THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. STOKES COUNTY S. S. CONVENTION TILL: MITTIM; '.VIIK II CMN.II \T i in: «.'i \KI:I: «. \P IS\P TI-T « 111 I: 11 .N M: I. \> VI.'RY SKCi.sMII.-MAV >!'- I N ?:I:s 1.1 I;TR IT I:I:SOI.I . TIONs IWs~.I I>, Su!i(lu\ Juno i. *»>*• s • ;.«•» t'l. n Surd.iy Sho"l «*>111\ n' • •w.a hei 1 in the Quaker «!jtj. I'nPti-l fhur !i. A large congregation of people were pre- >t i" l».i* 4 ii thi' IN• • :MI:IIU and ICI'llO-MI l-C-'si"llS. Tin- ctiucirion was billed i" 01--o 1- - flor .It H I". I.y .Mr. A. S. Francis. 1 H'* I'l'E-I'L-111 • 'NIL* 11111SI- LIM INE (lie* Morning M-sit-n v led I'.- u'ft' ''ill 1 l-ai'-ii' ■" i■ ■if :tiui !'ii'- iJig i!i ifibril' 'ii 'V -ion I'\ i!i.» >.r ii:*- i ripe: i I'll!*: s*»i f'liur li. Tiu* ■ I-F '• 1 numbers I'IMI. deivd b\ t' '" lin-'.ii Sis'e's ii i i-1 i. we'e S' (I !■ 11a'• I't't'li givn 1 - ly ei .i >.vel. The visitiii'-f .-iM* ■'.■{.■■ ■■ were Rev Shut'ard rt listittry. N. and Mj.-u I>.ii-> Ma-cc. Sali-liiiry X. i'.: tlie? • ieneral Secretary .*• n.l tin- T»i!••• "or of Yi-IIn.: I|'t'*.- work «• r tin- Noi'tli Carolina Sunday School Assoi : aiicn. .i!.-o Rev. I. I-:. I'rji li. laid, I•:«.«! .if of the Fjr.-t M«''j!inli- 1 I'i'oK'stan: ciiuivh of Win,s:on-Sa. leni. Kadi of these sp Immulu a no-a/ie in tlicit- own way and many people expressed t,lieir ].lt>:i nil- in message delivered- A y >i!i .• • • i!>!..• 01%: in;/al->'ii (• . :lic i-oitiry way I■i*irnn of which .Mi.-' Jo-vie hns'-n u'a>- n>a!o diivt"!' and ''>K'iiiaii Robertson tlic» So:'i">_ tary, .Miss Masi'p states that much :n'pr.> was manifested in tin. ol*- -3111:T I.• II and t'lat splendid result* aIV expected fi'nin ill'' work. T'-if «'o .inty Snnd iy :nt"l «ir—-in izati"!! ' '* Stoke- roili:*\ el "''Vd lie.'. Offi t>;s a- follows: O FFIi'KRS ST'tKKS COI'NTV E'c-led .I unt- 5, IMS I'lv-d' nt. llarve.v Johnson «ir nf.inuMi Route 1. Vice president. T. C. Jones. Pjr. narlo. Vi'-e president. Plaxton I-ewls, Ciemianton. DIVISION DIRECTORS Children's, Mrs. W. C. Whit*'. Oerm.lnton. Young people'*. Miss Jessie John, son, King. Young people's sec., Coleman Rob. ertswn. King. Adult, John L. Christian, Flnna. cle. Administrative. C. O. Smith. Wa|, ttut Cove. Below la a copy of the reeoiution9 adopted by the convention. W e the committee offer the fol lowing resolutions: 1 That we tiiank the Quaker Gap Baptist Church for entertaining the convention and for the splendid hoy. Pltality of the members of the church. 2. That we thank the speakers for their valuable service to the convention. 3. That we thank the officers of the Stokes County Sun&iy School ABt4o"iat|on for their splendid in preparing for the convention. 4. That we express to the news papers of the county our appreeia lions of the -publicity given through their columns. Established 1872. FORESTER HOLMES VISITS THE COUNTY I.OPIUM; rou l.o \is>\ ro;t I RttsHlN « »Ml*— , .. I". M \lt. Sll \l.l, M \\ '(.IM. K. ! . . rouci s \: \\ *.i.n: , »ov::-- M \YOit ,IOH\ r. ii! r l lII'llV I>IR!•:TN ('ir.W.!'!' \AII , M(.\ —Mfss 1.111 I\N nmi.l I! Oil. (iAM/rs i:t:i> si:\\i\!, R«M>\|. W.ilniit. Cove, June ->' i re. « cnt vi>i: : tiiroiii;}) t!i:- 'ioll. in:ii . iiiu* ueneral ol for ilt ■ 10. iV.ioii "l' S:a"e 'i\j' Cunsc v. . lj..H ft ri'H Canin-. .Mr. ,1. S iln'me-'. tlie S-.uc I'.'re-■ i. inform' j •lie Rcport'-i* thai S: : .k» Conn:;.* | •'I 'll- v, i'h Vadki I '. Ru■ herf"i-d. \\ .:«"|l, It* : L ., t'lilnm. '-:i-. * 'ii in l»c:'l:i it.l. M-.-'ii'. I 'urliiin, and llurke will likely 1.. tli m-)c I'd '■ouniie.- for sn-It i-ainpv. St'ik'.-- i 'oniiV.- and Va.H,;n ('i.iinty have I''en l.v se:t"'W-d foi- er..-i--> . t'olit**..l. All fanner- i-littuM wt'N'"iiit» tin- ide i that pch will h:,v • tli._- plivileKe t»f lieint.' .-li'iwii h.av ! ( , take rare of their wasio 'I lie R. I', f. force-, «i •*. 111 ..j --strol mid'-r the di'*«" ii"n >r'tKer A. I-'. Mj'vlt i!J. are d"in; nii-lil;. t'linus in \\*-,|iiiit, t'ove ail l ' Stok.-I.ur;: in -.he removal of all l-iildti-h fr.'iu :li- 1.-,. U ya:•«!«. T:>.. new .Mayor, John Metelii on. is due considerable credit for thi -I". ;;i:.v lie -.led project . It was the Xe'.v .Mayor who worked on: th's lo- |i o i'in. All the old mossy bui:_ (peg pools i f water in t}t> city, ,-.!! "'.I w il- not in ii v have l.c'-n fi'l,.,J ;l ' • ,l! ' ' ll f old 1 iI ni.'a'' •! autoino. i i!es bed • and pa is tha 1 r.iriii.'ii.- acorned 111" cjly . : vile'el to the •■fiitit iy: ami ii iia •o >nil- •:«1 -hat one m;y ln-eatho iii"i' ■ e'irij.y this wi'cl,, ; M:-es Oil R lip, . .Min h. I «']!. ;»n«l 1 r-|t*«*c*s I'e'iV'. miMc * f"" tlio Sunday S» !mol l>.ty j»royrain # «avo a fino iK'inoiiNtration of their! _ ability l.iyi Sunday morning at tho: eleven o'cloc.i: hour i;it a the Stoke--' burg Methodist *huroh. The child ren were well trained- From th-j tiny tots to the pa«tor. each said hi* Part well. ! n ue credit has been given Jllnn I.illian Fowler. County. Health 1 Nurse, for her part in the organiza- 1 tion of the ladies of this town into >1 Red Cross sewing room, which has | been opened in the Hume Economic ' room of the high school building. I j Thi* work Is under the direct pup. I ervision of Mrtj, C. J. Helsabeck. j Oarmentrt are being made for.sever-, al children who are being sent to | the State Sanltorium. ! . | Cupid in Colors. The First of a New Series of Full.Page Paintings of Chirming Oirls By Henry CHve I Appears in The American Weekly, the Magazine Distributed Witjh Next ■ Sunday's BALTIMORK AMERICAN. Buy it from your local newsdealer or newsboy. Rev. Shuford Peeler expressed himself as delighted with the work of the convention and that he was i looking forward to a ' good year'a j work by the officers. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, .June 7 1933 JUNE MEETING OF COMMISSIONERS .11 KtlliS !>ll\\\\ I!R .1 I 1. t (H IS! MV •!:(» Ol" 1)1 > !\ lis: \! ! Si i !t j lt|s( I SSI !'. \» *ici\ ! \I.I— \nn. TO:! > it; ! | • '! •. Hi I! 1.1) M'lt. in it non!i>siovi:i! vrtiNi. Il lilts (t\—I'l.MMS PAID •111 or- !;i serve jit Jn'v tfel'lil o \i I ..'ii'! were drawn a! Monda)"- lit-f'tiittr of he Hoi d "f tvnmtj ■ominis'si'jner- 1 . Tli • list jippcai s oi'-t-w here in this 14iper. A fill! board (>:' the ci-ii 1 riis-ii'ne-.s Was pr •-•cut. "-W'ii: .1. A. Jovce, | *' a:* 111 a 11; F. I'. Stone, 11. 11. 1 1 I .row o. I 'f j It: - . Ile-C Fo.- la lie •1 * h office: 1 , | al'"e iretl md ir ke-l the bitfird to • • pr-I'" ■.- '"i fo 11:*■; ye l . hen'lll .-€•••% i :!'W to include taur '"s ■"l'ary . Thi' worii hi- been c. ••: i 1;: the cointv Sinn. i l . 1 1 . MPCe" :, •' i f.ei Miai 'oti cate "i p' l c*: iiualiij't ! itline essar.' 1 county e\n-use. Xo tion was • iken. : c ina'er being il - !'cn\d. i • * di 1 ' ' r ink I". S'one's off'.-e l-e 1 • discontinue I, in nidi', of t! 1 ..- 1 "Mi -c w 1- .. deit'd in.ii!" by a Wln slon.S:i!eni linn of auditor.", at the co-tt of $12:1.1111 Thi- order w"is made nt tli-*' siiuu'e-tii n of 1 'oniinissioner St one. Coiiuni>":..iier Stone did not offci li. - res:an I'ion n.- had been expected h" WOIIM (j,,. I,continues to h"|.| "11. tith'* I'llsine--' was of a rollti 1" «aHire su'h ;h- 'he i»a\*Hi.*n 1 of claims. Fine Arts Meets At Walnut Cove Members el' ihe I'ine Art- ("1 1 •' I': nl.ll \ ,M",. c ";,ii ( ,l i( 1i 1 c reun'a • M iy ineelin.: by .Mrs. S. (I. SMir-cr May ."11. in Walnut t'ove i»t tli" home of her niother. Mis. .1. •i. Filltiii. The president. Mrs. .1. , i ,J • ray lor presided over the meet. ing which opened with the ejult | collect. The sec retary and treas urers reports were given by Mrs. \v. E. Joyce and Mrs. \V. O. Petree respectively. "Women In French Hfcrtory" was 'he topic of study for the afternoon, j Miss Kllzabeth Martin gave a fliper !on Jean Dubarry; Mrs. A. O. Stsk had as her subject, Charlotte Cor. ♦ry; Mrs. N. E. Pepper's paper on I Eugenie, was read In her absence . by Mrs. W. E. Joyce- Miss Miriam Hall sang "Mighty I>ak* A Rose." accompanied at the Piano by Mlr* Mary Tiylor. | The hostess « l a« iag an ice course by Miss Mattie Sue Taylor and Miss Margaret Ful. ton. Piedmont Dances Next Saturday Robert Sj»k has leased Piedmont Springy dance hall for the season, and is advertising the oiienl'ng sea. son for next Saturday night. June 10. Willi im I'ierce of Weldon will grow a supply of flour for himself and the tenants on his T>lontation. j from a field of 72 acres in wheat -1 He has killed and cured enough jniait to last through the year. K. F. C. IIKLIEF GRADUALLY LESS MH\ SUMJ: fif• i% IM !; t i:\ i >• • ! !•!•>- "I'LLI U :\N:I; \MI i >•:! > si'i;i\. ,!i\ r;i—i i \ l.i TI i> »\ i ! \!i! «>r!'! >:i; is\ i; \in» u i !a \rn»\. I 'i al ■■ ic .-'i •;>>•> i onm> lin :11»I«•>*«•• I nllil • il;:r illll -l'llt in'!• i li'>w n'mii: •'" per • (•ill. hs ' :iU 1"- «|u:: i|.l !i -j: : !.«.■ .vintc an i i.uiy spring mom!. *. ! Tllix III!"■ "1-JII.-Ition W.I.- u|\ell to til,. ll*-:' T i'i" i'> Sii|n.i :>i viiiii'i ; > ii ••• -is J. i*. ',-iivon. v. 11 •» w.i 4>)i •M 1 1 ■i> rev !i"l I'i.tri . • f tJ v . | " el" ■ tile f- t',ill ; j I " I• 1 . ! ' .11 r' . •••'I ,t| HI. ' ?:>.> ij'i-i .iiU'iw'- m «'a:- .i'i -iil.i-i --.■ ■- it ■ i ;it Iv is i .I:> : 5 i 1' *'.!«"•' uhi-ii .s 1T,.:. •-!••:«>>ti:«*l:t •>»" I". 1 -I.n now INN T I. : ;• •: lilt on:e"!-".> ill '.lll- . . I'l. . I W. IS boitia: p. M I 1 !!"•' !I I: I\ I-. I'-It-,IT ;iM. !H 'I II «'tl:er i' . : :|r- :,. ;i . I "■'uili' «i'l '•!.• I-, i"u!V I this ' • *n.- ■ :?• t•: ii is i . i he* Ujiuiiinu Kot'K !('V(>:oi*i)H*!it rwid :■ ii.,.v —u n toward its ill' - filiation, 1.-inu pi'o!>al>l,v mi per ren*. I'OIIIL>VT» TI. I arhorough-Hall II IVJIS almut M.\ O' l ■!*' l K Sunday t tiioriiinc when -I ii:- N . A. .Mil 'in »7T-» ilfstiirl'l'ii .II hi- ..uly in,IM. ~; by voi'ifermis erica at lii fi'ont; sate. I 't '-vas learned thai li-'bert Va-_ ii'TfUJli ami Delia Mae Ii ill U>iii:iiii|inK in t)i,. name „r ,} ac> j tl A thai ihey l. e pl."« c*'l till i! i'h slioii'i! ihem pun. The h 111- \v a , vj.i y|,■, ,j, |.. •"■•l'lire Ma-'iin ri'iii-inl>ci( i (li n Ii • was mire ;,i n-el:' and >u lie pulled on i,:s p-ur*i'i"ii ii' pipr and appeared r« ally fm* bu*i_ ncss. It wan alsi a fine morning. Tli ( ; t hone.vsiK'kle finoli so and a futhirii joyful in (the aji. ple-ti'ef. >-o the rereniony wag pullr.l >!f with elan all round. | The niasiHtratv re-lit his pipe, thj bride laughed, a nd Bob said "let's | The partinsr between the srroom and hj« relatives wa» touching, as ho' •van leaving for Meadows. The bride is one of the fair dau«h. berg of Ziffy Inland. Hei| parents ar« ■ Mr. and Mns. J o hn Hall. r The Kfoom holds an impiortaiit Position with the R. F. C. forces jon the Hingini! Rock sector. F*w [ j hl * ">w.v*y» h«-' has been entrusted J with the superlntendency of the rat. tie snake squad. Jay Tucker's Good Luck, r On May 2!l. the wife of J A .v Turk, T er NAVE birth to a fine pair of twin 'boys. On the same dite Ja.VV old . sow found I« PII?W. whi|«> JL'iv. Turk. . W ' A °ID H EN hat hed LI! ohlrkens. I | RELIEVE It or not, th«>re ane th> 1 | facts as told to the Reporter, f I I. A new receiving matlon HAS BEEN . J OPENED for milk and rreani IN Mor. T ffanton with 30 farmera AS patrons lon the opening day. TV- : l.»Urar;v DEATH Ov JOHN T. LACKEY I'!*.' i'HM \ ' f II i/.l N «tl I. W -. ii.i.' i'\- i:> \» 1 ii:. ■ ii 7- -.t i;i it vr sN«t\* 1 Rl 1 K -1 * T 1 Uti I'. 'I. 1. 'Ol T: |,l ii 1 a - ll 'in** 1 ■ ;i' 1.1 '■ !.\ i'le --.'l - 11 - : '\ . 'liter a'; 1 !'•' - to > > V. >■ '1 1 lie 1 a 1 '■'• o 1 . Mr. I .a''key vi - a leading citizen and '"aril.or I 'etc: - Ci'eeii HV-U --b p iti'l a la in hi !i -t . - teari'.v. 1 He «- survived ■•> his wife, who vi t*i |-r 1 if.—l Mis I,mi -i S;sl», • • i 'c \ C. •- ■ . I tan bn . . i, • • " o *. a ■ *• r M I: lisIis - a' i . 0 01 \o I I. -1, |.a_ " n '• by 'ii- sister. Mt~. I'. 11 ■ n r. ' ■ '!' Ia ■ -ol . Me. The it e- 1 a* • v f : ■ ' c 1 11..; i;. i ; P. .»!. \ a- "Vd ■ a'b 1 a ibe ■ in- Tb • fanei i| \>. - •. ha' .• of rid- • .-'1 1u t. \a .. a 1.. 1 I*l,ie' 1. ' V' ft T I-,. . July Court Jurors Drawn Ai Moii'l IV*.- 11 C».T5■ II- (he Ron | *•' ' 1 o 1111: \ i*i 'iitiii-.- .».' t'i .iai"'.'- o serve a the July to: 111 of civi' Sun. erjor I'miri v "l'e 'I .AH a- f"llo '. Vadki'i lown-hip W. 11. Tat 1- W. s .1 in tl, I \ Tut le. .! : Smith. I:, i". I'■ rr. J. 1:. ISowen, I -1.. SI o nt' \\ A . I tow'ltv , Reiver I .-land township Maniy Dunjip, Pink Mabe. Quaker 'lip Township \ 1.. Saiwtc:-. s. I'. I .aw -on. Ri« I'll, k lown.-lijp .lo ( . T. I-'l:•._ pin. J . M . Simmons. Meiditw lowii.-hi;. K. W. i'ai: !I P. ti. Reiinolt. Snow I'reek t".*n hip W. •>. Vera.'ii. W 11. Th nton, l-est' i" M 1 !, e. S.iin A. .Ma ". I. I: ICiw. kin-, F! tcher Hal; j 1 Peter's Creek ■••w.-lnp A. I:. j Manning. Sauratown township .1. (!. I'ow. ler. j For Driving: Under The Influence Julius Lash is reposing in the 1 IJastile awaiting court on the charge of operating a car on the highways while Intoxicated. Sundliy Julius arrived at the coun_ jty convict camp near the County I Home, with some women in his car. He ostensibly wanted to see one of the inmates of the stockade. ' SMi' ing the condition. Superin. tendent Hanes Llnvide forbade" hj«t entering the premises of the camp. Julius Jumped back into his otr, backed it off the fill, and almost wrecked It. He was arrested and imprisoned, hiving a hearing Monday. The mag istrate fixed the bond at $350 which Julius has not yet furnished- ' I - _____ j Hailstorm Tuesday | A hailstorm, accompanied by a .heavy njin. occurred here Tuesday. Cro'ps were much benefited by th«s rain, while the tobacco crop is rath, er too small to have been materially damaged by the hall*tone». Xurnb'T »>,779 :v.;vv FOR T!f ft (S-.MONTHS SCHOOL ;if -1' hi> it > \t:u »i i in «•*. I'll i\ « i >\>»J|M i!«. MI I'lto. \ II > I -. I »!! ! 111 ! \l I lloV • »1' I ill N I U 'i\ i I I.WY—Itl !: * T_f »!*»! It H I I!! I; nil \ n n i \\ m num. t i.MMirn i •-I .( >\ 111 I I \\»| I-! I .1 11. I 1.1.1 It I i IMMII. II ! >1 \N. • "a a'-* -ii .. :'nr evjry IllM. -- IM A i- ' ■ . 'I • ' i.i I . • IM .' i' ■ u _i M ■ .i.i'. ,-it :h-' i -! ,-• • fin -a T 5..• ! a-.-ct!. ■" I il li - i at •! i|l« - ', It '"•ill - • •' '!• I' i'i • "h• ii isia?' ■ r r. ii' .i v i ; •I » ' >i; . ij- tit * ~1 lie • ■! ■ I >ll.'.'!!: • : , I I IT", i I ■ • j |. i . j r... '•>»" til' i i.i I .Mll-ell • • I I. • : i! T,. Ito Tel „ ow ! :v 1 till' II I'l'-ili-- 1 i ' I'- " '■■■ .•'»• :• I the f .!. !•!•«: vi -if > ■ n w l.iw: ' : '«'it - i 1 lln- li.ry of ;ht» "1 ••• "ij nil. m tin- aU lif i'ion it fun '- for t' > n iin>en_ •ii c am! !»!•• i:. • : h"ols nf •In- .-'', i'o f"|- "tic limni ~1 hi;.l fix'y i '■ -. "ii st iiiil.v l- il ' ri ijnt'd by .I• i" * s fl "'a c Silin'i) ('uin :n :g iir.n iiiii! (in ih(» appropriation made in'ii'ii'de ■ ".• 'in' ioiicri| As.-vmlily, : " i : I " ■' i! • ' ■ Vie iirn. • : i " "■ ' a ! - cii'l Hi i'. • in a •' ! !' !•' > i' "il- 'r '. '. r lii|)!i_ • I ■' ' i'l" 'I II In lil'rf !»« c''i' r (I, in! ■ !- ii'av :>c ! •" * st?.i- "in- ili^fi'-t Ic* 11> the en I tin" • li«■ ins' of in. ! ' ' ' ''a \ iii.i". 1.. lowered." j - rwigi us in tarrying out tlio ii(.'v\ in' ivtsiun.- *i s (inat'ieil by tl-- taie ii-noial Assembly. | John 11. I'l'lj'cr. at' surrv county, i •i" a member of the svue hoord .which ■■•hall have cliai'ui' of the «p. I ■ration of the new public school ae-„ j Mr. Koker representing the Fifth IJistrict of Xoith Carolinii. At the July meeting 1 of the St«k*s Roard of Kducation, nohool commits, teen for the various districts of the ■ county will l>e namied. Four-Footed 3-Wingred Chicken founty Com.inj!*ioner J. A. Joyces •who visited'hig daughter "Mrs". Leila Moore at Liberty. Itanoio'ph ro-unty. i reonV.v, witnenfed ;i remarkable freak of nature owned by Mrs. | Monro. j| was a chicken with Tour well.develoTX'd feet, iml 3 wlnßs. The chicken wat» alxnit a wwk old and healthy. Neither Mrs. Moore, nor any of her neighbors, have ever before ! a monstrosity that may h e compared : to thlc. I A photograph of the fowl should he sent to Ripley. J A fir** Sunday destroyed the Dec. ond story of the residence of Mrs. I John T. Simpson at Win»tOTi_Salenu.

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