic in the belief that the ex-ser. vice boys are sponsoring a local event and has apiiointed for hi*' 'general chairman Mr. AA'. 1.. Mar. I | ! f shall. Others of the committee who J will be active are as follows: Dr. B. Jc. Carter. Dr. C. M. Milner. T. G. Dallas, Jim Moseley. Archie Benne.t Jand T. P. VanNo.ppen. ART STUDENTS WIN PRIZES HONORS FOR DANRIRA AOING I ARIES s|Fli>>|-||. AGAINs! NATIONAL ( oMl'iirniON ritlllt IE TO Allss | s Mil -I|OOL. L -• At ir-.ln iml Ala.- Ie l , >-;rec. St itVnt.H ia Mi-s Edith l-'a-g '- art: -• ii.:i at I'anbury, are iveivjng tiio !i- it 1 tioiis if their :ri--mi.- fur winning prizes offered by the AA'iJ.I I'owe ITcei-rv.itji.il Si -je y. lip-., of A\'j|shiiig>i". I>. r. l-'i* wj|. awarded "V"" a> l-'irst I'li e in Group II Igrtni.- 7-to. II -t ib.-ign wis a white i-ji-ay of d :- wood •il: oue'ted i. with i b. u- b:.i' l;gi "iiinj. The 11-zeil'l In i oranue h-tp-i-iim was "Nature J-- :r frii-ml. '••■ I'riemU.v t" iialurp. '] Al n-.ie won a look -n "AA i:.| Flow, j i-i -- " I'. ! the subiuj. ;..ii „f a p,.,. ' ilel-a-'iitg yi-I.llw ilogto *li \j .R.V in i v. ■vw ami yelb'W gtee". with t'-ip Ie 'it I: ' Protc't wild I'lower.-." The con e-t in which Hie I'an'oir;. ' nil 's p iriicj|i.uc(| i-io.sed April 1 The poster." w.-re exhil'il. I in tit.. ' lobby of tin- F. S. National Alii cum' lit Washington from .May N so. | I I hey we e jadael by a vctntiiittee 'f three weii known professional ar tists ccn.-1.--in t of llrm-e I lot's fa 11 } of N itut'e .Ma-saxiuc: R. P. Talma': t ".: :lie Na:ii.ii.il Aluseniu. and R. F I sictlma" of the F. S. I'epai'itne" of Agriculture. i The "c were a large number of i-ct- ' ; i est tints, and the winninn of prize.-, •' rains; na>p ti'i! compe'i i- " not, .-n --.-Peak* highly i'oi"!diiue"tari>y '*.. i H'c two Danbury aiuateurs. but ]_- an except tonal tribute in he .super tor quality of the in-lru F..n l.eiq.: i given ey Aljss l-'a -e in he.' Danbury .-tudjo. I i I Submitting To The Third Degree 1 Alp". Beulalt I'ropst Krady, an ex- 1 Pert of th" State Welfare Depart ment, Raleigh, was here Monday conducting a denionstrutio-n in the curious art of the cuisine to Dan bury dames Mrs. Krady is employ ed by the State to show North Car. olina women how to cook, special- 1 ly how do roast rolls which float like a Battle Creek flake, and do not precipitate despair In the pancreatic zone- A large crowd of local ladles were present, and were- edified. It la desired that we have loaves tint' loom *irg e and yield gracefully f o ' the enzymes, trypsin, amydopsin. a nd lipase. We get them from the prophyiav. tic iproceenes elucidated by Mrs. Frady • Jailed Tom Martin r.nd Curtis Covington.' colored, were arretted by Deputy Sheriff Mack AA'all and looked up In the Distile here Sunday. The charge | against the darkies is disturbing I w'orship at a colored church in east ern section of the county. No bonds have been arranged yet. Not So Well Mrs. R. R. King is reported not no well. She recently returned from a Winston .Salem hospital. N. Earl Wall went to AVlnston- Salem Monday.. S. P. U. COMPANY 1 MAY COME HERE Uisrisi:si:\ I \TI\ I-S M«.\l\. I I» 1 CITI/.I \> 0| - llWltl liV I'Olt PATUO\ M.I: MM \I. row l I: \\i> 1.M.11T ri.wr OWM it in iswii or STOKIS ciirvTv, M \v SI 1.1. m r TO row R.KI'I I. ( Illll'llll XTION. il Kei'i't'wnißtivf." of the Smithon: * I'C.wer 'oininnv have been IN IMN. !"it'.v si-vcra! il'iy>* n •«ntly ..infer. iin- «i'h '-i'iz.ns and pr«>-iirli'g peine.- nf Patl'l'il '-l' for Puht. alii' ' poxvpr. ami |ho various ascps.niries halplloil I'V Ih" rovpnr 11 inn . It i- LEARNED THUT PRO .•■j.-ailv a' , HII-ines-I LI on ami xv.au n. A- \\.• 11 ) private homes, have PJNNED ple.p;. - j t«. IIS". lirht J . poxv-r. kelX'iii:it..|" ' ! I I IUII OTO.. a- an iml a. emcnt •» THE • ■ I*. I", to enter the ' "XXN. I 'l'he IN a' ll— lit "'I po'.'E p>MI : 1 !XX hi. h i.- ..wiled L.y tin- I tank oi 5 "IX.'S ''oiiaty. has re • -tx tly I.een ' > I erate.l l.y .1. .1. it. oth. xx ho ha ! . i. ■SIX.-II tutrix I S'L-vj-e. This p! A I 1 xvlii.-h re! r ,S -O LIS an investment .• I a I. til" over *lll. I'll", usually ; - ,M "I "FI vi e. except in dry wea: lie I W J XVLN N H.xx xxa'E INIEIFEV.'S XXJTH ITS ' R-ueeesst'U! operation. I" HAS HEEL " •uuaeste.l that tlie S. IH T*. may luiy * OUT TILL' LOCAL plant . ! i Death Of John E. Hart !■• I John K. 11 art, ••". oxvnrr and eili- 'D t"' - "( The Tax loi'sx ilie Times. .HE I P it lii.s h fl nu' ai 'Ptyiorsville tit •* o ••!■ -k Satur.la.x afternoon after a f liti-i-riiivr i!liie-\s x\j:ll diabetes. 11.. is survived L.y LII~ xvidoxv an.L t«o •IV XV. It. 11, t. SPRING ,EI i. i -XIo.. an.l II . 11. Ha - of lilnefiehl. . XV. X , •Xlr. Mill xears aii«. p 1111! iilc* • I 4 nexx -paper at I'ilot .Xlt. x. p. ! Wedding-. The engagement AMI approaching marriage of M 1.-W MI irgarct L.ouise Hones. daughter of Or. ami Mrg. J J. 1., LLANOS, of Pine IS ill, to Ken. neth Ithcites Hyer'Y. of Milwaukee, T Wis., IS announced . . T | The happy event will take place in 1 June. I Good Rains. i Copious showers fell generally ' , throughout the county this xveek. I, ' . I I Crops, which had only slightly su*. fered from lick of rain, are greatly refreshed and looking fine. Gardens suffered severely, but will now take . a new start. j { I Ht'RHY TP. j 1 A manufacturer aay M .that soma t I morning soon we shall x»|ike up and 1 , I wonder where the depression has gone. And it had better be soon-, or j the depression will wake up some ] morning and xvonder xvhere we've j gone-—Thomastin Time*. Ill's HAM) DISAPPEARS. j Headline: "Husband Ijixive* in j Midst of XX'ife's Bridge P.jrt.x*: Di-. appears" Just a fugitive from the chin gang—Atlanta Journal -1.. E. Kirx-en. Winston-Salem' at- a torne.v, visited Danbury Monday on i professional business. Number 3,778 DEATH OF DR. S. A. MOIR I'IiUMIM \ l Il i l/I A ill (Ol X. TV. \(.L L> 71. |-\-.T:I> AWAY MoMiVV \l I || \ i \ u IS MK M. I X I I' 11 X| I ri Ms l> AY V I I:xii i i i;\ M \it IIOVIM. I'r. .-ii.ly A. AMI;:', I»' I ini'isi'o, died Ul hoti.i* Al«>:.da> ;|lm lit I I '•ell .'ls. 11. !i i ( | l.i ( i declining hi* Itli f.ii 1 -c\.;al Hi■ ntlint only recti!\ hi I h;s ■ lisnr.it.. taken a ni i- turn, lie suffered with a >oin|i]i-;it:• m. in l.i.lin- pellagra. III.* funeral and internieni it tho ■ enie'.i i". no i hi- home Tuesday •|'t t'l'ii• "tin wore attended l*y .1 groat I'r. Alnir ho| Imm 'io"n a familiar • -lire at I It'" i- 11 w -ere lie cu.t. dm |.. i 1 no iti- iu '.a-inp-s antl kept tin' I*- rtel t i'-.*. He li;. | re li red ti'ieu the 1• r i 1 j. e of iiiediejrtc for sewn! \oa - 1. :: |„. cn .1 ■li - i in. 11. w;i- areata os:eenie.l f. v hu hi-li . li.iracter and -••a] lnie-t i' The 'it -ea-'eil i.- '.0.-.J lIV two oil. - in! A . .1 I*., who lived with hja . and '•>• « married d tugh. ter re-idiii_ in Kjehmoml. \'u. H.-i wjie ha- he' ll dead a numlicr of vents. Improving Many frjon-ls no ploastol at. the .Miitinueil iin i»r«>voiii(*nt in th»' dhion of r>r. «\ \V. Joyce, of !• 'ot- he-!*. * »k!a who II.K 1 -oon ser^ :uu-!\ ill licit .1: flO h'-mt- of hoc father, N. >. I Vivo. John Lackey 111 John I.a lie df l.aw-onville it l i t".red i :. Miriam Ha I, w n hi* hecn at tending svhool at Wi 1■ - i'e. near AH HI roe. re'timed !T"tne Tuesday. She was aeeempanied by Air. nnl Airs. Wal; Suundens I.;' Alonroe. who returned tJie name dry. Owing to indisposition of the pas. tor. Rev. J. 11. Needham. who hua been suffering with a severe eoUL there was no service at the M. K. Church Sunday or Sunday night. Attorney R. J. Scott and family have removed from their former residence in West End and are now occupying the King house on South Side. Mrs. Helen Fulfcon Sparger and Mrs. Nelie Poore Sink -—Pen' Monday at the Twin City. Mr. and Mrs. Paul East and Miss Ethel East of Winston.fjlem visited friends here Sunday. S. P. Christian, Register of Deed* B. P. Bailey and Sheriff J. J. Tay_ lor attended the Moir funeral Francisco Tuesday. Mr. and Airs. Zeb Smith and fam. ily have removed to a home near Hartman . Rev. John D. Smith. of Pilot Mountain, was here Saturday. Eleven counties were tentatively selected as locations for state civ. ilfctn. conservation corps camps. State Forester J. S. Holmer said.

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